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学界关于中国古代存在宗教宽容的看法是对中国古代宗教兼容的误读。中国古代宗教之所以长期存在多神兼容现象,乃是宗法社会、原始思维与专制政治这三大因素综合作用的结果。而真正的宗教宽容是社会文化具有宽容精神的产物,它需要自由、平等的价值支撑与民主、法治的制度保障。由于中国古代的宗法专制与政治专制并不具备这样的社会条件,故不可能培育出真正的宽容精神,也不可能产生严格意义的宗教宽容。  相似文献   

了解广西宗教的一部佳作──《广西通志·宗教志》读后段启明编者按:1987年江泽民同志就指出:"编纂社会主义新方志是两个文明建设的组成部分,是社会主义文化建设的系统工程,是承上启下,继往开来,服务当代,有益后世的千秋大业。"编写宗教志是新方志编纂中的一...  相似文献   

互联网时代,对于宗教网站的研究,是宗教社会学研究在线宗教现象的重点内容.本文重点分析了宗教网站的场所特征存在于三个方面:一,由于互联网时代宗教时空的变革,宗教网站成为了宗教赖以生存的一种新型的时空;二,宗教网站具有典型的场所精神;三,人们在其中诗意地栖居,能够获取在一般宗教场所中同样的场所体验.  相似文献   

服务学习的运用能有效克服中国社会工作教育的困境。本文通过探讨服务学习如何在全球化过程中与中国社会工作教育碰撞结合,通过行动研究案例分析服务学习如何作为社会工作教育的方式进入通识教育的课程中,并取得了何种效果,从而指出服务学习作为社会工作教育通识化的途径和挑战。  相似文献   

宗教心理学这门学科,在我国还是一块亟待开垦的处女地。当代美国宗教心理学家玛丽·乔·梅多和理查德·德·卡霍所著的《宗教心理学——个人生活中的宗教》(1984)一书,该书是一部反映了西方学术界关于宗教心理学研究方面的最新成果,它系统地用心理学的方法研究了宗教现象心理因素的各个方面,具有相应的学术价值,因而被美国正式确认为大学教科书。该书的翻译出版,将有助于我国学者批判地汲取和借鉴西方宗教心理  相似文献   

例外状态和赤裸生命是阿甘本思想中的主要概念。他关于例外状态的最初讨论是从"地狱边缘"这个宗教学概念开始的,阿甘本例外状态理论的灵感在很大程度上来自施密特与本雅明关于政治神学的对话。赤裸生命的原型则来自"受谴者"这一宗教形象,同时,阿甘本从本质与恩典的宗教学角度深刻地分析了人的赤裸生命本质。弥赛亚精神则是阿甘本解决方案的核心。在阿甘本看来,弥赛亚是以例外状态的方式做出最后审判的时间与形式。这三个概念紧密关联且相互支撑。真正的例外状态就是弥赛亚时刻,而生命政治的核心则是在弥赛亚时刻下生命得到救赎。阿甘本对社会科学的知识考古表明,宗教对世俗时代的知识仍然有着非常深入的影响。  相似文献   

“中国宗教与中国文化”是由余敦康、吕大吉、牟钟鉴、张践四教授共同完成的“国家哲学与社会科学重点课题”,其最终成果以同一题目下的四卷专著的形式通过有关鉴定,评定等级为优,并列入“国家社科基金成果文库”,由中国社会科学出版社2005年出版,涉及宗教、哲学、伦理、民俗、  相似文献   

了解台港澳三地宗教现状的一本好书《台港澳宗教概况》赵红宇台湾、香港和澳门历来就是我们祖国不可分割的三个组成部分,与中国大陆有着“血浓于水”的亲缘关系。近年来随着大陆与三地的交往不断增加,宗教间的交流也日趋频繁,特别是伴随着1997年香港回归和1999...  相似文献   

在近代中国,教育与宗教相分离的命题,主要是针对西方来华传教势力兴办的基督教大学。近代中国基督教大学世俗化的因素,更多地来自社会变革运动的冲击。在五四新文化运动以后.基督教教会大学的办学宗旨受到日益严峻的挑战。国民政府教育部制定的现代教育法规,国立大学的竞争,特别是非基督教运动和收回教育权运动,推动了中国基督教大学的世俗化进程。  相似文献   

信仰是人的一种精神追求,它存在于人的心灵深处,外化在人们的价值取向和行为上。信仰对人的行为有巨大的导向、鼓舞和激励作用。邓小平同志曾说:“我们过去几十年艰苦奋斗,就是靠用坚定的信念把人民团结起来,为人民自己的利益而奋斗。没有这样的信念,就没有凝聚力。没有这样的信念,就没有一切。”因此,“在军队里要讲信念,在人民中间,在青年中间,也要讲信念。”(《邓小平文选》第3卷,第190~191页)小平同志这里讲的信念其实也就是我们所说的信仰。精神文明建设的核心内容是思想道德建设,而信仰则是思想道德建设的灵魂…  相似文献   

Abstract. This article discusses ways in which modern online information technologies may be used to enhance students' understanding of Chinese religions and religious texts. This discussion is predicated upon a model of linguistic communication that places significant weight on the structures and “sedimented presuppositions” of language in determining the meanings of discourse. Assignments are presented that use online technologies to give even beginning students insight into the presuppositions of Chinese religious discourse, while also allowing them to explore, kinesthetically, one of Confucianism's central practices, the reading and writing of Chinese characters. Appendices providing additional materials related to the course are available online: http://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/journal/article2.aspx?id=14153 .  相似文献   

Marx's classic critique of religion is used to explore the social function of many therapy groups. The manner in which groups can act as a conserving force for the status quo is investigated. The argument is made that the Marxist critique can help promote a more realistic social awareness and a more effective perception of groups. A set of questions is provided for group leaders who want to avoid apolitical, asocial, and ahistorical thinking.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyzes an “Integrating Seminar” capstone course for undergraduate religious studies majors, which has the following goals for student learning: (1) to reflect on the cumulative achievement of their studies of religion; (2) to take stock of their learning in liberal studies coursework; and (3) to explore the connections between these specialized and general learning experiences. Readings provided by the instructor and the students and discussions around them lead toward a final paper on this question: “In the context of becoming an educated person, what is religion, how do you know, and why do you care?” The paper concludes with some reflections on ways to better prepare students for this kind of integrated thinking through advising and ongoing colloquia.  相似文献   

The research of Richardson and his colleagues is affirmed. The overwhelming conclusion of investigations has demonstrated that members of new religions are not, as a group, psychopathological. There is little evidence that entrance into these groups has been due to coercive persuasion. However, future studies should use more sensitive measures to assess attitude and behavior change. The relative weight of selection versus socialization in joining also needs further investigation. New religious groups provide ideal settings for the study of such topics as personality, gender roles, adult socialization, behavior change, self-concept, and beliefs systems.  相似文献   

用中华优秀传统文化浸润宗教是促进我国宗教中国化的关键,是管根本、打基础、利长远的工作.中华优秀传统文化与中国宗教文化的相互影响融合源远流长,在两者不断对话汇通、彼此涵摄的历史进程中,呈现出儒释道和谐共存、相互渗透,伊斯兰、天主教、基督教等积极适应中华文化的格局.但总的来说,中华优秀传统文化浸润宗教正处在从自发向自觉的发...  相似文献   

武汉大学中国哲学研究团队历经十余年写成10卷本《中国哲学通史》(学术版),又经过数年的编校,现在终于正式出版.这是我国目前相对最全面、系统、完备的中国哲学通史.全书共10卷,其中8卷为断代哲学史,涵盖从先秦至现代的内容,又特别设置了少数民族哲学史、古代科学哲学史各一卷.作者团队以高度的文化自觉与文化自信,以深厚...  相似文献   

王燕 《中国宗教》2022,(1):46-47
山东省东营市坚持以习近平总书记关于宗教工作的重要论述为指导,用社会主义核心价值观引领和教育宗教界人士和信教群众,用中华优秀传统文化浸润我国宗教,让坚持宗教中国化方向在宗教界和全社会形成广泛共识,营造出积极践行宗教中国化的良好氛围。以政治引领凝聚共识一是政府主导,加强三支队伍教育培训。  相似文献   

Rainer Flasche 《Religion》2013,43(4):323-330
Why was death considered polluting within classical Greek society when Olympian sacrifice was ubiquitous? Outside the polis the Greeks’ view of the uncultivated or improperly cultivated geography and of their own ‘city-less’ past was just the other way around. Here death represented no pollution whatsoever, while Olympian sacrifice was either absent or not properly performed. Death and life had yet to be separated, as had happened in the proper human realm of the Greek polis. Any reintroduction of either natural death or sacrifice into the ‘city of life’ would consequently negate its very structures. Sacrifice differed exactly through the aspect of control. Acts of sacrifice were therefore used to control the onset of natural death. But why would the Greeks sacrifice also in every other possible context? As the essential human characteristic, mortality pertained to all human creations, including the polis. Left to itself, the polis would wither and die. Through Olympian sacrifice, humans dissolved the structures of the city without ever losing control, thereby introducing the unlimited potential as still found in the primordial state of the uncultivated geography. The structures of the polis were recreated through the proper division of the sacrificial victim.  相似文献   

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