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正儿子回来后说了一件事,让我心生感动。中午,办公室的同事互相张罗着点外卖,一个同事说:"反正我们都吃这一家,大家想吃什么报一下,我就顺便都点了。"另外一个同事马上说:"我们各自点,这样外卖骑手就可以多赚点钱。"一会儿的工夫,骑手小伙子就送来了外卖,显然小伙子明白了大家的用心,脸上挂着开心的笑,一迭声地说:"谢谢,谢谢!"  相似文献   

员工帮助计划(EAP)及其在中国的发展之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了员工帮助计划(EAP)的含义、起源与发展、具体实施及作用效益,分析了EAP在中国文化背景下的应用,探讨了EAP在中国存在的必要性和服务于中国的可能性。EAP的实施,有助于发现员工的心理问题以及与之相关的组织气氛、企业文化和管理等方面的因素,EAP可以提高员工健康度和企业绩效,这对企业的决策、管理、改进和员工开发都意义重大。  相似文献   

监狱警察是维护社会安定的重要力量,因此提高监狱警察素质,改善监狱警察心理健康状况具有极大的现实意义。本文借鉴国内外胜任特征模型理论的相关应用成果,并结合我国员工帮助计划(EAP)的应用现状进行分析。总结基于胜任特征模型的EAP在警察管理体系中的应用,进而为其在监狱警察这一特殊群体中的实证研究和实践指导提供理论依据。  相似文献   

初晓 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):248-249
员工帮助计划(EAP),是由组织为员工提供的免费福利系统,帮助员工解决心理和现实问题,通过关注员工利益来提高组织绩效。本文介绍了EAP的概念及发展情况,并着重从“适不适合、有没有用、值不值得”三个方面论证了我军引入EAP的可行性。  相似文献   

<正>组织与员工心理促进(EAP)专业在职博士进修班员工总有负面情绪?消极怠工成为常态?每天处理员工矛盾就占用你大量的时间和精力?组织与员工心理促进计划(EAP),协助组织和员工及其家庭成员解决所面临的工作生活心理困扰,增强组织凝聚力和员工身心健康,提高工作缋效。全球90%的500强企业均开展了EAP项目。经慎重研究决定,特向社会开放资源补录五个名额,额满即止!  相似文献   

新创企业的管理者常常会遇到这样的问题:为什么有些员工精神萎靡,工作积极性不高,是因为工资还是因为情感?不少企业都重视用物质方式来激励员工,但效果往往并不理想。其实内在激励也许是一种更有效的激励,因为对许多员工来说,他们面临的是心灵的困惑。EAP:全员心理管理技术  相似文献   

伴随新经济新业态的发展,一批从事新职业和灵活就业的群体异军突起,特别是其中的城市青年和进城农民工将成为扩大中等收入群体的重点人群。本文从劳动社会学、社会分层以及代际社会学等理论视角,使用全国新职业青年调查、中国社会状况综合调查等数据,考察这一群体的发展特征、存在困境以及诉求等,试图为"扩中"提出政策思路。首先是中等收入特征,骑手的收入水平显著高于从事传统行业的农民工,不同指标测算显示60%~80%的骑手属于中等收入群体;其次是不稳定特征,骑手职业的"高收入"其实是建立在"高强度""低保障"的基础上的,因而其职业发展呈现焦虑性和短期性;第三是灵活性追求,重视工作与生活、工作与家庭的平衡。理解新就业青年乃至整个青年群体的价值观和行为,是理解新兴就业群体、做好稳就业保民生工作的关键。基于实证分析,本文强调既要重视就业稳定性也要重视就业灵活性的"扩中"思路,在稳就业稳收入的同时也要适应灵活性和流动性。建议创新完善新业态劳动关系认定、健全完善社会保障机制、推进职业培训和素质培养等措施,从而切实促进新业态新就业群体的成长和发展、推进实现共同富裕的目标。  相似文献   

正凌晨2点,一个杭州外卖小哥在送外卖时被困在大厦电梯里。他向物业求助,顺便通知下一单的顾客,外卖要延误,等不及就退单。可是那位顾客狠狠地回复:那你就睡在电梯里吧。外卖小哥在电梯里被困了40分钟,出来后赶紧去派送。而此时,那个顾客竟然恶作剧地把小哥的电话、姓名全部公布到了网上,甚至恶言相向。尽管事情的结局是,他向外卖小哥道了歉,受到了舆论的谴责。同样是发生在外卖小哥身上,我也曾遇到过一件事。  相似文献   

正在美国纽约布鲁克林,佩特雷拉开了一家披萨店,由于口感不错,吸引了不少顾客前来。自从隔壁的一家披萨店开张后,对方靠"买三送一"的活动抢走了许多顾客,佩特雷拉顿时有了一种危机感。佩特雷拉和员工自经营披萨店以来注意到,街上总有废弃的披萨包装盒。随着气候变暖,纸质的包装盒被扔掉既有些浪费,又不环保。佩特雷拉和员工商议后,决定,在细节上取胜,推出一款与众不同的产品——可以食用的"外卖披萨包装盒"。  相似文献   

该研究采用问卷调查法和专家评估法探讨员工行为有效性的影响机制.结果表明:(1)组织氛围对员工行为有效性有积极的影响.(2)员工的自我效能感在组织氛围与绩效间起完全中介作用,在组织氛围与组织承诺间起部分中介作用,在组织氛围与满意度之间没有中介效应.(3)员工的自我效能感、满意度和组织承诺在组织氛围与员工绩效间起完全中介作用.(4)组织氛围对员工绩效的影响存在双重中介效应.结论:组织氛围对员工绩效的影响机制非常复杂,不仅可以直接影响,而且还可以通过影响员工的自我效能感、满意度和组织承诺等多种中介效应来影响.  相似文献   

This study examined therapists’ perceptions and experiences of equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP). Participants were 14 practising EAP therapists (females = 86%; male = 14%; age range 20 to 69 years) from across South Africa. They were interviewed utilising electronic interview media. Thematic analysis revealed therapists perceived effectiveness of EAP in providing emotional and interpersonal growth for clients. They also identified training, safety and ethical concerns with this therapeutic modality. Therapists’ experiences with EAP were influenced by their prior interaction with horses as horse owners or horse riders.  相似文献   

The Vanderbilt Caregiver Empowerment Project evaluated a training program designed to enhance empowerment of caregiver and their subsequent involvement in the mental health treatment of their children. The intervention utilized a multi-component parent training curriculum that was designed to enhance: (a) knowledge of the service system; (b) skills needed to interact with the mental health system; and (c) the caregiver' s mental health services self-efficacy designed to improve caregivers beliefs in their ability to collaborate with service providers. The resulting increased empowerment was hypothesized to increase caretaker involvement, which should affect service use and ultimately the mental health status of the child. A randomized design was used to test the effectiveness of this model with caregivers of children receiving mental health services. The results one-year after the training replicated the intermediate outcomes of the project conducted 3-months after the training. The initial training continued to significantly influence the parent's knowledge and mental health services self-efficacy. However, the intervention had no effect on caregiver involvement in treatment, service use or the mental health status of the children.  相似文献   

The provision of workplace counselling has risen significantly over the last 20 years in response to the increase in stress‐related illness amongst employees in UK profit‐making organisations. Despite this expansion there is very little exploration of employee attitudes towards this provision. This paper describes a case study of employee attitudes towards counselling in a UK profit‐making organisation utilising an Employee Assistant Programme (EAP) for staff counselling. The method used for the research was a quantitative approach administered using a short questionnaire distributed to employees by e‐mail. The responses to the questionnaire illustrated that most employees were highly aware of the service and believed stress to be the highest presenting issue to the EAP counsellors. However, stress was actually the lowest presenting issue. The results from this study also suggested that managers had a more negative attitude towards counselling than non‐managers. Men and women were found to have the same highly positive attitude towards counselling. Respondents felt that wider, constant and regular positive promotion of counselling, by the employer as well as the EAP, was needed to increase utilisation of the EAP counselling service. Concerns over confidentiality for those using, or contemplating using, the service were also found — as in other studies — but this study found concerns particularly in relation to managers finding out that an employee had attended counselling. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

青年员工职业适应压力源探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对浙江省某市20家企业146名青年员工的职业适应压力现状进行调查。结果显示:(1)职业适应问题确实给青年员工带来职业适应压力,其中适应突发事件压力和职业前途压力较大;(2)不同性别、学历、婚姻状况和企业类型的青年员工在职业适应压力的一些维度上差异显著;(3)逐步回归结果表明身体适应压力和人际适应压力对总压力体验有显著影响,身体适应压力、动态任务完成及创新压力对心理体验有显著影响,身体适应压力对情绪体验和生理体验有显著影响。  相似文献   

The authors studied employment and roles of master's-level counselors in employee assistance programs (EAPs) and the services offered by different types of EAP organizations. The study focused on programs, workshops and seminars: assessment; counseling; consultation; and evaluation and marketing services offered by EAPs. Master's-level counselors were found to be similar to those with Master's of Social Work (MSW) degrees in employment rate and percentage of EAP staff. Both groups were the most frequently employed and constitute the greatest percentage of the professional mental health staff in EAPs. Also, counselors were found to be involved in all of the service areas studied within each type of EAP. Differences in counselors' roles among EAP types are discussed.  相似文献   

中国心理健康服务从业者的职业压力现状及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究目的是考察心理健康从业者的压力现状及其影响因素。769名来自全国20个省份的心理健康从业者填写了研究者自编的有93个多项选择题和填空题的问卷,其中2个从本问卷中抽取的5点量表具有可接受的心理测量学指标。主因素分析表明,心理健康从业者的职业压力可分为三类:专业能力不足、缺乏单位支持、工作负担过重。回归分析表明:影响职业压力的非专业因素有:年龄,性别,教育水平,全职或兼职,场所是否专用,以及每周咨询的小时数。在专业因素中,督导和培训能显著地缓解心理健康从业者的职业压力。治疗中的困难情况会显著地引发心理健康从业者的职业压力。  相似文献   

In the last two decades, an important new therapeutic delivery system has been emerging to serve the needs of the American workforce. Known as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), these company and community based programs were created to provide mental health services to workers whose job performance is impaired due to substance abuse or other difficulties. Although there are obvious similarities between the mission espoused by EAPs and traditions of the counseling psychology profession, many members of our discipline have only recently become involved in these programs. This paper discusses various reasons why counseling psychologists have not become involved with EAPs. It also presents some ways that counseling psychologists may contribute to these programs and it highlights the similarities in the philosophies and the activities of EAP and counseling psychology practitioners and scientists. Additionally, some suggestions for how to prepare counseling psychologists for entrance into the EAP profession are offered. Finally, a brief research agenda designed to guide counseling psychologists who are interested in the study of EAP related variables is presented.We are appreciative of Karen Novak's and Marilyn Bayer's editorial assistance on this paper.  相似文献   

For persons with co-occurring disorders, interaction with criminal justice systems is a frequent occurrence. As a result, a variety of diversionary programs have been developed nationwide. In this study, a total of 248 individuals with co-occurring disorders of serious mental illness and substance use disorders who had been arrested and booked on misdemeanor charges participated in a post-booking jail diversion program in two urban communities. A quasi-experimental design was used with individuals assigned to diversion or non-diversion status based upon the decision processes of the mental health-criminal justice systems. The effectiveness of the jail diversion program was evaluated from a variety of sources, including structured interviews, behavioral health service utilization patterns, and criminal justice recidivism patterns. Analyses revealed general main effects for time on many of the outcome variables, with few main effects or interaction effects detected on the basis of diversion status (diverted versus non-diverted). Across all measures assessing mental health and substance abuse, study participants displayed improvements over time, irrespective of their diversion status or program location. Participants generally displayed no significant changes in their rates of accessibility to, or frequency of use of, the various mental health, substance abuse, and other services, and few changes for diversion status were detected with regard to service utilization. Although a number of indicators of criminality and violence were reduced over time, these reductions were statistically insignificant, with changes for diversionary status or time identified at follow-up. These results are discussed in light of their implications for jail diversion programming and future research in this area.  相似文献   

Background: Levels of psychological distress appear to be increasing in the workplace, in parallel with the growth of employee assistance programme (EAP) provision offering a range of talking treatments. However, such growth takes place in the absence of a substantive body of supporting research evidence despite a quarter of a decade of research activity. Aims: To analyse a national sample of EAP data and profile relative service quality on a set of key service indicators. Method: CORE System data profiles of over 28,000 clients were voluntarily donated by six EAP service providers. An established benchmarking methodology was used to assess the relative quality of EAP service provision compared with published CORE System benchmarks for NHS primary care and UK higher education student counselling services. Results: High quality data profiled an EAP service clientele who were quantifiably distressed, accessed treatment quickly, with the majority completing treatment and demonstrating high rates of recovery and/or improvement relative to published benchmarks from the NHS and HE comparative sectors. Limitations of the study and implications for practice and further investigation are considered.  相似文献   

The study examined physical symptoms and health service utilization of subjects high or low on a measure of the tendency to experience stress somatically and high or low on a measure of current stress. High somatic responders reported greater numbers of symptoms than low somatic responders regardless of stress level. However, high somatic responders who were experiencing high levels of current stress reported significantly more symptoms than high somatic responders who were experiencing low levels of stress. These findings indicate that somatic response to stress reflects both a general tendency to focus on physical symptoms, and a specific tendency to focus more on physical symptoms when under stress. Analysis of health service records indicated that high somatic responders had more visits prompted by symptoms than low somatic responders, but did not differ in frequency of health service visits designed to maintain health. The findings further clarify the relationship between somatic response to stress, physical symptoms and health service use.  相似文献   

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