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Several studies have suggested that it might be easier to identify a letter when its replication is simultaneously presented in the visual display. We have measured identification accuracy for a memorized target letter that was shown in the peripheral field in two conditions in which a letter either identical or different in shape was flashed simultaneously at fixation. The results of three forced-choice experiments showed that, contrary to Geiger and Lettvin's (1986) previous findings, an identity prime did not improve the visibility of a temporally backward masked target letter. However, the foveal prime letter could apparently bias the subject's decision so that he/she was much more ready to report the more visible prime letter as the peripheral target.  相似文献   

The development of efficiency in letter processing skills was studied using a letter search task. In two experiments, subjects searched for a target letter displayed with items varying in their visual featural or conceptual categorical similarity to the target. Accuracy and reaction time of search were evaluated for evidence of the visual search “category effect.” In order to determine if subjects could efficiently use knowledge of stimulus differences to facilitate search, conditions tested search time as a function of the amount of information to be processed both within the visual display and in short-term memory. In the two experiments, subjects of ages 6 years through adulthood showed the category effect; however, efficiency of letter processing was found to be related to the amount of information that had to be processed in memory. While there were drastic changes in search speed with increasing grade level, patterns of processing were consistent, leading to the conclusion that the knowledge required to process the letter information accurately is acquired very early. Results were discussed in terms of the distinctions among accuracy, automaticity, and efficiency of skill development and the relationship of these to general reading and intellectual development.  相似文献   

When a multiletter display is preceded by a bar designating one of the letters for report, reaction time (RT) to voice the indicated letter decreases. Previous research had indicated that the efficiency of this selective mechanism decreases as the number of display elements increases. Two experiments were conducted to determine whether the effect of display size could be eliminated when the indicator precedes the display at long intervals. Results indicated that the display size effect was maintained. The results could not be attributed to eye movements, but were interpreted in terms of a central encoding mechanism that is limited in its precision of localization and exclusion.  相似文献   

The role of perceptual interference in letter identification was investigated in three experiments designed to test the feature-specific inhibition model proposed by Bjork and Murray (1977). According to their extension of Estes’ (1972, 1974) interactive channels model, input channels leading to the same feature detector inhibit one another more than do channels leading to different detectors. The model therefore predicts perceptual interference between two letters to be a function of the degree of their feature overlap. Experiment 1 confirmed the feature-specific inhibition model and Bjork and Murray’s finding that the accuracy of report is lower when a briefly presented target letter is flanked by an identical letter than when flanked by another target letter or by a nontarget letter. Results from Experiment 2 indicated that single-target performance is a function of the degree of feature similarity between the target letter and background characters in a stimulus display. Experiment 3 ruled out a spatial-uncertainty explanation of feature-specific inhibition in a new paradigm that does not require subjects to process a poststimulus cue. The results of these experiments are discussed in relation to recent studies exhibiting strong effects of noise letters at the response stage of processing. It is suggested that discrepancies between feature-specific interference and response-interference studies may be a function of the particular mode of stimulus presentation and of the dependent measures that are used.  相似文献   

Four forced-choice letter-detection experiments examined the effect on detection latency of noise letters that were visually similar to target letters. A single target letter was present in each display. Noise letters were similar to the target letter present in the display (the signal), to a different target letter assigned to the same response as the signal, or to a target letter assigned to the opposite response from the signal. Noise letters were present in either relevant or irrelevant display positions, and two quite different stimulus sets were used. The experiments were designed to test a prediction of models in which information about noise letters is transmitted continuously from the recognition to the decision process. These models predict that responses should be faster when noise letters are visually similar to a target assigned to the same response as the signal than when noise letters are similar to a target assigned to the opposite response. Statistically reliable effects of the type predicted by continuous models were obtained when noise letters appeared in relevant display positions, but not when they appeared in irrelevant positions.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested the generality of the finding of Reicher (1969) and Wheeler (1970) that a word context facilitated the accuracy of recognition of an embedded target letter. In the present experiments, the context was a letter and the target was a letter fragment. The letter context greatly facilitated the recognition of the letter fragment. In Experiment I, this improvement was in many cases from chance level to perfect performance. An interpretation of this effect in terms of greater familiarity of the fragment and its context was disconfirmed in Experiment II. A procedure of preexposure cueing in Experiment III eliminated the superior recognizability of fragments having a letter context.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we tested subjects’ ability to localize a letter in a character string with identification controlled by varying the delay of a mask, dimming the display, or deleting some of the dots used to define the letters on the cathode-ray screen. The first experiment involved two tasks. In the first task, subjects indicated whether or not a letter named verbally had been present in an eight-letter target string. In the second task, they localized a letter named verbally in the target string; the target string was presented by using display parameters shown in the first task to hold character identification between 70% and 75% correct. In the second experiment, we tallied errors in a partial-report bar-probe study after equating performance across the manipulations of display quality. Masking disrupted subjects’ ability to recover location information more than either a manipulation of stimulus luminance or a manipulation of its visual form.  相似文献   

Six subjects scanned displays of random consonants for a single target which was (a) another consonant; (b) a given number; or (c) any number. A second group of six subjects took part in three comparable conditions with number displays, and letters or numbers as targets. Scanning time for a number in a letter display or a letter in a number display was more rapid than scanning for a target drawn from the same set as the background. Several unpractised subjects, and all the subjects who practised the task, were able to scan as fast through letters for “any number” as for a specific number, or conversely through digits. The finding of different scanning rates for two precisely physically specified targets, depending on which class they were drawn from, runs counter to an explanation of high-speed scanning in terms of the operation of visual feature analysers. It is suggested that familiar categorization responses may be immediate and may provide the basis for the discrimination of relevant from irrelevant items in rapid visual scanning.  相似文献   

The early versus late selection issue in attention models was examined by means of a new methodology. Through cues or precues, attention was directed to one location of a multistimulus visual display and, while attention was so engaged, the identity of a stimulus located at a different position in the display was changed. By varying the time after display onset before the stimulus was changed, we controlled the preview time that the original stimulus was represented on the retina. Then, using a marker cue, we directed the subject's attention to the location of the changed stimulus. The subject's response was a timed discrimination between two possible target letters. The data of main interest was the effect of preview time upon the subject's latency in identifying the new target that appeared in the changed location. We found that the preview time of the original stimulus, before RT was affected to the new target, depended upon whether the original stimulus was a neutral (noise) letter or whether it was the alternative target. When the original stimulus was a noise letter, RTs to the new target were just as fast as those obtained in the control condition in which the target was present throughout the preview interval and did not change its identity. Significant effects upon RT were obtained at preview times of 83 msec when the original stimulus was one of the targets that changed to the alternative target. Preview times also varied as a function of precuing. Preview times were correspondingly shortened when the first cue occurred 50 msec before display onset, thus providing an extra 50 msec for attention to be directed to the first display location. The results were interpreted in terms of two separate information-processing systems in the human: an automatic system and an attentional system. Even though a stimulus may have been automatically processed, when the attention system is directed to that stimulus, processing starts at the beginning again.  相似文献   

The attentional blink is revealed in studies of rapid serial visual processing, in which observers view a stream of letters presented sequentially at the same location in a visual display. Reporting the identity of a specially marked letter (the target) amidst distractors causes a transient loss of accuracy for detection of another prespecified symbol (the probe). In two experiments, observers viewed lists of letters, identified a randomly selected letter as a target, and detected the presence of a probe from a different category (a digit or a Greek letter). After several days of training, probe detection following a target had improved markedly. Posttarget probe detection was again impaired when the distractor set included members of the probe set. These results are compatible with an explanation of the attentional blink as an act of suppression aimed at the current set of distractors, but additional mechanisms are needed to account for the effects of training.  相似文献   

Judgments ofsame anddifferent on a comparison task have been found to be subject to response competition if an irrelevant stimulus is presented in the display along with the target stimuli. For example, the reaction time for judging two letters the same is markedly increased if a different but irrelevant letter is also present in the display (C. W. Eriksen, O’Hara, & B. [A.] Eriksen, 1982). We have made use of this competition effect to map the visual attentional field in two dimensions. In two experiments, we varied the size of the attended area by varying the separation of the comparison stimuli. The boundaries of the attended area were mapped by varying the location of a response-competitive irrelevant noise letter. On this task, the attended area was found to be elliptical in shape, with the location of the target stimuli defining the major axis. The minor axis of the ellipse increased in direct proportion to increases in the major axis. Rather than interpret these field effects in terms of areas of enhanced processing, we propose that instead they represent the limits or failures in inhibition of competing stimulation.  相似文献   

Using a signal-detection task, the generality of Turvey’s (1973) onset-onset rule was tested in our experiments. After seeing, in succession, (1) one or two letters (target display), (2) a multiletter detection display, and (3) a mask display, subjects decided whether or not the letter or letters in the target display reappeared in the succeeding detection display at different levels of detection-display duration in various situations. The subjects’ sensitivity was inconsistent with the onset-onset rule. More specifically, sensitivity increased with increases in display duration within a fixed stimulus onset asynchrony of 150 msec. Display duration, however, had no effect on response bias. Nor was there any interaction between display duration and display size in terms of either sensitivity or response bias. The more complicated relationship between display duration and display size does not invalidate the departure from the onset-onset rule.  相似文献   

Search rates were estirnated from response latencies in a visual search task of the type used by Atkinson, Holmgren, and Juola (1969), in which a S searches a small set of letters to determine the presence or absence of a predesignated target. Half of the visual displays contained a marker above one of the letters. The marked letter was the only one that had to be checked to determine whether or not the display contained the target. The presence of a marker in a display significantly increased the estimated rate of search, but the data clearly indicated that Ss did not restrict processing to the marked item. Letters in the vicinity of the marker were also processed. These results were interpreted as showing that Ss are able to exercise some degree of control over the search process in this type of task.  相似文献   

Intermittent grading of papers and the combination of intermittent grading with contingent access to play were evaluated as methods for increasing the accuracy of kindergarten children's printing responses. For a group of target letters, intermittent grading alone failed to produce an increase in accuracy, but when grading was paired with access to play, accuracy increased for every child. These results were then replicated with another letter.  相似文献   

Phonological and orthographic aspects of a letter string were found to affect the identification of a component letter in three experiments. All involved a fixed set of target vowels presented in a fixed position in letter strings. Manipulations of the phonological nature of the target or the orthographic character of the string were made by adding a letter with the postexposure mask to the original CVC trigram. In Experiment 1, the addition of an E with the mask as a final letter to the string changed the pronunciation of the target vowel, whereas the addition of an S did not. Identification accuracy was higher with the S mask. In Experiment 2, either E or D could be added to CVCs that were equally orthographic but differentially pronounceable. The same added letter had quite different effects on accuracy, depending on its effect on target pronunciation and the orthographic regularity of the string. In Experiment 3, performance on targets in orthographic CVCs was lowered to the level of nonorthographic CVCs by adding a letter that rendered the entire string nonorthographic. The results are explained by assuming that phonological and graphemic codes are developed simultaneously but maintained in a nonindependent manner.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for a processing mechanism in visual recognition that depends upon how the stimulus array is conceptually categorized rather than upon its physical characteristics. Ss had to detect a letter or digit target in a field of letters or digits. When target and field were of the same category, reaction time increased with display size. When target and field category differed, reaction times were independent of display size. This category effect held even for the ambiguous target character 0 that yielded reaction time functions appropriate to how it was specified prior to presentation: as “zero” or as “ō.”  相似文献   

The relation between distractor interference and negative priming from identical distractors was examined in two experiments. Subjects responded to a target letter, which was indicated by an adjacent bar marker, and attempted to ignore a distracting letter. Onprime trials, distracting letters were either compatible or incompatible with the target, allowing for a measure of interference. On subsequentprobe trials, previously ignored distractors were sometimes presented as targets, allowing for a measure of negative priming. Reducing the spatial separation between targets and distractors on the prime trial increased the magnitude of interferenceand negative priming, but these effects appeared to be independent of each other (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, the prime target location was precued on some trials, but not on others. Precuing attenuated the magnitude of interference, but not that of negative priming effects. This pattern indicates that measures of negative priming and measures of distractor interference on the immediately preceding trial are independent. The results are discussed in terms of a selective inhibition model of selective attention.  相似文献   

Block capital letters were displayed to experienced and inexperienced Ss, using a 20 x 20 matrix of vibratory tactors placed against the back. In two separate experiments, a total of five modes of stimulus presentation, three of them employing a linear scanning slit, were studied. The poorest method, stationary flashing of the letter, allows performance that is well above chance, implying that a purely spatial presentation does convey information. Performance is improved when the letter is moved horizontally across the display. The best performance is achieved when the amount of simultaneous stimulation is limited by using a linear scanning slit. In one method, the letter moves behind a stationary slit, with the result that its horizontal dimension is portrayed only in time. In the other two methods, the scanning slit moves across the stationary letter, portraying the letter both in time and in space. The results of all five display modes indicate that Ss can use whichever representation, spatial or temporal, is available, although patternings which most closely approximate sequential tracing by a single moving point lead to the highest recognition accuracy. We interpret these results in terms of the limited spatial resolution of the cutaneous sense. While the perception of a letter presented in either full-field condition is limited by the spatial resolution, the best measure being the two-point limen, the perception of a letter traced sequentially is limited by the localization acuity of the cutaneous sense, the best measure being the “error of localization,” which is known to be considerably smaller than the two-point limen. Inasmuch as the slit methods of presentation are a compromise between simultaneous and sequential display, letter-recognition accuracy is better with slit presentation than with the corresponding full-field mode of display.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to two types of orthographic structure was investigated: linguistically based orthographic regularity and summed single letter positional frequency. Deaf college students were found to make use of positional frequency information no less than hearing college students; however, the extent to which they made use of orthographic regularities in word recognition was related to their speech production skills. In one task, subjects were presented nonword letter strings for short durations, each followed by a masking stimulus and a target letter. They were asked to indicate whether or not the target had been present in the letter string. It was found that the accuracy of deaf subjects with good speech, like that of hearing subjects, was considerably greater for orthographically regular than irregular strings. In contrast, the accuracy of deaf subjects with poor speech was much less related to orthographic regularity. In a second task, in which subjects made judgements about how word-like various letter strings appeared, the judgements of the hearing subjects were more influenced by regularity than those of deaf subjects with poor speech. These results are discussed in terms of how expertise in speech relates to appreciation of orthographic regularity.  相似文献   

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