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"白黑之争"是南朝刘宋时代儒家与佛教在哲学领域中的一次重要争论,其代表作是慧琳的<白黑论>.从有关争论来看,无论是反对佛教因果报应说的一方还是支持佛教的一方,对于佛教般若学中的"有谛"和"无谛"的本意都未能透彻地了解,这说明了印度大乘空宗哲学这种异质文化因子在当时还处在"格义"的阶段,多有误解.虽然在东晋十六国时代的僧肇已经比较准确地把握和阐释了般若"空"的本义,但佛教般若学那种"非有非无,非非有非非无"的思辩逻辑对于中土来说毕竟是陌生的,也是难以接受的.  相似文献   

王聚 《世界哲学》2023,(2):117-125
阿格里帕三难问题对认知辩护的可能性提出了巨大挑战。与传统的基础主义、融贯主义、无限主义方案不同,推论语境主义对阿格里帕三难问题提出了一种诊断式的回答。根据推论语境主义,正是由于断言者和挑战者之间的责任不对称,无穷倒退问题才会产生。一旦我们代之以“默认与挑战”(default and challenge)的辩护观,赋予断言者和挑战者同等的辩护责任,怀疑论问题就能随之消解。推论语境主义预设了辩护的论辩观,批评者认为这一观点是错误的,但本文基于知识论内在主义的立场捍卫了这一预设。整体看来,推论语境主义不仅消解了三难问题带来的怀疑论挑战,还发展出一种流变的基础主义,为克服独断论做出了实质贡献。  相似文献   

赫尔伯特·芬伽莱 (HerbertFingarette)以及他那本有关孔子研究的著作《孔子—以凡俗为神圣》(Confucius:TheSecularasSacred)对于中文学术界的读者也许并不陌生。这本被罗伯特·贝拉 (RobertBellah)誉为“阐发了孔子思想之最深奥层面”① 的著作只有 84页 ,是芬伽莱这位与汉学素来无缘的美国哲学家偶尔“客串”的产物。然而 ,这一借助于英译本《论语》所作的孔子研究 ,却因其独特的问题性(problematique)在西方汉学界尤其是儒学研究领域引发了一场持久的争论 ,由此形成的学术话语覆盖了 2 0世纪的最后 30年。本文拟对这一话语的内涵作…  相似文献   

This study examines the religious affiliation and participation of immigrants from a large-scale, comparative perspective. I propose a "specific migration" framework, in which immigrants' religiosity is an outcome of both individual characteristics and contextual properties related to immigrants' country of origin, country of destination, and combinations of origin and destination (i.e., communities). I use notions discussed in the religion and migration literature that fit into this scheme. To test these ideas, I collected and standardized 20 existing surveys on immigrants in eight Western countries, yielding about 38,000 immigrants. Applying multilevel models, I found, among other things, that: (1) immigrants from countries with higher levels of modernization express lower levels of religious commitment; (2) immigrants in religious countries are more religious themselves; and (3) the well-documented higher levels of religious commitment among women is not generalizable to immigrants.  相似文献   

The Bayesian-frequentist debate typically portrays these statistical perspectives as opposing views. However, both Bayesian and frequentist statisticians have expanded their epistemological basis away from a singular focus on the null hypothesis, to a broader perspective involving the development and comparison of competing statistical/mathematical models. For frequentists, statistical developments such as structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling have facilitated this transition. For Bayesians, the Bayes factor has facilitated this transition. The Bayes factor is treated in articles within this issue of Multivariate Behavioral Research. The current presentation provides brief commentary on those articles and more extended discussion of the transition toward a modern modeling epistemology. In certain respects, Bayesians and frequentists share common goals.  相似文献   

作为一种思想方式,中西绘画的自我理解与各自的存在论大体一致:相应于形式即本质的存在论,西方绘画之创作自觉根源于以距离性为基本特征的视觉原理;相应于以气(味)为性的形上趋向,中国绘画以"象"胜"形",以"墨"胜"色",遂寓"目"于"心","心"主宰"目"而消弥距离,视觉味觉(感)化而以"进入"、"合"为基本特征,并成为贯穿于绘画创作、赏鉴的基本原理.  相似文献   

Summation tests were used to assess whether participants in a human predictive judgement task learned that some cues (foods) prevented the occurrence of the outcome (migraine). In three experiments the preventative effect of a conditioned inhibitor, I, trained in the design, P+, PI-, I-, was stronger than that of a negative control cue, N, that had been presented alone with the same frequency and simply predicted no outcome. This control cue, N, also passed the summation test when compared to a novel control cue. Experiments 2 and 3 examined whether the latter negative control effect was attributable to differential inhibition. Manipulations designed to alter context learning and the magnitude of the negative contingency did not affect the properties of the negative control cue. Thus, these experiments did not support the possibility that a cue given simple negative training acquires differential inhibition. Regardless of the mechanism underlying the negative control effect, the consistent finding that the conditioned inhibition cue, I, reduced prediction of the outcome more than did the negative control cue, N, provides evidence for true conditioned inhibition whose acquisition requires co-occurrence of the preventative cue with a positive training cue.  相似文献   

任锋 《学海》2007,23(5):24-34
本文以儒学"洪范模式"为视角,考察了近世思想传统中的政治正当性理论.这个思想范型以大法意识为根本基础,其内转趋向使道德精神成为政治秩序的正当性前提.其中包含的两个基本动向--人极意识中的理想人格与守制性则为政治权威提供了直接的正当性理据.这些观念层层转化,互相支持而又存在张力,构成了正当性论述的意义网络.上述模式代表的正当性观念在现代思想演变中仍然有其广泛影响力,特别是道德精神与人极意识的理据,为了解正当性论述的范式转化提供了重要的线索与启示.  相似文献   

作为专门的军事学著作,如何争取战争的胜利成为《孙子兵法》关注的首要问题。在对影响战争的诸多因素详细考察的基础上,孙子提出了“重知”、“崇变”、“尚谋”的思想,强调人的主观能动性在决定战争胜负中重要作用。“知”是指对战争及与之相关的诸因素的了解和把握,既包括直观的感性认识,也有由分析、综合而来的理性判断;“谋”是指谋划、谋略,是理性智慧在战争中的具体运用;“变”是指战争中矛盾因素的相互联系、相互转化以及战略战术的灵活运用。这些思想不仅在当时的军事学领域有着重要的价值,直到今天,仍然具有重要的启迪意义:  相似文献   

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