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Gregory R. Peterson 《Zygon》2000,35(2):221-232
The importance of scientific conflicts for theology andphilosophy is difficult to judge. In many disputes of significance, prominent scientists can be found on both sides. Profound philosophical and religious implications are sometimes said to be implied by the new theory as well. This article examines the dispute over natural selection between Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould as a contemporary instance of such a conflict. While both claim that profound philosophical conclusions flow from their own alternativeaccount of evolution, I suggest that the implication is not as great as is claimed and that the alleged implications have as much to do with their own perceptions of theology as with the actual theories themselves. Nevertheless, evolutionary theory is not irrelevant for theology. Theologians should be aware of the possible implications of evolutionary theory and at the same time theextent and limits of such implications.  相似文献   

Journal for General Philosophy of Science - Der Wissenschaftskonzeption der ?kritischen Theorie“ der zu verändernden Gesellschaft (Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas) wird im...  相似文献   

Erich Fromm (1900?C1980) was one of the forerunners of the intersubjective tradition in psychoanalysis. Trained at the Berlin Institute and emigrated to the US he started in the 1930s to reformulate psychoanalytic theory by focusing on man??s need to be related on reality, on others and on himself and herself. Similar to Sullivan, Fromm looked at man primarily as a social being but in contrast to Sullivan, Fromm much more stressed man??s being molded by societal requirements and by an intersubjectivity that is determined by strivings originating in his social character structure. The impact the respective social character orientation has on the patient??s being related to others and to himself and herself is to be recognized in the analysis of the therapeutic processes between analyst and analysand. In principle sociality plays a much bigger role for changing intrapsychic processes. Because of Fromm??s ??societal?? orientation his approach to psychoanalysis is still of relevance to understand how the intersubjective and intrapsychic is interwoven in each individual. Beyond that his approach enables insights into what is going on psychically in society and how these changes are influential to the individual??s welfare or suffering.  相似文献   



11 out of 35 male employees of a central alert team with rescue coordination function developed a tinnitus disorder. This clinical case-study highlights the psychodynamic background of this accumulation.


Employees were investigated by psychometric questionnaires and semistructured psychodynamic biografical interviews. Additionally aspects of group dynamics and organisational structure were assessed.


All staff members reported adverse work conditions. Medical and psychometric examination of the tinnitus patients did not reveal severe pathological findings. The interviews identified psychodynamic conflicts dealing with autonomy and regulation of self-esteem. All tinnitus patients reported a very adverse or punitive father relation and difficulties in performing a stabile male role and self-image. Group dynamics was dominated by paranoid and regressive tendencies complicated by maladaptive coping, crude perception of external facts and a pronounced experience of aggressive impulses.


The remobilisation of infantile powerlessness, ineffectiveness and helplessness triggered by adverse work conditions and the introduction of a new culture of personal responsibility within the work organisation together with an impaired coping of separation conflicts enforced by traumatic aspects of the relation with the father may have promoted the tinnitus symptomatology. Additionally, due to the missing awareness of the importance of such group dynamical processes the employers contributed to an increasing psychosocial distress, which promoted the accumulated manifestation of tinnitus as a conflict expressive symptom.  相似文献   

Self-optimization is a widespread trend. Psychotherapists often attempt to psychologically explain self-optimization as a manifestation of narcissism. In reality the fact that self-optimization has become a contemporary imperative is only comprehensible against the background of the individualization of living conditions (Beck). In psychotherapy the boundaries between medical treatment of mental illnesses and enhancement of the psyche are increasingly becoming more flexible. By promising to be able to help on the road to a happier and more productive life, to mental well-being or more life satisfaction, psychotherapy joins the self-optimization chorus. Not all attempts at optimization are limited to wanting to improve those features which are inherent to a person: others, such as the transhumanists want to overcome the imperfections of man via technologically upgrading the human nature.  相似文献   

Terence L. Nichols 《Zygon》2002,37(1):193-210
Though early ideas of evolution saw it as progressive, most modern theories see it as a random walk. The theories of Richard Dawkins, Stephen Jay Gould, Edward O. Wilson, Stuart Kauffman, Steven Rose, and Robert Wesson are surveyed, showing their agreement on the fact of evolution but not on the mechanism. Evolution is an incomplete theory. Any theology should therefore be based only on its broadest features. Generally, evolution is the development of complex forms from simple ancestors. Within a Christian context, it can be seen as a journey toward the unification of all things in Christ, the ultimate complexity.  相似文献   

Igor A. Caruso (1914?C1981), one of the founders of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS) in 1962, began to discuss questions of the interplay of biological, social and evolutional realities and intrapsychic development in the early 1950s with the early Vienna Circle of Depth Psychology. Caruso understood that the specific human ability to transcend the overdetermined biological constitution into a development of consciousness, care and self-awareness is basic for the need and lifelong activity of intersubjective relationship. Sexual and survival drives as the biological basis contain their own transformation as cultural potency within the subject-object relationship. Each act of relationship to things and living objects creates a new reality which is a meaningful symbol for both parts of the relationship in their own individual reality. This new, third, reality gains full effectiveness for both actors as ??symbolic realism?? and initiates the ongoing development. In this understanding psychic development is a process of changing interactive creation and effectiveness, following biological drive dynamics as well as its inherent future transformations by attachment. Symbolization is therefore the main intrapsychic and intersubjective activity of development of object-awareness and self-awareness. Caruso emphasized the meaning of symbol and symbolization as an act of relationship to and within the world and consequently understood psychoanalytical theories as well as a changing symbolization of relationship.  相似文献   

At least analysts consider our own therapeutic approach as the preferable method, even if seen as very difficult. These difficulties are easier to understand from the viewpoint of intersubjectivity and interaction when looking at the origins of the problems as well as at the therapeutic process. Therapists seem with such patients to be more quickly tangled up in the field of the own ambivalence in relating, of omnipotence phantasies, illusions of independency and the striving for recognition as it is the case with other patients. Organising the practice along their own needs, the often devaluative diagnostics, the superior role of the therapist and the economic dependence of the analyst, even if covered up by the health care system, all that is a provocation for narcissistic patients, just as their seeming unrelatedness and lack of motivation, their pseudo-autonomy and the hardly bearable devaluations amount also to a provocation for the analyst. He/she is irritated about his/her usual role. From our theoretical point of view, we consider the narcissistic disturbance as a coproduction with the contribution of the therapist beyond his/her own idiosyncratic parts on the basis of the disawoed dimensions of grandiosity in our profession. Such narcissistic “interaction figures” are unavoidable and even necessary in practice. Relational experiences made in a presymbolic phase should become verbalizable through the entangled acting-out (unconscious communication) of both participants. The analysis of coproductions then, the recognition of the respective contributions, the patient‘s experience of equality and difference pave the way for developments in direction of more workable compromises in the narcissistic conflict area between being oneself and relating to others.  相似文献   

In this paper an attempt is made at developing the notion of a real and complete empirical explanation as excluding all forms of potential or incomplete explanations. This explanation is, however, no longer conceived as the proper aim of empirical science, for it can certainly be gleaned from recent epistemological publications that no comprehensive notion of a real and complete scientific explanation is likely to be constructed from within empirical science. Contrary to common understanding the empirical explanation, deductive-nomological as well as statistical explanation, is considered here only as motive of scientific activities, i.e., as common aim of a transcending cooperation of scientific and non-scientific social practice. Following from this the proper aim of empirical science now consists in the development of practically relevant explanatory theories.This redetermination of the aim of scientific activities of empirical science also means criticism of the unification of deductive-nomological and statistical explanations, as it has been proposed by Wolfgang Stegmüller in his pragmatisch-epistemische Wende. For both forms of empirical explanation must be referred to fundamentally different kinds of practical relevance, the former playing a more important role in the advancement of social practice. Stegmüller's development of a comprehensive probabilistic notion of empirical explanation, as tied up to pragmatic knowledge-situations, in a way already transcends a scientifically immanent determination of it, but he seems to have stopped halfway on the road to practically relevant empirical explanations. Several insufficiencies with his probabilistic notion of empirical explanation are shown up in this paper as a consequence of his abiding by pragmatic, and not penetrating to practical, knowledge-situations. The final result of it, however, consists in a clarification and a modification of the concept of deductive-nomological explanation, originally developed by Hempel and Oppenheim.  相似文献   

Quality assurance is one of the recurrent topics in forensic psychiatry and the first methods used were systematic documentation and the development of structured assessment and documentation instruments. In German speaking countries the forensic psychiatric documentation system (FPDS) was derived essentially from the AMDP (working group for methods and documentation in psychiatry) system used in clinical psychiatry and consisted of a modular instrument with a basic module and additional ones for the assessment of violent offenders or of sex offenders for risk assessment etc. The development of comparable instruments became especially popular for risk assessment in different settings and for different offender populations. Even more important was that it initiated a platform for scientific exchange, producing a reliable data base, structured training in forensic psychiatry and evaluation of expert reports. Systematic documentation using instruments was often criticized for reducing information and overlooking the complexity of the problems encountered in forensic psychiatry. The critics, however, often do not seem to be aware of the real quality of forensic assessments and reports, of the variety or of the minimal information they often contain. Systematic documentation serves to find a common language among the experts and the courts to improve the assessment of reliability and validity of the information provided, to establish minimal requirements for the formulation of reports and to prove professionally correct handling of cases in litigation against an expert.  相似文献   

Is there still any importance of Husserl's Phenomenology for contemporary forms of philosophy of science? A comparison between Phenomenology and a prominent form of such modern philosophy of science, the so-called Critical Rationalism of Karl Popper, may help to answer this question. Therefore, the different levels of argumentation have to be worked out to make the respective arguments applicable to one another. We are arguing for the following thesis: the strategy of corroboration in Critical Rationalism can be justified by means of the phenomenological conception of intentioality of consciousness. A typical example may illustrate how Popper's conception of taking the degree of corroboration as an indicator of the degree of verisimilitude can find its deeper foundation in Husserl's genetic interpretation of ordinary kinds of experience.  相似文献   

Ever since its inception, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection has challenged assumptions about the nature of humankind and human institutions. It did not escape the notice of Darwin, sympathetic allies, or hostile contemporaries that his theory had profound implications for ethics and theology. In this paper I review some current sociobiological hypotheses about the mind that are based on the theory that the human mind is primarily a social tool. Many researchers now believe that both complex human within-group cooperation and between-group competition are the anvils that may have shaped the modules of the mind. Given this evolutionary theory of the mind, the Darwinian challenge to theism, ethics, and faith is now being relaunched with a vengeance. However, I suggest that modern physics, evolutionary biology, and cognitive science all seem to fit nicely into the atheistic and phenomenological niche defined by Buddhism.  相似文献   

James H. Fetzer 《Synthese》2011,178(2):381-396
The distinguished theologian, David Ray Griffin, has advanced a set of thirteen theses intended to characterize (what he calls) “Neo-Darwinism” and which he contrasts with “Intelligent Design”. Griffin maintains that Neo-Darwinism is “atheistic” in forgoing a creator but suggests that, by adopting a more modest scientific naturalism and embracing a more naturalistic theology, it is possible to find “a third way” that reconciles religion and science. The considerations adduced here suggest that Griffin has promised more than he can deliver. On his account, God is in laws of nature; therefore, any influence He exerts is natural rather than supernatural. But if the differences God makes are not empirically detectable, then Griffin’s account is just as objectionable as a theory of supernatural intervention. And Griffin has not shown that evolution as distinct from his idiosyncratic sense of Neo-Darwinism is incompatible with theism.  相似文献   

In contrast to mainstream psychiatry which mainly focuses on the proximate causes of human behavior, evolutionary psychiatry tries to elucidate the ultimate causes of the systems involved in generating specific behavioral patterns. Thus, it is in contradiction to the tabula-rasa model commonly used in social sciences. Using this explanatory approach, it is shown that behavioral sciences like human ethology initiated by K. Lorenz and I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt provide an important scientific basis for modern psychiatry.  相似文献   

Somatoforme St?rungen stellen in den westlichen Industriegesellschaften ein erhebliches Problem für Behandlung, Begutachtung und Sozialversicherungswesen dar. Anders als bei sch?rfer umschriebenen psychiatrischen Krankheitsbildern, deren klinisches Erscheinungsbild gut bekannt und deren St?rungswert unbestritten ist, erfolgt hier die Symptompr?sentation durch verbale, mimische und gestische Darstellung. Insofern k?nnen sowohl Form als auch Schweregrad der Beschwerden durch willentliche Einflu?nahme gestaltet werden, was die M?glichkeit der Zweckgerichtetheit aufgrund sekund?rer Motivbildung zumindest mit einschlie?t.  相似文献   

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