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采用投资博弈,以大学生为被试探讨关系认知(亲疏关系、阶层关系)和特质认知(以善意为例)对中国人人际信任的影响。结果发现,亲疏关系认知、阶层关系认知和善意认知都会影响中国人的人际信任。关系越近、阶层越高、越善意,信任水平越高。随着亲疏关系下降或善意降低,阶层关系对信任水平的作用之间的差异逐步减弱。亲疏关系认知和阶层关系认知存在交互作用,亲疏、阶层和善意也具有交互作用。人们对上位阶层的信任大于平位大于下位,但是当信任对象存在低善意特质或陌生人身份时,人们对上位阶层的信任会下降至和平位没有差异;当低善意特质和陌生人身份同时存在时,人们对上位、平位和下位的信任无差异。  相似文献   

朱秋锦  张帆钟年 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1461-1468
本文基于以往理论,提炼出人际交往中影响信任的两大因素:关系因素和个人特质因素,通过两个情景启动实验尝试探索亲疏关系、可信赖特质(能力、善意和诚信)对人际信任的影响机制及其作用的边界条件。结果发现:亲疏关系除了可以直接预测人际信任之外,还可以通过感知被信任者的可信赖特质产生间接影响。此外,个体的人情取向可以分别调节亲疏关系对感知被信任者的能力、诚信特质的效应和通过感知被信任者的能力、诚信特质影响人际信任的间接效应,并且作用的主要对象是关系网中的熟人。本研究对理解当代中国社会在多元文化交融下的人际信任具有重要意义。  相似文献   

指向具体人物对象的人际信任:跨文化比较及其认知模型   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文对指向具体人物对象的人际信任作了跨文化实证比较研究,并探讨了人际信任的认知模型。使用人际信任行为量表(ITBS)测量了中国、香港及美国三地大学生的人际信任。根据三组被试对诸如父亲、哥哥、同班同学、医生和陌生人等20个人们生活中经常能够接触的人物信任程度的高低,可将这些具体人物对象归为“亲人”,“熟人”和“陌生人”三个群体。三组被试对“亲人”群体的人际信任没有显著差异,但中国被试对其它两个人物对象群体的信任要高于美国和香港被试,而后两组被试的差别则不显著。另外,利用多元回归法在人际信任与六种认知变量间建立了模型关系,发现其中只有两个变量对模型作出主要贡献,即:(1)对由信任行为而得到得回报的期望值越高;(2)得不到回报而引致损害的严重性评估越低,则一个人作出某一信任行为的可能性就越大。被试的文化背景和社会工业化程度对人际信任认知模型没有影响。  相似文献   

李宇  王沛  孙连荣 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1691-1707
社会认知是指个体对社会性客体和社会现象及其关系的感知与理解。根据对象可以分为自我认知、人际认知、群际认知以及以社会决策为核心的社会事件认知。针对以上四个方面, 国内学者开展了一系列有益的探索, 为中国人社会认知的研究做出了先驱性贡献。但无论就理论建构、研究范式还是研究内容而言, 大量研究沿袭了国外研究的预设前提与范畴, 即“本位认知”, 脱离了中国人社会认知滋长的基础--以“差序格局”为基调的传统文化以及当前剧烈的社会变迁背景下转型期的文化。通过梳理与整合涉及社会认知主题的研究及其内在逻辑, 发现中国人社会认知的根本特点为“他位认知”, 并且集中体现为“差序格局”文化衍生与发展的“群际认知(阶层认知)”, 进而尝试围绕“群际认知”这条主线解读与建构中国人社会认知的理论框架, 推进中国人社会认知的深层研究, 具有深刻的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

面相是辨识和推断他人品格以及行为习性的重要因素, 但其内在机理有待深化。基于一般认知视角和进化认知视角, 从面相的局部特征和整体特征出发, 阐述面相识人的过程及其影响效果。从一般认知视角来看, 面相会通过不同的认知加工系统对识别个体特质产生影响, 识别到的个体特质在判断(能力、收入、社会层级)以及决策(信任、招聘与晋升)过程中扮演重要角色。从进化认知视角来看, 面相会通过不同的进化选择机制对识别个体健康、基因状况发挥作用, 进而对判断(婚姻满意度、幸福感、生活满意度)和择偶决策产生重要影响。此外, 面相的影响程度取决于个体所处的情境以及个体特质等因素。未来研究应该考察不同面相之间的交互作用, 探索面相识人效果的边界条件, 利用大数据分析提升面相研究的外部效度, 关注后天修饰的面相的影响效果, 开展本土情境下的面相识人研究, 从而丰富面相的研究内容, 构建更加系统的面相研究理论体系。  相似文献   

赵菊  佐斌 《心理学探新》2011,(6):489-493
孔子提出“君子和而不同,小人同而不和”的和谐伦理观。“和”是中国传统文化的一个核心概念,在中国古代哲学思想中,“同”与“和”是一对相互联系又相互区别的概念。现代心理学从人际理论和社会认知理论都阐述了同与和的关系。人际理论家分别从特质、情境和行为互动层面提出互补匹配与和谐的关系,而社会认知理论家以自我和他人相似特质为起点,建构了以感知水平和情感为中介的相似性和谐模式。本文结合以往实证研究结果,提出了中国传统文化下,“和而不同”的思想贯穿于整个人际互动的过程中,同时关系层面是影响互动双方评价互动和谐的一个重要因素.  相似文献   

袁媛  刘昌  沈汪兵 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1593-1603
反馈相关负波(feedback-related negativity, FRN)是人类进行结果评价时诱发的一个重要的脑电负成分, 出现在反馈刺激后200~300ms间。作为社会认知研究的可视化指标和工具, 它在社会关系认知中有着十分重要的作用。研究从社会关系与反映并表征社会关系的社会规范两方面阐述了反馈相关负波在社会关系认知中的作用。前者着重阐述了反馈相关负波在作为独立个体所扮演的社会角色和人际关系中的作用, 后者主要介绍了反馈相关负波在分配公平和责任规范中的作用。未来研究需进一步联合其他脑电成分(如P300), 采用更严密的实验设计和研究范式来探讨不同人际亲密度个体在责任分摊过程中的认知神经过程及其在独立担责情况下责任绝对额度对其结果评价和社会关系认知的影响。  相似文献   

采用《特质宽恕量表》测量了102名大学生的特质宽恕能力,并通过Flanker任务和情景回忆法评估了被试的认知抑制和人际宽恕水平,目的是探讨特质宽恕、认知抑制与人际宽恕三者之间的关系。结果发现:(1)认知抑制、特质宽恕与人际宽恕各维度之间存在两两显著相关(除认知抑制与仁慈动机之外);(2)特质宽恕对回避、报复和仁慈动机均具有预测作用,而认知抑制则只对报复动机具有预测作用;(3)特质宽恕与认知抑制对回避动机具有负向的调节作用,对仁慈动机具有正向的调节作用。  相似文献   

“亲亲相隐”是一桩饱受争议的道德公案,实证考察其中的道德认知机制有助于深入理解中国人的道德结构。研究1直接验证了道德决策中“亲亲相隐”现象的存在,研究2进一步考察了道德判断与决策的差序效应及个体社会价值取向的调节作用,研究3探究了道德义务感的中介作用。整个研究表明,“亲亲相隐”根植于中国人“应然”和“实然”两个层面的道德认知中,不同社会关系下所感知到的人际道德义务差异在其中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

交流是以语言为核心媒介的一种社会人际互动方式, 与个人语言认知过程不同, 交流互动性决定了交流语言认知过程的复杂性、灵活性。重点归纳和述评:交流语言内容特征、交流语言加工理论、交流语言与非语言因素的关系。未来对于交流语言认知特征的探讨应持一个相对开放的态度; 尝试采用多因素依次叠加的实验设计, 考虑交流实验情境的自然性, 以多种子加工过程为基础全面理解语言认知特征。  相似文献   

There is a vast literature confirming that reactions to different risks are strongly affected by characteristics other than scientific risk estimates; most of this research has concentrated on mapping people's representations of sets of widely varying dangers (e.g. diseases, natural disasters, accidents). This study explored a potentially vital component of risk that cannot be studied by eliciting general reactions to many hazards: the extent to which who is at risk contributes to perceptions and judgments of a risk. While it may be preferable to assume that misfortunes affect the population uniformly, of course the truth is not so egalitarian. Thus, for both theoretical and policy reasons, it is worth exploring psychometrically representations of a particular risk as it affects different people. Using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis, we constructed models of respondents' representations of a disease assumed to be particularly affected by victim perception: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Subjects rated the similarity of all possible pairs among 16 scenarios involving HIV infection; the scenarios contained information about both the victim and the method of contraction. A set of attribute scales as well as political/demographic information allowed us both to interpret the structures and to predict individual differences. The results confirmed that reactions to HIV infection are greatly affected by reactions to the victim. In particular, the perceived distastefulness and riskiness of the method of infection loomed larger than did either the overall likability of the victim or the general riskiness of the victim's behavior. Further, the salience of the most statistically influential dimension, ‘deservedness’, depended significantly on demographic and political characteristics of the respondents, suggesting that the relationship between personal values and risk perception is in part mediated by victim perception. Implications for risk perception work and public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

The tactile surface forms a continuous sheet covering the body. And yet, the perceived distance between two touches varies across stimulation sites. Perceived tactile distance is larger when stimuli cross over the wrist, compared to when both fall on either the hand or the forearm. This effect could reflect a categorical distortion of tactile space across body-part boundaries (in which stimuli crossing the wrist boundary are perceptually elongated) or may simply reflect a localised increased in acuity surrounding anatomical landmarks (in which stimuli near the wrist are perceptually elongated). We tested these two interpretations across two experiments, by comparing a well-documented bias to perceive mediolateral tactile distances across the forearm/hand as larger than proximodistal ones along the forearm/hand at three different sites (hand, wrist, and forearm). According to the ‘categorical’ interpretation, tactile distances should be elongated selectively in the proximodistal axis thus reducing the anisotropy. According to the ‘localised acuity’ interpretation, distances will be perceptually elongated in the vicinity of the wrist regardless of orientation, leading to increased overall size without affecting anisotropy. Consistent with the categorical account, we found a reduction in the magnitude of anisotropy at the wrist, with no evidence of a corresponding localised increase in precision. These findings demonstrate that we reference touch to a representation of the body that is categorically segmented into discrete parts, which consequently influences the perception of tactile distance.  相似文献   

Newell FN  Bülthoff HH 《Cognition》2002,85(2):113-143
We report three experiments where the categorical perception of familiar, three-dimensional objects was investigated. A continuum of shape change between 15 pairs of objects was created and the images along the continuum were used as stimuli. In Experiment 1 participants were first required to discriminate pairs of images of objects that lay along the shape continuum. Then participants were asked to classify each morph-image into one of two pre-specified classes. We found evidence for categorical perception in some but not all of our object pairs. In Experiment 2 we varied the viewpoint of the objects in the discrimination task and found that effects of categorical perception generalized across changes in view. In Experiment 3 similarity ratings for each object pair were collected. These similarity scores correlated with the degree of perceptual categorization found for the object pairs. Our findings suggest that some familiar objects are perceived categorically and that categorical perception is closely tied to inter-object perceptual similarity.  相似文献   

The perception of distance in open fields was widely studied with static observers. However, it is a fact that we and the world around us are in continuous relative movement, and that our perceptual experience is shaped by the complex interactions between our senses and the perception of our self-motion. This poses interesting questions about how our nervous system integrates this multisensory information to resolve specific tasks of our daily life, for example, distance estimation. This study provides new evidence about how visual and motor self-motion information affects our perception of distance and a hypothesis about how these two sources of information can be integrated to calibrate the estimation of distance. This model accounts for the biases found when visual and proprioceptive information is inconsistent.  相似文献   

The embodied, embedded, enactive, and extended approaches to cognition explicate many important details for a phenomenology of perception, and are consistent with some of the traditional phenomenological analyses. Theorists working in these areas, however, often fail to provide an account of how intersubjectivity might relate to perception. This paper suggests some ways in which intersubjectivity is important for an adequate account of perception.
Shaun GallagherEmail:

We examined how the perceived age of adult faces is affected by adaptation to younger or older adult faces. Observers viewed images of a synthetic male face simulating ageing over a modelled range from 15 to 65 years. Age was varied by changing shape cues or textural cues. Age level was varied in a staircase to find the observer's subjective category boundary between “old” and “young”. These boundaries were strongly biased by adaptation to the young or old face, with significant aftereffects induced by either shape or textural cues. A further experiment demonstrated comparable aftereffects for photorealistic images of average older or younger adult faces, and found that aftereffects showed some selectivity for a change in gender but also strongly transferred across gender. This transfer shows that adaptation can adjust to the attribute of age somewhat independently of other facial attributes. These findings suggest that perceived age, like many other natural facial dimensions, is highly susceptible to adaptation, and that this adaptation can be carried by both the structural and textural changes that normally accompany facial ageing.  相似文献   

Alterations in bodily awareness have been implicated in depression but there has been little detailed empirical characterisation of the degree and accuracy of body perception in the disorder. The present study examined the objective accuracy of heartbeat perception (using the Schandry mental tracking task) and the subjective degree of bodily focus (using the Bodily Consciousness Questionnaire; BCQ) in healthy control volunteers, a moderately depressed community sample, and a more severely depressed clinic sample (n=18 in each group). The community sample showed less accurate heartbeat perception than the control group as expected. Counter to prediction, however, the more severely depressed clinic sample performed better than the community depressed sample and equivalently to control volunteers on the Schandry task. There were no group differences on subjective bodily awareness. Implications for theories of depression are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that hills appear steeper to those who are fatigued, encumbered, of low physical fitness, elderly, or in declining health (Bhalla & Proffitt, 1999; Proffitt, Bhalla, Gossweiler, & Midgett, 1995). The prevailing interpretation of this research is that observers’ perceptions of the environment are influenced by their capacity to navigate that environment. The current studies extend this programme by investigating more subtle embodied effects on perception of slant; namely those of mood. In two studies, with two different mood manipulations, and two estimates of slant in each, observers in a sad mood reported hills to be steeper. These results support the role of mood and motivational factors in influencing spatial perception, adding to the previous work showing that energetic potential can influence perception.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the detection of emotional expressions is, in its early stages, informationally encapsulated. I clarify and defend such a view via the appeal to data from social perception on the visual processing of faces, bodies, facial and bodily expressions. Encapsulated social perception might exist alongside processes that are cognitively penetrated, and that have to do with recognition and categorization, and play a central evolutionary function in preparing early and rapid responses to the emotional stimuli.  相似文献   

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