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The current study is an examination of how support from siblings relates to psychological adjustment and academic competence in early adolescence, with a focus on the buffering and compensatory effects of sibling support. Participants were 695 (357 female and 338 male) African-American, Hispanic-American and European-American students in grades 5 through 8. The age range was 11 to 15 (M?=?12.69, SD?=?1.12). Participants were interviewed in school regarding their social support in addition to their familial, economic and environmental risk, psychological wellbeing, and academic competence. Brother support was associated with more positive school attitudes and with higher self-esteem. Sister support buffered the relationship between ecological risk and school adaptation. In terms of a compensatory effect, students under low mother support conditions receiving greater support from brothers exhibited higher school achievement. The current study highlights the importance of examining constellation variables as part of the broader interest in sibling relations. Additionally, the current study indicates that the variability in sibling relationships reported in the literature may be associated with developmental changes in these relationships. The potential benefits of sibling support warrant a closer examination of the wide-ranging issues involved in sibling relations.  相似文献   

This study compared perceptions of mentoring relationships among early adolescents, middle adolescents, and emerging adults. In ten focus groups, 56 middle school, high school, and college students described relational experiences that were analyzed thematically. Differences in the characteristics of the mentors nominated by the youth across the age groups were noted and five broad themes identified. Three themes were similar across the different age groups: (a) the importance of spending time together and engaging in shared activities, (b) trust and fidelity, and (c) role modeling and identification. Two themes were present in the narratives of all three age groups but played out differently in ways that were consistent with developmental issues and needs of that age group: (a) balancing connection and autonomy and (b) empowerment. These data can help guide future research and practice involving youth mentoring relationships across developmental and disciplinary divides.  相似文献   

Although much work addresses the importance of siblings and friendships in separate investigations, few studies simultaneously examine both relationships. Young adults (N= 102, M age = 18.7) were surveyed about their friendships, their sibling relationships, and their psychological well‐being (assessed by self‐esteem and loneliness). Participants with harmonious (high warmth, low conflict) sibling relations and same‐gender friends had the highest well‐being. Participants with affect‐intense (high warmth, high conflict) sibling relationships had low well‐being. However, participants who had low‐involved (low warmth, low conflict) and affect‐intense same‐gender friendships did not differ in well‐being. When examining joint effects, having a harmonious same‐gender friendship compensated for having a low‐involved sibling relationship, but having harmonious sibling relations did not compensate for having low‐involved friendships. Overall, the results underscore the importance of positive and negative relationship properties and the joint effects of multiple relationships.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this study was to analyse sibling relationships during adolescence, within the context of parent and peer relationships, and their link with socioemotional adjustment. To this end, 513 adolescents aged between 13 and 19 completed instruments relating to parent?–?child relationships, sibling adjustment, relationships with peers, self-esteem and life satisfaction. We found important gender-based differences in the meaning and importance that sibling adjustment seems to have for adolescents. For girls, a good relationship with their siblings was linked to good relationships with their parents and peers, as well as increased self-esteem and life satisfaction. For boys, sibling relationships had no relation with other family or personal variables.  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss the reasons for my interest in sibling relationships, and showcase studies on sibling relationships in adolescence carried out with my colleagues and students, in the context of the broader literature on sibling relationships. Our studies have focused on a number of important issues concerned with sibling relationships. First, I report on the associations between sibling relationships and other family relationships and the ways that the various family relationships affect each other. Second, I report a study of sibling relationships in the context of parental separation and divorce and show that sibling relationships in these families are more likely to be high in both warmth and hostility than is true for relationships in 2‐parent families. Third, I report on several data sets showing an association between the quality of sibling relationships and adolescent adjustment and the link between differential parenting, adolescent adjustment, and the quality of the sibling relationship. Fourth, I report on a study of comparison and competition in sibling relationships and the associations between sibling relationship quality and reactions to being outperformed by a sibling. Finally, I discuss possible future directions for research on sibling relationships, including the importance of multimethod studies and a longitudinal perspective.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty‐five participants and their romantic partners were involved in a prospective, longitudinal, and multimethod study during the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Guided by the development of the early adult romantic relationships (DEARR) model (Bryant & Conger, 2002), the research (a) investigated mid‐adolescent family experiences and individual differences in personality as predictors of qualities in the early adult romantic union and (b) evaluated the degree to which marital beliefs mediated these associations. Structural equation modeling partially supported the mediating effects of marital beliefs. The findings were generally consistent with the DEARR model, suggesting that it is informative to study early adult romantic relationship functioning within a developmental‐contextual framework, while simultaneously considering the unique effects of personality and relationship cognitions.  相似文献   

This study examined the longitudinal associations of sibling intimacy and conflict with civic attitudes and behaviours among Chinese young adults. At two time points separated by about 12 months, questionnaire data were collected from 272 Chinese college students (mean age at Time 1 = 19.68 years; 69% female), students who studied in Hong Kong and had at least one sibling. Students rated their intimacy and conflict with their siblings and their parents at Time 1, and their civic attitudes and behaviours at both time points. Hierarchical regression revealed that, controlling for demographic characteristics and parent–child intimacy and conflict, sibling intimacy predicted increases in both civic attitudes and behaviours. Sibling conflict was a non-significant predictor, however. Findings highlighted the roles of siblings in understanding civic development in young adulthood and the utility of targeting sibling intimacy as means to foster young adults' positive attitudes to and active participation in civic activities.  相似文献   

The existential dilemma of youth entering the job market has been widely recognized but little understood. Few efforts have been turned to assisting them in making the critical transition from school to work, which has such farreaching ramifications for later career adjustment. This paper addresses some of the theoretical and research issues which are central to furthering our knowledge of how and why neophyte workers establish themselves in the world-of-work. It proposes a comprehensive model of career development in early adulthood, suggests hypotheses to test it, and outlines ways in which it can be translated into operational terms for further research. Desiderata for the construction and validation of a Career Adjustment Inventory (CAI) are also ennumerated.  相似文献   

Consistency of measures of a prosocial personality and prosocial moral judgment over time, and the interrelations among them, were examined. Participants and friends' reports of prosocial characteristics were obtained at ages 21-22, 23-24, and 25-26 years. In addition, participants' prosocial judgment was assessed with interviews and with an objective measure of prosocial moral reasoning at several ages. Reports of prosocial behavior and empathy-related responding in childhood and observations of prosocial behavior in preschool also were obtained. There was interindividual consistency in prosocial dispositions, and prosocial dispositions in adulthood related to empathy/sympathy and prosocial behavior at much younger ages. Interview and objective measures of moral reasoning were substantially interrelated in late adolescence/early adulthood and correlated with participants' and friends' reports of a prosocial disposition.  相似文献   

The current investigation examined the long‐term prediction of sibling jealousy assessed in a laboratory‐based paradigm on sibling relationship quality 2 1/2 years later. This multi‐method longitudinal study included mothers, fathers, and two children from 35 families. Younger siblings were 16 months and older siblings were, on average, 4 years at Time 1. Positive longitudinal associations were found between older siblings' jealousy reactions when interacting with the father at Time 1 and sibling conflict at Time 2. These associations continued to exist even when older siblings' behaviour during the mother sessions was considered. Children's inability to regulate their jealous reactions may be indicative of lower levels of emotion regulation skills, which may, in turn, translate to poorer sibling interactions years later. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Grieving following the loss of a love relationship in young adulthood was examined. College students completed the loss version of the Grief Experience Inventory (GEI), another questionnaire, and an adaptation of the Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (TRIG). The results indicated that the more intimate the relationship had been, the greater the grief experienced. In addition, the more marriage had been considered, the greater the grief. Grief was disenfranchised primarily by family members, unless marriage had been considered. Few gender differences were seen, except that women both considered marriage and initiated the breakup more often. The specific feelings attached to the grieving were noted more often on the TRIG adaptation than on the GEI. The findings point to the significance of recognizing grief reactions in counseling and psychotherapy for depression in young adults.  相似文献   


The effects of performance strategies, goal setting, and self-evaluative recording on the acquisition of a novel motoric skill were studied with 90 high school girls. It was hypothesized that greater acquisition would occur when (a) an analytic strategy was used instead of imaginal strategy, (b) practice goals were shifted dynamically during learning instead of remaining unchanging or fixed, and (c) self-evaluative recording of strategic performance processes was present rather than absent. Support for all three hypotheses was found. In addition to improving motoric skill acquisition, these same self-regulatory processes significantly enhanced three sources of learners' motivation: self-efficacy beliefs, self-satisfaction, and intrinsic interest. Additional analyses revealed that self-evaluative recording enhanced strategy attributions during learning which were predictive of improved self-efficacy, self-satisfaction, and intrinsic interest during posttesting. Self-efficacy was highly predictive of subsequent dart-skill performance. The results were discussed in terms of a strategic cycle view of self-regulation of motoric learning.  相似文献   

The acceptance model of intuitive eating (Avalos & Tylka, 2006) posits that body acceptance by others helps women appreciate their body and resist adopting an observer's perspective of their body, which contribute to their eating intuitively/adaptively. We extended this model by integrating body mass index (BMI) into its structure and investigating it with emerging (ages 18-25 years old, n = 318), early (ages 26-39 years old, n = 238), and middle (ages 40-65 years old, n = 245) adult women. Multiple-group analysis revealed that this model fit the data for all age groups. Body appreciation and resistance to adopt an observer's perspective mediated the body acceptance by others-intuitive eating link. Body acceptance by others mediated the social support-body appreciation and BMI-body appreciation links. Early and middle adult women had stronger negative BMI-body acceptance by others and BMI-intuitive eating relationships and a stronger positive body acceptance by others-body appreciation relationship than emerging adult women. Early adult women had a stronger positive resistance to adopt observer's perspective-body appreciation relationship than emerging and middle adult women.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have sought to identify the features that school shooters have in common in terms of family life, personalities, histories, and behaviors. This article examines the cases of 10 rampage school-shooters in an effort to find out not only how they are alike, but also how they differ. Based on available information, these youths are categorized into three types: traumatized, psychotic, and psychopathic. Out of the 10 shooters discussed, three were traumatized, five were psychotic, and two were psychopathic. The three traumatized shooters all came from broken homes with parental substance abuse and parental criminal behavior. They all were physically abused and two were sexually abused outside of the home. The five psychotic shooters had schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, including schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder. They all came from intact families with no history of abuse. The two psychopathic shooters were neither abused nor psychotic. They demonstrated narcissism, a lack of empathy, a lack of conscience, and sadistic behavior. Most people who are traumatized, psychotic, and psychopathic do not commit murder. Beyond identifying the three types of rampage shooters, additional factors are explored that may have contributed to the attacks. These include family structure, role models, and peer influence.  相似文献   

Mäntylä & Nilsson (1983) recently presented a striking empirical phenomenon demonstrating a practically perfect recall of verbal materials encountered at one single trial and without specific instructions to learn the items. The purpose of the study to be presented in this article was to investigate whether older adults are capable of performing at the same high level of recall as younger adults did in the Mäntylä & Nilsson study. Type of instructions and number of retrieval cues were included in the experimental design, in addition to the age factor. Although the results indicated a superior memory performance of younger adults as compared to older adults, the latter group of subjects demonstrated an extremely high level of recall as well. Both age groups showed quite similar recall patterns in the sense that no interaction effects between the age factor and the other independent variables were obtained. The data were discussed relative to qualitatively and quantitatively based explanations of age differences in memory.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that network support for a romantic relationship often plays a crucial role in the relationship's success. Despite this knowledge, it is not uncommon for romantic couples to encounter network opposition for their relationship, and little research has evaluated what the romantic partners do in this situation. Using “social contextual theory” as its foundation (M. R. Parks, 2007 , 2011 ), this study evaluates a previously proposed typology (J. P. Crowley, 2012 ) explicating the variety of strategies an individual can use to marshal support for his or her romantic relationship. In addition, the study examines different variables that can influence an individual's decision to use certain support marshaling strategies. Future applications of the typology and its implications are also explored.  相似文献   

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