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When one performs visuo-manual tracking tasks, velocity profile of hand movements shows discontinuous patterns even if the target moves smoothly. A crucial factor of this “intermittency” is considerable delay in the sensorimotor feedback loop, and several researchers have suggested that the cause is intermittent correction of motor commands. However, when and how the brain monitors task performance and updates motor commands in a continuous motor task is uncertain. We examined how tracking error was affected by the timing of target disappearance during a tracking task. Results showed that tracking error, defined as the average phase difference between target and hand, varied periodically in all conditions. Hand preceded target at one specific phase but followed it at another, implying that motor control was not performed in a temporally uniform manner. Tracking stability was evaluated by the variance in phase difference, and changed depending on the timing of target-removal. The variability was larger when target disappeared around turning points than that when it disappeared around the center of motion. This shows that visual information at turning points is more effectively exploited for motor control of sinusoidal target tracking, suggesting that our brain controls hand movements with intermittent reference to visual information.  相似文献   

We investigated whether and how the movement initiation condition (IC) encountered during the early movements performed following focal muscle fatigue affects the postural control of discrete ballistic movements. For this purpose, subjects performed shoulder flexions in a standing posture at maximal velocity under two movement IC, i.e., in self-paced conditions and submitted to a Stroop-like task in which participants had to trigger fast shoulder flexions at the presentation of incongruent colors. Shoulder flexion kinematics, surface muscle activity of focal and postural muscles as well as center-of-pressure kinematics were recorded. The initial IC and the order in which subjects were submitted to these two conditions were varied within two separate experimental sessions. IC schedule was repeated before and after fatigue protocols involving shoulder flexors. The aim of this fatigue procedure was to affect acceleration-generating capacities of focal muscles. In such conditions, the postural muscle activity preceding and accompanying movement execution is expected to decrease. Following fatigue, when subjects initially moved in self-paced conditions, postural muscle activity decreased and scaled to the lower focal peak acceleration. This postural strategy then transferred to the Stroop-like task. In contrast, when subjects initially moved submitted to the Stroop-like task, postural muscle activity did not decrease and this transferred to self-paced movements. Regarding the center-of-pressure peak velocity, which is indicative of the efficiency of the postural actions generated in stabilizing posture, no difference appeared between the two sessions post-fatigue. This highlights an optimization of the postural actions when subjects first moved in self-paced conditions, smaller postural muscle activation levels resulting in similar postural consequences. In conclusion, the level of neuromuscular activity associated with the postural control is affected and can be optimized by the initial movement IC experienced post-fatigue. Beyond the fundamental contributions arising from these results, we point out potential applications for trainers and sports instructors.  相似文献   

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