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Recognition of the pitch of a tone is disrupted by the interpolation of other tones during the retention interval. The disruptive effect of an interpolated tone varies systematically as a function of its pitch relationship to the tone to be remembered, and is maximal at a 2/3-tone separation. When such a tone is interpolated, the interpolation in addition of a further tone that is 2/3 tone removed from this disruptive tone (and 4/3 tone removed from the tone to be remembered) causes recognition of the first tone substantially to return. When recognition performance is plotted as a function of the pitch relationship between these two interpolated tones, the results accord well with a model assuming mutual inhibitory interactions between pitch memory elements.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the temporal dynamics of auditory sensory memory in newborns as reflected by the mismatch negativity (MMN), a preattentive electric change-detection response. MMN was obtained from 24 full-term healthy newborns who were either awake or asleep (quiet or active sleep) during the experiments. Stimuli were 1,000 Hz tones (standards) that were occasionally replaced by 1,100 Hz tones (deviants). The constant stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was, in separate blocks, either 450, 800, or 1,500 ms. A prominent MMN was obtained at the 800 ms SOA in all three sleep or waking states, whereas no MMN occurred at 450 and 1,500 ms SOAs. In view of the fact that in adults MMN is elicited even with a 10s SOA, these results imply that the time span of auditory memory is considerably shorter in neonates than in adults and 8-12-year-old children.  相似文献   

Everyday experience tells us that some types of auditory sensory information are retained for long periods of time. For example, we are able to recognize friends by their voice alone or identify the source of familiar noises even years after we last heard the sounds. It is thus somewhat surprising that the results of most studies of auditory sensory memory show that acoustic details, such as the pitch of a tone, fade from memory in ca. 10-15 s. One should, therefore, ask (1) what types of acoustic information can be retained for a longer term, (2) what circumstances allow or help the formation of durable memory records for acoustic details, and (3) how such memory records can be accessed. The present review discusses the results of experiments that used a model of auditory recognition, the auditory memory reactivation paradigm. Results obtained with this paradigm suggest that the brain stores features of individual sounds embedded within representations of acoustic regularities that have been detected for the sound patterns and sequences in which the sounds appeared. Thus, sounds closely linked with their auditory context are more likely to be remembered. The representations of acoustic regularities are automatically activated by matching sounds, enabling object recognition.  相似文献   

An auditory backward recognition masking task (Massaro, 1970) was administered to undergraduates selected for extreme scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test. In two experiments, significant group differences were found in threshold interstimulus intervals (ISIs) required for 75% correct tone recognition. High-aptitude subjects required less time for correct identification of target tones as “high” or “low”. They were more able to overcome the constraints imposed on time-dependent information processing by a masking tone. These group differences were interpreted as indicating better information processing efficiency (h (higher signal-to-noise ratio) in the high-aptitude subjects.  相似文献   

Thirty-two subjects participated in three experiments, one assessing auditory short-term memory for word lists with and without a verbal suffix and two assessing discrimination of synthetic vowels at either short or long interstimulus delays. The purpose was to find out whether the same kind of auditory memory supports both short-term memory and speech discrimination. There was a significant correlation between performance in the suffix and A-X speech-discrimination experiments in those conditions likely to depend partly on echoic memory; however, there was no significant correlation between the tasks in conditions in which echoic memory was presumed to have been removed. The results provide a bridge between perception and memory procedures and support a theoretical model that was made to cover both domains.  相似文献   

Informational masking is broadly defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded ina context of other similar sounds; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker. In this paper, we report a systematic release from informational masking of a target tone in anine-tone rapid auditory sequence as the target is increasingly isolated in frequency or intensity from the remaieining sequence components. Improved target-tone frequency difference limens as isolation increases are interpreted as a reflection of increasingly focused auditory attention. The change from diffuse to highly focused attention is gradual over the frequency and intensity ranges examined, with each 1-dB increment in target intensity relative to the remaining components producing performance improvements equivalent to those produced by a 2% increase in frequency isolation. The results are modeled as bands of attention in the frequency and intensity domains. For attention directed by frequency isolation, there is a strong correspondence with auditory filters predicted by the power spectrum model of masking. These data also support the existence of an attention band of intensity, with a bandwidth of about 5–7 dB at the moderate levels used in this experiment.  相似文献   

Informational masking is broadly defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a signal embedded in a context of other similar sounds; it is not related to energetic masking caused by physical interactions between signal and masker. In this paper, we report a systematic release from informational masking of a target tone in a nine-tone rapid auditory sequence as the target is increasingly isolated in frequency or intensity from the remaining sequence components. Improved target-tone frequency difference limens as isolation increases are interpreted as a reflection of increasingly focused auditory attention. The change from diffuse to highly focused attention is gradual over the frequency and intensity ranges examined, with each 1-dB increment in target intensity relative to the remaining components producing performance improvements equivalent to those produced by a 2% increase in frequency isolation. The results are modeled as bands of attention in the frequency and intensity domains. For attention directed by frequency isolation, there is a strong correspondence with auditory filters predicted by the power spectrum model of masking. These data also support the existence of an attention band of intensity, with a bandwidth of about 5-7 dB at the moderate levels used in this experiment.  相似文献   

The results of an earlier study (Olsho, 1984) indicated that 5- to 8-month-old infants were relatively better at discriminating among high-frequency pitches than low. In the present study, sensory and nonsensory explanations for that effect were evaluated by examining infants' performance in a task requiring similar sensory processing but differing in the demands placed on processes such as memory. Infants' ability to resolve frequency was tested using a tonal masking paradigm, the psychophysical tuning curve. Twenty-four infants were tested at probe frequencies ranging from 500 to 4000 Hz; a group of young adults served as a comparison. Masked and unmasked thresholds were estimated using the visually reinforced head turn procedure in conjunction with an adaptive psychophysical method. Although infants' tuning curves fell below those of adults (indicating poorer performance), the widths and slopes of the infants' curves were not different from the adults'. Moreover, the difference between age groups remained constant across probe frequencies. These findings imply that by 5 months of age, the infant's ability to resolve sound frequency is similar to the adult's.  相似文献   

Prior studies have demonstrated impaired precision of processing within the auditory sensory memory (ASM) system in schizophrenia. This study used auditory backward masking to evaluate the degree to which such deficits resulted from impaired overall precision versus premature decay of information within the short-term auditory store. ASM performance was evaluated in 14 schizophrenic participants and 16 controls. Schizophrenic participants were severely impaired in their ability to match tones following delay. However, when no-mask performance was equated across participants, schizophrenic participants were no more susceptible to the effects of backward maskers than were controls. Thus, despite impaired precision of ASM performance, schizophrenic participants showed no deficits in the time course over which short-term representations could be used within the ASM system.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that infants’ thresholds for a pure tone are elevated by a masker more than would be predicted from their critical bandwidths. The present studies explored the nature of this additional masking. In Experiment 1, detection thresholds of 6-month-old infants and of adults for a 1-kHz tone were estimated under three conditions: in quiet, in the presence of a 4- to 10-kHz bandpa] noise at 40 dB SPL, and in the presence of the same noise at 50 dB SPL. The noise was gated on at the beginning of each trial. Adult thresholds were the same in all three conditions, indicating that little or no sensory masking took place in the presence of the noise. Infant thresholds were about 10 dB higher in the presence of the noise. We term this effectdistraction masking. In Experiment 2, the effect of gating the noise on at trial onset was examined. Thresholds for the same tone were estimated in quiet and in the presence of the bandpass noise at 40 dB SPL, but the noise was presented continuously during the session. Under these conditions, distraction masking was still observed for infants. These findings suggest that a masker can have nonsensory effects on infants’ performance in a psychoacoustic task.  相似文献   

In a previous behavioral study, we showed that parents of children with SLI had a subclinical deficit in phonological short-term memory. Here, we tested the hypothesis that they also have a deficit in nonverbal auditory sensory memory. We measured auditory sensory memory using a paradigm involving an electrophysiological component called the mismatch negativity (MMN). The MMN is a measure of the brain's ability to detect a difference between a frequent standard stimulus (1000 Hz tone) and a rare deviant one (1200 Hz tone). Memory effects were assessed by varying the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) between the standard and deviant. We predicted that parents of children with SLI would have a smaller MMN than parents of typically developing children at a long ISI (3000 ms), but not at a short one (800 ms). This was broadly confirmed. However, individual differences in MMN amplitude did not correlate with measures of phonological short-term memory. Attenuation of MMN amplitude at the longer ISI thus did not provide unambiguous support for the hypothesis of a reduced auditory sensory memory in parents of affected children. We conclude by reviewing possible explanations for the observed group effects.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated that infants' thresholds for a pure tone are elevated by a masker more than would be predicted from their critical bandwidths. The present studies explored the nature of this additional masking. In Experiment 1, detection thresholds of 6-month-old infants and of adults for a 1-kHz tone were estimated under three conditions: in quiet, in the presence of a 4- to 10-kHz bandpass noise at 40 dB SPL, and in the presence of the same noise at 50 dB SPL. The noise was gated on at the beginning of each trial. Adult thresholds were the same in all three conditions, indicating that little or no sensory masking took place in the presence of the noise. Infant thresholds were about 10 dB higher in the presence of the noise. We term this effect distraction masking. In Experiment 2, the effect of gating the noise on at trial onset was examined. Thresholds for the same tone were estimated in quiet and in the presence of the band-pass noise at 40 dB SPL, but the noise was presented continuously during the session. Under these conditions, distraction masking was still observed for infants. These findings suggest that a masker can have nonsensory effects on infants' performance in a psychoacoustic task.  相似文献   

The results of two experiments involving the matching of unfamiliar, nameless shapes (Gibson forms) indicated that a visual representation of a brief (30-100 ms) stimulus survives in a Short-Term Visual Memory (STVM) for 6 s or more after the onset of a pattern mask. On the basis of these results a possible alternative to Sperling's (1967) model for short-term memory for visual stimuli was presented. In this model it is assumed that recognition processes occupy several hundred milliseconds and continue after the arrival of the mask using the information available in STVM.  相似文献   

Although interference is a well-established forgetting function in short-term auditory memory, an adequate understanding of its underlying mechanisms and time course has yet to be attained. The present study therefore aimed to explore these issues in memory for timbre. Listeners compared standard and comparison complex tones, having distinct timbres (four components varying in frequency), over a 4.7-s retention interval and made a same–different response. This interval either was silent or included one of 15 distractor tones occurring 0 ms, 100 ms, or 1,200 ms after the standard. These distractors varied in the extent to which the frequencies of their component tones were shared with the standard. Performance in comparing the two tones was significantly impaired by distractors composed of novel frequencies, regardless of the temporal position at which the distractor occurred. These results were fully compatible with the recent timbre memory model (McKeown & Wellsted, 2009 McKeown, D. and Wellsted, D. 2009. Auditory memory for timbre. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35: 855875. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and suggested that interference in auditory memory operates via a feature-overwriting mechanism.  相似文献   

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