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The aim of this study was to examine differences in underlying adaptations of dynamic balance in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) during a Wii Fit game and to measure changes over time and after intervention.Twenty-eight children with DCD and 21 typically developing (TD) children participated in the study. Analyses of force plate variables showed that the TD group initially used a longer path length for the ski slope descent and tended toward more variation in Center of Pressure (CoP) displacement in lateral direction than the children with DCD. In contrast, the TD group showed a trend of fewer reversals per cm in both AP and lateral direction. After the nonintervention period, the TD group improved performance by decreasing the path length, while the DCD group improved by increasing the path length and by decreasing the number of reversals. After intervention, no changes were found in sway characteristics. Individual analyses within the DCD group showed that the path length per run fell more often within the 95% confidence Interval of the faultless runs. In conclusion both TD and DCD children modify the underlying kinetics of dynamic balance control, but in different ways and both lead to better performance.  相似文献   

Objective: Mediation analyses of sun protection were conducted testing structural equation models using longitudinal data with three waves. An effect was said to be mediated if the standardised path between processes of change, decisional balance and sun protection outcomes was significant.

Design: Longitudinal models of sun protection using data from individuals in the precontemplation (N = 964) and preparation (N = 463) stages who participated of an expert system intervention.

Main outcome measures: Nine processes of change for sun protection, decisional balance constructs of sun protection (pros and cons), sun avoidance behaviour and sunscreen use.

Results: With the exception of two processes in the preparation stage, processes of change predicted the pros (r = .126–.614), and the pros predicted the outcomes (r = .181–.272). Three models with the cons as mediator in the preparation stage, and none in the precontemplation stage, showed a mediated relationship between processes and outcomes.

Conclusion: In general, mediation analyses found both the process of change-to-pros and pros-to-behaviour paths significant for both precontemplation and preparation stages, and for both sun avoidance and sunscreen use outcomes. Findings provide support for the importance of assessing the role of underlying risk cognitions in improving sun protection adherence.  相似文献   

我国社会转型 ,为当代中国医患关系的合理重构提供了平台 ,但社会转型期中出现的诸多医患利益冲突也向人们提出了严峻的挑战 ,亟需对其加以调节和平衡。这种调节与平衡 ,不能完全甚至不能主要地交由市场这双“看不见的手”去运作 ,不能完全任凭甚至不能主要地任凭医患双方自由地去博弈 ;政府必须明确并履行自己的职责 ,为正确调节与平衡我国社会转型期的医患利益创立一个全方位的合理的框架 ,使医患之间在有控制的理性的双赢的利益博弈中合理地重构当代中国医患关系的基本格局。  相似文献   

While there is extensive research on feedback, little research is aimed at the use of feedback to optimise conflicting goals. A task modelled after In Home Displays for providing feedback about electricity cost was designed to investigate the effects of feedback frequency, detail, and stability, when participants try to balance cost and utility. Frequent feedback proved to be advantageous in a deterministic system, but feedback aggregated over time was advantageous in a system with noisy feedback. Surprisingly, performance was better with noisy feedback, where the probabilism, in effect, acted as a filter, highlighting the applications that are most important for the cost and the utility. Computational modelling suggested that the best-fitting model assumes that the participants are sequential, considering one goal at a time, first satisfying the cost budget, only thereafter trying to maximise the utility, and reflexive, myopically responding primarily to the feedback explicitly available on a given trial.  相似文献   

Pavlovian trace conditioning critically depends on the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and hippocampus (HPC), whereas delay conditioning does not depend on these brain structures. Given that the cholinergic basal forebrain system modulates activity in both the mPFC and HPC, it was reasoned that the level of acetylcholine (ACh) release in these regions would show distinct profiles during testing in trace and delay conditioning paradigms. To test this assumption, microdialysis probes were implanted unilaterally into the mPFC and HPC of rats that were pre-trained in appetitive trace and delay conditioning paradigms using different conditional stimuli in the two tasks. On the day of microdialysis testing, dialysate samples were collected during a quiet baseline interval before trials were initiated, and again during performance in separate blocks of trace and delay conditioning trials in each animal. ACh levels were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography and electrochemical detection techniques. Consistent with our hypothesis, results showed that ACh release in the mPFC was greater during trace conditioning than during delay conditioning. The level of ACh released during trace conditioning in the HPC was also greater than the levels observed during delay conditioning. While ACh efflux in both the mPFC and HPC selectively increased during trace conditioning, ACh levels in the mPFC during trace conditioning testing showed the greatest increases observed. These results demonstrate a dissociation in cholinergic activation of the mPFC and HPC during performance in trace but not delay appetitive conditioning, where this cholinergic activity may contribute to attentional mechanisms, adaptive response timing, or memory consolidation necessary for successful trace conditioning.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to investigate the spatial and temporal profile of the paraspinal muscle activation during gait in a group of 13 patients with lumbar instability (LI) in a pre-surgical setting compared to the results with those from both 13 healthy controls (HC) and a sample of 7 patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), which represents a chronic untreatable condition, in which the spine muscles function is expected to be widely impaired.Spatiotemporal gait parameters, trunk kinematics, and muscle activation were measured through a motion analysis system integrated with a surface EMG device. The bilateral paraspinal muscles (longissimus) at L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1 levels and lumbar iliocostalis muscles were evaluated.Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between groups in the step length, step width, and trunk bending and rotation. As regard the EMG analysis, significant differences were found in the cross-correlation, full-width percentage and center of activation values between groups, for all muscles investigated.Patients with LI, showed preserved trunk movements compared to HC but a series of EMG abnormalities of the spinal muscles, in terms of left-right symmetry, top-down synchronization, and spatiotemporal activation and modulation compared to the HC group. In patients with LI some of such EMG abnormalities regarded mainly the segment involved by the instability and were strictly correlated to the pain perception. Conversely, in patients with FBSS the EMG abnormalities regarded all the spinal muscles, irrespective to the segment involved, and were correlated to the disease’s severity. Furthermore, patients with FBSS showed reduced lateral bending and rotation of the trunk and a reduced gait performance and balance.Our methodological approach to analyze the functional status of patients with LI due to spine disease with surgical indications, even in more complex conditions such as deformities, could allow to evaluate the biomechanics of the spine in the preoperative conditions and, in the future, to verify whether and which surgical procedure may either preserve or improve the spine muscle function during gait.  相似文献   

Individuals are exposed to repetitive dual-task-like situations in daily life, particularly while walking, and falls among community-dwelling older adults typically occur in such situations. Thus, understanding how individuals adapt their walking-related motion under dual-task conditions is of clinical importance. The present study was conducted to investigate the association between dual-task-related changes (DT-changes) in lower-limb gait parameters and DT-changes in lower-trunk sway. We hypothesized that DT-changes in both spatial- and temporal-lower-limb gait parameters would be associated with DT-changes in lower-trunk sway. Participants were older adults aged > 60 years who lived independently in communities (n = 43, 73.7 [6.1] years old), and younger adults (n = 28, 22.7 [5.1] years old). Participants were asked to walk while performing an additional cognitive task, or with no additional task. During walking, lower-limb gait parameters (step time, step length and width) and lower-trunk sway were measured using a photoelectric cell system and inertial sensors. In older adults, DT-changes in step time variability was significantly associated with DT-changes in lower-trunk sway (standard beta = 0.683, p = 0.003), and DT-changes in lower-trunk sway variability (standard beta = 0.493, p = 0.029). In younger adults, DT-changes in step width were significantly associated with DT-changes in lower-trunk sway (standard beta = 0.395, p = 0.041). The current results partially supported our hypotheses. The association between DT-changes in lower limb and DT-changes in lower-trunk sway varied according to age group.  相似文献   

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