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研究结果的普适性是心理学研究的黄金标准之一.为达到此目标,研究者不断创造生态效度更高,也更具现实意义的研究方法.通过在现实情境下对被试多次重复测量进行数据收集的研究方法——经验取样法(experience sampling method),一经提出就备受研究者的青睐.文章在综合介绍经验取样法的概念、实施过程和数据处理的基础上,比较和阐述了该方法的优劣势,以及该方法的主要应用领域.文章最后对经验取样法的应用领域和未来发展作了展望.  相似文献   

日常经验研究:一种独具特色的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日常经验研究是一种通过研究日常生活中各种事件发生时人们的瞬时感受而在自发、自然的情景中对人的心理现象、过程进行探索的方法。其目的是通过获得关于个人日常生活中某些特定事件或特定时刻的详细描述,来提取有关思维、情绪、行为的持久性、周期性、变化以及时间结构等方面的信息,并确定上述因素之间的情境性以及倾向性相关。日常经验研究的价值和意义在于在方法论三角互证原则的指导下,与其他各种方法结合起来,帮助研究者从不同角度理解心理现象及其过程,从而达到最大限度地探索、了解人类心理世界的目的  相似文献   

眼动轨迹匹配法是近年来新兴的一种眼动数据分析方法, 该方法包括注视数据的预处理、兴趣区划分和编码、形成眼动轨迹字符串、计算相似性得分四个步骤。研究者采用眼动轨迹匹配法对决策过程理论及其影响因素进行的探索性研究, 证实了眼动轨迹匹配法在决策领域的可行性、精确性和高价值性。未来的研究应进一步利用眼动轨迹匹配法加强对各种决策理论及其影响因素的研究, 以揭示决策的认知过程, 构建更加完善的决策理论模型。  相似文献   

邢铁夫 《天风》2018,(1):23-23
高举,是变得有力、稳固、被人认可、被神提拔。约瑟被神高举,使他从监牢中高升,掌管埃及全地;大卫被神高举,使他不再跟随羊群,而成为一国之君;彼得被神高举,使他不再以捕鱼为生,反而得人如得鱼。这是'高举'第一个层面的含义。然而,圣经中却还有一些人,他们的人生却经历另一种'高举'。'流泪的先知'耶利米,是一位出生平凡的先知。根据《耶利米书》1章1节以及《列王纪上》2章26节两处经文综合推断。  相似文献   

清华大学藏战国竹简《筮法·祟》章所见“艮祟”之鬼神名“楒■”,当读作“蚩尤”。“蚩尤”之读,与《祟》章所见鬼神体系及《筮法》恶爻用象不悖。据此可推得“劳祟”之“风”当解作“风伯”,而“巽祟”之“巫”当是巫咸之类也。  相似文献   

马礼荣先生在2003年出版的《爱洛斯现象》一书中提出基于爱洛斯(eros)维度之上的爱洛斯者(l'amant)这一新概念,我们认为,后者有可能代替作者在1997年出版的《既给出》一书中所提出的用以替代主体概念的“沉醉者(l'adonné)”概念,从而形成一种新的自我观.  相似文献   

生物医学实验在受试者研究方面遇到的伦理挑战,迫使人们一再地回归并认真地反思《纽伦堡法典》和《赫尔辛基宣言》的人权伦理意蕴.前者以简约的法典确立了“为人权而斗争”的基本伦理路线以及生命伦理原则.后者在一再的修订和补充中面对诸如“知情同意权”之类的复杂的人权伦理问题.由于自《纽伦堡法典》以来生物医学领域的国际伦理准则的拟定与人体受试者研究的人权伦理探索紧密相关,回到“人的概念”与面向“概念中的人”分别代表了理想主义与现实主义的人权伦理探索.《纽伦堡法典》的启示凝结为“人就是人”的精神守望.《赫尔辛基宣言》展现出开放的人权伦理探索,代表了将伦理理想主义与道德现实主义结合起来的尝试.  相似文献   

车文博先生主编的《中外心理学比较思想史》通过"四方"文化比较,定义了心理学研究范式的意义,进而建立了一个公正的文化视角下的心理学元理论体系。该书更进一步以心理内容为线索,站在"类心理学"的高度描绘了中外心理学范式竞争与演进的历史:古代"四方"文化范式呈现相互竞争的态势;在欧洲的科学革命以后,分析理性哲学范式取得了绝对的统治地位。最后,该书中外心理学思想的交流是解决当前心理学范式困难的出路。  相似文献   

卢光莉 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1502-1502,1501
管理心理学作为应用心理学的一个重要分支,自20世纪中叶发展为一门独立的学科,经过半个多世纪的不断壮大,如今己经成为备受心理学、管理学领域的研究者及管理实践者们所关注的一门学科.  相似文献   

Happiness in Everyday Life: The Uses of Experience Sampling   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper uses the Experience Sampling Method data drawn from a national sample of American youth. It examines the proximal environmental factors as well as behaviors and habits that correlate to personal happiness. Momentary-level scores show that reported happiness varies significantly both by day of week and time of day. Furthermore, particular activities are associated with varying degrees of happiness. School activities rate below average scores in happiness, while social, active and passive leisure activities are above average. Particular companions also correlate to differing level of happiness. Being alone rates the lowest levels of happiness, while being with friend corresponds to the highest. Person-level averages of happiness suggest that both higher social class and age correlate with lower levels of happiness, while gender and race do not. Paradoxically, youth who spend more time in school and social activities are happier than those who spend less. Unexpectedly, students who spend more time pleasure reading report lower levels of happiness. Finally, feeling good about the self, excited, proud, sociable, active as well as being in the conditions for flow experience are the strongest predictors of trait happiness.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new model for knowledge generation in applied and professional psychology—the pragmatic case study (PCS) method. Drawing from both psychology's traditional, quantitative and alternative, qualitative approaches, the PCS method involves the creation of systematic, peer-reviewed case studies (in all areas of applied psychology) that follow D. Peterson's “disciplined inquiry” epistemological model. The studies would be organized into “journal-databases” that combine (a) individual studies; (b) articles that address epistemological, theoretical, methodological, logistical, economic, political, and ethical issues in the PCS method; and (c) substantive cross-case analyses of groups of individual cases already published in the database. To lay out the proposal's arguments, the article begins by setting forth relevant historical and philosophical context, and then examines a possible set of initial methodological guidelines for ensuring rigorous quality in each case study. Next the PCS method's value in creating new and useful applied knowledge is demonstrated for two areas: psychotherapy efficacy research and forensic psychology. Finally, the implications of the present proposal are explored. Throughout, the emphasis is on creating an integrative, pragmatic alternative for gaining new useful knowledge in our discipline.  相似文献   

Ann Taves 《Religion》2010,40(4):317-323
Religious Experience Reconsidered was premised on the idea that experience is a site of contested meaning and value for subjects (and scholars). Although the concept of specialness has drawn considerable attention, my goal in writing the book was to update efforts to use attribution theory to bridge between religious studies and the psychology of religion. I intended the focus on micro-social processes to complement analysis at the macro-social level. The need for a broader, more generic second order term, such as specialness, emerged in the context of working out an attributional approach and can and should be extended more broadly. While anything can be set apart as special and an analysis of the politics of deeming is essential, we can still ask if there is empirical evidence to suggest that humans are more likely to set some things apart than others within or across cultures. When we take experience as a site for study, we do not have to limit ourselves to describing the range of views held by our subjects, but can also legitimately seek to explain experience in terms that make sense to us as researchers. The breaking of taboos against explaining experience in naturalistic terms will only have apocalyptic consequences if we assume a special/ordinary binary; viewed on a continuum, we can still find special meaning and value in experiences that are not protected by taboos.  相似文献   

美国哲学家S.K.图姆斯基于本人罹患的播散性或多发性硬化症的直接经验,阐述了关于病患意义构成及其变化四个层次的观点,这是他对梅洛-庞蒂身体现象学思想的具体化和当下化的应用。通过对这四个层次观点的梳理(感觉经验层次、患病的体验层次、疾病的认识层次、疾病状态的认识层次),认为研究病患意义具有极大的临床价值:即了解和读懂患者赋予病患的各种意义,将有助于改变目前临床医学问诊将患者的体验转变为医学概念术语的蜕变过程,有助于改善医患关系,并且对医学诊断和治疗目标带来深刻的影响。  相似文献   

Ronis and Greenwald (Dissonance theory revised again: Comment on the paper by Fazio, Zanna, and Cooper. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 1979, 62–69) question our integrative formulation of dissonance and self-perception processes. We argue that our formulation provides an explanation of both the full range of results in the literature and our own experimental data, while neither dissonance nor self-perception theory can singly explain the existing data.  相似文献   

Objective: Affect-related energy intake from snacks remains relatively unexplored in daily life. This study examines the associations between momentary positive affect (PA) and momentary negative affect (NA) and subsequent energy intake from snacks. In addition, the moderating role of BMI, gender, age and level of education is investigated.

Design: Adults (N = 269), aged 20–50, participated in this study. Demographics were assessed in an online composite questionnaire. An experience sampling smartphone application was used to map momentary NA/PA and energy intake (kilocalories) from snacks in the context of daily life.

Main outcome measures: Energy intake from moment-to-moment self-reported snacks in real-life settings.

Results: A significant negative main effect of momentary NA on moment-to-moment energy intake was found. The higher the momentary NA, the lower the subsequent amount of kilocalories consumed. There was no main effect with regard to PA. Interaction analyses showed that men decreased their energy intake after experiencing NA, and increased their intake after experiencing PA. No associations were found in women. Additionally, young adults (20–30) increased their energy intake after experiencing PA. No associations were found in the other age groups.

Conclusion: Interventions aiming at reducing energy intake might also address PA-related snacking in young adults and men.  相似文献   

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