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空间导航在生活中时刻发生,空间能力衰退是阿尔兹海默症的重要早期表现。早期关于空间导航神经机制的研究主要关注单个脑区的特异性功能,但这些脑区如何交互以整合不同模态的信息支持复杂导航行为尚不清楚。脑成像技术、脑网络建模方法和神经调控手段的发展,为在脑网络水平理解人类空间导航的认知神经机制提供了重要研究手段。本研究试图融合空间导航认知神经机制研究的最新进展,借助脑网络建模、大数据分析、微电流刺激等前沿研究手段,研究空间导航脑网络的关键拓扑属性特征(如模块化、核心节点等),探寻该功能特异性神经网络的重要影响因素和调控机制,并构建空间导航的脑网络理论模型。研究成果将有利于理解人类复杂导航行为的脑网络基础,为阿尔兹海默症等相关认知障碍脑疾病的筛查和诊断提供重要参考。  相似文献   

失眠已成为现代人群中的一种高发健康问题。静息态功能磁共振以其数据采集便利性和无创性, 成为失眠研究的主要成像手段之一。基于近年来静息态功能磁共振的发现, 失眠患者存在前额叶、颞叶、前扣带回、脑岛等认知-情绪神经环路的异常。大尺度脑网络是涵盖多个脑区、功能相对单一的大脑结构。失眠患者存在默认网络、突显网络、认知控制网络和负性情绪网络内部活动与连接异常, 而且呈现出以默认网络为核心, 包含认知控制网络、突显网络、负性情绪网络的网络间连接异常模式。此外, 结合症状、治疗和大尺度脑网络的视角, 可为失眠的“精准治疗”提供神经理论依据。未来研究可结合大数据和多模态分析技术, 验证静息态功能磁共振已有发现。而失眠的纵向追踪和队列研究会有利于进一步阐释失眠的神经机制。  相似文献   

刘惠娟  邱江 《心理科学》2015,(4):1004-1011
静息态功能磁共振成像是指在静息状态下测量的BOLD信号,即受试者安静地躺在扫描仪中,不给受试者任何特定的任务,受试者也不用做任何反应,此时受试者的大脑活动处于自发状态。通过使用该技术可以为抑郁症发作的临床现象提供神经影像学依据,以期为将来抑郁症的治疗提供生物标记。因此,本文综述了大量抑郁症患者在静息态脑功能方面的差异研究,发现了单、双相抑郁症,首、复发抑郁症,早发性、晚发性抑郁症,难治、非难治性抑郁症等不同类型的抑郁症在包括局部一致性(Re Ho)和低频振幅(ALFF)在内的功能分化以及包括功能连接密度(FCD)、功能同伦(VMHC)、复杂网络(Complex Network)和ROI功能连接在内的功能整合两大指标的改变。  相似文献   

分析PubMed数据库中2007年~2017年轻度认知障碍研究的热点,了解该领域研究现状及发展趋势。在PubMed数据库检索轻度认知障碍文献,采用Bicomb 2.0软件对纳入研究的相关文献提取高频主题词,并采用SPSS 21.0统计软件对这些主题词进行共词聚类分析。共检索到6 820篇文献,提取高频主题词35个,通过共词聚类分析总结出轻度认知障碍的6个热点:轻度认知障碍脑成像研究;轻度认知障碍生理病理学研究;轻度认知障碍病因学及并发症研究;轻度认知障碍诊断及心理学研究;轻度认知障碍流行病学研究;轻度认知障碍的血液、脑脊液研究。近10年轻度认知障碍研究热点分析有助于了解该领域的研究现状及发展趋势。目前治疗研究、非药物干预研究相对较少,在健康老龄化的时代背景下应积极探索非药物干预方法。  相似文献   

皮层-基底节-丘脑网络与脑岛网络属于感觉运动相关网络, 这两个网络的改变可能是导致精神分裂症的重要原因。目前主流研究与临床干预聚焦于患者的高级脑区异常, 对感觉运动系统的关注不足。对健康个体的研究发现舞蹈训练对感觉运动相关脑网络具有显著提升作用, 并自下而上地促进高级功能。以上研究提示舞蹈训练可能是干预精神分裂症、改善患者认知功能的新途径。本研究拟借助多模态磁共振成像技术, 以精神分裂症感觉运动相关网络为着力点, 通过分析精神分裂症患者在舞蹈训练前后的脑影像、临床症状及认知行为的改变, 揭示舞蹈训练临床干预的神经机制。  相似文献   

陈娟  何昊  杨丹丹  关青 《心理科学进展》2021,29(11):2002-2012
轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment, MCI)是介于正常认知老化和老年痴呆的中间状态, 目前尚无有效的药物治疗方案。重复经颅磁刺激(repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, rTMS)可通过诱导突触可塑性的改变来改善大脑的认知功能。对rTMS干预MCI认知功能的有效性及神经机制进行分析。未来研究应优化定位手段, 延长对干预效果的随访评估, 考察不同刺激参数和刺激靶区对干预有效性的影响, 以及结合脑成像技术来探索rTMS的干预机制。  相似文献   

刘涛  刘星辰 《心理科学》2017,40(4):1005-1010
社会交往能力是人类生存的基本技能。社交能力的缺失会导致严重的行为障碍和精神疾病,如自闭症。由于自闭症儿童的特殊性,绝大多数的自闭症脑成像研究多集中在年龄较大的高功能自闭症儿童在静息态或简单的任务态下的脑激活模式或功能连接状态。自闭症的核心症状—社会交往障碍和语言交流障碍却较少有研究触及。近年来,近红外光学脑功能成像技术的发展为我们在真实的交流和互动中研究自闭症儿童的神经病理机制提供了新的工具和机遇。  相似文献   

空间导航活动时刻在我们的生活中发生,导航能力在人群中表现出显著的个体差异,其衰退也是阿尔兹海默症等认知障碍脑疾病的重要早期行为学表现。以往研究考察了空间导航能力个体差异的认知行为特征和相关神经基础,但关于个体差异的成因尚不明确。本研究通过综述近10年的研究进展,从二因素论的视角出发,总结了空间导航个体差异的关键遗传和环境因素及其作用机制,初步建立了空间导航的遗传/环境-大脑网络-认知和行为的通路模型,并对未来发展方向提出展望。该通路模型的完善有助于我们理解空间导航的形成与发展规律,为相关因果机制研究提供理论基础和全面视角,同时对进一步探索空间导航在认知障碍等脑疾病中的潜在临床应用具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

静息态脑活动的研究关注个体在清醒、静卧、闭眼时脑的活动情况,大量实验证明静息状态下大脑仍进行着持续不断的信息加工活动,并且消耗大量能量。本文在阐述无意识活动特性以及总结静息态脑能量消耗研究的基础上,提出用无意识活动解释静息态脑能量消耗的观点,强调在研究无意识活动的心理意义的同时,还要研究无意识活动的神经机制及其生理表现。  相似文献   

脑电以及相关的测量方法在儿童脑发育与学习研究中拥有漫长的历史,脑电测量在临床上可以作为儿童脑发育及发展性障碍预测、诊断及干预效果的生物学指标。针对30年脑电研究的文献分析,对比了脑电的4种主要测量方法:事件相关电位ERP、EEG频谱分析、EEG时频分析和静息态EEG脑网络连接在儿童发展性障碍中的应用,分析了任务态和静息态下不同的测量方法及其特点,同时针对儿童发展性障碍的共性特征、特异性指标以及脑结构和功能异常等核心问题,提出未来研究要加强时域、频域、时频领域在方法学上的融合与互补,发挥脑电测量对发展性障碍早期筛选和诊断的作用。  相似文献   

Functional connectivity is the statistical association of neuronal activity time courses across distinct brain regions, supporting specific cognitive processes. This coordination of activity is likely to be highly important for complex aspects of cognition, such as the communication of fluctuating task goals from higher‐order control regions to lower‐order, functionally specific regions. Some of these functional connections are identifiable even when relevant cognitive tasks are not being performed (i.e. at rest). We used magnetoencephalographic recordings projected into source space to demonstrate that resting state networks in childhood have electrophysiological underpinnings that are evident in the spontaneous fluctuations of oscillatory brain activity. Using the temporal structure of these oscillatory patterns we were able to identify a number of functional resting state networks analogous to those reported in the adult literature. In a second analysis we fused this dynamic temporal information with the spatial information from a functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis of functional connectivity, to demonstrate that inter‐subject variability in these electrophysiological measures of functional connectivity is correlated with individual differences in cognitive ability: the strength of connectivity between a fronto‐parietal network and lower‐level processing areas in inferior temporal cortex was associated with spatial working memory capacity, as measured outside the scanner with educationally relevant standardized assessments. This study represents the first exploration of the electrophysiological mechanisms underpinning resting state functional connectivity in source space in childhood, and the extent to which the strength of particular connections is associated with cognitive ability.  相似文献   

A default mode network of brain regions is known to demonstrate coordinated activity during the resting state. While the default mode network is well characterized in adults, few investigations have focused upon its development. We scanned 9-13-year-old children with diffusion tensor imaging and resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. We identified resting-state networks using Independent Component Analysis and tested whether the functional connectivity between the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) depends upon the maturation of the underlying cingulum white matter tract. To determine the generalizability of this relationship, we also tested whether functional connectivity depends on white matter maturity between bilateral lateral prefrontal cortex (lateral PFC) within the executive control network. We found a positive relationship between mPFC-PCC connectivity and fractional anisotropy of the cingulum bundle; this positive relationship was moderated by the age of the subjects such that it was stronger in older children. By contrast, no such structure-function relationship emerged between right and left lateral PFC. However, functional and structural connectivity of this tract related positively with cognitive speed, fluency, and set-switching neuropsychological measures.  相似文献   

Normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cause profound changes in the brain’s structure and function. AD in particular is accompanied by widespread cortical neuronal loss, and loss of connections between brain systems. This degeneration of neural pathways disrupts the functional coherence of brain activation. Recent innovations in brain imaging have detected characteristic disruptions in functional networks. Here we review studies examining changes in functional connectivity, measured through fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), starting with healthy aging and then Alzheimer’s disease. We cover studies that employ the three primary methods to analyze functional connectivity—seed-based, ICA (independent components analysis), and graph theory. At the end we include a brief discussion of other methodologies, such as EEG (electroencephalography), MEG (magnetoencephalography), and PET (positron emission tomography). We also describe multi-modal studies that combine rsfMRI (resting state fMRI) with PET imaging, as well as studies examining the effects of medications. Overall, connectivity and network integrity appear to decrease in healthy aging, but this decrease is accelerated in AD, with specific systems hit hardest, such as the default mode network (DMN). Functional connectivity is a relatively new topic of research, but it holds great promise in revealing how brain network dynamics change across the lifespan and in disease.  相似文献   

Psychopathology is increasingly viewed from a circuit perspective in which a disorder stems not from circumscribed anomalies in discrete brain regions, but rather from impairments in distributed neural networks. This focus on neural circuitry has rendered resting state functional connectivity MRI (rs-fcMRI) an increasingly important role in the elucidation of pathophysiology including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Unlike many other MRI techniques that focus on the properties of discrete brain regions, rs-fcMRI measures the coherence of neural activity across anatomically disparate brain regions, examining the connectivity and organization of neural circuits. In this review, we explore the methods available to investigators using rs-fcMRI techniques, including a discussion of their relative merits and limitations. We then review findings from extant rs-fcMRI studies of ADHD focusing on neural circuits implicated in the disorder, especially the default mode network, cognitive control network, and cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loops. We conclude by suggesting future directions that may help advance subsequent rs-fcMRI research in ADHD.  相似文献   

The brain is an intricate network, not only structurally but also functionally. On the functional level, connectivity in the brain is organized in separable yet interacting networks that support information processing by maintaining a ready state, even in the absence of external stimulation. It has been hypothesized that an insular-opercular network underlies the processing of emotionally salient information and that individual differences in functional connectivity within this network correspond to individual differences in trait anxiety. Here, we tested this relationship by applying graph analysis to multiple regions of interests delineating the insular-opercular network to estimate the characteristic path length that quantifies the overall information exchange efficiency within a given network. We found that people scoring high on the anxiety-related temperament-dimension harm avoidance had decreased insular-opercular network efficiency in the resting state, as indicated by a higher characteristic path length. Furthermore, people scoring high on harm avoidance showed generally reduced functional connectivity between brain regions; the relationship between harm avoidance and insular-opercular network efficiency remained significant when controlling for mean connectivity within this network. No such results were found for other resting-state networks. The results provide insights into how personality is organized in the human brain and point toward clinically relevant endophenotypes for affective and mood disorders.  相似文献   

Instead of assessing activation in distinct brain regions, approaches to investigating the networks underlying distinct brain functions have come into the focus of neuroscience research. Here, we provide a completely data-driven framework for assessing functional and causal connectivity in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, employing Granger's causality. We investigate the networks underlying story processing in 17 healthy children (8f, 9m, 10.4+/-2.8 years, 6.5-15.4 years). Extensive functional connectivity exists between brain regions, including some not detected in standard random effects analyses. Causal connectivity analyses demonstrate a clear dominance of left-sided language regions for both forward and backward interactions with other network nodes. We believe our approach to be useful in helping to assess language networks in the normal or pathological setting; it may also aid in providing better starting estimates for the more hypothesis-driven approaches like structural equation or dynamic causal modeling.  相似文献   

视觉词汇加工的动态神经网络及其形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
揭示大脑加工的神经网络机制成为认知神经科学研究的最新取向.本研究以视觉词汇加工脑区(VWFA)的神经功能作为切入点,探讨视觉词汇加工神经网络的动态机制及其形成.研究一考察VWFA在刺激驱动和任务调节下的动态激活,及其与语音、语义脑区所组成神经网络的动态机制.研究二通过跨文化对比以及儿童阅读发展研究,阐明语言经验对视觉词汇加工网络的塑造作用.研究三对比功能网络、静息网络以及白质纤维束联结,探讨视觉词汇加工网络的动态联结及其形成.研究结果有助于建构视觉词汇加工的神经生理模型,为基于脑科学的阅读教学和阅读障碍矫治奠定理论基础,为认知神经科学研究提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: This study aims to characterize the differences on the short-term temporal network dynamics of the undirected and weighted whole-brain functional connectivity between healthy aging individuals and people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The Network Change Point Detection algorithm was applied to identify the significant change points in the resting-state fMRI register, and we analyzed the fluctuations in the topological properties of the sub-networks between significant change points. Method: Ten MCI patients matched by gender and age in 1:1 ratio to healthy controls screened during patient recruitment. A neuropsychological evaluation was done to both groups as well as functional magnetic images were obtained with a Philips 3.0T. All the images were preprocessed and statistically analyzed through dynamic point estimation tools. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between groups in the number of significant change points in the functional connectivity networks. However, an interaction effect of age and state was detected on the intra-participant variability of the network strength. Conclusions: The progression of states was associated to higher variability in the patient's group. Additionally, higher performance in the prospective and retrospective memory scale was associated with higher median network strength.  相似文献   

Functional connectivity changes in the language network (Price, 2010), and in a control network involved in second language (L2) processing (Abutalebi & Green, 2007) were examined in a group of Persian (L1) speakers learning French (L2) words. Measures of network integration that characterize the global integrative state of a network (Marrelec, Bellec et al., 2008) were gathered, in the shallow and consolidation phases of L2 vocabulary learning. Functional connectivity remained unchanged across learning phases for L1, whereas total, between- and within-network integration levels decreased as proficiency for L2 increased.The results of this study provide the first functional connectivity evidence regarding the dynamic role of the language processing and cognitive control networks in L2 learning (Abutalebi et al., 2005, Altarriba and Heredia, 2008, Leonard et al., 2011, Parker-Jones et al., 2011). Thus, increased proficiency results in a higher degree of automaticity and lower cognitive effort (Segalowitz & Hulstijn, 2005).  相似文献   

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