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An experiment was designed to determine the impact of the force requirements on the production of bimanual 1:2 coordination patterns requiring the same (symmetric) or different (asymmetric) forces when Lissajous displays and goal templates are provided. The Lissajous displays have been shown to minimize the influence of attentional and perceptual constraints allowing constraints related to neural crosstalk to be more clearly observed. Participants (N = 20) were randomly assigned to a force condition in which the left or right limb was required to produce more force than the contralateral limb. In each condition participants were required to rhythmically coordinate the pattern of isometric forces in a 1:2 coordination pattern. Participant performed 13 practice trials and 1 test trial per force level. The results indicated that participants were able to effectively coordinate the 1:2 multi-frequency goal patterns under both symmetric and asymmetric force requirements. However, consistent distortions in the force and force velocity time series were observed for one limb that appeared to be associated with the production of force in the contralateral limb. Distortions in the force produced by the left limb occurred regardless of the force requirements of the task (symmetric, asymmetric) or whether the left or right limb had to produce more force than the contralateral limb. However, distinct distortions in the right limb occurred only when the left limb was required to produce 5 times more force than the right limb. These results are consistent with the notion that neural crosstalk can influence both limbs, but may manifest differently for each limb depending on the force requirements of the task.  相似文献   

Much recent research using discrete unimanual tasks has indicated that individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have more difficulty performing verbal-motor tasks as compared to visual-motor tasks (see Perceptual-Motor Behavior in Down Syndrome, Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, 2000, p. 305 for a review). In continuous tasks, however, individuals with DS perform better when movement is guided by auditory information compared to visual information (Downs Syndr.: Res. Prac. 4 (1996) 25; J. Sport Exercise Psy. 22 (2000) S90). The aim of the present study was to investigate if there are any differences for adults with DS between visual, auditory and verbal guidance in a continuous bimanual task. Ten adults with DS, 10 adults without DS and 10 typically developing children drew lines bimanually towards the body (down) and away from the body (up) following three different guidance conditions: visual (flashing line), auditory (high tone, low tone), and verbal (“up”, “down”). All participants produced mostly in-phase movements and were close to the 1000 ms target time for all guidance conditions. The adults with DS, however, displayed greater variability in their movement time, movement amplitude and bimanual coordination than adults without DS. For all groups, the left hand was slower and more variable in producing the lateral movements than the right hand. The results regarding guidance information suggest that auditory information is beneficial for repetitive bimanual tasks for adults with DS. Possible mechanisms that cause these results will be discussed.  相似文献   

Bimanual coordination requires task-specific control of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the movements of both hands. The present study focused on the spatial relationship between hand movements when their amplitude and direction were manipulated. In the experiment in question, participants were instructed to draw two lines simultaneously. These two lines were instructed to be drawn in mirror symmetric or perpendicular directions of each other while the length was instructed to be the same or different. The coordinative quality of amplitude control was compared when the task required symmetric and asymmetric bimanual spatial coordination patterns. Results showed that the amplitude accuracy decreased when different amplitudes and/or directions had to be generated simultaneously. The coordinative quality of direction was also compared when the task required symmetric and asymmetric bimanual spatial coordination patterns. Unlike amplitude, the direction accuracy was largely independent of coordination symmetry/asymmetry of direction or amplitude. The results suggest that the coordinative quality of amplitude control does not only interfere with amplitude asymmetry, but it also interferes with direction asymmetry. Moreover, in bimanual coordination amplitude control is more vulnerable to the influence of direction control demands than vice versa.  相似文献   

Recent physiological studies of the neuronal processes underlying bimanual movements provide new tests for earlier functional models of bimanual coordination. The recently acquired data address three conceptual areas: the generalized motor program (GMP), intermanual crosstalk and dynamic systems models. To varying degrees, each of these concepts has aspects that can be reconciled with experimental evidence. The idea of a GMP is supported by the demonstration of abstract neuronal motor codes, e.g. bimanual-specific activity in motor cortex. The crosstalk model is consistent with the facts that hand-specific coding also exists and that interactions occur between the motor commands for each arm. Uncrossed efferent projections may underlie crosstalk on an executional level. Dynamic interhemispheric interactions through the corpus callosum may provide a high-level link at the parametric programming level, allowing flexible coupling and de-coupling. Flexible neuronal interactions could also underlie adaptive large-scale systems dynamics that can be formalized within the dynamic systems theory approach.

The correspondence of identified neuronal processes with functions of abstract models encourages the development of realistic computational models that can predict bimanual behavior on the basis of neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Investigation of interlimb synergy has become synonymous with the study of coordination dynamics and is largely confined to periodic movement. Based on a computational approach this paper demonstrates a method of investigating the formation of a novel synergy in the context of stochastic, spatially asymmetric movements. Nine right-handed participants performed a two degrees of freedom (2D) "etch-a-sketch" tracking task where the right hand controlled the horizontal position of the response cursor on the display while the left hand controlled the vertical position. In a pre-practice 2D tracking task, measures of phase lag between the irregularly moving target and the response showed that participants controlled left and right hands independently, performance of the right hand being slightly superior to the left. Participants then undertook 4 h 16 min distributed practice of a one degree of freedom etch-a-sketch task where the target was constrained to move irregularly in only the 45 degrees direction on the display. To track such a target accurately participants had to make in-phase coupled stochastic movements of the hands. In a post-practice 2D task, measures of phase lag showed anisotropic improvement in performance, the amount of improvement depending on the direction of motion on the display. Improvement was greatest in the practised 45 degrees and least in the orthogonal 135 degrees direction. Best and worst performances were no longer in the directions associated with right and left hands independently, but in directions requiring coupled movements of the two hands. These data support the proposal that the nervous system can establish a model of novel coupling between the hands and thereby form a task-dependent bimanual synergy for controlling the stochastic coupled movements as an entity.  相似文献   

Perceptual guidance of movement with simple visual or temporal information can facilitate performance of difficult coordination patterns. Guidance may override coordination constraints that usually limit stability of bimanual coordination to only in-phase and anti-phase. Movement dynamics, however, might not have the same characteristics with and without perceptual guidance. Do visual and auditory guidance produce qualitatively different dynamical organization of movement? An anti-phase wrist flexion and extension coordination task was performed under no specific perceptual guidance, under temporal guidance with a metronome, and under visual guidance with a Lissajous plot. For the time series of amplitudes, periods and relative phases, temporal correlations were measured with Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and complexity levels were measured with multiscale entropy. Temporal correlations of amplitudes and relative phases deviated from the typical 1/f variation towards more random variation under visual guidance. The same was observed for the series of periods under temporal guidance. Complexity levels for all time series were lower in visual guidance, but higher for periods under temporal guidance. Perceptual simplification of the task’s goal may produce enhancement of performance, but it is accompanied by changes in the details of movement organization that may be relevant to explain dependence and poor retention after practice under guidance.  相似文献   

The manipulative actions of mountain gorillas Gorilla g. beringei were examined in the context of foraging on hard-to-process plant foods in the field, in particular those used in tackling thistle Carduus nyassanus. A repertoire of 72 functionally distinct manipulative actions was recorded. Many of these actions were used in several variants of grip, finger(s) and movement path, both by different individuals and by the same individual at different times. The repertoire appears somewhat greater than that observed in comparable studies of monkeys, but a far more striking difference is found in the use of differentiated actions in concert. Mountain gorillas routinely and frequently deal with problems that involve: (1) bimanual role differentiation, with the two hands taking different roles but synchronized in time and space, and (2) digit role differentiation, with independent control of parts of the same hand used for separate purposes at the same time. The independent control that allows these abilities, so crucial to human manual constructional ability, is apparently general in African great apes. Role differentiation, between and within the hand, is evidently a primitive characteristic in the human arsenal of skills. Accepted after revision: 6 April 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Despite their common origin, studies on motor coordination and on attentional load have developed into separate fields of investigation, bringing out findings, methods, and theories which are diverse if not mutually exclusive. Sitting at the intersection of these two fields, this article addresses the issue of behavioral flexibility by investigating how intention modifies the stability of existing patterns of coordination between moving limbs. It addresses the issue, largely ignored until now, of the attentional cost incurred by the central nervous system (CNS) in maintaining a coordination pattern at a given level of stability, in particular under different attentional priority requirements. The experimental paradigm adopted in these studies provides an original mix of a classical measure of attentional load, namely, reaction time, and of a dynamic approach to coordination, most suitable for characterizing the dynamic properties of coordinated behavior and behavioral change. Findings showed that central cost and pattern stability covary, suggesting that bimanual coordination and the attentional activity of the CNS involved in maintaining such a coordination bear on the same underlying dynamics. Such a conclusion provides a strong support to a unified approach to coordination encompassing a conceptualization in terms of information processing and another, more recent framework rooted in self-organization theories and dynamical systems models  相似文献   

Children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy (uCP) experience problems performing tasks requiring the coordinated use of both hands (bimanual coordination; BC). Additionally, some children with uCP display involuntary symmetrical activation of the opposing hand (mirrored movements). Measures, used to investigate therapy-related improvements focus on the functionality of the affected hand during unimanual or bimanual tasks. None however specifically address spatiotemporal integration of both hands. We explored the kinematics of hand movements during a bimanual task to identify parameters of BC. Thirty-seven children (aged 10.9 ± 2.6 years, 20 male) diagnosed with uCP participated. 3D kinematic motion analysis was performed during the task requiring opening of a box with their affected- (AH) or less-affected hand (LAH), and pressing a button inside with the opposite hand. Temporal and spatial components of data were extracted and related to measures of hand function and level of impairment. Total task duration was correlated with the Jebsen–Taylor Test of Hand Function in both conditions (either hand leading with the lid-opening). Spatial accuracy of the LAH when the box was opened with their AH was correlated with outcomes on the Children’s Hand Use Experience Questionnaire. Additionally, we found a subgroup of children displaying non-symmetrical movement interference associated with greater movement overlap when their affected hand opened the box. This subgroup also demonstrated decreased use of the affected hand during bimanual tasks. Further investigation of bimanual interference, which goes beyond small scaled symmetrical mirrored movements, is needed to consider its impact on bimanual task performance following early unilateral brain injury.  相似文献   

The issue of handedness has been the topic of great interest for researchers in a number of scientific domains. It is typically observed that the dominant hand yields numerous behavioral advantages over the non-dominant hand during unimanual tasks, which provides evidence of hemispheric specialization. In contrast to advantages for the dominant hand during motor execution, recent research has demonstrated that the right hand has advantages during motor planning (regardless of handedness), indicating that motor planning is a specialized function of the left hemisphere. In the present study we explored hemispheric advantages in motor planning and execution in left- and right-handed individuals during a bimanual grasping and placing task. Replicating previous findings, both motor planning and execution was influenced by object end-orientation congruency. In addition, although motor planning (i.e., end-state comfort) was not influenced by hand or handedness, motor execution differed between left and right hand, with shorter object transport times observed for the left hand, regardless of handedness. These results demonstrate that the hemispheric advantages often observed in unimanual tasks do not extend to discrete bimanual tasks. We propose that the differences in object transport time between the two hands arise from overt shifting visual fixation between the two hands/objects.  相似文献   

Cognitive and motor coordination skills of children with and without motor coordination impairments were examined with a one-year follow-up investigation. Initially, children were between 4 and 6 years old. Age-appropriate tests of executive functions (updating, switching, inhibition, interference control), motor coordination (the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2) and fitness (the Körperkoordinations-Test für Kinder) were administered in two consecutive years. Several background variables (age, socioeconomic status, medical support, clinical interventions, leisure activities) and potential moderators (nonverbal intelligence, reaction time, visual perception) were controlled. The matched sample consisted of 48 control children and 48 children with motor coordination impairments. The children’s executive functions dramatically improved during the one-year period. With regard to motor coordination performance, half of the impaired children caught up to the control children’s level (“remission group”), while the remaining half showed no improvement (“persisting group”). Compared to the persisting group, the children in the remission group showed markedly better interference control at both measurement points. The correlation between executive functions and motor coordination is significant in the persisting group, but not in the remission group. The results of the study are discussed in the light of the role of executive functions, especially inhibition processes, for the automatization of motor coordination tasks.  相似文献   

Effect-based models of motor control assign a crucial role to anticipated perceptual feedback in action planning. Two experiments were conducted to test the validity of this proposal for discrete bimanual key press responses. The results revealed that the normally observed performance advantage for the preparation of two responses with homologous rather than non-homologous fingers becomes inverted when homologous fingers produce non-identical visual effects, and non-homologous fingers produce identical visual effects. In the second experiment the finger homology effect was strongly reduced when homologous fingers produced non-identical tactile feedback. The results show that representations of to-be-produced visual and tactile action effects both contribute to action planning, though possibly to a varying degree. Implications of these results for effect-based models of motor control are considered.  相似文献   

Visual information plays an adaptive role in the relation between bimanual force coupling and error corrective processes of isometric force control. In the present study, the evolving distribution of the relative phase properties of bimanual isometric force coupling was examined by scaling within a trial the temporal feedback rate of visual intermittency (short to long presentation intervals and vice versa). The force error (RMSE) was reduced, and time-dependent irregularity (SampEn) of the force output was increased with greater amounts of visual information (shorter intermittency). Multi-stable coordination patterns of bimanual isometric force control were differentially shifted toward and away from the intrinsic dynamics by the changing the intermittency of visual information. The distribution of Hilbert transformed relative phase values showed progressively a predominantly anti-phase mode under less intermittent visual information to predominantly an in-phase mode with limited (almost no) visual information. Correlation between the hands showed a continuous reduction, rather than abrupt “transition,” with increase in visual information, although no mean negative correlation was realized, despite the tendency towards an anti-phase distribution. Lastly, changes in both the performance outcome and bimanual isometric force coordination occurred at visual feedback rates faster than the minimal visual processing times established from single limb movement and isometric force protocols.  相似文献   

The constraints that guide bimanual movement coordination are informative about the processing principles underlying movement planning in humans. For example, symmetry relative to the body midline benefits finger and hand movements independent of hand posture. This symmetry constraint has been interpreted to indicate that movement coordination is guided by a perceptual code. Although it has been assumed implicitly that the perceptual system at the heart of this constraint is vision, this relationship has not been tested. Here, congenitally blind and sighted participants made symmetrical and non-symmetrical (that is, parallel) bimanual tapping and finger oscillation movements. For both groups, symmetrical movements were executed more correctly than parallel movements, independent of anatomical constraints like finger homology and hand posture. For the blind, the reliance on external spatial factors in movement coordination stands in stark contrast to their use of an anatomical reference frame in perceptual processing. Thus, the externally coded symmetry constraint evident in bimanual coordination can develop in the absence of the visual system, suggesting that the visual system is not critical for the establishment of an external-spatial reference frame in movement coordination.  相似文献   

Children with DCD demonstrate impairments in bimanual finger tapping during self-paced tapping and tapping in synchrony to different frequencies. In this study, we investigated the ability of children with DCD to adapt motorically to perceptible or subliminal changes of the auditory stimuli without a change in frequency, and compared their performance to typically developing controls (TDC). Nineteen children with DCD between ages 6–11 years (mean age ± SD = 114 ± 21 months) and 17 TDC (mean age ± SD = 113 ± 21 months) participated in this study. Auditory perceptual threshold was established. Children initially tapped bimanually to an antiphase beat and then to either a perceptible change in rhythm or to gradual subliminal changes in rhythm. Children with DCD were able to perceive changes in rhythm similar to TDC. They were also able to adapt to both perceptible and subliminal changes in rhythms similar to their age- and gender- matched TDC. However, these children were significantly more variable compared with TDC in all phasing conditions. The results suggest that the performance impairments in bilateral tapping are not a result of poor conscious or sub-conscious perception of the auditory cue. The increased motor variability may be associated with cerebellar dysfunction but further behavioral and neurophysiological studies are needed.  相似文献   

The performance of bimanual movements involving separate objects presents an obvious challenge to the visuo-motor system: Visual feedback can only be obtained from one target at a time. To overcome this challenge overt shifts in visual attention may occur so that visual feedback from both movements may be used directly (Bingham, Hughes, & Mon-Williams, 2008; Riek, Tresilian, Mon-Williams, Coppard, & Carson, 2003). Alternatively, visual feedback from both movements may be obtained in the absence of eye movements, presumably by covert shifts in attention (Diedrichsen, Nambisan, Kennerley, & Ivry, 2004). Given that the quality of information falls with increasing distance from the fixated point, can we obtain the level of information required to accurately guide each hand for precision grasping of separate objects without moving our eyes to fixate each target separately? The purpose of the current study was to examine how the temporal coordination between the upper limbs is affected by the quality of visual information available during the performance of a bimanual task. A total of 11 participants performed congruent and incongruent movements towards near and/or far objects. Movements were performed in natural, fixate-centre, fixate-left, and fixate-right vision conditions. Analyses revealed that the transport phase of incongruent movements was similar across vision conditions for the temporal aspects of both the transport and grasp, whereas the spatial aspects of grasp formation were influenced by the quality of visual feedback. We suggest that bimanual coordination of the temporal aspects of reach-to-grasp movements are not influenced solely by overt shifts in visual attention but instead are influenced by a combination of factors in a task-constrained way.  相似文献   

The bimanual coupling literature supposes an inherent drive for synchrony between the upper limbs when making discrete bimanual movements. The level of synchrony is argued to be task dependent, reliant on the visual demands of the two targets, and the result of a complex pattern of hand and eye movements (Bingham, Hughes, & Mon-Williams, 2008 Bingham, G. P., Hughes, K. and Mon-Williams, M. 2008. The coordination patterns observed when two hands reach-to-grasp separate objects. Experimental Brain Research, 184: 283293. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Riek, Tresilian, Mon-Williams, Coppard, & Carson, 2003 Riek, S., Tresilian, J. R., Mon-Williams, M., Coppard, V. L. and Carson, R. G. 2003. Bimanual aiming and overt attention: One law for two hands. Experimental Brain Research, 153: 5975. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, recent work by Bruyn and Mason (2009 Bruyn, J. L. and Mason, A. H. 2009. Temporal coordination during bimanual reach-to-grasp movements: The role of vision. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62(7): 13281342. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) suggests that temporal coordination is not solely influenced by visual saccades. In this experimental series, a total of 8 participants performed congruent movements to targets either near or far from the midline. Targets far from the midline, requiring a visual saccade, resulted in greater terminal asynchrony. Initial and terminal asynchrony were not consistent, but linked to the task demands at that stage of the movement. If the asynchrony evident at the end of a bimanual movement is due to a complex pattern of hand and eye movements then the removal of visual feedback should result in an increase in synchrony. Sixteen participants then completed congruent and incongruent bimanual aiming movements to near and/or far targets. Movements were made with or without visual feedback of hands and targets. Analyses revealed that movements made without visual feedback showed increased synchrony between the limbs, yet movements to incongruent targets still showed greater asynchrony. We suggest that visual constraints are not the sole cause of asynchrony in discrete bimanual movements.  相似文献   

The authors examined the influence of different amounts of visual information when children 4 (CH4), 6 (CH6), and 8 (CH8) years of age, and adults (n = 12 in each group) performed a steady-state bimanual circle-drawing coordination task at self-selected speeds. All participants maintained in-phase coordination, but different strategies for maintaining the pattern emerged. A predictable relationship between variability and age was not observed, in that the CH8 group was not necessarily more consistent than the CH6 and CH4 groups. The authors conclude that children are transitioning from dependence on kinesthetic feedback to reliance on visual feedback around age 8, as suggested by L. Hay, C. Bard, M. Fleury, and N. Teasdale (1991; L. Hay, M. Fleury, C. Bard, & N. Teasdale, 1994; L. Hay & C. Redon, 1997), and that future studies are needed to further explore visual and kinesthetic feedback as potential control parameters during coordination tasks in developing children.  相似文献   

The task of supporting an object with one or two hands was used to test the applicability of the notion of synergy. Subjects sat with their dominant forearm supported up to the wrist while holding a cylindrical “cup” between their thumb and fingers. Force transducers recorded the grip force applied normal to the cup's side by the thumb and the force applied normal to the cup bottom. On different series, a supporting force was added to and released from the bottom of the cup by the subject's non-dominant hand or by the experimenter. As predicted, the results indicated feedforward adjustments of the grip force, and of the EMGs, and significant correlations between grip force and supporting force when they were produced by two hands of one person, and the lack of such closely tied changes when the two forces were produced by two different persons. In the latter case, different subjects could demonstrate grip force changes in different directions. The findings suggest that grip force adjustments represented peripheral patterns of a single central process (a single synergy) rather than being separately controlled focal and postural components of the action.PsycINFO classification: 2330  相似文献   

Investigating an ecologically relevant upper limb task, such as manually transporting an object with a concurrent lateral change in support (sidestepping alongside a kitchen counter), may provide greater insight into potential deficits in postural stability, variability and motor coordination in older adults. Nine healthy young and eleven older, community dwelling adults executed an upper limb object transport task requiring a lateral change in support in two directions at two self-selected speeds, self-paced and fast-paced. Dynamic postural stability and movement variability was quantified via whole-body center of mass motion. The onset of lead lower limb movement in relation to object movement onset was quantified as a measure of motor coordination. Older adults demonstrated similar levels of stability and variability as their younger counterparts, but at slower peak movement velocity and increased task duration. Furthermore, older adults demonstrated asymmetrical motor coordination between left and right task directions, while younger adults remained consistent regardless of task direction. Thus, older adults significantly modulated movement speed and motor coordination to maintain similar levels of stability and variability compared to their younger counterparts.  相似文献   

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