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Interfacing microcomputers to control experiments requires the use of various types of programmable integrated-circuit chips. A versatile interface which permits control between the interface chips and various experimental devices is described.  相似文献   

The simple timing method of reading the IBM-BIOS tick counter is extended from 55-msec to 54-µsec resolution by reading the 8254 hardware counter. Subroutine timex( ) implements the timer in Borland Turbo C on an IBM AT and on a PC or XT if the 8253 timer chip is replaced with an 8254 chip. A more limited version operates on an unmodified PC or XT.  相似文献   

A very powerful, but inexpensive, advanced technology (16 MHz 80C188EB) experiment controller is described. It can be programmed in either a BASIC-like (ECBASIC) or an ALGOL-like (ECL) procedure specification language. It provides 1-msec resolution, optional transparent total data logging, and is designed to function as a remote peripheral processor in a network with virtually any computer acting as the network supervisor (e.g., IBM compatible or Macintosh). Each serial port on the host computer can support up to 10 simultaneous experiments. The various optional I/O modules provide for opto-isolated normally open or normally closed switch operation input, high current output, as well as D/A and A/D functions. Our I/O modules can also be plugged directly into an IBM PC parallel port by using a small adaptor board. In this way, the advantages of using ECBASIC or ECL to control experiments are available to researchers who wish to simply interface their host computer directly to the apparatus in order to minimize expense.  相似文献   

An input/output (I/O) interface design based on the 6522 VIA is described. This design is enhanced with additional circuitry to provide such features as latched input, bit-addressable I/O line control, and provisions for expansion.  相似文献   

The construction and use of a parallel breakout box for input/output (I/O) monitoring is discussed. A standard chip for I/O is used along with circuitry, light-emitting diodes, and switches to allow researchers to simulate the running of computer-controlled experiments.  相似文献   

An inexpensive and easy-to-bulid input/output interface capable of driving the electromechanical loads (relays, solenoids, dc motors, etc.) and incandescent lamps is described. The interface hardware is based on the Commodore VIC-20 microcomputer. The design is adaptable to most 8-bit microcomputers.  相似文献   

Individual assessment, defined as one psychologist making an assessment decision for a personnel-related purpose about one individual, was the focus of a survey of a segment of the Division of Industrial and Organizational Psychology of the American Psychological Association. A response rate of 31.6% was obtained. The responses of 163 individuals who conduct individual assessment to questions about their practices and of 153 individuals who do not conduct individual assessment to questions concerning their attitudes toward individual assessment were examined. Findings regarding what types of assessment are typically conducted, how methods are chosen, what methods are typically used, how findings are relayed to client organizations and assessees, and how practices are evaluated are reported. Implications for training and practice as well as areas for research are discussed.  相似文献   

前瞻性人格是指个体不受情境阻力的制约,主动采取行动以改变其外部环境的倾向性。相关的实证研究发现前瞻性人格对个体工作结果、职业生涯结果、团队效能、领导效能、新进人员适应性以及创业等后果变量均具有一定的影响。该文对工业与组织心理学领域有关前瞻性人格的相关研究进行了较为全面的总结,并在此基础上指出未来的研究有必要加强组织层面因素在前瞻性人格与相关结果变量之间的调节作用等三方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

A relatively simple, remote keyboard switch for the IBM PC/AT and compatibles is discussed. It may be used to isolate a subject from an experimenter when the experimenter is controlling an experiment with the PC. The device, based on a 4066 CMOS, when used in conjunction with a monochrome monitor and a color monitor, enables the experimenter to switch, manually or programmatically (TTL), between the local monitor and the local keyboard and a remote monitor and a remote keyboard for presentation of stimuli and for recording of subject’s responses.  相似文献   

Using a one-chip programmable peripheral interface LSI (8255A), an inexpensive micro-computer (8K PET) peripheral I/O expansion can easily be constructed.  相似文献   

Described is a large-scale expandable input/output port interface for the Tandy Corporation TRS-80 microcomputer.  相似文献   

工业与组织心理学中的集体效能感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集体效能感是指团体成员对于团体成功地完成特定任务或取得特定水平成就的能力的共同信念,其测量方法主要有自我效能感总和法、个体评估平均法和团体讨论法等三种。在影响效果方面,集体效能感可以有效地预测绩效以及其他一些工作态度和行为变量,但过高的集体效能感也会产生负面作用;在影响因素方面,团体规模和团体间竞争等团体内外部因素均能显著影响集体效能感,并且目标设定训练等干预措施也能显著提高集体效能感。文章最后指出未来的研究有必要加强对新型团队中的集体效能感、集体效能感的动态变化等五方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

Use of the Digital Equipment Corporation DR8 digital input/output buffer for the PDP-8/E computer is common. However, by itself the DR8 has inadequate output-driving capability for even the smallest laboratory device. A flexible low-cost control network designed to enable a DR8 interface to control any of 12 pico-reed relays for output driving or 8 programmable amplifiers for auditory signal presentation is described.  相似文献   

Self-Regulation Research in Work and I/O Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Les recherches de psychologie industrielle/organisationnelle (I/O) sur les objectifs et l’autorégulation ont prospéré durant les trois dernières décennies. Initiés par le travail fécond de Locke, Latham et de leurs collègues qui ont souligné l’influence positive d’objectifs elairs et sollicitants sur les performances, de nombreux courants de recherche sont apparus pour étudier à la fois les déterminants et les conséquences des objectifs et des processus d’autorégulation sur les conduites et les variables dépendantes relatives au travail (voir par exemple Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981 ; Vancouver, 2000 pour une revue de questions). Vancouver et Day (2005) constatent que si les chercheurs en organisations ont tenté d’évaluer la validité externe et critérielle, ils se sont moins intéressés à la validité interne et de construction des variables‐clés et de concepts tels que les objectifs, la rétroaction, la divergence et l’efficacité personnelle. Dans le même ordre d’idées, Vancouver et Day (2004) concluent que les validations des interventions I/O fondées sur la perspective objectif/autorégulation détectent généralement des effcts positifs, mais que ces travaux sont insuffisants pour déterminer les dimensions spécifiques du processus objectif/autorégulation qui sont en rapport avec l’amélioration de la performance. Dans ce court article, j’aborde ces problèmes concemant la recherche sur les objectifs et l’autorégulation d’un triple point de vue: le progrès scientifique, les applications et les buts des investigations I/O. Over the past three decades, industrial/organisational (I/O) research on goals and self‐regulation has flourished. Beginning with the seminal work by Locke, Latham, and their colleagues showing the positive influence of difficult and specific goals on task performance, multiple streams of research have emerged to investigate both the determinants and consequences of goals and self‐regulation processes on work‐related behaviors and outcomes (see, e.g. Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981 ; Vancouver, 2000 , for reviews). In a review of this work, Vancouver and Day (2005 ) suggest that although organisational researchers have sought evidence for external and criterion‐related validity, less attention has been given to the construct and internal validity of key variables and concepts, such as goals, self‐efficacy, feedback, discrepancy, and self‐efficacy. In a related vein, Vancouver and Day (2005 ) conclude that although I/O intervention studies based on the goal/self‐regulation perspective show generally positive effects, such studies are insufficient for understanding how specific aspects of the goal/self‐regulation process relate to enhanced performance. In this short note, I consider these concerns about goal/self‐regulation research in I/O psychology from three perspectives: (1) scientific progress, (2) applications, and (3) the goals of I/O research.  相似文献   

The ideas discussed in a group meeting of users of IBM PC, PS/2, and compatibles are summarized.  相似文献   

A programming system is described for the PDP-12 computer system. The system handles input-output requests from user-written routines.  相似文献   

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