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Soul-making (cf. Jung and Hillman) is the process of integrating spiritual and bodily imagery into an intimated wholeness transcending conscious comprehension. Pierre Janet's case of the psychotic mystic, Madeleine, reveals that the patient had been making her own-soul even though his theory had no provision for soul. Janet's soul-stripping theory is contrasted with a soul-making approach, primarily in their respective interpretations of Madeleine's altered states of consciousness. Religious ecstasy is a stretching of soul, an expansion into the realm of spirit, which requires a subsequent descent into and reconciliation with tradition, society, outer world, and body.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to restore the interdependent or complementary relationship between self and others against the universalistic one (as I call it) that Kant, for example, once insisted on, by reexamining the concept of so-called private language. I shall consider some views in speech act theory and pragmatics, since there has often been discussion about such a private occurrence as the speaker's sincerity. For example, Jürgen Habermas situates it in the speaker's internal nature as will be seen later. In my opinion, alter ego is an ego because we can empathize (einfühlen) with it, and yet it is alter ego because it has some private experiences which we cannot perfectly comprehend.  相似文献   

Demoralization appears to be a key dimension of patients' presenting complaints to therapists today. This is especially true when the patient has gone through psychological traumatization; for example, rape, war, natural disaster, incest, or technological or occupational accidents. This article is to alert clinicians to this pervasive malady in patients, as it focuses on the dynamics and components of post-traumatic demoralization syndrome (PTDS) found in patients in the aftermath of psychic trauma. Some patients who seek assistance after a traumatic experience show symptoms many mistakenly formulate as being a pure case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTDS). Experience has shown that these patients' symptoms and complaints often do not add up to a full traumatic disorder, and even if they did, or could be classified as partial PTSD (Kulka and Associates, 1988), the clinician could still fall short in grasping the most complete clinical picture of their patients' symptomatology. In this article the PTDS will be described along with its various components, and how therapist can integrate the knowledge of this condition to help their patients recover from the self-fragmentation that attends psychological traumatization.  相似文献   

The author tests the kinship of the concepts faithful aging, the centerpiece of her book, The Art of Growing Old: A Guide to Faithful Aging (1998), and development of character, central to James Hillman's book, The Force of Character and the Lasting Life (1999). Faithful aging is assessed in characters from two plays: Graham Greene's The Potting Shed and Robert Anderson's I Never Sang for My Father. Finally, Saussy reflects on the development of character as a theological issue.  相似文献   

This article distinguishes between the ego of Freudian analysis and the ego of spiritual tradition. Using his own personal psychic and spiritual development, the writer demonstrates how the Freudian ego must grow and transform, bringing into consciousness and healing all psychic wounds. Secular depth psychology must open into a spiritual dimension when it encounters the drive in the human psyche toward the necessary and impossible. Finally, the writer shows how our spiritual life may mature into a contemplative life in union with the divine.recently published his autobiography: Both Feet Firmly Planted in Midair: A Spiritual Journey, Westminster/John Knox Press  相似文献   

Anton Boisen was both a psychologist of religion and a schizophrenic. His autobiography presents his case history but leaves many of his psychotic communications and experiences uninterpreted. This essay attempts to account for Boisen's most idiosyncratic psychotic products, drawing on theories of Jung and Bateson. Boisen and Jung both used experiences deriving from psychotic episodes to shape their subsequent life work. Boisen remained within liberal Protestantism, relinquishing his own crazy critique of Christianity developed during his mental illness. This critique is expressed through Boisen's notion of the Family of Four, a plan for world renewal that he himself never adequately interpreted.  相似文献   

Intellectual fascism is the arbitrary belief that individuals possessing certain good traits (such as intelligence and creativity) are intrinsically superior to those possessing bad traits (such as stupidity or lack of artistry). Although it is true that under certain conditions and for various purposes some human traits are more advantageous or better than others, rating people as good or bad on the basis of their intellectual performances is inaccurate and is often as pernicious as is political-social fascism. Moreover, where political fascists at least rate themselves highly while damning and persecuting others, intellectual fascists tend to severely damn themselves (as well as others) when they lack superlative intellectual and artistic traits. According to RET, all global ratings of people tend to be fascistic overgeneralizations. Intellectual fascism is political-social fascism with the trait names changed—the same hearse with different license plates.This article is a revision of one that originally appeared in a book by Dr. Ellis entitledSuppressed.  相似文献   

In adults, it is proposed that psychospiritual development occurs concurrently with a shift in god-image. Dreams provide primary access to discover and study this shift. Midlife graduate students in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Development each submitted a dream in a group seminar format. Images and themes that emerged reflect the individuation process described by C. G. Jung: the archetypal journey of life, the descent into hell, and the inner marriage were themes that recurred. This paper includes examples of dream material suggesting various sacred images and discussion of the dreams as a call to ministry. Also presented are techniques for group dream work.  相似文献   

A clinical observation regarding patients who complain about feeling left out and/or second best provides the framework for this paper. What is expressed is a form of separation anxiety coupled with a loser self-concept. It is suggested that these patients represent a milder form of the moral masochism. Early theoretical formulations include Freud and his emphasis on the superego and Reich's emphasis on the masochist's fear of being left alone. Kramer's little man phenomenon is an example of a more current theoretical formulation which takes account of the complexities of the ego, and composite self and identity in the clinical phenomena observed. A case of a latency-aged child is provided.  相似文献   

The logic of an ought operator O is contranegative with respect to an underlying preference relation if it satisfies the property Op & (¬p)(¬q) Oq. Here the condition that is interpolative ((p (pq) q) (q (pq) p)) is shown to be necessary and sufficient for all -contranegative preference relations to satisfy the plausible deontic postulates agglomeration (Op & OqO(p&q)) and disjunctive division (O(p&q) Op Oq).  相似文献   

Ildikó Sain 《Studia Logica》1988,47(3):279-301
The main result of this paper belongs to the field of the comparative study of program verification methods as well as to the field called nonstandard logics of programs. We compare the program verifying powers of various well-known temporal logics of programs, one of which is the Intermittent Assertions Method, denoted as Bur. Bur is based on one of the simplest modal logics called S5 or sometime-logic. We will see that the minor change in this background modal logic increases the program verifying power of Bur. The change can be described either technically as replacing the reflexive version of S5 with an irreflexive version, or intuitively as using the modality some-other-time instead of sometime. Some insights into the nature of computational induction and its variants are also obtained.This project was supported by the Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research, Grant No. 1810.  相似文献   

Conclusion It follows from the proved theorems that ifM =Q, (whereQ={0,q 1,q 2,...,q }) is a machine of the classM F then there exist machinesM i such thatM i(1,c)=M (q i,c) andQ i={0, 1, 2, ..., +1} (i=1, 2, ..., ).And thus, if the way in which to an initial function of content of memorycC a machine assigns a final onecC is regarded as the only essential property of the machine then we can deal with the machines of the formM ={0, 1, 2, ..., }, and processes (t) (wheret=1,c,cC) only.Such approach can simplify the problem of defining particular machines of the classM F , composing and simplifying them.Allatum est die 19 Januarii 1970  相似文献   

On–off phenomena in Parkinson's disease (PD) are unpredictable motor fluctuations associated with long-term levodopa use. Mood fluctuations have been found to coincide with the motor fluctuations in that depression and anxiety increase while the person with PD is in the off state. What has been relatively unexplored is whether those persons with PD who have on–off phenomena differ psychologically in fundamental ways from those who do not have on–off phenomena. In the present study, depression and anxiety symptoms were assessed in 36 persons with PD (n = 14 with on–off phenomena, n = 22 without on–off phenomena). All those with on–off phenomena were assessed in their on state. Those persons with PD with on–off phenomena had significantly higher levels of anxiety than those without on–off phenomena. However, both groups, regardless of on–off status, were mildly depressed. Neurobiological interpretations of the results implicate the locus coeruleus in the pathogenesis of both on–off phenomena and anxiety, whereas psychological interpretations of the results involve the issues of learned helplessness and control over health symptoms in PD.  相似文献   

We give sound and complete tableau and sequent calculi for the prepositional normal modal logics S4.04, K4B and G 0(these logics are the smallest normal modal logics containing K and the schemata A A, A A and A ( A); A A and AA; A A and ((A A) A) A resp.) with the following properties: the calculi for S4.04 and G 0are cut-free and have the interpolation property, the calculus for K4B contains a restricted version of the cut-rule, the so-called analytical cut-rule.In addition we show that G 0is not compact (and therefore not canonical), and we proof with the tableau-method that G 0is characterised by the class of all finite, (transitive) trees of degenerate or simple clusters of worlds; therefore G 0is decidable and also characterised by the class of all frames for G 0.Research supported by Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, project number P8495-PHY.Presented by W. Rautenberg  相似文献   

Jay F. Rosenberg 《Topoi》1988,7(1):57-63
Beginning with Descartes' caution not imprudently to take some other object in place of myself, I consider first the problems of self-identification confronted by variousamnesiacs, both ordinary and Cartesian. Noting thatcogitationes as such do not individuate, I proceed to examine conclusions drawn from certain sorts of body-switching thought experiments. This, in turn, gives rise to a general critique of psychological connectedness or unity of consciousness as a candidate criterion of personal identity. I conclude that our ability to apply any notion of personal identity is parasitic upon the existence of a conceptual apparatus for individuating, identifying, and reidentifying objects. Finally, I argue that, if person is a proper sortal predicate to begin with, Descartes'res cogitans cannot be understood as a species of the (metaphysical) genusres, distinct fromres extensa and only problematically in interaction with it. Cartesian dualism is a multiply untenable doctrine.  相似文献   

Coming fromI andCl, i.e. from intuitionistic and classical propositional calculi with the substitution rule postulated, and using the sign to add a new connective there have been considered here: Grzegorozyk's logicGrz, the proof logicG and the proof-intuitionistic logicI set up correspondingly by the calculiFor any calculus we denote by the set of all formulae of the calculus and by the lattice of all logics that are the extensions of the logic of the calculus, i.e. sets of formulae containing the axioms of and closed with respect to its rules of inference. In the logiclG the sign is decoded as follows: A = (A & A). The result of placing in the formulaA before each of its subformula is denoted byTrA. The maps are defined (in the definitions of x and the decoding of is meant), by virtue of which the diagram is constructedIn this diagram the maps, x and are isomorphisms, thereforex –1 = ; and the maps and are the semilattice epimorphisms that are not commutative with lattice operation +. Besides, the given diagram is commutative, and the next equalities take place: –1 = –1 and = –1 x. The latter implies in particular that any superintuitionistic logic is a superintuitionistic fragment of some proof logic extension.  相似文献   

Basic Predicate Logic, BQC, is a proper subsystem of Intuitionistic Predicate Logic, IQC. For every formula in the language {, , , , , , }, we associate two sequences of formulas 0,1,... and 0,1,... in the same language. We prove that for every sequent , there are natural numbers m, n, such that IQC , iff BQC n m. Some applications of this translation are mentioned.  相似文献   

Summary Our hypothesis:The meaning of a word experienced by the speaker/ listener using this word depends, in part, on the cognition of the situation in which the sentence is uttered. In order to test this hypothesis drawings showing two persons each were selected; the persons had been rated on the Semantic Differential as being high (or low) on one of the dimensions of Activity, Potency, or Evaluation, and medium on the two other dimensions. In the next step, 36 Ss rated on the Semantic Differential the verb of a short utterance (e.g. ich bitte dich) shown as being spoken by one person of the drawing to the other person. The same words were rated in isolation.Result:The connotative meaning of an utterance (as assessed by the SD) is determined not less by the persons perceived in verbal communication than by what is being said. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Nach unserer Ausgangshypothese hängt die Bedeutung eines Wortes, das ein Sprecher/Hörer verwendet, mit davon ab, wie dieser Sprecher/ Hörer die Situation kognitiv erfaßt, in welcher das Wort geäußert wird. Zur Prüfung dieser Hypothese wurden Zeichungen ausgesucht, auf denen jeweils zwei Personen zu sehen waren. Diese Personen waren auf dem Semantischen Differential eingestuft worden und zeigten hohe (oder niedere) Werte auf einer der drei Dimensionen Aktivität, Potenz bzw. Valenz, und mittlere Werte auf den beiden anderen Dimensionen. Im nächsten Abschnitt des Versuchs stuften 36 Vpn. das Verb eines kurzen Satzes (z. B. ich bitte dich), der in der Zeichung als von einer Person zur anderen gesprochen dargestellt wurde, ebenfalls auf dem SD ein. Die gleichen Wörter wurden dann noch isoliert eingestuft.Ergebnis: Die konnotative Bedeutung einer Äußerung scheint mindestens so sehr davon determiniert zu werden, wie man Sprecher/Hörer auffaßt, als von einer dem Wort sozusagen inhärenten Bedeutung.

Mark F. Ettin 《Group》2001,25(4):253-298
There is a reconsideration and renaissance of interest in expanded conceptions of unconscious processes as they affect individuals and groups (Grotstein, 1999). Recent focus on social unconscious (Hopper, 1996) and cultural unconscious processes (Henderson, 1988) and the nature of intersubjectivity (Harwood and Pines, 1998) raise questions about the location of group analysis. This paper considers the deep structure of group life by examining four functions of the unconscious: repressive, conservative, creative, and mythopoetic (Ellenberger, 1970). On an individual level of analysis, these functions are equated respectively with formative ideas about the: personal–subjective, social–political, intersubjective–cultural and collective–objective unconscious. Group level analogs, as they develop and affect groups and their members, are explored as synthetic, shared, symbolicy and synchronous unconscious processes.  相似文献   

St. Paul's spiritual body is envisaged as imaginal body, the wordimaginal standing for the intermediate realm of beings and events in Neoplatonism and Sufism. Swedenborg's world of spirits and angels conforms to this view and so is seen as contributing to a richer understanding of St. Paul in the sense of a good docetism. Crucial in this kind of revisioning the mystery of resurrection is the creative power of visionary imagination, which, in turn, is inseparable from the reality of the soul as thesitus of visionary events.  相似文献   

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