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太虚大师抗战时期长住重庆,秉持大乘佛法出世而入世的精神,因应时机倡导"今菩萨行",后发展成更完备的菩萨学处体系.以汉藏教理院学僧和慈云寺僧侣救护队为代表,重庆佛教界积极响应投身于救国,特别后者为救护难民作出了相当贡献.不仅如此,太虚大师这一思想对现今重庆乃至中国佛教亦影响深远.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose to develop a methodology, based on a set of isomorphic patterns of practice, for studying the operational competencies of systemic therapists. By attending to the therapists' actions at the level of practice, we have identified unifying principles that run across the different models of systemic family therapy. This is a pattern of action that we call "systemic practice." In order to show the application of this methodology in the art of practice, we have analyzed excerpts from two videotaped sessions.  相似文献   

光阴荏苒,岁月如流。弹指间,离开母校道教学院已历时十三个春秋。而这座世界上唯一的道教最高学府亦随着时光的脚步,在广大学子们热切的期盼和无限祝福声中,迎来了自己第十五个生日。蓦然回首,往事历历在目。同众多道门学子一样,我们都曾在这片充满希望有热土上留下过自己的足迹,播种过理想的种子,对母校中国道教学院这个庄严神圣的名字,抱含着无比深厚的情愫。十五年的奋斗岁月,十五年的辉煌历程,母校为道门培育出一批又一批中流砥柱,为继承和发展道教事业增添了无穷的后继力量。作为从母校学习毕业的学子,多年来,我们无不在母校甘醇的乳汁…  相似文献   

Brian Feltham 《Res Publica》2004,10(4):461-471

实践、艺术与自由--马克思实践概念的再理解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来 ,在对马克思实践概念的讨论中 ,马克思实践概念与亚里士多德实践概念的重大不同 ,格外为人们所重视。有人据此批评了马克思对亚里士多德的背离 ,有人则为之辩护。但无论是批评还是辩护 ,似乎都忘记追问一下两位实践哲学大师关于实践概念的不同规定是如何产生的 ,马克思是基于什么考虑而采取了与亚里士多德完全不同的实践概念 ,这种不同后面是否还有相同的东西 ,以及这种不同又意味着什么。而在讨论中人们之所以将如此复杂而重大的理论问题简单化 ,在我看来 ,恐怕主要地导因于论者往往忽略了一个至关重要的因素 ,那就是艺术活动在亚里…  相似文献   

Jacobs DG  Brewer ML 《CNS spectrums》2006,11(6):447-454
This article presents charts from The American Psychiatric Association Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Patients with Suicidal Behaviors, part of the Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders Compendium, and a summary of the assessment information in a format that can be used in routine clinical practice. Four steps in the assessment process are presented: the use of a thorough psychiatric examination to obtain information about the patient's current presentation, history, diagnosis, and to recognize suicide risk factors therein; the necessity of asking very specific questions about suicidal ideation, intent, plans, and attempts; the process of making an estimation of the patient's level of suicide risk is explained; and the use of modifiable risk and protective factors as the basis for treatment planning is demonstrated. Case reports are used to clarify use of each step in this process.  相似文献   

A positive practice procedure was used in a public school classroom to reduce the frequency of body-rocking on a 16-year old severely retarded girl. Although previous interventions (DRO, time out, verbal instructions) had proven ineffective, positive practice rapidly reduced the frequency of body-rocking to near zero levels in 7 days of treatment. The procedures were easily carried out and cost-effective, requiring approximately 9 minutes of staff time per day during 20 days of treatment and 1.4 minutes/day during a 135-day follow-up period. Six months of follow-up revealed that response suppression was durable. Little generalization of suppression was observed from the training setting to other settings.  相似文献   

象山先生十分关注教化对人格塑造和社会安定的实践意义。与其心学旨趣相仿,象山更为强调的是教化的主体性。象山把教化的本质规定为自我教化,认为教化的关键就在于“正人心”,恢复“本心”,社会教化不过是自我教化向外推衍的结果。尽管通过讲明与践履,教化的最终目标是“一致于道”,但它又有着民众社会教化和士君子自我教化的分野,正是在这讲明与践履、民与士、社会教化和自我教化的张力中,象山先生开始了自己的教化理论与实践。象山坚信,人的普遍本质是内在的而非外在的,因此,同西方教化理论相比,象山先生的自我教化理论通过向内在自我回归以实现人的普遍性的提升,从而达成了人的本质的自我认同而非异化,这一睿见卓识意义深远。  相似文献   

实践的控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李翔宇  崔绪治 《学海》2005,42(3):101-105
实践是人的存在方式,实践造就了人。但这并不表明实践应该被人类奉为圣物而崇拜!当实践仅仅被当作工具理性和政治理性的代名词而对自然界及人类社会进行改造时,实践就有可能使人类陷入一个自己为自己设下的牢笼之中。因此,反思实践,控制实践,才能确保人类社会的和谐安宁和人与自然的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The educational practice of Giordano Bruno University is to use cyber-technology and active-learning teaching methods to deliver low cost, on-demand higher education. The result will be the empowerment of women and men who historically have not had access to this means of enhancing capability and self esteem.  相似文献   

"修行"是一种实践活动。道教所谓"修行"说到底就是"修道",力图通过伦理道德实践和养生技术手段来调理身心,最终达到"与道合真"的理想境界。从这个角度讲,道教修行也可称为"大道修行"。  相似文献   

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