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In two experiments, the data from a total of 35 participants was compared to predictions from two competing serial search models, one with perfect memory and one with no memory. Reaction times were collected from an unlimited exposure duration, 4-alternative, target identification search task with array sizes of 8, 12, or 16 items. From the linear function relating RT to number of distractors a hypothetical “inspection time/item” was computed under the assumption of SSTS. Target identification accuracy was obtained from the same participants using the same displays, but with pre- and post-masks used to limit total inspection time (to 120, 180, 300, and 540 ms). Neither the memoryful nor memoryless model provided a good enough fit to the data to support the assumption that serial inspection is the primary process determining search time. Despite direct evidence for serial allocation of attention in visual search, these results suggest that scholars should seriously consider the possibility of hybrid search models in which serial and parallel strategies operate jointly.  相似文献   

Pigeons previously trained to peck 1 button (same) after the successive presentation of 16 identical pictures and to peck a 2nd button (different) after the successive presentation of 16 nonidentical pictures were tested on lists involving different degrees of variability, different list lengths, and different temporal organizations of list items. The pigeons' performances on this successive same-different task revealed a strong sensitivity to list entropy; but, their discrimination was also affected by their memory for list items and by the accumulated evidence for a same versus a different response. Statistical models confirmed and quantified the importance of these additional factors.  相似文献   

Two stimuli of three consonants each were successively presented through a tachistoscope. Results show that the shorter the totr 1 duration of S1, + ISI + S2, the more often the two stimuli are perceived as simultaneous. For a given total duration, the perception of simultaneity depends on the ratio of durations S1/S2, according to a nonmonotonic function. The optimum is reached for a ratio higher than one. When the S1/S2 ratio increases from 0.25 to 4, metacontrast decreases and paracontrast increases. These two phenomena are balanced for a value of the S1/S2 ratio which corresponds to the optimum of the perception of simultaneity.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials were recorded from young adults during a visual search task in order to evaluate parallel and serial models of visual processing in the context of Treisman's feature integration theory. Parallel and serial search strategies were produced by the use of feature-present and feature-absent targets, respectively. In the feature-absent condition, the slopes of the functions relating reaction time and latency of the P3 component to set size were essentially identical, indicating that the longer reaction times observed for larger set sizes can be accounted for solely by changes in stimulus identification and classification time, rather than changes in post-perceptual processing stages. In addition, the amplitude of the P3 wave on target-present trials in this condition increased with set size and was greater when the preceding trial contained a target, whereas P3 activity was minimal on target-absent trials. These effects are consistent with the serial self-terminating search model and appear to contradict parallel processing accounts of attention-demanding visual search performance, at least for a subset of search paradigms. Differences in ERP scalp distributions further suggested that different physiological processes are utilized for the detection of feature presence and absence.  相似文献   

In hybrid search, observers memorize a number of possible targets and then search for any of these in visual arrays of items. Wolfe (2012) has previously shown that the response times in hybrid search increase with the log of the memory set size. What enables this logarithmic search of memory? One possibility is a series of steps in which subsets of the memory set are compared to all items in the visual set simultaneously. In the present experiments, we presented single visual items sequentially in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) display, eliminating the possibility of simultaneous testing of all items. We used a staircasing procedure to estimate the time necessary to effectively detect the target in the RSVP stream. Processing time increased in a log–linear fashion with the number of potential targets. This finding eliminates the class of models that require simultaneous comparison of some memory items to all (or many) items in the visual display. Experiment 3 showed that, similar to visual search, memory search efficiency in this paradigm is influenced by the similarity between the target set and the distractors. These results indicate that observers perform separate memory searches on each eligible item in the visual display. Moreover, it appears that memory search for one item can proceed while other items are being categorized as “eligible” or “not eligible.”  相似文献   

A novel computational model of a preattentive system performing visual search is presented. The model processes displays of lines, reproduced from Wolfe, Friedman-Hill, Stewart, and O'Connell's (1992) and Treisman and Sato's (1990) visual-search experiments. The response times measured in these experiments suggest that some of the displays are searched serially, whereas others are scanned in parallel. Our neural network model operates in two phases. First, the visual displays are compressed via standard methods (principal component analysis), to overcome assumed biological capacity limitations. Second, the compressed representations are further processed to identify a target in the display. The model succeeds in fast detection of targets in experimentally labeled parallel displays, but fails with serial ones. Analysis of the compressed internal representations reveals that compressed parallel displays contain global information that enables instantaneous target detection. However, in representations of serial displays, this global information is obscure, and hence, a target detection system should resort to a serial, attentional scan of local features across the display. Our analysis provides a numerical criterion that is strongly correlated with the experimental response time slopes and enables us to reformulate Duncan and Humphreys's (1989) search surface, using precise quantitative measures. Our findings provide further insight into the important debate concerning the dichotomous versus continuous views of parallel/serial visual search.  相似文献   

Search rates were estirnated from response latencies in a visual search task of the type used by Atkinson, Holmgren, and Juola (1969), in which a S searches a small set of letters to determine the presence or absence of a predesignated target. Half of the visual displays contained a marker above one of the letters. The marked letter was the only one that had to be checked to determine whether or not the display contained the target. The presence of a marker in a display significantly increased the estimated rate of search, but the data clearly indicated that Ss did not restrict processing to the marked item. Letters in the vicinity of the marker were also processed. These results were interpreted as showing that Ss are able to exercise some degree of control over the search process in this type of task.  相似文献   

The presence of a unique yet irrelevantsingleton in visual search or spatial-cuing tasks is typically associated with performance costs, suggesting that singletons tend to capture attention. However, since singletons have always been spatially separated from targets in previous experiments, it remains unclear whether an irrelevant visual singleton that occurs at the same spatial location as the target but at a different point in time can produce temporal capture of attention. Here, we asked participants to search visual sequences at fixation for targets defined by size (larger or smaller than the nontargets). The presence (vs. absence) of a color singleton lengthened response times on the size discrimination task, suggesting that irrelevant singletons can lead to a temporal attentional capture.  相似文献   

Horowitz and Wolfe (2001) suggested that inhibition of return (IOR) should not be observed in tasks that involve rapid deployments of attention. To examine this issue, five of six possible locations were sequentially cued with either short-duration peripheral cues (50 msec) or long-duration peripheral cues (500 msec). As was expected, IOR was observed in the first two experiments at every cued location with the long-duration cues, with the magnitude of IOR decreasing for earlier cued locations relative to later cued locations. In the short-cue condition, IOR was observed at only one cued location (the second to last). The pattern of results for the short-duration cues was found regardless of whether the fixation cue was of a short (Experiment 1) or a long (Experiment 2) duration. In Experiment 3, the final fixation cue was removed, and IOR was again observed at virtually all locations in both the short- and the long-cue conditions. These findings indicate that IOR can be observed at multiple locations when attention is shifted rapidly between locations.  相似文献   

The authors propose a diagnostic for distinguishing between serial and parallel processing in visual search; it is based on testing for subadditive effects of a within-trial visual quality manipulation on target-absent trials. It was evaluated in 2 experiments wherein parallel and serial processing might be expected on the basis of previous work and was then applied to a more uncertain situation in a third experiment. The diagnostic indicates parallel processing of stimuli that differ from each other on a featural basis (Xs and Os) and canonical letters that differ in line arrangement (Ts and Ls) but serial processing when Ts and Ls are randomly rotated. These results form a coherent pattern that is understandable in terms of the literature on visual search, and thus they suggest that the diagnostic may be a useful addition to the methodology used to distinguish between serial and parallel processes.  相似文献   

Visual search for compound patterns was examined in observers aged 6, 8, 10, and 22 years. The main question was whether age-related improvement in search rate (response time slope over number of items) was different for patterns defined by short- versus long-range spatial relations. Perceptual access to each type of relation was varied by using elements of same contrast (easy to access) or mixed contrast (hard to access). The results showed large improvements with age in search rate for long-range targets; search rate for short-range targets was fairly constant across age. This pattern held regardless of whether perceptual access to a target was easy or hard, supporting the hypothesis that different processes are involved in perceptual grouping at these two levels. The results also point to important links between ontogenic and microgenic change in perception (H. Werner, 1948, 1957).  相似文献   

Cancellation tests have been widely used in clinical practice and in research to evaluate visuospatial attention, visual scanning patterns, and neglect problems. The aim of the present work is to present a visualized interface for the visuospatial attentional assessment system that can be employed to monitor and analyze attention performance and the search strategies used during visuospatial processing of target cancellation. We introduce a pattern identification mechanism for visual search patterns and report our findings from examining the visual search performance and patterns. We also present a comparison of results across various cancellation tests and age groups. The present study demonstrates that our system can obtain more processing data about spatiotemporal features of visual search than can conventional tests.  相似文献   

This experiment deomonstrates serial processing of tachistoscopic patterns when all potential artifacts are eliminated. Two nonsense arrays of six letters were tachistoscopically exposed successively at the same positions. Ss identified more letters from the temporally first string on the left of fixation and more from the second on the right, indicating left-to-right serial processing. Variations among Ss in the location of the crossover in curves indicate individual differences in processing time. Therefore, this study demonstrates definitively that tachistoscopic performance at various positions can reflect a sequential left-to-right processing of information, possibly at different rates.  相似文献   

Reaction times for a simple two-choice shape discrimination requiring either one or both visual cortices were measured.

In a total reaction time of around 400 millisec. the difference found was 3.0 ± 2.6 millisec. If subjects were weighted according to number of observations, and -- 1.34 ± 1.68 millisec. if thery were weighted according to reciprocals of variances of differences of means; that is, it was not significant.  相似文献   

Two experiments, one using a between-Ss and one a within-Ss design, showed that response latencies to single attribute probe stimuli were longer when the target stimulus embodied two attributes (form and color) rather than a single attribute. The magnitude of this "mixed attribute effect" was influenced by the probability of attribute relevance, but the "probability effect" was mostly due to a "repetition effect," such that latencies on trials involving repetitions of the same attribute were shorter than when the relevant attribute was shifted. Implications of these results are drawn for the issues of holistic vs attributized representation of the target stimulus and serial vs parallel search of a set of attributes. Although no class of models can be ruled out on the basis of these experiments, constraints can be imposed on the versions of each that are compatible with the data presented.  相似文献   

It is generally held that anxiety is characterized by an attentional bias for threatening information. In recent years there has been an important debate whether these biases reside at the level of attentional selection (threat detection) or attentional processing after threat detection (attentional disengagement). In a visual search task containing emotional facial expressions, eye-movements were examined before and after threat detection in high and low trait anxious individuals to further elucidate the temporal unfolding of attentional bias. Results indicated that high-anxious individuals neither showed facilitated orienting to threat nor impaired disengagement of visual attention from threat. Interestingly, the presence of threat in the visual search display was associated with increased decision times in high-anxious individuals. These results challenge some of the current views on attentional bias to threat but indicate that emotional information reduces processing efficiency in anxiety.  相似文献   

We examined the generality of the claim that stereoscopic disparity is detectable in parallel across the visual field. Using a search paradigm with random-dot stereograms, we varied the relative disparity of target and distractor items. When both target and distractors had crossed disparities, both search functions (i.e., target in front of distractors and target behind distractors) were linear with positive slopes. When both target and distractors had uncrossed disparities, the pattern of results depended upon whether the target was in front of or behind the distractors—specifically, when the target was in front of the distractors, search functions were similar to those seen for “crossed” search, but when the target was behind the distractors, a nonlinear search function was found. Finally, when the target and distractors straddled the plane of fixation, a nonlinear search function was found when the target was in front of the distractors; however, when the target was behind the distractors, a linear search function with a large positive slope was found. We show that the nonlinear search functions are consistent with the effects of an intervening global surface percept. We also show that the size of the stimulus display may be a factor in some relative depth cases. Additionally, we replicate Steinman’s (1987) finding that search is parallel when the distractors are located at the plane of fixation and the target disparity is crossed, eliminating monocular and spatial cues to target presence that may have been present in his original study. In a final control experiment, we showed that reaction times did not increase with set size when observers performed another kind of perceptual task on similar random-dot stereogram displays. This eliminates the possibility that some of the results obtained here can be explained by increases in the difficulty of perceiving/fusing the stimuli when the number of distractors is increased.  相似文献   

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