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The study tested a hypothesis that practice of arm pointing movement can lead to a reorganization of the joint coordination reflected in the emergence of several synergies based on the same set of joints. In particular, involvement of the wrist may represent a choice by the central nervous system and not be driven by the typical “freezing-to-freeing” sequence. The effects of practice on the kinematic patterns and variability of a “fast and accurate” pointing movement using a pointer were studied. An obstacle was placed between the initial position and the target to encourage a curvilinear trajectory and larger wrist involvement. Practice led to a decrease in variability indices accompanied by an increase in movement speed of the endpoint and of the elbow and the shoulder, but not of the wrist joint. Five out of six subjects decreased the peak-to-peak amplitude of wrist motion. Before practice, the variability along the line connecting the endpoint to the shoulder (extent) was similar to that in the direction orthogonal to this line. After practice, variability was reduced along the extent, but not along the orthogonal direction perpendicular to this line. Prior to practice, indices of variability of the endpoint were lower than those of the marker placed over the wrist; after practice, the endpoint showed higher variability indices than the wrist. We interpret the data as consequences of the emergence of two synergies: (a) Pointing with a non-redundant set of the elbow and shoulder joints; and (b) keeping wrist position constant. The former synergy is based on a structural unit involving the elbow and the shoulder, while the latter is based on a structural unit that includes all the major arm joints.  相似文献   

We investigated the changes in the motor synergies of target-tracking movements of hands and the responses to perturbation when the dimensionalities of target positions were changed. We used uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analyses to quantify the motor synergies. The target was changed from one to two dimensions, and the direction orthogonal to the movement direction was switched from task-irrelevant directions to task-relevant directions. The movement direction was task-relevant in both task conditions. Hence, we evaluated the effects of constraints on the redundant dimensions on movement tracking. Moreover, we could compare the two types of responses to the same directional perturbations in one- and two-dimensional target tasks. In the one-dimensional target task, the perturbation along the movement direction and the orthogonal direction were task-relevant and -irrelevant perturbations, respectively. In the two-dimensional target task, the both perturbations were task-relevant perturbations. The results of the experiments showed that the variabilities of the hand positions in the two-dimensional target-tracking task decreased, but the variances of the joint angles did not significantly change. For the task-irrelevant perturbations, the variances of the joint angles within the UCM that did not affect hand position (UCM component) increased. For the task-relevant perturbations, the UCM component tended to increase when the available UCM was large. These results suggest that humans discriminate whether the perturbations were task-relevant or -irrelevant and then adjust the responses of the joints by utilizing the available UCM.  相似文献   

Anticipatory responses to inversion perturbations can prevent an accurate assessment of lateral ankle sprain mechanics when using injury simulations. Despite recent evidence of the anticipatory motor control strategies utilized during inversion perturbations, kinetic compensations during anticipated inversion perturbations are currently unknown. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the influence of anticipation to an inversion perturbation during a single-leg drop landing on ankle joint and impact kinetics. Fifteen young adults with no lateral ankle sprain history completed unanticipated and anticipated single-leg drop landings onto a 25° laterally inclined platform from a height of 30 cm. One-dimensional statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to analyze net ankle moments and ground reaction forces (GRF) during the first 150 ms post-landing, while peak GRFs, time to peak GRF, peak and average loading rates were compared using a dependent samples t-test (p ≤ 0.05). Results from the SPM analysis revealed significantly greater plantar flexion moment from 58 to 83 ms post-landing (p = 0.004; d = 0.64–0.77), inversion moment from 89 to 91 ms post-landing (p = 0.050; d = 0.58–0.60), and medial GRF from 62 to 97 ms post-landing (p < 0.001; d = 1.00–2.39) during the unanticipated landing condition. Moreover, significantly greater peak plantarflexion (p < 0.001; d = 1.10) and peak inversion moment (p = 0.007; d = 0.94), as well as greater peak (p = 0.002; d = 1.03) and average (p = 0.042; d = 0.66) medial loading rates, were found during the unanticipated landing condition. Our findings suggest alterations to ankle joint and impact kinetics occur during a single-leg drop landing when inversion perturbations are anticipated. Researchers and practitioners using drop-landings onto a tilted surface to assess lateral ankle sprain injury risk should consider implementing protocols that mitigate anticipatory responses.  相似文献   

Variability and control structure are under-represented areas of golf swing research. This study investigated the use of the abundant degrees of freedom in the golf swing of high and intermediate skilled golfers using uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis. The variance parallel to (VUCM) and orthogonal to (VOrth) the UCM with respect to the orientation and location of the clubhead were calculated. The higher skilled golfers had proportionally higher values of VUCM than lower skilled players for all measured outcome variables. Motor synergy was found in the control of the orientation of the clubhead and the combined outcome variables but not for clubhead location. Clubhead location variance zeroed-in on impact as has been previously shown, whereas clubhead orientation variance increased near impact. Both skill levels increased their control over the clubhead location leading up to impact, with more control exerted over the clubhead orientation in the early downswing. The results suggest that to achieve higher skill levels in golf may not lie simply in optimal technique, but may lie more in developing control over the abundant degrees of freedom in the body.  相似文献   

Recent systematic reviews (Wilson et al., 2013, Dev. Med. Child Neurol., 55, 217; Adams et al., 2014, Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 47C, 225) suggest that a common underlying problem in developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is the internal modelling deficit. The study presented here is the first to test this hypothesis using a within‐subject design, assessing motor imagery, action planning, and rapid online control (ROC) in a sample of children screened rigorously for DCD. Participants were 66 children; 33 children (26 boys and seven girls) aged 6–11 years in the DCD group and 33 controls (gender and age matched). Motor imagery was assessed with the hand rotation task (HRT), action planning with an end‐state comfort effect test, and ROC with the double‐step pointing task. Results showed that children with DCD were slower and less accurate than controls in the HRT. Reduced forward planning for comfortable end‐state was also shown in DCD. Finally, no group differences were found on the ROC task. Collectively, children with DCD manifest deficits in the internal modelling of movements, but this varies under different task constraints, particularly those related to movement complexity.  相似文献   

Cross-lateralisation and increased motor difficulties have been reported in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Nevertheless, the question of how crossed (i.e. mixed preference) or uncrossed (i.e. same side preference) lateralisation impacts motor performance in children with ADHD has yet to be examined. In this study, previously validated observational measures of hand and foot preference were used to identify right-handed children with ADHD who display cross- (n = 29) and uncross-lateralisation (n = 31). An uncross-lateralised typically developing (TD) group (n = 32) was also identified, and included as a control. Motor performance was assessed with seven valid and reliable fine and gross motor tasks performed with both preferred and non-preferred limbs. Group, task and sex-related effects were examined. Findings revealed that male (but not female) cross-lateralised children with ADHD performed significantly worse, respectively, in two of the fine motor tasks (spiral tracing [p < .01], and dot filling [p < .05]). Results suggest that cross-lateralised hand and foot preference may affect complex motor skills in male children with ADHD. Furthermore, characteristics of ADHD may manifest differently in male and female children. Findings highlight the importance of considering both hand and foot preference when targeting motor interventions for children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The question of independently controlled components in the act of reaching and grasping has attracted interest experimentally and theoretically. Data from 35 studies were recently found consistent with simulated kinematic finger and thumb trajectories optimised for minimum jerk. The present study closely reproduces those trajectories using a discrete-time model based on minimum acceleration. That model was further used to generate two-dimensional trajectories for finger and thumb to reach and grasp an elliptical object with varying position and/or orientation. Orthogonalisation of these four trajectories revealed one degree of freedom when direction of reach was constant and two degrees of freedom when direction of reach varied, irrespective of object distance and orientation. These simulations indicate that reach and grasp movements contain redundancy that is removable by formation of task-dependent synergies. As skilled movement can be planned and executed in a low dimension workspace, control of these independent components lessens central workload.  相似文献   

Being physically active plays an essential role in a child's physical development. While there is ample evidence for a positive association between physical activity (PA) and motor skills in children, the question of how PA should be implemented to optimally foster motor skill proficiency is less clear. To address this gap, the current longitudinal study compared four groups of children with different patterns of leisure-time PA engagement—namely children engaging in either structured PA, unstructured PA, a combination of structured and unstructured PA, or no PA at all—with respect to their gross and fine motor skill development. Results of repeated measures mixed modeling procedures revealed that engaging in structured PA—either exclusively or in combination with unstructured PA—is beneficial for children's gross motor development, whereas engaging in unstructured PA lacks such effectiveness. As to fine motor skills, a beneficial tendency of structured PA was observed as well. Hence, PA seems to be beneficial for motor skill development particularly when implemented in a formal setting with guided opportunities for practice. In conclusion, regularly engaging in structured PA constitutes a promising way to promote motor skills and support motor development over the long term.  相似文献   

Different lines of evidence suggest an association between motor skills and executive functions (EFs) in kindergarten children. Comparatively little is known about the specific nature of this relationship. In the present study, using a within-subjects design, a sample of 124 five- to six-year-old children completed 12 fine and gross motor tasks of varying nominal difficulty and three EFs tasks. We assumed that difficult motor tasks are less automated than easy motor tasks. Therefore, EFs should be involved more strongly in difficult compared to easy motor tasks. Firstly, results replicated the association between motor skills and EFs. Secondly, results provided a new and differentiated perspective on the evidence of this link. Performance on both easy and difficult fine motor tasks was significantly related to EFs. However, only performance on the difficult, but not on the easy gross motor tasks was significantly correlated with EFs. The findings demonstrate that the challenges and demands inherent in any motor task influence the magnitude of the motor–EFs link. That is, difficult (i.e., less automated) motor tasks require EFs more substantially than easy (i.e., more automated) motor tasks. Results will be discussed with regard to further candidate processes underlying the motor–EFs link.  相似文献   

BackgroundFatigue is a distressing symptom inversely related to postural stability in adults with neuromuscular and systemic diseases. However, there is no information about the effects of lower limb muscles fatigability on the movement strategies for balance control in the upright standing.MethodsThis study enrolled 41 healthy subjects (female/male: 22/19; age 23 ± 3 years; body mass index 25.4 ± 3.7 kg/m2). Participants underwent posturography and surface electromyography of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle during a sustained, fatiguing voluntary contraction of the gastrocnemius preceded and followed by quiet standing (120 s). Amplitude of electromyograms and fatigability were evaluated using the root mean square (RMS) value and both the RMS and spectral median frequency (fmed) slopes. Balance control was evaluated using the center-of-pressure elliptic area (Area) and average velocity (Vavg). Movement strategies for balance control were evaluated using the number of high-density regions (nHDR) and spatial patterns of the three-dimensional statokinesigram.ResultsMean time to muscle fatigability was 258 ± 190 s. Area and Vavg but not nHDR increased after the fatiguing task. Single-centered spatial patterns were predominant in both tasks (pre-fatigue: n = 22/41; post-fatigue: n = 19/41), with no evidence of an association between the spatial patterns and tasks (γ = 0.237, 95%CI = [−0.338; 0.542]).ConclusionsLower limb muscle fatigability increases postural instability, but it is not associated with changes in movement strategies for balance control in the upright stance.  相似文献   

Females showed higher anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries rate on the opposite side of dominant hand compared with males during single leg landing in the backhand-side court after overhead stroke. The purpose of this study was to conduct biomechanics testing including kinematics and kinetics to provide some insights on the ACL injuries risks during single leg landing in the backhand-side court after overhead stroke between females and males. Twenty collegiate badminton players (10 females, 10 males) voluntarily participated in this study. Sagittal plane kinematic and kinetic data of the lower limb, and their ground reaction forces during the single leg landing in the backhand-side court after overhead stroke were collected. Results shown that, at the peak posterior ground reaction force (GRF) moment, the ankle dorsiflexion, knee and hip flexion angles of the female were lower than that of male. Meantime, the knee extension moment of the female was lower than that of males but the hip extension moment of the female was larger compared to males at the peak posterior GRF moment. The peak vertical and posterior GRF of female badminton players were larger than that of males. Decreased hip, knee, and ankle flexion angles at the peak posterior GRF moment and greater peak vertical and posterior GRF may expose female badminton players to the higher risk ACL injuries compared to males during single leg landing after overhead stroke in the backcourt-side. Preventative training programs designed to prevent the ACL injuries rate of female badminton players should take these factors into consideration.  相似文献   

Motor abundance allows reliability of motor performance despite its variability. The nature of this variability provides important information on the flexibility of control strategies. This feature of control may be affected by low back pain (LPB) and trunk flexion/extension conditions.Goal equivalent manifold (GEM) analysis was used to quantify the ability to exploit motor abundance during repeated trunk flexion/extension in healthy individuals and people with chronic non-specific LBP (CNSLBP).Kinematic data were collected from 22 healthy volunteers and 22 CNSLBP patients during metronomically timed, repeated trunk flexion/extension in three conditions of symmetry, velocity, and loading; each at two levels. A goal function for the task was defined as maintaining a constant movement time at each cycle. Given the GEM, flexibility index and performance index were calculated respectively as amounts of goal-equivalent variability and the ratio of goal-equivalent to non-goal-equivalent variability.CNSLBP group was as similar as healthy individuals in both flexibility index (p = 0.41) and performance index (p = 0.24). Performance index was higher in asymmetric (p < 0.001), high velocity (p < 0.001), and loaded (p = 0.006) conditions.Performance and flexibility in using motor abundance were influenced by repeated trunk flexion/extension conditions. However, these measures were not significantly affected by CNSLBP.  相似文献   

While healthy aging is associated with physiological changes that can impair control of trunk motion, few studies examine how spinal muscle responses change with increasing age. This study examined whether older (over 65 years) compared to younger (20–45 years) adults had higher overall amplitude and altered temporal recruitment patterns of trunk musculature when performing a functional transfer task. Surface electromyograms from twelve bilateral trunk muscle (24) sites were analyzed using principal component analysis, extracting amplitude and temporal features (PCs) from electromyographic waveforms. Two PCs explained 96% of the waveform variance. Three factor ANOVA models tested main effects (group, muscle and reach) and interactions for PC scores. Significant (p < .0125) group interactions were found for all PC scores. Post hoc analysis revealed that relative to younger adults, older adults recruited higher agonist and antagonistic activity, demonstrated continuous activation levels in specific muscle sites despite changing external moments, and had altered temporal synergies within abdominal and back musculature. In summary both older and younger adults recruit highly organized activation patterns in response to changing external moments. Differences in temporal trunk musculature recruitment patterns suggest that older adults experience different dynamic spinal stiffness and loading compared to younger adults during a functional lifting task.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to investigate the role of the two dimensions of movement specific reinvestment (conscious motor processing and movement self-consciousness) in performance of a complex task early and later in practice. Furthermore, the study also examined the underlying kinematic mechanisms by which conscious motor processing and movement self-consciousness influence performance in practice.MethodsTrait measures of conscious motor processing and movement self-consciousness were obtained from participants using the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale. Participants (n = 30) with no prior golf putting experience practiced 300 golf putts over the course of two days. Putting proficiency (number of putts holed) and variability of movement kinematics (SD impact velocity and SD putter face angle at impact) were assessed early and later in practice.ResultsMovement self-consciousness positively influenced putting proficiency early and later in practice by reducing variability of impact velocity and putter face angle at impact. Conscious motor processing positively influenced putting proficiency early in practice by reducing variability of impact velocity and putter face angle at impact. Later in practice, conscious motor processing was not associated with putting proficiency.ConclusionThe findings suggest that higher propensity for movement self-consciousness potentially influences performance early and later in practice by reducing variability of impact velocity and putter face angle at impact. A higher propensity for conscious motor processing benefits performance in a similar manner as movement self-consciousness early in practice but it does not seem to influence performance later in practice. The findings of the current study suggest that movement self-consciousness and conscious motor processing differentially influence performance at different stages in practice of a complex motor skill, suggesting that they might depict different types of conscious processing.  相似文献   

Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the occurrence of motor and vocal tics. TS has been linked to the impaired operation of cortical‐striatal‐thalamic‐cortical circuits that give rise to hyper‐excitability of cortical motor areas, which may be exacerbated by dysfunctional intra‐cortical inhibitory mechanisms. That said, many individuals gain control over their tics during adolescence and it has been suggested that this increased control arises as a result of the development of mechanisms that operate to suppress corticospinal excitability (CSE) ahead of volitional movements. Here we used single‐pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in conjunction with a manual Go/NoGo task to investigate alterations in CSE ahead of volitional movements in a group of adolescents with TS (N = 10). Our study demonstrated that CSE, as measured by TMS‐induced motor‐evoked potentials (MEPs), was significantly reduced in the TS group in the period immediately preceding a finger movement. More specifically, we show that individuals with TS, unlike their age‐matched controls, do not exhibit the predicted increase in mean MEP amplitude and decrease in MEP variability that immediately precede the execution of volitional movements in typically developing young adults. Finally, we report that the magnitude of the rise in MEP amplitude across the movement preparation period in TS is significantly negatively correlated with clinical measures of motor tic severity, suggesting that individuals with severe motor tics are least able to modulate motor cortical excitability.  相似文献   

Third, fifth, and seventh graders selected the best strategy (rounding up or rounding down) for estimating answers to two-digit addition problems. Executive function measures were collected for each individual. Data showed that (a) children's skill at both strategy selection and execution improved with age and (b) increased efficiency in executive functions contributed significantly to age-related improvement in children's strategy selection skill. These findings have implications for understanding of age-related differences in computational estimation, strategy selection processes, and mechanisms of strategic development in children.  相似文献   

In 9-month-old-infants adjustments in the reaching pattern to sudden changes in object location were examined. An attractive ball was presented to the infants at their midline and on some trials (perturbation trials) the ball suddenly changed position 15 cm to the right or left during the reach. For the perturbed trials the movement times approximately doubled compared to the control trials and significantly fewer balls were grasped. The results indicate that infants need to finish the first movement before being able to redirect the reach to a new destination. The correlation between the latency of the head and hand adjustment to the perturbation were 0.85 and 0.78 for movements to the left and to the right, respectively, indicating a tight coupling. The time between the start of the perturbation and peak velocity (TPPV) was significantly shorter for the head movement than for the hand movement, indicating that the head is leading the hand.  相似文献   

We examine the hypothesis that the efficiency of executive control processes is less stable over time in older than younger adults. An age-related decrease in the efficiency of executive control should result in an increase in performance variability in task conditions requiring the recruitment of executive control processes and not in task conditions requiring minimal involvement of executive control. Performance variability was similar for younger and older adults in task conditions requiring minimal executive control and greater for older than younger adults in task conditions requiring executive control. These and other data are consistent with the proposal that aging is associated with a decrease in the stability of executive control over time.  相似文献   

According to action-centered models of attention, attention and action systems are tightly linked such that the capture of attention by an object automatically initiates response-producing processes. In support of this link, studies have shown that movements deviate towards or away from non-target stimuli. These deviations are thought to emerge because attentional capture by non-target stimuli generates responses that summate with target responses to develop a combined movement vector. The present study tested attention–action coupling by examining movement trajectories in the presence of non-target stimuli that do or do not capture attention. Previous research has revealed that non-target cue stimuli only capture attention when they share critical features with the target. Cues that do not share this feature do not capture attention. Following these studies and their findings, participants in the present study aimed to the location of a single white square (onset singleton target) or a single red square presented with two white squares (color singleton target). In separate blocks, targets were preceded by non-predictive cues that did or did not share the target feature (color or onset singleton cues). The critical finding of the present study was that trajectory effects mirrored the temporal interference effects in that deviations were only observed when cue and target properties matched. Deviations were not observed when the cue and target properties did not match. These data provide clear support for the link between attentional capture and the activation of response-producing processes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the developmental changes in the efficiency of saccadic inhibitory control. More specifically, the contribution of age-related changes in working-memory engagement was investigated. We manipulated the efficiency of inhibitory oculomotor control in antisaccade tasks by using fixation-offset conditions, which are supposed to affect inhibitory demands, and by adding increasing working-memory loads to the antisaccade task. In general, in comparison to antisaccade performance of adults, the antisaccade performance of 8-year-old and 12-year-old children was characterized by an increase in direction errors, and/or longer saccadic onset latencies on correct antisaccades. However, this pattern was not altered by the fixation-offset manipulations. In contrast, increased working-memory demands deteriorated 8-year-olds' antisaccade performance unequally as compared to older children and young adults. These findings suggest that - at least in young children - the available functional working-memory capacity is engaged in oculomotor inhibition.  相似文献   

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