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关于儿童面孔认知的已有研究大多未曾控制好实验材料的熟悉度。研究选用10个同班同学的面孔作为材料,考察了5岁儿童对熟悉面孔的识别特点。结果发现,5岁儿童能准确辨认同伴的面孔。依赖面孔的部分信息(内、外轮廓)甚至单一部件(眼睛),儿童辨认同伴面孔的成绩就可以高于随机水平。儿童的面孔识别模式和成人相似,辨认内轮廓的绩效高于外轮廓,眼睛的绩效高于鼻子和嘴巴。儿童识别自我面孔的模式和成人相反,辨认他人面孔的成绩好于辨认自我面孔。实验证明熟悉度是影响儿童面孔识别绩效的重要因素。  相似文献   

自我面孔识别的独特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨红升 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1517-1520
与识别他人的面孔相比,自我面孔识别在行为反应、种系发生、个体发展以及脑机制等方面都具有很大的独特性。行为指标方面,自我面孔识别在速度上快于识别他人的面孔;种系发生方面,只有人类和大猩猩等高级灵长类动物才具有识别自己面孔的能力;个体发展方面,儿童出生后不久即能识别他人面孔,但要在18个月左右才能表现出自我面孔识别能力;脑机制方面,神经心理学和脑成像研究结果表明自我面孔识别可能主要是右脑的功能。该领域的研究进展将为深入了解自我的形成机理提供一个新的探视“窗口”。  相似文献   

兰公瑞  刘成刚  盖笑松 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1120-1123
关于面孔识别能力的认知发展机制问题,目前存在两种不同的观点。一种是面孔特殊性发展理论,认为儿童的面孔识别之所以不如成人,是由于儿童和成人对面孔的加工方式不同,代表性理论有部分加工-结构加工理论,内部特征-外部特征加工理论,多维空间理论等。另一种是一般认知能力观点,认为儿童很早就具备了成人式的面孔加工方式,之后面孔识别任务中成绩的提高都可归因于一般认知能力的发展。在对两种观点进行评述的基础上,对未来的面孔识别研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

为探索精神分裂症患者自我面孔识别的能力以及在视听整合任务中面孔对声音身份识别(同性和异性)的影响, 选取34名住院精神分裂症患者和26名健康被试, 分别进行单通道动态自我面孔识别任务、单通道自我声音识别任务和视听整合任务的3个实验。结果发现:精神分裂症患者的单通道自我面孔识别能力和自我声音识别能力与健康组无区别, 但在视听整合任务中, 精神分裂症患者的声音身份识别受到视觉通道面孔识别的影响。结果表明, 精神分裂症患者有自我面孔识别的能力, 自我面孔会促进自我声音的识别, 并抑制对同性他人声音和异性他人声音的识别。  相似文献   

自我面孔识别成为近年来面孔研究领域的一个热点。自我面孔识别的速度优势、文化差异和正性自我偏见是自我面孔识别的三个主要特征, 影响自我面孔识别的因素主要有加工背景和其他自我相关的信息。此外, 自我面孔的注意性质存在优先加工和难以移除的争论。未来的研究除了需要揭示外显任务中自我面孔识别速度优势的机制、内隐积极联想在脑内如何实现以及自我面孔的注意性质是否是特殊的等问题之外, 还应该深入探讨其他因素影响自我面孔识别的机制等问题。  相似文献   

自我面孔识别是自我参照加工的一种研究范式, 反映了人们通过自我与他人的区分识别出自我面孔的过程。自我面孔识别的脑区定位涉及前额叶、脑岛、扣带回、颞叶和顶叶等脑区的协同作用, 其认知加工有三个阶段:低水平的感觉处理阶段, 对自我参照的面孔信息的处理阶段和身份辨别阶段。在今后的研究中, 应该在时程上区分自我面孔识别的各个加工过程, 并且结合脑区定位结果, 明确自我面孔识别的各加工阶段及认知成分。  相似文献   

面孔认知研究表明, 人们识别和再认自己所属群体(如种族、性别、年龄)面孔的成绩显著好于识别其他群体面孔的成绩。近年来围绕面孔识别的这种自我群体偏向进行了实验研究, 研究者提出了知觉经验说和社会认知论两种理论来解释其认知加工机制, 而类别化-个性化模型和双路径模型则是将两种理论分别加以整合提出的新解释。研究者还对面孔识别自我群体偏向的神经机制进行了研究, 探讨了评价者、评价对象和评价任务等因素对自我群体偏向的影响。提升面孔识别自我群体偏向研究的生态效度, 构建整合性理论模型以及加强跨文化和本土研究是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

采用多维面孔任务(face dimensions task)探讨了信息类型和位置对7~17岁儿童面孔加工的作用。该任务通过改变面孔的类型信息(特征和结构)和位置信息(眼部和嘴部),要求儿童对同时呈现的面孔图片进行“相同”或“不同”的判断。研究发现,儿童面孔加工水平随年龄提高,13~14岁表现最好;对面孔特征的加工好于结构加工,而眼部和嘴部的加工差异从11~12岁开始出现;类型信息和位置信息共同作用于面孔加工,表现为儿童在嘴部的特征和结构加工上未出现显著差异,但眼部的特征加工显著好于眼部的结构加工。  相似文献   

内隐积极联想理论(implicit positive association, IPA)认为自我面孔识别以及与之伴随的自我意识激发了自我概念的积极属性, 促进了对自我面孔的识别优势, 因此通过自我概念威胁可以削弱自我面孔识别的优势效应。本研究旨在探讨自我概念威胁以及与重要他人的比较对自我面孔优势效应的共同影响。实验一为自我-朋友对比实验, 10对同性好友(20名被试)在接受完自我概念威胁启动或者非威胁性启动后对自我面孔和朋友面孔进行朝向的判断, 结果发现非威胁性启动后, 自我面孔的优势效应依然存在, 而在自我概念威胁启动后, 自我面孔优势效应消失。实验二为自我-陌生人对比实验, 另外20名被试在接受完自我概念威胁启动或者非威胁性启动后, 对自我面孔和陌生人面孔进行朝向的判断, 结果发现, 无论是自我概念威胁启动还是非威胁性启动后, 自我面孔识别优势效应都依然存在。两个实验的结果均主要体现在用左手进行反应的时候。结果表明:自我概念威胁以及与重要他人的比较共同削弱自我面孔优势效应; 而左手效应的发生似乎表明了大脑右半球对自我面孔识别的主导和调节作用。  相似文献   

隋雪  李平平  张晓利 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1349-1352
摘 要:面孔识别包括熟悉面孔识别和陌生面孔识别,两者之间的差异已经得到了多方面的证明。神经生理学的研究发现,识别陌生面孔和熟悉面孔所激活的脑区存在差异,与识别陌生面孔相比,识别熟悉面孔的脑区活动范围更大,包括双侧前额叶、单侧颞叶、海马回、杏仁核、后扣带回和右下额叶。并且也存在脑电的差异,比如 N400和P600的差异。对陌生面孔和熟悉面孔识别具有相同影响的因素有:遮挡、倒置等;具有不同影响的因素有:视角、表情、内外部特征等。文章也探讨了陌生面孔变成熟悉面孔的过程,以及在这一过程中起主要作用的编码形式等。  相似文献   

Saether L  Laeng B 《Perception》2008,37(8):1227-1240
Parents of monozygotic twins typically learn to recognise their own children and also to tell them apart on photographs. However, it is unknown whether such exemplar expertise can be generalised to unfamiliar faces of equal similarity (ie other twins). In the present study, parents of monozygotic twins were compared to 'control' parents whose children were non-twin siblings. In a same/different task with familiar and unfamiliar twin faces as stimuli, twins' parents were faster than control parents in distinguishing their own children, but slower when distinguishing unfamiliar twin faces. These unexpected findings can be interpreted as a generalisation of a habitual perceptual strategy that is efficient only with familiar face exemplars. When pictures of the twins' faces were inverted by 180degrees, the typical inversion costs for familiar faces were observed, but the twins' parents recognised unfamiliar twins' faces better when these were inverted than when upright. This inverted inversion effect could be caused by the high similarity of the face pairs as well as by experience with familiar faces of equally high similarity. We conclude that the facial expertise of twins' parents is idiosyncratic to their own children and not based on an enhanced general facial expertise.  相似文献   

中国学生的自我面孔识别   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
朱滢  戚健俐  张剑 《心理学报》2004,36(4):442-447
已有研究表明大脑右半球具有自我面孔再认的优势。为了进一步验证这个观点,该研究使用面孔识别任务,以13名右利手的中国大学生为被试,测量被试对morphing面孔的左右手反应差异。给被试呈现第一张面孔向第二张面孔的morphing过程,当被试看到morphing的面孔更像第二张面孔时报告停止。研究有两个morphing过程:一个为由自我面孔向名人面孔morphing,另一个为好朋友面孔(熟悉的)向名人面孔morphing。结果表明当用左手反应时,被试倾向于把morphing的面孔识别为自己,研究中自我面孔再认的左手优势与已有的发现一致。另外,研究还发现在一定trials条件下,熟悉面孔再认也具有左手优势,这一结果与西方被试的结果不一致,但东西方被试对熟悉面孔再认的差异与独立型自我和互倚型自我的观点一致。该文认为神经心理学有关自我的研究可能需要考虑文化和情境的复杂性。  相似文献   

采用视觉追踪技术,探讨自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)儿童面孔加工的同龄偏向效应。实验1选取19名ASD儿童和23名生理年龄匹配的普通儿童(typically developing, TD)为被试,通过自由观看同龄和异龄中性面孔,探讨ASD儿童是否存在面孔加工的同龄偏向效应;实验2选取22名ASD儿童和生理年龄匹配的25名TD儿童,通过自由观看快乐、愤怒和恐惧面孔,探讨情绪对ASD儿童面孔加工同龄偏向的影响。结果发现,(1)ASD儿童对同龄中性面孔的注视时间显著大于异龄中性面孔;(2)ASD儿童在愤怒和恐惧情绪下对同龄面孔的注视时间显著大于异龄面孔,而在快乐情绪下同龄和异龄的注视时间则无显著差异。这表明ASD儿童对面孔的注视加工存在同龄偏向效应,且受情绪的影响。  相似文献   

Three- to five-year-old children (N = 134) approached each other in two experiments investigating age, sex, and dyadic sex composition differences in a social manifestation of the awareness of the sex of self and of others. Children of both sexes and at all ages both stopped and oriented their bodies farther away from opposite-sex peers than from same-sex peers, regardless of age-status or familiarity. A nonverbal technique, which is readily reproducible and experimentally manipulatable, is presented which measures an aspect of early awareness of one's own sex and that of others in an obviously meaningful interpersonal context.  相似文献   

The effects of integrated pictures of nouns, training in imagining relations between separate pictures of nouns, and the combination of training and integrated pictures on the recall of noun triplets were assessed in children from grades one, three, and six. The cued recall of nouns under these three conditions was from two to six times greater than that of the control group in all three grades. In grade six, those children who had been trained to generate their own relations between the pictured nouns recalled significantly more than those who had been shown integrated (i.e., already related) pictures of the nouns. It was suggested that encouraging young children to seek out and generate relations between items to be learned might help them become aware of and more confident in their ability to improve their own learning efficiency.  相似文献   

The own‐race bias refers to the finding that individuals are better able to recognize faces of the same race or ethnicity compared with faces of another race or ethnicity. The current study examined whether the own‐race bias was also evident in participants' predictions of memory performance and their self‐regulation of learning. In three experiments, participants studied own‐race and other‐race faces and predicted the likelihood of recognizing each face on a future test. Experiment 1 showed that participants provided similar predictions for own‐race and other‐race faces, despite superior recognition of own‐race faces. Experiments 2 and 3 permitted participants to control their study of faces and revealed better self‐regulation of learning for own‐race relative to other‐race faces. Collectively, these experiments suggest that the own‐race bias may partially reflect a metacognitive deficiency, as participants are less able to effectively self‐regulate learning for other‐race faces. The implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated recognition memory of photographs of the subject's own face. Male and female subjects were photographed as they projected sociable faces, trustworthy faces, and intelligent faces. After deciding which face of 10 best represented each characteristic, and judging which photograph best represented their “real self,” a recognition memory test of poses was given. Half of each sex were tested under intentional learning conditions and the remainder were tested under incidental learning conditions. Females demonstrated superior recognition memory of their own facial projections and, in particular, recalled photographs of their “real self” and “most sociable” self most easily. No differences were found between the two learning conditions. Subjects' recognition performance was not related to their confidence of judgments. The results were discussed in terms of sex differences and the role of self in memory.  相似文献   

为了考察自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD)儿童对不同情绪面孔的觉察和加工情况,设计两个眼动实验任务,要求14名7~10岁ASD儿童和20名同年龄正常儿童观看图片。实验一采用将情绪面孔嵌入风景图片中引起语义不一致的刺激;实验二采用含有情绪面孔的无意义背景乱序图片刺激。结果发现:(1)ASD儿童对不同情绪面孔的觉察时间都显著长于正常儿童;(2)与正常儿童一样,ASD儿童表现出对恐惧面孔的注意偏向;(3)实验二中,ASD儿童对不同情绪面孔内部特征区的注意分配与正常儿童不同;正常儿童能注意最能展示该类情绪特征信息的区域,如恐惧的眼睛、愉快的嘴巴,而ASD儿童对三类情绪面孔特征区的注意分配方式相似;(4)两个实验条件下,ASD者对不同情绪面孔的觉察、加工模式与正常儿童相似。  相似文献   

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