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The effects of spatial manipulation on eye movement when subjects either read or searched through paragraphs were examined. Adults, third, and fifth graders were presented with paragraphs which were typed normally or in alternating case (upper and lower). The spacing between the words was either normal, filled, or absent. The results show that approximately twice as many character spaces are processed during search as during reading. Subjects made more fixations of shorter duration during search than reading. The data indicated that the ability to vary the size of the perceptual unit develops with experience. When spatial cues were unavailable, all subjects resorted to a letter-by-letter-like processing strategy in reading but not in search. Although reading and search were found to be sensitive to the same types of spatial manipulations, discrepancies of span and speed suggest qualitative differences; comprehension demands during reading can account for these differences. The data were interpreted to provide support for the two-stage model of Hochberg (1970).  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that a minority of university students, of lower cognitive ability, are inclined to interpret abstract conditional statements, if p then q, as if they were conjunctions: p and q. In the present study we administered the conditional truth table task to a large sample of students (n = 160), but using realistic, everyday causal conditionals. We also measured their general intelligence. While individual differences were found, these were not consistent with some participants adopting a conjunctive interpretation of such statements. Rather, it appears that students of lower cognitive ability are rather likely to assume that a conditional implies its converse, so that it means also if q then p. The results are discussed with reference to the suppositional theory of conditionals and our more general account of hypothetical thinking.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown the existence of two qualitatively distinct groups of people based on how they judge the probability of a conditional statement. The present study was designed to test whether these differences are rooted in distinctive means of processing conditional statements and whether they are linked to differences in general intelligence. In the study, each of 120 participants completed three separate cognitive tasks involving the processing of abstract conditional statements--the probability-of-conditionals task, the conditional truth table task, and the conditional inference task--in addition to completing a test of general intelligence (AH4). The results showed a number of predicted effects: People responding with conditional (rather than conjunctive) probabilities on the first task were higher in cognitive ability, showed reasoning patterns more consistent with a suppositional treatment of the conditional, and showed a strongly "defective" truth table pattern. The results include several novel findings and post challenges to contemporary psychological theories of conditionals.  相似文献   


In two experiments, texts were presented word by word at a fixed pace to subjects high or low in test anxiety, under various concurrent interference conditions: no interference, articulatory suppression, finger tapping, unattended meaningful speech, reversed (meaningless) speech and nonword (meaningless) speech. High-anxiety subjects produced overt articulation more frequently than low-anxiety subjects, especially in the speech conditions. There was an interaction between anxiety and interference on comprehension performance: Conditions thought to interfere with phonological coding (i.e. articulatory suppression and nonword speech) were detrimental to comprehension for high but not for low-anxiety subjects; in contrast, there were no differences in comprehension performance as a function of anxiety under conditions causing no (proper) phonological interference (i.e. no interference, finger tapping and reversed speech). There were mixed results in the meaningful speech condition, partly attributable to its semantic interference component. These findings reveal that the use and importance of phonological coding in reading comprehension vary with differences in test anxiety-high-anxiety subjects are vulnerable to disruptive effects on phonological coding. This suggests that high-anxiety individuals are especially likely to resort to speech-based coding during reading, and that phonological coding has a compensatory role for them.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether individual differences in working memory (WM) span are associated with different WM management strategies during the reading of expository text. In Experiment 1, probe questions were presented on line during reading to determine whether thematic information was maintained in WM throughout comprehension. The data indicated that readers across the range of WM span maintained thematic information in WM throughout the reading of a given passage. In Experiment 2, sentence reading times and accuracy for both topic and detail questions were measured in two conditions: when topic sentences were present and when topic sentences were absent. Subjects performed similarly across the range of WM span in the topic-present condition, but lower span subjects performed more poorly on detail questions in the topic-absent condition. In Experiment 3, the topic-present condition of the second experiment was replicated, except that subjects expected to receive questions about details only. Thematic processing and retention of topic and detail information all increased with span. Taken together, these results suggest that, for more difficult text processing tasks, high- and low-span subjects adopt different WM management strategies and these strategies influence what is learned from reading the text.  相似文献   

To date most theories of reading ability have emphasized a single factor as the major source of individual differences in performance. However there has been little agreement on what that factor is. However, candidates have included visual discrimination, phonological and semantic recoding, short-term memory, and utilization of linguistic knowledge and context. The single- factor theories are summarized. Literature is then reviewed to show that no single-factor theory is likely to be right, because a very wide range of component skills and abilities has in fact been shown to correlate with reading success. Among them are discrimination of letter location and letter order during perceptual recognition, use of orthographic regularity as an aid to visual code formation, use of spelling-to-sound regularity in phonological recoding, memory for word order, spontaneous identification of syntactic relations, flexibility in prediction from syntactic and semantic context, and context-specificity in semantic encoding. It is concluded that more complex, multifactor models of reading ability are required, and some recent attempts to collect data conducive to such a model are described. In the process, three different approaches to identifying factors relevant to reading success are delineated. These are general abilities assessment, learning potential assessment, and component skills analysis. Two methods of conducting component skills analysis are presented, and it is recommended that they be used as converging operations. Finally, the results of a component skills analysis are used to construct a tentative example of a class of hierarchical models of reading ability that can be pursued developmentally.  相似文献   

The authors tested whether older adults have greater difficulty than younger adults in ignoring task-irrelevant information during reading as a result of age-related decline in inhibitory processes. Participants were shown target sentences containing distractor words. They were instructed to read aloud each sentence and ignore distractors. The N400 event-related potential (ERP) was used to measure the extent of semantic processing of target and distracting information. It showed that younger adults semantically processed both target and distracting material, whereas online processing of target sentences in older adults was disrupted by the distractors. In older adults, memory for target information related to their susceptibility to distraction and inhibition efficiency. Implications for age-differences in inhibitory control, working memory, and resource capacity are discussed.  相似文献   

Some asthmatics show evidence of airways reactivity triggered by strong emotions. Six case studies of married patients with severe asthma are reported. The videotaped interactions of the asthmatic and his/her spouse were coded for affect and behavior. Repeated measures of pulmonary function and affective state were recorded before and after two interaction tasks. Over the course of the experimental period, two patients' pulmonary function improved and four patients' deteriorated. In general, decreased pulmonary function was associated with more self-rated hostility and depression. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the intra- and interpersonal factors that are important in asthma management.  相似文献   

The contrasting approaches of differential psychology and cognitive psychology to the same individual differences data are outlined. Using illustrative data from the Clark and Chase (1972) sentence-picture verification task, four loci of conflict between these two disciplines are identified. These areas of conflict center around issues of (1) theory versus measurement, (2) meaningfulness versus reliability, (3) linearity of relationships, and (4) discontinuities in performance. We conclude on the basis of observed incompatibilities that a simple derivation of differential psychology from cognitive psychology is not likely, but separate development of complementary theories may be possible.  相似文献   

The demand for assessment feedback counselling, and individual differences in feedback seeking, were investigated in a group of fifty managers who had been through a psychometric assessment procedure. Results suggest that there is a substantial demand for such feedback counselling and that those who seek it are, in some respects, more intellectually able and more interpersonally positive than those who do not. Some advice is offered on the handling of assessment feedback counselling sessions.  相似文献   

This study considered whether sensitivity to speech rhythm can predict concurrent variance in reading attainment after individual differences in age, vocabulary, and phonological awareness have been controlled. Five‐ to six‐year‐old English‐speaking children completed a battery of phonological processing assessments and reading assessments, along with a simple word stress manipulation task. The results showed that performance on the stress manipulation measure predicted a significant amount of variance in reading attainment after age, vocabulary, and phonological processing had been taken into account. These results suggest that stress sensitivity is an important, yet neglected, aspect of English‐speaking children's phonological representations, which needs to be incorporated into theoretical accounts of reading development.  相似文献   

In psychological research, one often aims at explaining individual differences in S-R profiles, that is, individual differences in the responses (R) with which people react to specific stimuli (S). To this end, researchers often postulate an underlying sequential process, which boils down to the specification of a set of mediating variables (M) and the processes that link these mediating variables to the stimuli and responses under study. Obviously, a crucial task is to chart how the individual differences in the S-R profiles are caused by individual differences in the S-M link and/or by individual differences in the M-R link. In this paper we propose a new model, called CLASSI, which was explicitly designed for this task. In particular, the key principle of CLASSI consists of reducing the S, M, and R nodes of a sequential process to a few mutually exclusive types and inducing an S-M and an M-R person typology from the data, with the S-M person types being characterized in terms of if S type then M type rules and the M-R person types in terms of if M type then R type rules. As such, the S-M and M-R person types and their associated if–then rules represent the important individual differences in the S-M and M-R links of the sequential process under study. An algorithm to fit the CLASSI model is described and evaluated in a simulation study. An application of CLASSI to data from the behavioral domain of anger and sadness is discussed. Finally, we relate CLASSI to other methods and discuss possible extensions. The first author is a post-doctoral fellow of the Fund for Scientific Research—Flanders (Belgium). The research reported in this paper was partially supported by the Research Council of K.U. Leuven (GOA/05/04).  相似文献   

人们在阅读时,思维有时会游离到所读内容之外,此时人们的目光虽然还在沿着所读材料移动,但认知加工却游离到一些与任务无关的内容上,这就是所谓阅读中的"心不在焉"。本文总结归纳了阅读中"心不在焉"的三个主要理论假设:执行控制理论、控制失败假说和注意解离假说。分析了阅读中"心不在焉"的三种影响因素:第一,阅读方式,即被试采取朗读或默读的阅读方式以及阅读时是否有时间限制等;第二,阅读材料,即材料难度、阅读兴趣与词汇特征;第三,被试的年龄、元觉察能力和工作记忆容量。最后提出了一些目前阅读中的"心不在焉"研究中存在的问题和未来可能的研究方向,为后续的研究提供一定的启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

The effect of stimulus context on absolute-magnitude-estimation (AME) judgments was examined by determining whether the loudness judgment of a tone is influenced by the intensities of other tones presented within the session. A group of 18 subjects was tested in separate sessions in which they judged stimuli within either a low (10-60 dB SL) or a high (40-90 dB SL) range of intensities. Examination of the results of individual subjects revealed that judgments of stimuli common to the two ranges were, in most subjects, unaffected or only slightly affected by the position of the range. The judgments of 2 subjects who failed to follow the instructions, however, showed very large context effects due to changing the stimulus range. The results of a second experiment, in which 22 subjects judged the loudness of tones within either a narrow (35-65 dB SL) or a wide (20-80 dB SL) range, revealed that, in all but 1 subject, the width of the range had no systematic effect on the loudness judgments of stimuli common to both ranges. This was also true 1 month later when 16 of the subjects returned to the laboratory to judge the loudness of tones within an even wider range of 10-90 dB SL. It was concluded that AME judgments are relatively insensitive to the potential biasing influences of stimulus context.  相似文献   

Experiments are reviewed that use the letter-detection task, in which subjects read text and circle target letters. Evidence is provided that the letter-detection task reveals the processing units used in reading text and is influenced as well by visual, phonetic, and a combination of semantic and syntactic factors. Specifically, it is shown that circling a target letter in a word depends on the familiarity of the word’s visual configuration, the location of the word in the reader’s visual field, the phonetic representation of the letter in the word, and a combination of the word’s meaning and its grammatical function.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the process of generating prosody on-line while reading a sentence orally. We report results from two studies in which eye-voice span was measured while subjects read aloud. In study one, the average eye-voice span for simple texts was only about 2.5 characters. In study two, the eye-voice span was also about 2.5 characters even when the subjects read garden-path sentences which required reanalysis during processing. That the readers looked only a few characters ahead before reading aloud suggests that the prosody which they generate is not based on a global syntactic analysis, but instead reflects only limited, local syntactic information. The subjects, therefore, make errors and repairs when this locally determined prosody obviously contradicts the meaning of the sentence.Part of the research reported in this paper was done while the second author was an invited researcher at NTT Basic Research Labs, and the research was partially funded by grants from NSF (SBR-9357983) and NIMH (R29-MH-51655) to the second author. We thank Naotake Kanbe, Kazuhiko Kakehi, and Mary Beckman for their valuable comments.  相似文献   

BackgroundReading and typing text messages while driving seriously impairs driving performance and are prohibited activities in many jurisdictions. Hong Kong is a bilingual society and many people write in both Chinese and English. As the input methods for text messaging in Chinese and English are considerably different, this study used a driving simulator approach to compare the effects of reading and typing Chinese and English text messages on driving performance.MethodThe driving performances of 26 participants were monitored under the following conditions: (1) no distraction, (2) reading and typing Chinese text messages, and (3) reading and typing English text messages. The following measures of driving performance were collected under all of the conditions: reaction time (RT), driving lane undulation (DLU), driving speed fluctuation (DSF), and car-following distance (CFD) between test and leading cars.ResultsRT, DLU, and DSF were significantly impaired by reading and typing both Chinese and English text messages. Moreover, typing text messages distracted drivers more than reading them. Although the Chinese text messaging input system is more complicated than the English system, the use of Chinese did not cause a significantly different degree of distraction.ConclusionBoth reading and typing text messages while driving should be prohibited regardless of whether Chinese or English is used.  相似文献   

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