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Wilcox LM  Lakra DC 《Perception》2007,36(6):830-839
Over the past two decades psychophysical experiments have firmly established that binocular half-occlusions are useful sources of information for the human visual system. The existing literature has focused on simplified stimuli that have no additional cues to depth, apart from stereopsis. From this large body of work we can be confident that the visual system is able to exploit binocular half-occlusions to aid depth perception; however, we do not know if this signal has any influence on perception when observers view complex stereoscopic stimuli with multiple sources of depth information. This issue is addressed here with the use of stereoscopic images of natural scenes, some of which have been digitally altered to manipulate a major half-occlusion signal. Our results show that depth-ordering judgments for these relatively complex stimuli are significantly affected by the nature of the half-occlusion signal, but only when highly textured surfaces are viewed. Under such conditions, the replacement of a binocular half-occlusion with background texture slows reaction time relative to performance when the occluded region is consistent with the foreground object. This result is specific to conditions when the depth ordering is correct (ie not reversed) and depends upon the size of the half-occlusion. The influence of the half-occlusion information in the presence of potent depth cues such as perspective, texture gradient, shading, and interposition is convincing evidence that this information plays a significant role in human depth perception.  相似文献   

The gravity of ischemic stroke is the key factor in deciding upon the optimum therapeutic intervention. Ischemic stroke can be divided into three main groups: lacunar syndrome (LACS), partial anterior circulation syndrome (PACS), and total anterior circulation stroke (TACS), where the corresponding severity is mild, medium, and high, respectively. Herein, a unique method for the automatic detection of ischemic stroke severity is presented. The proposed system is based upon the extraction of higher order bispectrum entropy and its phase features from brain MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) images. For classification, which is used to establish stroke severity, a support vector machine was incorporated into the design. The developed technique effectively detected the stroke lesion, and achieved a sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive predictive value equal to 96.4%, 100%, 97.6% and 100%, respectively. The results were obtained without the need for manual intervention. This design is advantageous over state-of-the-art automated stroke severity detection systems, which require the reading neuroradiologist to manually determine the region of interest. Hence, the method is efficacious for delivering decision support in the diagnosis of ischemic stroke severity, thereby aiding the neuroradiologist in routine screening procedures.  相似文献   

An affective priming task was used to determine whether females automatically evaluate body-related images, and to establish whether this is moderated by appearance schematicity, thin internalisation, body dissatisfaction, and dietary restraint. In a within participants design, the valence congruence of the prime and target pairs was manipulated, as was the interval between them. Undergraduate females (N=87, Experiment 1 and N=72, Experiment 2) individually selected colour images as the primes. Each prime was presented briefly, followed by a target word which the participant judged as "good" or "bad". The dependent variable was response latency to the target word. Automatic evaluation was evident; responding to congruent pairs was faster than responding to incongruent pairs. The individual difference variables were not related to automaticity. The findings suggest that brief encounters with body-related images are likely to produce automatic affective responses in young women irrespective of body-related concerns.  相似文献   

Adult humans searched for a hidden goal in images depicting 3-dimensional rooms. Images contained either featural cues, geometric cues, or both, which could be used to determine the correct location of the goal. In Experiment 1, participants learned to use featural and geometric information equally well. However, men and women showed significant differences in their use of distant featural cues and the spontaneous encoding of geometric information when trained with features present. Transformation tests showed that participants could use either the color or the shape of the features independently to locate the goal. Experiment 2 showed that participants could use either configural or surface geometry when searching for the goal. However, their weighing of these geometric cues was dependent on initial training experience.  相似文献   

Tolhurst DJ  Tadmor Y 《Perception》2000,29(9):1087-1100
We have developed a protocol for testing experimentally the hypothesis that the human visual system is optimised for making visual discriminations amongst natural scenes. Visual stimuli were made by gradual blending of the Fourier spectra of digitised photographs of natural scenes. The statistics of the stimuli were made unnatural to varying degrees by changing the overall slopes of the amplitude spectra of the stimuli. Thresholds were measured for discriminating small amounts of spectral blending at different spectral slopes. We found that thresholds were lowest when the spectral slope was natural; thresholds were increased when the slopes were either shallower or steeper than natural. A number of spurious cues were considered, such as differences in mean luminance or overall spectral power or contrast between test and reference stimuli. Control experiments were performed to remove such spurious cues, and the discrimination thresholds were still lowest for stimuli that were most natural. Thus, these experiments do provide experimental support for the idea that human vision and the human visual system are optimised for processing natural visual information [corrected].  相似文献   

Séré B  Marendaz C  Hérault J 《Perception》2000,29(12):1403-1412
The aim of this research is to model and simulate the loss of visual resolution as a function of retinal eccentricity in the perception of natural scenes. The model of visual resolution is based on a space-variant low-pass filter, having a variable convolution kernel according to retinal eccentricity. The parameters of the model are computed from psychophysical measures of visual acuity as a function of retinal eccentricity. The implementation of the model allowed us to generate images of scenes with nonhomogeneous space-variant resolution, simulating the filtering executed by the eye. These scenes are used to test and optimise the model by means of experiments in static vision (through tachistoscopic presentations) and in dynamic vision where the resolution of the scene is computed, in real-time, as a function of the location of gaze.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined whether the detection of frontal, ¾, and profile face views differs from their categorization as faces. In Experiment 1, we compared three tasks that required observers to determine the presence or absence of a face, but varied in the extents to which participants had to search for the faces in simple displays and in small or large scenes to make this decision. Performance was equivalent for all of the face views in simple displays and small scenes, but it was notably slower for profile views when this required the search for faces in extended scene displays. This search effect was confirmed in Experiment 2, in which we compared observers’ eye movements with their response times to faces in visual scenes. These results demonstrate that the categorization of faces at fixation is dissociable from the detection of faces in space. Consequently, we suggest that face detection should be studied with extended visual displays, such as natural scenes.  相似文献   

Significant advances have been made in understanding human face recognition . However, a fundamental aspect of this process, how faces are located in our visual environment, is poorly understood and little studied. Here we examine the role of color in human face detection. We demonstrate that detection performance declines when color information is removed from faces, regardless of whether the surrounding scene context is rendered in color. Furthermore, faces rendered in unnatural colors are hard to detect, suggesting a role beyond simple segmentation. When faces are presented such that half the surface is colored appropriately, and half unnaturally, performance declines. This suggests that observers are not simply using the presence of skin color "patches" to detect faces. Rather, our data suggest that detection operates via a face template combining diagnostic color and face-shape information. These findings are consistent with color-template approaches used in some computer-based face detection systems.  相似文献   

Data from the Oregon Youth Study, consisting of the verbal behavior of 210 adolescent boys determined to be at risk for delinquency (targets) and 210 of their friends (peers), were analyzed for their conformance to the complete family of matching theory equations in light of recent findings from the basic science, and using recently developed analytic techniques. Equations of the classic and modern theories of matching were fitted as ensembles to rates and time allocations of the boys' rule-break and normative talk obtained from conversations between pairs of boys. The verbal behavior of each boy in a conversation was presumed to be reinforced by positive social responses from the other boy. Consistent with recent findings from the basic science, the boys' verbal behavior was accurately described by the modern but not the classic theory of matching. These findings also add support to the assertion that basic principles and processes that are known to govern behavior in laboratory experiments also govern human social behavior in undisturbed natural environments.  相似文献   

Twenty Ss, 10 male and 10 female, were required to select from a list of 36 common color names the correct name for each of 36 Munsell colored chips. On their first trial, with no prior training and without even having seen the set of stimuli in advance, our Ss gave results that were as good as, or better than, previous Es have reported at the conclusion of much longer experiments. On the last trial (Trial 10) our Ss transmitted about 5.07 bits of information, corresponding to the perfect discrimination of more than 33 colors. These figures approach the upper limit possible with 36 colors (5.17 bits). Reasons are given to suggest that the so-called human “channel capacity” to tasks of this kind could be even greater than we found here.  相似文献   

A quantitative method is developed for assessing the quality of pattern information in imagery, using the magnitude of color aftereffects as an objective index. Subjects were given instructions to project imagined bar patterns of particular width and orientation onto adapting color fields, in such a manner as to simulate standard conditions for establishing the McCollough effect. Our control procedures indicate that the resulting orientation-specific complementary color aftereffects cannot be attributed to the conditioning of particular directions of eye scanning movements to color processing during adaptation, or to other possible sources of experimental bias. Furthermore, subjects who rated themselves prior to the adaptation procedure as having relatively vivid imagery showed significantly larger aftereffects than those who reported having relatively low imagery. These results not only provide an important confirmation of our earlier finding that imagination can replace physical pattern information in the formation of basic color-feature associations in the human visual system, but also demonstrate that these aftereffects can provide a practical measure of the fidelity of pattern representation in visual images.  相似文献   

We studied the time course of material categorization in natural images relative to superordinate and basic-level object categorization, using a backward-masking paradigm. We manipulated several low-level features of the images—including luminance, contrast, and color—to assess their potential contributions. The results showed that the speed of material categorization was roughly comparable to the speed of basic-level object categorization, but slower than that of superordinate object categorization. The performance seemed to be crucially mediated by low-level factors, with color leading to a solid increase in performance for material categorization. At longer presentation durations, material categorization was less accurate than both types of object categorization. Taken together, our results show that material categorization can be as fast as basic-level object categorization, but is less accurate.  相似文献   

Is color a critical feature in emotional content extraction and involuntary attentional orienting toward affective stimuli? Here we used briefly presented emotional distractors to investigate the extent to which color information can influence the time course of attentional bias in early visual cortex. While participants performed a demanding visual foreground task, complex unpleasant and neutral background images were displayed in color or grayscale format for a short period of 133 ms and were immediately masked. Such a short presentation poses a challenge for visual processing. In the visual detection task, participants attended to flickering squares that elicited the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), allowing us to analyze the temporal dynamics of the competition for processing resources in early visual cortex. Concurrently we measured the visual event-related potentials (ERPs) evoked by the unpleasant and neutral background scenes. The results showed (a) that the distraction effect was greater with color than with grayscale images and (b) that it lasted longer with colored unpleasant distractor images. Furthermore, classical and mass-univariate ERP analyses indicated that, when presented in color, emotional scenes elicited more pronounced early negativities (N1–EPN) relative to neutral scenes, than when the scenes were presented in grayscale. Consistent with neural data, unpleasant scenes were rated as being more emotionally negative and received slightly higher arousal values when they were shown in color than when they were presented in grayscale. Taken together, these findings provide evidence for the modulatory role of picture color on a cascade of coordinated perceptual processes: by facilitating the higher-level extraction of emotional content, color influences the duration of the attentional bias to briefly presented affective scenes in lower-tier visual areas.  相似文献   

Litter is an especially large and costly problem in unsupervised high-use recreational areas. This study investigated procedures to induce visitors to remove litter from an unsupervised U.S. Forest Service area in which signs attached to two litter stations instructed people to pick up and deposit litter. A small sum of money or chances on a larger sum given for participation usually resulted in more bags of litter being picked up per week. Although only a small proportion of the area's users participated in the project, ground surveys indicated the areas sampled were somewhat freer of litter during the payment condition. The results suggest that small monetary rewards may be a promising approach to litter control in unsupervised as well as supervised areas.  相似文献   

Using a standard study-test procedure, color priming was examined through effects of color transformation, from correctly colored to incorrectly colored and vice versa, for natural objects with pre-existing color-shape associations, e.g., yellow banana. More specifically these effects were examined at study-test delays of 0, 24, and 48 hr. When deciding whether an object was correctly colored, color transformation eliminated priming. Furthermore, there was evidence that for objects that were not transformed, priming was stronger for correctly as compared with incorrectly colored objects. In addition, the introduction of 24- and 48-hr. delays between the study and the test phase of the task reduced the effects of color transformation on priming. These findings are discussed in terms of the representations that mediate implicit memory performance.  相似文献   

A classifier based on the linear regression model was developed to automatically detect sharp transients in EEG, matching the definition of spikes and sharp waves accepted by IFSECN. Practical applications proved the accuracy of the method which succeeded in detecting 84% of sharp transients previously found by an experienced electronencephalographer. Computerized search for sharp transients in EEG records will be particularly useful in long term EEG records obtained from epileptic patients.  相似文献   

Brady N  Field DJ 《Perception》2000,29(9):1041-1055
The visual system employs a gain control mechanism in the cortical coding of contrast whereby the response of each cell is normalised by the integrated activity of neighbouring cells. While restricted in space, the normalisation pool is broadly tuned for spatial frequency and orientation, so that a cell's response is adapted by stimuli which fall outside its 'classical' receptive field. Various functions have been attributed to divisive gain control: in this paper we consider whether this output nonlinearity serves to increase the information carrying capacity of the neural code. 46 natural scenes were analysed with the use of oriented, frequency-tuned filters whose bandwidths were chosen to match those of mammalian striate cortical cells. The images were logarithmically transformed so that the filters responded to a luminance ratio or contrast. In the first study, the response of each filter was calibrated relative to its response to a grating stimulus, and local image contrast was expressed in terms of the familiar Michelson metric. We found that the distribution of contrasts in natural images is highly kurtotic, peaking at low values and having a long exponential tail. There is considerable variability in local contrast, both within and between images. In the second study we compared the distribution of response activity before and after implementing contrast normalisation, and noted two major changes. Response variability, both within and between scenes, is reduced by normalisation, and the entropy of the response distribution is increased after normalisation, indicating a more efficient transfer of information.  相似文献   

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