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An essential function of language processing is serial order control. Computational models of serial ordering and empirical data suggest that plan representations for ordered output of sound are governed by principles related to similarity. Among these principles, the temporal distance and edge principles at a within-word level have not been empirically demonstrated separately from other principles. Specifically, the temporal distance principle assumes that phonemes that are in the same word and thus temporally close are represented similarly. This principle would manifest as phoneme movement errors within the same word. However, such errors are rarely observed in English, likely reflecting stronger effects of syllabic constraints (i.e., phonemes in different positions within the syllable are distinctly represented). The edge principle assumes that the edges of a sequence are represented distinctly from other elements/positions. This principle has been repeatedly observed as a serial position effect in the context of phonological short-term memory. However, it has not been demonstrated in single-word production. This study provides direct evidence for the two abovementioned principles by using a speech-error induction technique to show the exchange of adjacent morae and serial position effects in Japanese four-mora words. Participants repeatedly produced a target word or nonword, immediately after hearing an aurally presented distractor word. The phonologically similar distractor words, which were created by exchanging adjacent morae in the target, induced adjacent-mora-exchange errors, demonstrating the within-word temporal distance principle. There was also a serial position effect in error rates, such that errors were mostly induced at the middle positions within a word. The results provide empirical evidence for the temporal distance and edge principles in within-word serial order control.  相似文献   

Serial processing was forced by displaying words one letter or letter cluster at a time. Letters or clusters appeared in adjacent spatial positions and in rapid sequence, followed immediately by a mask. Under these conditions, there was a sharp increase in the percentage of words correctly identified as the size of the letter clusters presented in series increased. In a control condition without masking, designed to permit parallel processing across clusters, words were identified near-perfectly, regardless of the size of the clusters displayed. Words displayed one letter at a time without masking were identified fairly well even when letters were presented in random order. The results are interpreted as evidence that skilled readers tend to process letters within words in parallel.  相似文献   

Letters and words are better identified when there are fewer available choices. How do readers use choice-set restrictions? By analyzing new experimental data and previously reported data, the author shows that Bayes theorem-based models overestimate readers' use of choice-set restrictions. This result is discordant with choice-similarity models such as R. D. Luce's (1963a) similarity choice model, G. Keren and S. Baggen's (1981) letter recognition model, and D. W. Massaro and G. C. Oden's (1979) fuzzy logical model of perception. Other models posit that choice restrictions affect accuracy only by improving guessing (e.g., J. L. McClelland & D. E. Rumelhart's, 1981, interactive activation model). It is shown that these models underestimate readers' use of choice-set restrictions. Restriction of choice set does improve perception of letters and words, but not optimally. Decision models that may be able to explain this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects were required to impose different levels of organization on randomly ordered letters. In a between-subject design, the subject was to identify the letter in the set coming first in the alphabet or to reorganize the set into an alphabetic sequence. In a within-subject design, presentation of the letters was followed by an instruction to carry out the identification or reorganization task or to recite the letters in left-to-right order. Reaction time varied systematically with level of required organization, size of the presented set, and position and spacing of the letter set in the alphabet. The results are discussed in terms of two simple models.  相似文献   

We examined the order effect in item-recognition response time, that is, differences in response time for multiple-item probes containing items in the same or in the reverse order as those in the memory set. Experiment 1 used the response condition in which only one item must be positive for a positive response, Experiment 2 used homogeneous probes in which all the items are either positive or negative, and Experiment 3 used the condition in which all the items must be positive. Of particular interest were the serial position variations in order effects for probes containing items that were adjacent in the memory set. We previously found that such effects are an indication of subjective grouping of the memory set and the matching of the probe with these subgroups. The order effect in the one-positive condition was only weak in most cases, but it was strong with homogeneous probes when the memory set was objectively grouped or was ungrouped but with a constant set size. There were also strong order effects in the all-positive condition for probes with items that were nonadjacent in the memory set. Our results are interpreted in terms of a parallel match process based on a distribution over position of items in subjective or objective groups. We account for the origin of the distribution-over-position process in terms of multiple representations of the grouped memory sets. The model assumes that each subgroup is represented in memory several, and perhaps very many, times and that considerable error in item positioning can occur over the multiple representations of any group.  相似文献   

The perception of microtonal scales was investigated in a melodic identification task. In each trial, eight pure tones, equally-spaced in log frequency in the vicinity of 700 Hz, were presented in one of nine different serial orders. There were two experiments, each with 108 trials (six scales [tone sets] × nine serial orders × two repetitions). In each experiment, 30 subjects, half of whom were musically trained, were asked to match each melody to one of 9 visual representations (frequency-time grids). In Experiment 1, the six scales were spaced at intervals of 25, 33, 50, 67, 100, and 133 cents (100 cents=1 semitone ≈6% of frequency). Performance was worse for scale steps of 25 and 33 cents than it was for wider scale steps. There were no significant effects at other intervals, including the interval of 100 cents, implying that melodic pattern identification is unaffected by long-term experience of music in 12-tone equally tempered tuning (e.g., piano music). In Experiment 2, the six scales were spaced at smaller intervals, of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 cents. Performance for the three narrower scale steps was worse than that for the three wider scale steps. For some orders, performance for the narrowest scale step (10 cents) did not exceed chance. The smallest practical scale step for short microtonal melodies in a pattern-identification task was estimated as being 10–20 cents for chance performance, and 30–40 cents for asymptotic performance.  相似文献   

Digitized photographs of snowflakes were presented for a recognition test after retention intervals of varying durations. While overall accuracy and discrimination remained constant, as the retention interval increased, primacy increased from chance to reliably better than chance while recency decreased to chance levels. A variation of Murdock’s (1960) distinctiveness model accounted for the changing primacy and recency effects observed in both between- and within-subjects designs. The generality of the model was examined in two different paradigms: lexical access during sentence processing, and free recall in the continual distractor paradigm. In both cases, the model made accurate qualitative predictions for both latency and accuracy measures.  相似文献   

In three letter detection experiments, subjects responded to each instance of the letter t in continuous text typed in a standard paragraph, typed with one to four words per line, or shown for a fixed duration on a computer screen either one or four words at a time. In the multiword and the standard paragraph conditions, errors were greatest and latencies longest on the word the when it was correctly spelled. This effect was diminished or reversed in the one-word conditions. These findings support a set of unitization hypotheses about the reading process, according to which subjects do not process the constituent letters of a word once that word has been identified unless no other word is in view.  相似文献   

The proportion-of-the-total-duration rule (Kidd & Watson, 1992) states that the detectability of a change in a component of a tonal sequence can be predicted by the proportional duration of the changed component relative to the length of the sequence as a whole. A similar viewpoint relies on temporal distinctiveness to account for primacy, recency, and other serial position effects in memory (Murdock, 1960; Neath, 1993a, 1993b). Such distinctiveness models predict that an item will be remembered if it is more distinctive along some dimension relative to possible competitors. Three experiments explored the relation between distinctiveness and proportional duration by examining the effects of the proportion of the total duration of a tone in a sequence, serial position, and interstimulus interval (ISI) on the detection of a change in one component of a tonal sequence. Experiment 1 replicated the basic effect with relatively untrained subjects and a fixed frequency difference. Experiment 2 showed that distinctiveness holds for tonal sequences and a same/different task. Experiment 3 combined the two to show that proportional duration, ISI, and position of the changed tone all contribute to discrimination performance. The present research combines theories that have been proposed in the psychophysics and memory fields and suggests that a comprehensive principle based on relative distinctiveness may be able to account for both perceptual and memory effects.  相似文献   

In three experiments, subjects attended to one of two simultaneous nine-digit sequences, presented binaurally in different voices (one male, one female). Substantial repetition effects (defined as gains in immediate memory performance for previously presented sequences relative to novel ones) were found for two exposure conditions: (a) one that required reproduction of the full sequence on each exposure (Experiment 1), and (b) one that required recall of a different two-digit subsequence on each exposure (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, the following conditions produced no repetition effects, even though tests had substantial power to detect small effects: 10 consecutive presentations in the unattended voice; 4 prior presentations in a task that required attention to each digit as it was presented (but not to digit order); and 4 prior presentations in a task that required attention to digit order during their presentations. These results, together with those of previous studies, support the conclusion that repetition effects on immediate memory occur only with procedures that encourage covert rehearsal of full-sequence order on each exposure. These findings also limit the generality of others' conclusions that event order is automatically encoded for attended events, and extend previous findings showing unattended exposures to be without effect on recall measures.  相似文献   

A long-standing body of research supports the existence of separable short- and long-term memory systems, relying on phonological and semantic codes, respectively. The aim of the current study was to measure the contribution of long-term knowledge to short-term memory performance by looking for evidence of phonologically and semantically coded storage within a short-term recognition task, among developmental samples. Each experimental trial presented 4-item lists. In Experiment 1 typically developing children aged 5 to 6 years old showed evidence of phonologically coded storage across all 4 serial positions, but evidence of semantically coded storage at Serial Positions 1 and 2. In a further experiment, a group of individuals with Down syndrome was investigated as a test case that might be expected to use semantic coding to support short-term storage, but these participants showed no evidence of semantically coded storage and evidenced phonologically coded storage only at Serial Position 4, suggesting that individuals with Down syndrome have a verbal short-term memory capacity of 1 item. Our results suggest that previous evidence of semantic effects on “short-term memory performance” does not reflect semantic coding in short-term memory itself, and provide an experimental method for researchers wishing to take a relatively pure measure of verbal short-term memory capacity, in cases where rehearsal is unlikely.  相似文献   

Auditorially presented lists of from one to six digits were memorized by Ss with instructions to scan the memory set to determine the presen’ce or absence of a single auditorially presented probe digit. Results showed cooccurrence of parallel linear increases in decision time with list length for positive and negative responses and effects of serial position of probes in the memory lists. A comparison with two previous studies using visual presentation of materials suggests faster encoding of auditorially presented probes but similarity in processing time in memory once probes have been encoded.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that examine the relationship between short-term memory for time and order information, and the more specific claim that order memory is driven by a timing signal. Participants were presented with digits spaced irregularly in time and postcued (Experiments 1 and 2) or precued (Experiment 3) to recall the order or timing of the digits. The primary results of interest were as follows: (a) Instructing participants to group lists had similar effects on serial and timing recall in inducing a pause in recall between suggested groups; (b) the timing of recall was predicted by the timing of the input lists in both serial recall and timing recall; and (c) when the recall task was precued, there was a tendency for temporally isolated items to be more accurately recalled than temporally crowded items. The results place constraints on models of serial recall that assume a timing signal generates positional representations and suggest an additional role for information about individual durations in short-term memory.  相似文献   

The question addressed in this investigation was whether faster reading and pronunciation of words than orthographically regular pseudowords is due to faster identification or to faster programming and execution of the motor response. In Experiment I, three different response conditions (naming, threechoice signaled responding, and one-choice signaled responding) were employed to separate the identification and articulation processes in a verbal reaction time task. It was found that, for all intents and purposes, single, isolated letters are processed as if they were very short words. Words are read and pronounced 72 msec faster than pseudowords. Words are also pronounced 30 msec faster than pseudowords even if the reader has longer than 1 sec to identify the stimulus (three-choice condition) or to both identify the stimulus and preprogram the response (one-choice condition). The data indicate that words are identified about 52 msec faster and articulated about 30 msec faster than pseudowords. Since the number of response alternatives (one or three) does not interact with stimulus type (letter, word, or pseudoword) in the signaled response control condition, the 30-msec difference is due to response execution and not to differential response programming. Response programming takes in the neighborhood of 236 msec. Experiment 2 investigated the effect of local orthographic context upon the identification of the first letter of a string of letters. No difference was found in identifying the initial letter of words and pseudowords, but the initial letter of these orthographically regular letter strings was identified and named 10 msec faster than the initial letter of orthographically anomalous strings of letters (anagrams). The data from the two experiments are supportive of theories of reading that assume (1) that the letters of visually presented words are processed simultaneously, in parallel, (2) that there is a relatively direct access and retrieval of the phonological memory codes for the names of words, and (3) that orthographically regular pseudowords having no representation in the phonological lexicon undergo a grapheme-to-phoneme transformation that takes longer to finish than the direct spelling-to-sound process used for words.  相似文献   

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