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The inter-domain among personality (MMPI) and cognition (intelligence) variables in a sample of 137 males charged with first degree or capital murder was examined through canonical analysis. Race was included as a control variable. Two significant canonical correlations were found which contribute to an understanding of the relationship between personality and cognition in violent people. These variates were identified as Problem-solving Focus and Introspective Self-focus. Results also suggest that these inter-domain variates explain the relationship between personality and cognition variables to a greater degree for black murderers than for white murderers.  相似文献   

Although much progress has been made in clarifying the properties of canonical correlation analysis in order to enhance its applicability, there are several remaining problems. Canonical variates do not always represent the observed variables even though the canonical correlation is high. In addition, canonical solutions are often difficult to interpret.

This paper presents a method designed to deal with these two problems. Instead of maximizing the correlation between unobserved variates, the sum of squared inter-set loadings is maximized. Contrary to the canonical correlation solution, this method ensures that the shared variance between predictor variates and criterion variables is maximal. Instead of extracting variates from both criterion and predictor variables, only one set of components (from the predictor variables) is constructed. Without loss of common variance, an orthogonal rotation is applied to the resulting loadings in order to simplify structure.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the relation between personality variables and the way an individual cognitively represents and interprets various interaction situations. A sample of typical and recurring interaction episodes within a student milieu was first elicited using a free response diary method. In the main study, subjects from the same subcultural milieu were asked to (a) complete a battery of personality assessment measures, including measures of social anxiety and social competence, and (b) indicate their perception of the interaction episodes of the group. Their judgements of the episodes were analyzed using Carroll and Chang's (1970) Individual Differences Multidimensional Scaling (INDSCAL) procedure, indicating that four characteristics, subjective self-confidence, evaluation, seriousness, and involvement defined subjects' implicit view of the episode space. A canonical correlation analysis between the personality measures and each subject's episode cognition weights indicated a significant relation between these two groups of variables. The link between social skills and episode cognition style was further explored by a multiple discriminant analysis of the episode cognition weights of subjects who scored in the top and the bottom third of the sample on a composite social skills measure. The results are interpreted as providing significant support for recent cognitive theories of personality, and the link between episode cognition and personality variables is considered. The role of episode cognition in social skills assessment and therapy is also discussed, with a view toward exploring the relevance of the findings for applied areas.  相似文献   

The relationship between personality, as measured by the IPAT-HSPQ, and certain motor performance variables was studied by utilizing the multivariate technique of canonical correlation. Ss for the study were 91 culturally deprived high school students who were achieving well below their expected capacity. A significant canonical relationship was not found between the domains of personality and motor performance. Also, no significant relationships between motor sub-domains and personality were found. It was thus concluded that for the population under study, the domains of motor performance and personality were independent Some discussion of the multivariate technique of canonical correlation was offered and compared with univariate procedures.  相似文献   

A canonical correlation analysis was performed between two measures of general intellectual ability: The D. 48 Test and the Standard Progressive Matrices were taken as one set of variables, and general scholastic ability, verbal and quantitative ability, English and mathematics achievement, time spent in school, and ethnic/cultural group membership were used as the second set of variables. Subjects were 180 girls attending a large urban parochial high school. The D. 48 Test performances made a substantial contribution to the first canonical variate associated with the only significant canonical correlation; quantitative ability performances made a substantial contribution to the second variate. Matrices performances and performances in mathematics achievement and general scholastic ability made lesser contributions to their respective variates.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to clarify the nature of redundancy analysis and its relationships to canonical correlation and multivariate multiple linear regression. Stewart and Love introduced redundancy analysis to provide non-symmetric measures of the dependence of one set of variables on the other, as channeled through the canonical variates. Van den Wollenberg derived sets of variates which directly maximize the between set redundancy. Multivariate multiple linear regression on component scores (such as principal components) is considered. The problem is extended to include an orthogonal rotation of the components. The solution is shown to be identical to van den Wollenberg's maximum redundancy solution.This research was supported in part by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency contract 68-02-3402. The author gratefully acknowledges the stimulation of Maurice Tatsuoka and Beth Dawson-Saunders in first interesting him in redundancy analysis, as well as a useful change suggested by Warren Sarle.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between demographic and personality variables through the use of a multivariate technique, canonical analysis. The principal advantage of such a technique lies in its ability to simultaneously consider sets of variables rather than focusing narrowly in a single predictor or criterion variable. The four demographic variables examined, sex, age, education, and marital status, produced four statistically significant relationships with personality traits measured by the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. These relations were examined and suggestions made as to how the results might be used to indicate areas for further research.  相似文献   

Research into psychological mindedness (PM) has focuses on its beneficial role in improving physical and mental well-being. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of two PM measures and personality in predicting creative cognition performance. Following the completion of a battery of questionnaires, 176 participants from the general population (age ranged from 16 to 68 years old) completed 3 creative cognition tasks. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed independent effects for both the PM interest and insight variables in performance on 2 of the 3 creative cognition measures. Critically, these showed that the PM variables positively predicted performance on both the Creative Visualization Task and the Remote Associates Test. Conversely, the association between performance on the Alternate Uses Task and the PM variables was explained by the openness to new experience variable. These findings are discussed in the context of the inclusion of further mediating variables that may explain the causal relationship between PM and creative cognition.  相似文献   

In this study, the predictive power of hardy personality and generalized self-efficacy on general health perception was investigated in a sample of nursing personnel working in emergency and intensive care services. A cross-sectional retrospective design was used, and the following measurement instruments were applied: a sociodemographic and work questionnaire, Goldberg's GHQ-28 Health Questionnaire, the Baessler and Schwarzer General Self-efficacy Questionnaire, and the Hardy Personality Subscale of Moreno's Nursing Burnout Questionnaire (CDPE). The results revealed a positive and statistically significant relationship between the individual variables of generalized self-efficacy and hardy personality. A canonical correlation analysis carried out on the psychological distress symptoms with self-efficacy and hardy personality as predictor variables, led us to emphasize the relevance of the construct total hardy personality as a predictor and, consequently, as a protective factor against the onset of psychological distress symptoms in the sample of professionals studied. Lastly, the implications of the results for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present investigation was to analyze the relationship between self-reported schizotypal and borderline personality traits in a sample of 759 college students (M = 19.63 years; SD = 2.03). For this purpose, the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire-Brief (SPQ-B; Raine and Benishay, 1995) and Borderline Personality Questionnaire (BPQ; Poreh et al., 2006) were administered. The results showed that schizotypal and borderline features are partially related at subclinical level. The exploratory factor analysis conducted on the subscales revealed a three-factor solution comprised of the following factors: Identity/Interpersonal, Lack of Control and Schizotypal. The canonical correlation analysis showed that schizotypal features and borderline personality traits shared 34.8% of the variance. The data highlight the overlap between schizotypal and borderline personality traits in nonclinical young adults. Future studies should continue to examine the relationship and the degree of overlap between these traits in community samples.  相似文献   


A self-complete inventory was used to collect data concerning consumer cognition and activity among a sample of 211 young adults. Eysenck's (1958) short personality questionnaire was incorporated into the inventory, so that the respondents could be classified by both degree of extraversion-introversion (E) and stability-neuroticism (N). The results show that, although levels of E and N were not directly related to measures of spatial cognition among the sample consumers, a statistically significant relationship was found between N and actual spatial behavior, with stable consumers tending to use relatively fewer centers. Further analysis, however, revealed that the E dimension of personality was of significance when levels of actual center usage were considered as a proportion of the total universe of known opportunities. Moreover, when the sample was disaggregated by gender, it was found that extraverted-unstable men indulged in more extensive spatial behavior in relation to known opportunities than did other personality groups.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between personality and multi‐source feedback, we assessed 190 health care managers by applying the Understanding Personal Potential personality test, which provides comprehensive measurement of the Big Five dimensions and eight narrower personality traits. Managers' leadership behaviors were assessed by colleagues, supervisors, a random sample of each manager's subordinates as well as the managers themselves using a 360‐degree change, production, employee (CPE) instrument. Hierarchical multivariate regression analysis showed that the Big Five variables were significantly related to the Managers' leadership behavior in all CPE dimensions. Also, addition of narrow personality variables to the Big Five increased explained variance in leadership behavior. This study is the first of its kind to include the full range of viewpoints in a 360‐degree instrument, along with a large number of subordinate assessments. We found that both the strength of the relationship between personality and behavior and the configuration of different predictors varied depending on who did the rating and what leadership orientation was investigated, and this observation merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Our theoretical understanding of individual differences can be used as a tool to test and refine theory. Individual differences are useful because judgments, including philosophically relevant intuitions, are the predictable products of the fit between adaptive psychological mechanisms (e.g., heuristics, traits, skills, capacities) and task constraints. As an illustration of this method and its potential implications, our target article used a canonical, representative, and affectively charged judgment task to reveal a relationship between the heritable personality trait extraversion and some compatabilist judgments. In the current Reply, we further clarify major theoretical implications of these data and outline potential opportunities and obstacles for this methodology. Discussion focuses on (1) the need for theoretically grounded a priori predictions; (2) the use of precise process level data and theory; (3) the possibility of convergent validity as personality is known to predict life experiences and outcomes; and (4) the fundamentally adaptive nature of cognition.  相似文献   

This article explores the pattern of relationships between family World View and adult Health in a community-based sample of 225 families. Family World View refers to the beliefs, appraisals, and values that define a family's orientation to the world. The interrelationships among eight self-reported family World View variables are described, using principal components analyses (PCA) and multidimensional scaling analyses (MDS). Derived, joint-spouse World Views also are examined using inter-battery factor analysis. The World View variables then are analyzed as a set with 14 self-reported health variables for husbands and wives separately, using canonical correlation. The PCAs for family World View yielded poor solutions for both husbands and wives. The MDS displayed the eight variables in a circular pattern for husbands and for wives, indicating the absence of a single broad dimension, or subgroupings of separate dimensions, that could be used to "describe" the domain. In the canonical analyses, family World View was a strong correlate of Health, with approximately 50% of the variance accounted for by the respective canonical variates. For husbands, what we called Family Coherence, Family Religiousness, Family Life Engagement, and Family Optimism, were correlated with Health. For wives, Family Coherence, Family Religiousness, and Family Optimism, were correlated with Health. Different patterns of health scores emerged by gender, with behavioral indicators, such as Smoking and Drinking, more salient for husbands, and mood indicators, such as Anxiety and Depression, more salient for wives.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship of sadistic personality disorder (SPD), as defined in the appendix of DSM-III-R, to other personality disorders and to sexual sadism, 70 sex offenders (27 child molesters, 33 rapists, and 10 murderers) were assessed by the International Personality Disorder Examination. In 19 subjects (27.2%) from the total sample, SPD was diagnosed. The highest overlap appeared with borderline personality disorder (31.6%) and antisocial personality disorder (42.1%). However, in four cases SPD was the only personality disorder diagnosed. Factor analysis of the antisocial and sadistic criteria resulted in four major factors--one factor with high loadings on the sadistic criteria and the violent criteria of antisocial personality disorder, two factors with different forms of adult and juvenile aggression, and a fourth factor with high loadings on the antisocial criteria covering exploitative behavior. The results do not support SPD as a discrete disorder. Nevertheless, SPD may be seen as an important subdimension of antisocial personality disorder, distinct from more exploitative forms of antisocial behavior with less violence. Of those patients with SPD, 42.1% also had a DSM-III-R diagnosis of sexual sadism, which may be the most dangerous configuration.  相似文献   

Thirty adult mass murderers and 34 adolescent mass murderers in North America are compared on both offender and offense variables to delineate similarities and differences. Findings indicate a plethora of psychiatric disturbances and odd/reclusive and acting-out personality traits. Predisposing factors include a fascination with weapons and war among many of the adolescents and the development of a "warrior mentality" in most of the adults. Precipitating factors indicate a major rejection or loss in the hours or days preceding the mass murder. Results are interpreted through the lens of threat assessment for targeted violence (Borum, Fein, Vossekuil, & Bergland 1999), recognizing that a fact-based, dynamic behavioral approach is most useful for mitigating risk of such an extremely low-base-rate violent crime.  相似文献   

The study compared three groups of incarcerated criminals, including 40 men convicted of rape, 40 convicted of murder (of another male) and 40 sentenced for property offenses. A number of personality and attitude scales, behavioral records and a binocular rivalry test were used to test various hypotheses concerning rape and murder. Rapists and murderers did not differ on general control of aggressive behavior but both showed more control than convicted felons. In the binocular rivalry task rapists and murderers were less prone to perceive sexuality than property felons, but the three groups did not differ on perceived aggression toward women. Rapists and murderers were more prone to deny feminine traits than property felons. Rapists had heterosexual experience with more partners than property felons. The three groups did not differ on attitudes toward women or on disinhibition as a mode of sensation seeking. In general, rapists resemble murderers more than ordinary felons and the evidence does not support hypotheses that characterize them as significantly more hostile toward women than are other types of criminals.  相似文献   

It is suggested that personality variables are significant predictors of job performance when carefully matched with the appropriate occupation and organization. The present study investigates the relationship between specific personality variables and job performance in a sample ( N = 43) of accountants. The results indicate that even with the effects of cognitive ability taken into account, three personality scales (orientation towards work; degree of ascendancy; and degree and quality of interpersonal orientation) are significantly related to important aspects of job performance. It is suggested that the overall validity of selection strategies might be improved with the addition of measures of relevant personality dimensions when appropriately matched to an occupation and organization.  相似文献   

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