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Dark vergence depends on the vertical direction of gaze; it decreases with raised gaze and increases with lowered gaze. The vertical direction of gaze can be varied by means or raising or lowering the eyes or by way of tilting the head forward or backward. The effects of both manipulations on dark vergence are different. According to Heuer (1988) the effects of head tilt and eye inclination on dark vergence are almost, but not exactly, additive. In Exp. 1 the hypothesis of additive effects of gaze direction and eye inclination was tested and could not be rejected. The two additive hypotheses (head tilt and eye inclination vs. gaze inclination and eye inclination) result in different predictions for dark vergence with "compensatory" head and eye inclinations, which leave the direction of gaze in space invariant. In Exp. 2 it was shown that predictions from both hypotheses deviated from the observed values of dark vergence. Thus none of the two additive hypotheses provides exact predictions of dark vergence for all possible combinations of head tilt and eye inclination. For practical purposes the approximation might be sufficient. In particular, although mean dark vergence cannot be predicted exactly, individual differences can be predicted quite accurately.  相似文献   

The position constancy during head movement of a luminous spot in a dark room depends in part on the convergence state of the eyes. This supports a modified form of the theory that an optical-motion/head-motion comparator contributes to constancy. By incorporating convergence information, the comparator can allow [or the effect of parallax on the optical-motion/body-motion ratio.  相似文献   

Lateral eye movements and heart rate were recorded as 32 right-handed men answered verbal and spatial questions. Experimenter-to-subject distance (.8 and 1.5 m) and attention demand of instructions were manipulated in a 2 X 2 design. A significant main effect for distance and an interaction of distance by instructions appeared on the direction of eye movements independent of type of question. The greatest number of leftward eye movements occurred at the short distance with instructions demanding higher attention. These findings are consistent with evidence that emotional arousal produces greater right- than left-hemisphere activation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were designed to examine the effect of aging on the strength of binocular rivalry suppression. To produce rivalry, orthogonally oriented sine-wave luminance gratings were presented dichoptically. The observers were then required either to discriminate the spatial location of a probe spot presented to the dominant or suppressed eye's view or to detect the presence or absence of the probe. The observers in the younger and older age groups exhibited typical rivalry suppression for both tasks (i.e., the probe was more difficult to detect or discriminate when presented to the suppressed eye), but the magnitude of the suppression was significantly larger in the older observers. This increased suppression that accompanies aging can be explained by a reduction in the inhibition produced by the binocular matching circuitry of S. R. Lehky and R. Blake's (1991) model.  相似文献   

Eye movements were monitored with a sensitive binocular measuring device during presentation of stimuli that caused binocular rivalry. It was found that the number of microsaccades was approximately 50% higher when measured during rivalry than when measured during periods of normal viewing. The level of microsaccadic activity is greater at the beginning than toward the end of the suppression interval. The results suggest that the depth of suppression associated with binocular rivalry is not constant over the duration of a rivalry interval.  相似文献   

E E Birch  J M Foley 《Perception》1979,8(3):263-267
Two stimuli in the same binocular direction, one in front and the other an equal disparity behind a fixation point, are perceived at one depth. This depth is between that corresponding to the two stimulus disparities and varies continuously from one stimulus to the other as a function of the ratio of their luminances. When either duration or absolute luminance is increased, perceived depth changes toward the midpoint of the two disparities.  相似文献   

Bacon BA  Mamassian P 《Perception》2002,31(9):1037-1045
Half-occlusions and illusory contours have recently been used to show that depth can be perceived in the absence of binocular correspondence and that there is more to stereopsis than solving the correspondence problem. In the present study we show a new way for depth to be assigned in the absence of binocular correspondence, namely amodal completion. Although an occluder removed all possibility of direct binocular matching, subjects consistently assigned the correct depth (convexity or concavity) to partially occluded 'folded cards' stimuli. Our results highlight the importance of more global, surface-based processes in stereopsis.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of convergence on the perceived size of a light disk presented against a dark background was investigated by means of a projector stereoscope with polarizing filters. The results obtained with four subjects indicate that the logarithm of matched size decreases linearly as the convergence angle increases. The effect of binocular disparity was also examined by presenting a vertical bar beside the disk, but this did not add to the convergence effect. The results of a previous study on binocular disparity were reinterpreted as an effect of convergence difference between two objects. Implications of the present findings to the phenomenon of size constancy were discussed.
Zusammenfassung Der Effekt der Konvergenz auf die wahrgenommene Größe einer gegen einen dunklen Hintergrund dargebotenen Lichtscheibe ist durch ein Projektorstereoskop anhand Polarisationsfiltern untersucht worden. Die Ergebnisse, die mit vier Versuchspersonen erworben wurden, zeigen, daß der Logarithmus der subjektiv gleichgestellten Größe sich linear mit zunehmendem Konvergenzwinkel verkleinert. Außerdem wurde der Effekt der Querdisparation durch das Darbieten eines vertikalen Lichtbalkens neben der Lichtscheibe untersucht; aber dieser war ohne Effekt. Die Ergebnisse einer vorhergehenden Untersuchung über die Querdisparation wurde neu interpretiert als ein Effekt der Konvergenzdifferenz zwischen zwei Objekten. Die Bedeutung des Versuches für das Phänomen der Größenkonstanz wurde erläutert.

This study was performed at Chiba University in 1967 during the sabbatical year of the second author.  相似文献   

Limbic-diencephalic mechanisms of voluntary movement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Matsumiya K  Howard IP  Kaneko H 《Perception》2007,36(7):990-1002
An impression of a surface seen through holes is created when one fuses dichoptic pairs of discs, with one member of each pair black and the other member white. This is referred to as the 'sieve effect'. The stimulus contains no positional disparities. Howard (1995, Perception 24 67-74) noted qualitatively that the sieve effect occurs when the rivalrous regions are within the range of sizes, contrasts, and relative sizes where exclusive rivalry occurs, rather than binocular lustre, stimulus combination, or dominant rivalry. This suggests that perceived depth in the sieve effect should be at a maximum when exclusive rivalry is most prominent. We used a disparity depth probe to measure the magnitude of perceived depth in the sieve effect as a function of the sizes, contrasts, and relative sizes of the rivalrous regions. We also measured the rate of exclusive rivalry of the same stimuli under the same conditions. Perceived depth and the rate of exclusive rivalry were affected in the same way by each of the three variables. Furthermore, perceived depth and the rate of exclusive rivalry were affected in the same way by changes in vergence angle, although the configuration of the stimulus surface was held constant. These findings confirm the hypothesis that the sieve effect is correlated with the incidence of exclusive rivalry.  相似文献   

In the present research the authors examined the time course of binocular integration in goal-directed aiming and grasping. With liquid-crystal goggles, the authors manipulated vision independently to the right and left eyes of 10 students during movement preparation and movement execution. Contrary to earlier findings reported in catching experiments (I. Olivier, D. J. Weeks, K. L. Ricker, J. Lyons, & D. Elliott, 1998), neither a temporal nor a spatial binocular advantage was obtained in 1 grasping and 2 aiming studies. That result suggests that, at least in some circumstances, monocular vision is sufficient for the precise control of limb movements. In a final aiming experiment involving 3-dimensional spatial variability and no trial-to-trial visual feedback about performance, binocular vision was associated with greater spatial accuracy. Binocular superiority appeared to be most pronounced when participants were unable to adjust their limb control strategy or procedure on the basis of terminal feedback about performance.  相似文献   

The perception of distance and size in the presence of optical gradient information was investigated under four viewing conditions—binocular view with and without head motion, and monocular view with and without head motion. Subjects (60 adults) matched distance intervals (from 15 to 127 cm) and heights of a target triangle (from 5 to 15 cm) by adjusting the length of a metal tape. Both linear and power functions were fitted to each individual’s distance judgments, and the competing perceptual models were compared. For both models, it was found that binocular information was sufficient to specify relative, but not absolute, distance, that monocular information was sufficient to specify an orderly relation between target distance and judgment but not absolute distance, that average error was less in the binocular conditions, and that perceived distance was not affected in either condition by the addition of head motion. The analysis of size judgments revealed that monocular and binocular judgments did not differ, that matches made with and without head motion did not differ, and that, in all conditions, matches exceeded target heights by an average 30% to 40%. Judged size was also analyzed as a function of target distance. In all conditions but monocular view with head motion, the effect of distance was to increase size judgments. The distance judgments support the hypothesis (Purdy, 1958) that the binocular stimulus carries information that the monocular stimulus does not; they fail to support the hypothesis (Gibson, 1966) that observer motion adds information to the static stimulus. The size judgments support neither hypothesis but suggest an independence of perceived size from perceived distance.  相似文献   

Binocular rivalry occurs when the two eyes are presented with incompatible stimuli and the perceived image alternates between the two stimuli. The aim of this study was to find out whether the periodic perceptual loss of a monocular stimulus during binocular rivalry is mirrored by a comparable loss of contrast sensitivity. We presented brief test stimuli to one eye while its conditioning stimulus was dominant or suppressed. The test stimuli were varied widely across four stimulus domains--namely, the relative stimulation of medium- and long-wavelength-sensitive cones, duration, spatial frequency, and grating orientation. The result in each case was the same. Suppression depended slightly or not at all on the type of test stimulus, and contrast sensitivity during suppression was around 64% of that during dominance. The effect of suppression on sensitivity is therefore very weak, relative to its effect on the perceived image. Furthermore, suppression was largely independent of the similarity between the conditioning and the test stimuli, indicating that our results are better explained by eye suppression than by stimulus suppression. A model is presented to account for the small, monocular sensitivity loss during suppression: It assumes that test detection precedes conditioning stimulus perception in the visual pathway.  相似文献   

This study tested effects of gaze-movement angle and extraretinal eye movement information on performance in a locomotion control task. Subjects hovered in a virtual scene to maintain position against optically simulated gusts. Gaze angle was manipulated by varying the simulated camera pitch orientation. Availability of extraretinal information was manipulated via simulated-pursuit fixation. In Experiment 1, subjects performed better when the camera faced a location on the ground than when it pointed toward the horizon. Experiment 2 tested whether this gain was influenced by availability of appropriate eye movements. Subjects performed slightly better when the camera pointed at nearby than at distant terrain, both in displays that did and in displays that did not simulate pursuit fixation. This suggested that subjects could perform the task using geometric image transformations, with or without appropriate eye movements. Experiment 3 tested more rigorously the relative importance of gaze angle and extraretinal information over a greater range of camera orientations; although subjects could use image transformations alone to control position adequately with a distant point of regard, they required eye movements for optimal performance when viewing nearby terrain.  相似文献   

Twenty normal, twenty left-, and fifteen right-brain injured subjects, all right-handed, were assigned a sequence of voluntary inhibition of 23 movements. The inhibition lapse was recorded. Statistical analyses indicated a high performance in the normal and a deficient performance in left-brain injured subjects, no influence of the neurological symptoms on groups' achievement, a handicap in the subjects affected by a frontal lesion in the right brain, a hierarchical clustering of items varying according to the groups, and an organ-group interaction.  相似文献   

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