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ABSTRACT: This paper reports the results of a field study on five proximal social psychological variables derived from Farber's theory of suicide: Hope in the Future Time Perspective; Demands for Interpersonal Giving; the Availability of Succorance; Demands for the Exercising of Competence; and the degree of Toleration of Suicide. The subjects were mature, long-term residents of counties of Maine that proved stable in their relative rate of suicide. The value for each variable was assessed by a questionnaire devised for this purpose by the author. The differences between the mean scale scores for the high and low suicide areas were analyzed by t-tests. The between group differences for all variables were significant at or beyond the .01 level of significance. A correlational study indicated that the relationship among the five variables was compatible with Farber's theory of suicide. The research generally offers strong support for Farber's theory of suicide at the social psychological level of analysis.  相似文献   

Research on mental disorders among male artists has suggested that artists are at risk of suicide. However, given that men are higher in suicide risk than women, the presumed suicide risk of artists may be an artifact of sampling bias. A logistic regression analysis of data from 21 states finds that artists have a 270% higher risk of suicide than nonartists. However, after controlling for gender and sociodemographic variables, this risk level is reduced to 125%. The findings are related to both psychiatric and work-related stress factors that may place artists at risk of suicide as an occupational group.  相似文献   

Koch  Sabine C. 《Sex roles》2004,51(3-4):171-186
In this experiment (n=115), I followed a lens-model approach (Brunswik, 1956) to investigate the communicative construction of gender. For this purpose, a situation was created in which gender was not clearly visible and thus existed mainly as a gender-assumption in the eye of the beholder. The study featured the perception of a team leader during a team-meeting presented in a masked video-clip and either labeled as Mr. K or Mrs. K (Goldberg-paradigm study). Results suggested that the assumption of the leader's gender (gender-assumption) had a systematic impact on trait-ratings of the leader in the unexpected direction that “women” were rated higher on agentic traits than “men.” This was interpreted as an expectancy-based double-standard effect in leadership perception on the basis of nonverbal cue utilization. Furthermore, differences in the predictive values of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic cues were suggested in the analysis of verbal cue utilization. Overall, the lens-model perspective provides a useful framework by making perceptual and behavioral processes of gender construction more transparent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data on suicide rates for males age 20 to 64 by occupation and industry for 1950 are examined. Two hypotheses are tested: The first, a static hypothesis relating variations in suicide with the size of the group from which choice of significant others is made, was not supported. The second, in which variations in suicide are related to changes in the size of the group from which significant others are selected, is supported. The authors conclude that their structural change approach to suicide is compatible with both sociological and psychological approaches to suicide.  相似文献   

Stack  Steven 《Sex roles》1998,38(7-8):501-520
The previous work on suicide acceptability hasneglected gender specific analysis of the marriagesuicide acceptability linkage as well as cross-nationalanalysis. The present study fills these gaps in the literature through an analysis of 15nations. Controlling for alternative predictors ofsuicide acceptability, marriage lowers suicideacceptability for both males and females. Further,marriage lowers suicide acceptability more for men than forwomen. This gendered relationship has the same strengthin nations both high and low in economic genderequality. The results provide the first comparativeevidence on the subject. The findings support the notionthat men derive relatively more benefits from marriagethan women. However, the strongest correlates of suicideacceptability (e.g., religiosity, liberalism, French residence) affect men and womenequally.  相似文献   

A computer program that collects suicide risk factors by computer interview from persons with thoughts of suicide and processes the data to provide risk predictions has been written and pilot tested. Patient acceptance of the interviewing technique was good; more than half of the patients interviewed preferred the computer to a doctor as an interviewer. Bayes Theorem is used to process the data collected against a subjective data base. In a retrospective study comparing risk predictions made by the computer with predictions by experienced clinicians, the computer was more accurate in predicting suicide attempters (p .01) and slightly less accurate in predicting nonattempters. The program is economical, can be used wherever a telephone and a computer terminal are available, and is readily and uniformly modified to include new data.  相似文献   

In most Western countries females have higher rates of suicidal ideation and behavior than males, yet mortality from suicide is typically lower for females than for males. This article explores the gender paradox of suicidal behavior, examines its validity, and critically examines some of the explanations, concluding that the gender paradox of suicidal behavior is a real phenomenon and not a mere artifact of data collection. At the same time, the gender paradox in suicide is a more culture-bound phenomenon than has been traditionally assumed; cultural expectations about gender and suicidal behavior strongly determine its existence. Evidence from the United States and Canada suggests that the gender gap may be more prominent in communities where different suicidal behaviors are expected of females and males. These divergent expectations may affect the scenarios chosen by females and males, once suicide becomes a possibility, as well as the interpretations of those who are charged with determining whether a particular behavior is suicidal (e.g., coroners). The realization that cultural influences play an important role in the gender paradox of suicidal behaviors holds important implications for research and for public policy.  相似文献   

Volumes have been written (American Association of Suicidology, 1998) and programs have been developed (Befrienders International, 2000) to deal with the prevention of and intervention for teen suicides in middle school. Less prominent is attention to postvention efforts in the aftermath of these acts. The authors describe a child's suicide through the eyes of the school counselor, identify issues unique to teenagers, present symptoms common to presuicidal youth, and suggest a postvention CAPT (counselors, administrators, parents, and teachers)Team Approach.  相似文献   

Much of the research on infertility reinforces differing effects for women and men, with women reporting more serious repercussions medically, psychologically, and socially. However, the unique counseling needs of infertile women have not been addressed through traditional counseling theory. The Relational Model (J. V. Jordan, 1995) of women's development is a theory that explains women's development in a context of relationships, specifically relationships that promote growth for self and others. This model is applied to counseling women who are experiencing infertility, and a case presentation is provided to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

That males have higher suicide rates than females is one of the most empirically documented social facts in suicidology, but the reasons for this continue to be debated. For the present paper, we tested a neglected contributing factor to the gender suicide ratio: wound site or the area of the body that is wounded in firearm suicides. Males may have a higher suicide rate, in part, due to their greater likelihood than women for shooting themselves in the head as opposed to the body. This has been related to gender differences in fear of facial disfigurement and suicide intent. Data from the Wayne County Medical examiner's office regarding 807 suicides committed with firearms was analyzed. The dependent variable was dichotomous and referred to the location of the site of the wound: gunshot to the head vs. gunshot to the body. Controls for demographic covariates of suicide included age and race of the suicide victim. The results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis determined that women were 47% less apt than men to shoot themselves in the head. Further analysis determined that women were less apt than men to use shotguns and rifles in their suicides (weapons that make head shooting more awkward). The findings are consistent with the notion that women are more concerned than men with facial disfigurement, and that women have a lower desire to die than men.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to address an important aspect of human development, namely, the processes by which career choices are made. Highlighting the necessity of considering the unique cultural, social, and economic factors that influence career development in the Indian context, the paper presents the cultural preparation process model as a potential framework for the development of a career psychology for India. Data from the Work Orientations and Responses to Career Choices: Indian Regional Survey (WORCC-IRS) is presented to illustrate the model and to discuss occupational and career interests which are constructs that are central to career guidance. Data is provided to show that cultural factors such as parental approval and the attribution of prestige have a strong influence on the formation of occupational and career interests. The paper concludes with a discussion on the importance of creating a platform for the emergence of an Indian career psychology that integrates into its purview the diverse factors that influence career development in the Indian context.  相似文献   

Primary prevention aims at reducing the incidence of a disorder. The first step in primary prevention involves documenting the magnitude of the problem and identifying risk factors. Consistent with primary prevention practices, we review the national and international epidemiological data on suicide mortality and then discuss the implications these data hold for primary prevention. Our approach is novel because we systematically examine the suicide epidemiology data by gender and culture. Suicide mortality appears to be highest among individuals (e.g., young adult married females in some Papua New Guinea regions; older adult, isolated, White males in the United States) for whom such behavior is culturally sanctioned. Thus, an important target for primary prevention may be local cultures of gender and suicide.  相似文献   


Concealed suicidality can be a major impediment for clinicians conducting a suicide risk assessment. Client minimization and denial of suicidal thoughts can lead clinicians to undertreat and under-monitor clients experiencing a suicidal crisis. Five recommendations are given to address potential weak areas of suicide assessment with adults including routinized processes and a reliance on assessment instruments that may underestimate risk when individuals have no prior attempts or significant mental illness. Specifically, the authors highlight the importance of continued training and education in suicide assessment, how considering the context of the assessment can heighten one’s sensitivity to concealment of suicidal ideation and how different assessment instruments and interview techniques, when chosen with care, can increase the candor of client expression. The authors also recommend attending to clinician anxiety both as a way of maintaining rapport as well as a method of identifying clues that the assessment is not producing accurate information. Finally, application of recommendations is demonstrated through case vignettes.


Jie Zhang 《Sex roles》2014,70(3-4):146-154
The gender (male to female) ratio of the Chinese suicide rates is different from those found in the rest of the world. None of the other societies with known suicide data has had female suicide rates higher than those for the males. While we investigate the factors that contribute to the relatively high suicide rates for Chinese women, we also need to ask what makes the relatively low suicide rates for Chinese men. In this study we try to examine some social and cultural variables in rural Chinese youths in order to identify the factors that account for the relatively low rate for men and relatively high rate for women. In rural China, 392 suicides (both men and women) aged 14–35 years consecutively sampled from 16 counties of three provinces were studied with 416 community living controls of the same age range and from the same locations. Case–control psychological autopsy method was used for the data collection. It is found that believing in Confucianism and being married are both protecting the rural young men from suicide, while the two same variables are either risk or non-protecting factors for the Chinese rural young women’s suicide. In rural China, social structure and culture may play an even more important role determining a society’s suicide rates as well as the gender ratios. Thus, suicide prevention may need to include culture specific measures.  相似文献   

Emotional reactions of therapists who experienced the death by suicide of one or more of their patients were investigated. Data were collected by a questionnaire containing both objective and open-ended items from 27 men and 36 women, psychiatrists and psychologists, working in psychiatric hospitals in Slovenia. The most frequently reported reactions by the therapists were of increased caution in the treatment of their patients and an increase in conferring with colleagues, partners, and supervisors. About two thirds reported experiencing strong guilt feelings along with other commonly reported survivor feelings of grief, depression, and loss. Gender differences were apparent (women more often felt shame and guilt, sought consolation, or doubted their professional knowledge). No significant differences appeared between disciplines and years of work experience. Agreement was general that support was important both professionally and personally. Suggestions are offered to help the therapist work through the trauma of a patient's suicide.  相似文献   

In this article, the focus is on a comparison of suicide attempts and substance abuse in the United States. It is argued that suicide attempts and substance abuse may function as psychologically equivalent but gender-specialized forms of self-injurious behaviors. Possible explanations for the gender segregation of suicide attempts and substance abuse are reviewed, and the benefits of crossover theories and treatments are presented.  相似文献   

A new experimental approach was devised to increase responses to color and shading, thereby facilitating study of the previously demonstrated relationship between Rorschach Test color-shading responses and suicide attempts. The present study demonstrates that of 17 matched pairs of hospitalized psychiatric patients, those who had attempted suicide give significantly more shading responses to chromatic cards than those who had no history of suicide attempts. These results suggest that the technique may be useful in further studies of affect.  相似文献   

《Self and identity》2013,12(4):287-306
This study uses a person-oriented approach to examine gender differences in the meaning of race in the lives of a sample of African-American college students. Seven hundred twenty-four self-identified African-American students from two universities completed the ideology subscales of the Multidimensional Inventory of Black Identity. Cluster analysis was used to group students into five groups with distinct patterns of responses to the ideology subscales. Results showed relatively few gender differences in cluster distribution, in separate male and female cluster solutions, or in the relationship between cluster membership and racial background and race-related behavioral outcomes. Overall, clusters did not vary in terms of SES, but did reflect the racial context of participants' upbringing and race-related choices made in college.  相似文献   

Homicide‐suicides are a rare yet very serious form of lethal violence which mainly occurs in partnerships and families. The extent to which homicide‐suicide can be understood as being primarily a homicide or a suicide event, or rather a category of its own is examined. In total, 103 homicide‐suicides were compared to 3,203 homicides and 17,751 suicides. These are all events that took place in the Netherlands in the period 1992 to 2006. Logistic regression analyses show that homicide‐suicides significantly differ from both homicides and suicides with regard to sociodemographic and event characteristics. The findings suggest that homicide‐suicide might be considered as a distinct phenomenon from both homicide and suicide.  相似文献   

This paper examines the available literature dealing with the relation of occupation to suicide for three occupational categories: health care providers, managerial and professional persons, and military and paramilitary personnel. Following a general introduction, evidence relating to group differences in suicidal behavior is presented and assessed. Sources of bias and inaccuracy in suicide statistics are identified and theories purporting to explain variations in the incidence of suicide are considered. Finally, implications are drawn from the analysis presented and possible directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

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