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Scott Budge M.A. 《Group》1981,5(1):10-18
The paradigm through which group cohesiveness is conceptualized and researched is examined. It is found that cohesiveness is typically seen as a positive state necessary for effective therapy. This notion is critiqued at a meta-theoretical level using a dynamic model of process reminiscent of Sartrian and Riegelian dialectics. Cohesiveness, seen in this way, becomes a complex process initially necessary and subsequently defensive in groups. Recommendations for theory, practice and research are made which are based on a concept of cohesiveness as a changing, dialectical process.The author wishes to thank Ronald Janoff and Bernard Katz, both of New York University, for support and criticism essential to the development of this article.  相似文献   

Greg Ray 《Erkenntnis》1992,36(2):219-244
According to Nancy Cartwright, a causal law holds just when a certain probabilistic condition obtains in all test situations which in turn satisfy a set of background conditions. These background conditions are shown to be inconsistent and, on separate account, logically incoherent. I offer a corrective reformulation which also incorporates a strategy for problems like Hesslow's thrombosis case. I also show that Cartwright's recent argument for modifying the condition to appeal to singular causes fails.Proposed modifications of the theory's probabilistic condition to handle effects with extreme probabilities (0 or 1) are found unsatisfactory. I propose a unified solution which also handles extreme causes. Undefined conditional probabilities give rise to three good, but non-equivalent, ways of formulating the theory. Various formulations appear in the literature. I give arguments to eliminate all but one candidate. Finally, I argue for a crucial new condition clause, and show how to extend the results beyond a simple probabilistic framework.  相似文献   

The allure of connectionism reexamined   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is currently a debate over whether cognitive architecture is classical or connectionist in nature. One finds the following three comparisons between classical architecture and connectionist architecture made in the pro-connectionist literature in this debate: (1) connectionist architecture is neurally plausible and classical architecture is not; (2) connectionist architecture is far better suited to model pattern recognition capacities than is classical architecture; and (3) connectionist architecture is far better suited to model the acquisition of pattern recognition capacities by learning than is classical architecture. If true, (1)–(3) would yield a compelling case against the view that cognitive architecture is classical, and would offer some reason to think that cognitive architecture may be connectionist. We first present the case for (1)–(3) in the very words of connectionist enthusiasts. We then argue that the currently available evidence fails to support any of (1)–(3).  相似文献   

In a 1951 study, Erik Erikson reported differences in preadolescents' play constructions. He claimed that his findings reflected differences between males and females in their experience and perception of space. The present study replicated but also expanded the original design. In order to control for possible sex bias of materials, a constructed scene using only blocks was added to Erikson's original design. The results failed to replicate Erikson's findings. In fact, in the construction of scenes from blocks, more females than males built erected structures; this was true across all ages. These findings are in direct contrast to Erikson's results, and they lead to the conclusion that the materials provided, not innate anatomical sex differences, account for the resulting spatial configurations.The research reported here was part of the first author's dissertation. The authors gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of Holy Innocents Episcopal School and Georgia State University.  相似文献   

P Bressan 《Perception》1987,16(5):671-675
If a few parallel horizontal rows of dots are set diagonally, like steps, across the visual field, the inner rows appear not to be horizontal but sloping up to one side; the effect holds as long as the vertical distances between the rows do not exceed a given visual angle. This illusion, described by Vicario in 1978, was never explained. An experiment is reported in which the illusion was still visible at row separations well in excess of the spatial limits originally considered, provided the stimulus elements were enlarged. The maximum illusion was obtained for length ratios (interrow distance to size of dots) identical to those which have been shown to produce the largest effects in a number of illusions of area and length. This suggests that Vicario's illusion is similar to other illusions of extent, and that it can be explained by a neural extent-coding model.  相似文献   

Two independent studies failed to find evidence consistent with Council, Kirsch, and Hafner (1986), who argued that the repeatedly observed correlations between Tellegen's (1981) Absorption Scale (TAS) and hypnosis measures were artifacts of testing context, and de Groot, Gwynn, and Spanos (1988), who claimed evidence for a Gender x Context moderator effect. In the present studies, Ss completed the TAS and other personality questionnaires on 2 occasions: during an independent survey and later immediately prior to an assessment of hypnotizability. In Experiment 1 (N = 475), the effect of context on the relation between questionnaire scores and hypnotizability was weak and variable; in Experiment 2 (N = 434), these weak effects were reversed. The results reaffirm the construct validity of absorption as both a major dimension of personality and as a predictor of hypnotic responsiveness.  相似文献   

P. Downing and A. Treisman's (1997) failure to replicate an effect of endogenous attention on the direction of illusory line motion (ILM) was reexamined. Four experiments with slightly modified stimulus presentation methods based on gradient theories of ILM found that endogenous attention directed to 1 of 2 similar priming objects is capable of influencing experienced motion direction within a subsequently presented line. The endogenous effect on ILM was consistent with a concomitant response-time discrimination task, was robust across naive and informed participants, occurred whether eye fixation was monitored or not, and occurred under conditions where multiple motion response categories were available to participants. The endogenous effect disappeared when participants moved their eyes to the attended item, when there was no motivation to endogenously attend, and when the presentation methods of P. Downing and A. Treisman (1997) were used.  相似文献   

Dorfman and Biderman evaluated an additive-operator learning model and some special cases of this model on data from a signal-detection experiment. They found that Kac's pure error-correction model gave the poorest fit of the special models when the predictions were generated from the maximum likelihood estimates and the initial cutoffs were set at an a priori value rather than estimated. First, this paper presents tests of an asymptotic theorem by Norman, which provide strong support for Kac's model. On the final 100 trials, every subject but one gave probability matching, and the response propcrtions appropriately normed were approximately normally distributed with variance π(1 ? π). Further analyses of the Dorfman-Biderman data based upon maximum likelihood and likelihood-ratio tests suggest that Kac's model gives a relatively good, but imperfect fit to the data. Some possible explanations for the apparent contradiction between the results of these new analyses and the original findings of Dorfman and Biderman were explored. The investigations led to the proposal that there may be nonsystematic, random drifts in the decision criterion after correct responses as well as after errors. The hypothesis gives a minor modification of the conclusions from Norman's theorem for Kac's model. It gives asymptotic probability matching for every subject, but a larger asymptotic variance than π(1 ? π), which agrees with the data. The paper also presents good Monte Carlo justification for the use of maximum likelihood and likelihood-ratio tests with these additive learning models. Results from Thomas' nonparametric test of error correction are presented, which are inconclusive. Computation of Thomas' p statistic on the Monte Carlo simulations showed that it is quite variable and insensitive to small deviations from error correction.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments were designed to test a claim made by Gardiner (1988) that there are generation effects in implicit memory as measured by word-fragment completion. Subjects either read words at study or generated the words from fragments. As in previous research, fragments were completed to a greater extent if they were identical at study and test than if they differed. In Experiment 1 it was found that subjects could recognize explicitly the exact form of fragments that had been used for self-generation and distinguish these from other forms of fragments. An analysis of the contingency relations between recognition of fragments and fragment completion showed a high degree of dependence between the two tests. In Experiment 2 it was found that the match of surface features between study and test was a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to produce enhancement of priming. The results are interpreted as supporting the claim that generation does involve a data-driven component in addition to semantic elaboration.This research was supported by a grant from the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences to Lars-Göran Nilsson.  相似文献   

R. L. Kahn, R. P. Wolfe, R. P. Quinn, J. D. Snock, and R. A. Rosenthal (1964, Organizational Stress: Studies in Role Conflict and Ambiguity, New York: Wiley) distinguished three different types of predictor of role stress; personal, interpersonal, and organizational. Based on a sample of young professional engineers this investigation studied the relationship betwen these three types of predictor and four forms of role stress (role conflict, role ambiguity, quantitative role overload, qualitative role underload). The relationship was studied both within each predictor set and between each predictor set. Employing bivariate and multiple regression analyses, variables were identified within each predictor set which were significantly predictive of role stress. In addition, comparison was made between the sets of predictor variables selected and between each of the four role stresses that were studied. The results support the relevance of personal, interpersonal, and organizational predictors to role stress, as well as suggesting that role stress researchers should pay more attention to differentiating between varying forms of role Stress.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine socio-demographic predictors of attitudes toward immigration in a community-based sample (N = 494) from the Los Angeles area; and to explore the relationship between attitudes toward immigration and the providing of educational and health services to the children of undocumented immigrants. Not providing services to the children of undocumented immigrants was a key element of California's Proposition 187. Attitudes toward immigration were measured with the Attitudes Toward Immigration Scale (ATIS). The providing of services was measured through the participants' evaluations of a school scenario and a health care scenario. Results indicated that participants who were middle-aged or older, less educated, identified as Republican, and were third generation or greater were more likely to hold negative attitudes toward immigration. Furthermore, participants holding negative attitudes toward immigration were less likely to provide education and health care services to the children of undocumented immigrants.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine socio-demographic predictors of attitudes toward immigration in a community-based sample (N = 494) from the Los Angeles area; and to explore the relationship between attitudes toward immigration and the providing of educational and health services to the children of undocumented immigrants. Not providing services to the children of undocumented immigrants was a key element of California's Proposition 187. Attitudes toward immigration were measured with the Attitudes Toward Immigration Scale (ATIS). The providing of services was measured through the participants' evaluations of a school scenario and a health care scenario. Results indicated that participants who were middle-aged or older, less educated, identified as Republican, and were third generation or greater were more likely to hold negative attitudes toward immigration. Furthermore, participants holding negative attitudes toward immigration were less likely to provide education and health care services to the children of undocumented immigrants.  相似文献   

In 1962, Kaufman and Rock reported that the moon illusion did not occur in the darkness of a planetarium or in a completely dark room. The present study reexamined their findings. Two pairs of light points, separated by 3.5 degrees, were presented on the dome screen of a planetarium. Subjects compared the distance between the two light points presented in the horizontal direction with the distance between the two light points at the zenith. Three illumination conditions were used: The inside of the planetarium was completely dark, was lighted, or was projected with the silhouette of a city under a starry sky. The effect of eye elevation on the illusion was also examined. Contrary to Kaufman and Rock's results, a size discrepancy comparable to the moon illusion was obtained in the horizon-and-stars condition and even in the complete-darkness condition. Little or no illusion was obtained in the lighted-room condition. The results also showed that eye elevation affected the magnitude of the illusion.  相似文献   

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