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Despite much research on balance training, it is still unclear whether balance training leads to highly task-specific adaptations or rather non-specific adaptations. Hence, in this study we examined whether balance training increased performance only in the balance task that was trained or also in non-trained tasks. Forty healthy participants (28 m 12 f, 25 ± 4 years, 177 ± 10 cm, 73 ± 14 kg) were assigned to one of two training groups (TGs) or a control group. Both TGs completed six sessions over 2 weeks, only the training device differed. Before and after the training, performance in the trained task as well as in additional untrained tasks was recorded. ANOVAs showed that each TG outperformed the other groups only in the task they had trained (e.g., task trained by TG1: +225% in TG1, only +41% and +30% in TG2 and control, group * time interaction, p < 0.001; Untrained task 1: TG1 +48%, TG2 +48%, and control +30%, no significant interaction, p = 0.72). In summary, 2 weeks of balance training resulted in highly task-specific effects, no transfer even to very similar tasks was observed. Therefore, we recommend identifying and training exactly those tasks that need improvement, and test the efficacy of training programs using specific tests instead of general tests with limited functional relevance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the level of inter- and intra-individual variability in the kinematic profiles of the back squat movement among skilled weightlifters. Ten competitive weightlifters volunteered for participation in this study. Barbell velocity (VBarbell) and angular velocity of the ankle (ωAnkle), knee (ωKnee) and hip joint (ωHip) were obtained by kinematic recording of six trials at 90% of 1RM in the back squat. Inter-individual variability was assessed by analysing inter-individual differences in the velocity curves through the statistical parametric mapping method. Intra-individual variability was assessed through a correlation analysis between the barbell velocity curves of each trial for each participant. Partial least squares regression analysis, was performed to relate changes in intra-individual variability to movement and anthropometric characteristics. Significant inter- and intra-individual differences were identified in VBarbell, ωAnkle, ωKnee, and ωHip (p ≤ 0.05). Having a short trunk and thigh, and a long shin in combination with greater anterior-posterior displacement of the barbell and slower velocities during the acceleration phase increased intra-individual movement consistency over movement variability. The results of the present study clearly demonstrate that skilled weightlifters display both significant inter- and intra-individual variability in the successful execution of the back squat.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that a combined relaxation (applied tension release, ATR) and specific shooting training regimen may enhance shooting ability of biathlon athletes. Seven biathletes of high national level were randomized into an experimental group (age 20 ± 5 years; Vo2max 60 ± 8 mL kg(-1) min(-1)) and were asked to add this special training intervention to their regular training for 10 weeks, while five other biathletes served as controls (age 19 ± 2 years; Vo2max 57 ± 10 mL kg(-1) min(-1)). The shooting ability of the subjects was assessed before and after the intervention at rest and after roller skiing on a treadmill in a laboratory-based competition simulating assessment. After the intervention period, the experimental group demonstrated a significantly enhanced shooting performance compared to the control group. No changes in Vo2max or in heart rate and Vo2 responses were observed before and after the intervention in either group and there were no differences between the groups in these parameters. Thus, the preliminary conclusion is that a combination of ATR and specific shooting training seems to be instrumental in enhancing the shooting performance in biathlon.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of a group-based task oriented skills training program on motor and physical ability for children with DCD. It was also investigated if there was an effect on fine motor and handwriting tasks that were not specifically practiced during the training program. Forty-one children aged 6–10 years took part in this study. Children were assigned to three groups: an experimental training group consisting of 14 children with DCD, a control non-training group consisted of 13 children with DCD and a control non-training group consisting of 14 typically developed children. The measurements included were, the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC), the Modified Agility Test (MAT), the Triple Hop Distance (THD), the 5 Jump-test (5JT) and the Handwriting Performance Test. All measures were administered pre and post an 8-week training program. The results showed that 10 children of the DCD training-group improved their performance in MABC test, attaining a score above the 15th percentile after their participation in the training program. DCD training-group showed a significant improvement on all cluster scores (manual dexterity (t (13) = 5.3, p < .001), ball skills (t (13) = 2.73, p < .05) and balance (t (13) = 5.13, p < .001). Significant performance improvements were also found in MAT, THD, 5JT (t (13) = –4.55; p < .01), handwriting quality (t (12) = –2.73; p < .05) and speed (t (12) = –4.2; p < .01) after the training program. In conclusion, improvement in both practiced and non-practiced skills, in the training program, may reflect improvement in motor skill but also transfer to other skills.  相似文献   

近年来,认知训练被广泛应用于防治和延缓老年人的认知功能衰退。通过总结近7年(2008~2014年)关于老年人认知功能训练的研究,比较训练的有效性、训练效果的迁移和保持,结果表明,大部分实验都发现了积极的即时训练效果,训练效果得到保持的研究以认知控制和综合认知能力训练为主;大部分的迁移都集中在与流体智力联系较密切的认知功能如工作记忆和注意力等上;部分研究探索了认知功能提升的大脑神经可塑性基础。未来研究应进一步将行为训练与神经测量手段相结合考察训练效果的迁移与保持,更加注重个体差异的影响,并深入考察认知训练对日常生活能力的迁移。  相似文献   

Previous empirical and theoretical work suggests that effective skill acquisition requires movements to be generated actively and that learning new skills supports the acquisition of prospective control. However, there are many ways in which practice can be structured, that may affect the acquisition and use of prospective control after training. Here, we tested whether the progressive modulation and reduction of support during training was required to yield good performance after training without support. The task was to use a stylus to push a bead over a complex 3D wire path. The support “magnetically” attracted and held the stylus onto the wire. Three groups of adult participants each experienced one of three training regimes: gradual reduction of magnetic attraction, only a medium level of attraction, or low magnetic attraction. The results showed that use of a single (medium) level of support was significantly less effective in yielding good performance with low support after training. Training with low support yielded post-training performance that was equally good as that yielded by training with progressive reduction of support; however, performance during training was significantly poorer in the former. Thus, less support during training yields effective learning but more difficult training sessions. The results are discussed in the context of application to training with special populations.  相似文献   

Six caregivers participated in a research study in which behavioral skills training (BST) was used within a pyramidal training model to train a differential reinforcement of an alternative behavior (DRA) procedure. Physical prompting was utilized to obtain correct responses across the identified alternative behavior. The caregivers were split into two tiers, comprised of three caregivers each. The experimenter trained tier‐one caregivers, who then trained tier‐two caregivers after meeting a predetermined mastery criterion. A multiple baseline design across participants research design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of correct implementation of the DRA procedure, demonstrating experimental control across participants. During baseline, caregivers did not implement DRA correctly. Following training, tier‐one and tier‐two caregivers demonstrated correct implementation of the DRA and prompting procedure. Intervention score was (M = 96%), from a baseline score of (M = 34.6%), for tier‐one participants. Intervention score was (M = 96.6%), from a baseline score of (M = 33%), for tier‐two participants. A follow‐up maintenance probe demonstrated correct implementation of the DRA procedure with prompting across both tiers of trained caregivers.  相似文献   

返回抑制是指个体对呈现在先前(约250 ms前)线索化或注视过位置的刺激反应更慢的现象。尽管有研究表明IOR在长时训练下存在稳定的训练效应,但其相应的认知神经机制,即训练究竟是如何影响IOR的迄今为止尚不明确。本研究采用对信息加工过程高敏感的事件相关电位技术结合长时训练和线索-靶子范式来对该问题进行考察。结果发现:在行为上同前人研究结果相一致,返回抑制效应在长时训练下表现出稳定的下降趋势;更重要的是在脑电上同IOR行为效应量在训练后变小的结果相一致,标识早期知觉加工的成分如N1等在有效和无效线索条件间的差异也表现出在训练后的降低。结果表明早期的知觉加工阶段是训练影响IOR的一个重要阶段,为探明IOR训练效应的认知神经机制提供了来自电生理学的重要证据。  相似文献   

The present study examines the potential of sequencing a neurocognitive intervention with behavioral parent training (BPT) to improve executive functions (EFs), psychiatric symptoms, and multiple indices of functional impairment in school-age children aged 7 to 11 years who have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Specifically, in a randomized controlled trial design, 85 children were assigned to either Cogmed Working Memory Training (CWMT) followed by an empirically supported, manualized BPT intervention, or to a placebo version of CWMT followed by the same BPT intervention. Working memory maintenance (i.e., attention control/short-term memory), working memory processing and manipulation, ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) symptoms, impairment in parent–child dynamics, familial impairment, and overall functional compromise were evaluated as outcomes. The results suggest specific effects of the combined CWMT and BPT program on verbal and nonverbal working memory storage and nonverbal working memory processing and manipulation but no incremental benefits in regard to ADHD symptoms, ODD symptoms, and functional outcomes. The present findings do not support the hypothesis regarding the complementary and augmentative benefits of sequenced neurocognitive and BPT interventions for the treatment of ADHD. These results, the study’s limitations, and future directions for research are further discussed.  相似文献   

The construct of psychopathy has been comparatively understudied in women, and to date there has been no attempt to systematically review the literature related to psychopathy in women. This review assimilates the existing evidence in relation to the prevalence and factor structure of psychopathy in women within secure settings. An extensive systematic search was performed using 11 electronic databases and four search engines; citation, author and reference list searching was also performed. After removing duplicates and appraising the study’s eligibility by title, 261 publications were appraised against minimum quality and eligibility threshold criteria, resulting in 28 remaining publications with data on 2545 participants. Quality appraisal was conducted by two raters, with excellent inter-rater reliability (kappas = .7−.9). A narrative synthesis was then performed. PCL-R based prevalence rates ranged from 1.05% to 31% (with a cut-off criterion of 30), with variations in multiple factors, such as geographical location and type of sample setting. The factor model with the most support from the reviewed studies was Cooke & Michie’s (2001) 3-Factor model. The apparent gender differences in the prevalence rates, factor structure and item expression of psychopathy, presents implications for the assessment and general conceptualisation of the construct in women within secure settings.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional role of the child's and experimenter's verbalizations in correspondence training procedures with toy play behaviors in a day-care center setting. Six children participated in a multiple baseline across responses and/or multielement design. Baseline conditions were followed by reinforcement of verbalization. This resulted in little or no change in responding, similar to findings of previous research. Experiment I isolated the child's verbalization as the variable under study. With an experimenter's prompt and postplay reinforcement held constant, the effects of including versus omitting the child's verbalization were examined. A contingency-space analysis revealed that the presence or absence of the child's verbalization exerted no influence on play with the target toy. In Experiment II, a condition in which no experimenter's prompt occurred was added. Results suggested that the complete absence of any antecedent verbalization, by child or experimenter, resulted in much lower rates of play with the target toys. Again, however, when the experimenter's prompt was included, no clear difference was noted between conditions in which the child verbalized and conditions in which the child did not. These results raise doubts about the commonly held view of correspondence training procedures as a method of promoting self-regulation.  相似文献   

The present study used synchronous video conferencing to remotely deliver a behavioral skills training-based (BST) parent training program to 3 parents of children with autism in the family home. Parents were taught to implement graduated guidance to teach their children several important self-care skills. Parents did not correctly implement graduated guidance after receiving detailed written instructions only. After parents received the BST parent training package, however, all parents implemented graduated guidance with near-perfect levels of fidelity, and all children completed the targeted self-care skills with substantially higher levels of accuracy and independence. Furthermore, parents reported high levels of satisfaction with graduated guidance, the telehealth BST training package, and their children's ability to complete self-care skills.  相似文献   

The need for specialized training programs that are focused on youth mental health needs, awareness of community-based services, and de-escalation skills is growing across law enforcement agencies due to calls for service that involve youth in mental health crisis. The current study evaluates a juvenile mental health training for law enforcement that was developed based on agency needs. The training was completed by 159 officers and a pre-/post-test design was used. Findings suggest that officers were satisfied with the training and improvements were seen across several training constructs (confidence, preparedness, stigma, resource awareness, and de-escalation skills). Satisfaction with the training predicted change in confidence and preparedness. Recommendations for future research and the implementation of juvenile mental health trainings are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of three experiments explored the relationship between 3-year-old children's ability to name target body parts and their untrained matching of target hand-to-body touches. Nine participants, 3 per experiment, were presented with repeated generalized imitation tests in a multiple-baseline procedure, interspersed with step-by-step training that enabled them to (i) tact the target locations on their own and the experimenter's bodies or (ii) respond accurately as listeners to the experimenter's tacts of the target locations. Prompts for on-task naming of target body parts were also provided later in the procedure. In Experiment 1, only tact training followed by listener probes were conducted; in Experiment 2, tacting was trained first and listener behavior second, whereas in Experiment 3 listener training preceded tact training. Both tact and listener training resulted in emergence of naming together with significant and large improvements in the children's matching performances; this was true for each child and across most target gestures. The present series of experiments provides evidence that naming--the most basic form of self-instructional behavior--may be one means of establishing untrained matching as measured in generalized imitation tests. This demonstration has a bearing on our interpretation of imitation reported in the behavior analytic, cognitive developmental, and comparative literature.  相似文献   

We evaluated the extent to which staff at a university career center (a) already used, (b) could be taught to use, and (c) might continue to use behavioral skills training (BST) when teaching interview answers to college students. We used a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across three staff‐student dyads to assess the extent to which staff implemented BST and students provided appropriate answers before and after training. Results showed that interview training at the career center typically consisted of few BST steps, but staff could be taught on how to implement BST. All staff rated BST as an acceptable and effective form of interview training, but only one indicated that he or she was likely to adopt BST at the career center.  相似文献   

The present quasi-experimental study attempted to evaluate the utility of a set of three computer simulations for therapist training and evaluation by comparing psychology students from two universities at three training levels. The three groups consisted of junior and senior level undergraduates, first year graduate students, and third or fourth year graduate students. Analysis of outcome measures indicated subjects were generally accepting of computer simulation use for therapist training and evaluation and performance differences between the groups could be explained by group population differences. The results are discussed relative to the utility for computer simulations use for therapist training and evaluation.  相似文献   

Using the dot-probe paradigm, it has been shown that high social anxiety is associated with an attentional bias toward negative information. In the present study, individuals with high social anxiety were divided into two groups randomly. One group was the attentional bias training group (Group T), and the other was the control group (Group C). For Group T, 7 days' continuous training of attentional bias was conducted using the dot-probe paradigm to make socially anxious individuals focus more on positive face pictures. The results showed that the training was effective in changing attentional bias in Group T. Scores of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS) in Group T were reduced compared to Group C, while the scores of Social Phobia Scale (SPS) and scores of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE) showed no difference between the two groups, which suggested a limited reduction of social anxiety.  相似文献   

This study evaluated behavioral skills training (BST), in a multiple baseline across subjects design, for teaching firearm safety skills to 6 6- and 7-year-old children. Similar to previous research with 4- and 5-year-olds, half of the children acquired the safety skills following BST and half acquired the skills following BST plus in situ training.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of parent-implemented mand training on the acquisition of framed manding in a 4-year-old boy who had undergone partial hemispherectomy. Framed manding became the predominant mand form when and only when the intervention was implemented with each preferred toy, but minimal generalization to untrained toys nevertheless occurred. A pure mand test suggested that manding was controlled by the relevant motivating operation.  相似文献   

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