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The starring point for this study was the rotating trapezoidal window. The aim was to reanalyze the problem of information about direction of rotation that is available in simplified proximal stimulations and to study empirically if the Ss utilized the possibilities demonstrated in the theoretical analyses. These analyses showed that a distal poin t moving in a horizontal circular path gives different proximal stimulations when moving clockwise and counterclockwise Further, a distal vertical line moving with its midpoint in the same path has a proximal change of length with different phase relations with the horizontal back-and-forth motion for the two directions. The proximal stimulation is ambiguous, however, unless some restrictions or “decoding principles” are introduced. In the first two experiments it was shown that the Ss could not report “correct” direction of motion of the point but were able to do so about the vertical line. In a third experiment a second vertical line was introduced. This necessitates a determination of relative distance to the two lines. It was shown that the proximally shorter line was usually perceived further away than the proximally longer one. The results are discussed with reference to the trapezoidal window. and some hypotheses are stated.  相似文献   

Interpreting ambiguous situations is not a purely data-driven process but can be biased towards positive interpretations by top-down influences. The present study tries to identify the underlying processes of these top-down influences. There are two separable types of processes that can be influenced by motivational biases: A perceptual bias affects information uptake whereas a judgmental bias affects acceptance criteria for positive and negative outcomes. In the present study, motivated influences on perception and judgment were investigated with a simple color discrimination task in which ambiguous stimuli had to be classified according to their dominating color. One of two colors indicated a financial gain or a loss, whereas a third color was neutral. To separate perceptual and judgmental biases, Ratcliff’s [Ratcliff, R. (1978). A theory of memory retrieval. Psychological Review, 85, 59–108] diffusion model was employed. Results revealed motivational influences on perception and judgment.  相似文献   

The problem dealth with was how perception of a three-dimensional space is related to the corresponding two-dimensional retinal image. The stimulation used was a straight line changing length and direction. For this stimulation a geometrical model was developed. The basic decoding principle in this model is that the changes in the two-dimensional figure will be perceived as three-dimensional motions of an object with constant shape and size. This principle was approximately verified for the majority of the data. The main deviation from the model was that there was generally less perceived depth than predicted. Also a second decoding principle was generally verified: rotary, but not translator motion is perceived from this kind of stimulation. A third unexpected decoding principle was found in the data: the line is perceived in a frontal-parallel direction when it has its maximal extention.  相似文献   

Oyama T  Simizu M  Tozawa J 《Perception》1999,28(6):739-748
Effects of similarity in colour, luminance, size, and shape on apparent motion and perceptual grouping were examined in part 1 in two parallel experiments on the same seven subjects. In both experiments, the effect of similarity was compared with that of proximity in competitive, bistable stimulus situations. A combination of a larger horizontal separation between the homogeneous stimulus elements and a smaller constant vertical separation between heterogeneous stimulus elements produced two kinds of apparent motion (or perceptual grouping) with equal probabilities. Such matched separations between homogeneous stimulus elements were obtained by the double staircase method in various stimulus conditions. In both experiments on apparent motion and perceptual grouping matched separation was found to increase as the difference between the heterogeneous stimulus elements increased. High correlations (0.71 to 0.94) of matched separations were found between apparent motion and perceptual grouping in four stimulus series: colour, luminance, size, and shape. Six of the seven subjects were also tested in part 2. Here, the effects of differences were found to work additively across different perceptual attributes in both phenomena, when multiple differences were combined in heterogeneous elements. The experimental results are discussed from the point of view that apparent motion is an example of perceptual constancy.  相似文献   

The temporal integration of continuous sensory information into a temporally extended percept becomes evident in spontaneous reversals of ambiguous apparent motion. To study the temporal relation of spontaneous percept reversals and temporal stimulus properties, we systematically varied presentation frequency in an ambiguous-apparent-motion paradigm. Moreover, we triggered percept reversals in a manner that was not consciously perceived by manipulating the duration of single frames. We found that the reversal rate depended on the stimulus frequency (with higher frequencies resulting in faster percept reversals) and that we could externally trigger perceptual reversals. Our findings support the idea that spontaneous reversals of ambiguous apparent motion are influenced by bottom-up effects at early processing levels. The paradigm allows for specific contrasts of spontaneous and externally triggered (but otherwise identical) perceptual reversals and, by this means, for further study of the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adults who watch an ambiguous visual event consisting of two identical objects moving toward, through, and away from each other and hear a brief sound when the objects overlap report seeing visual bouncing. We conducted three experiments in which we used the habituation/test method to determine whether these illusory effects might emerge early in development. In Experiments 1 and 3 we tested 4‐, 6‐ and 8‐month‐old infants’ discrimination between an ambiguous visual display presented together with a sound synchronized with the objects’ spatial coincidence and the identical visual display presented together with a sound no longer synchronized with coincidence. Consistent with illusory perception, the 6‐ and 8‐month‐old, but not the 4‐month‐old, infants responded to these events as different. In Experiment 2 infants were habituated to the ambiguous visual display together with a sound synchronized with the objects’ coincidence and tested with a physically bouncing object accompanied by the sound at the bounce. Consistent with illusory perception again, infants treated these two events as equivalent by not exhibiting response recovery. The developmental emergence of this intersensory illusion at 6 months of age is hypothesized to reflect developmental changes in object knowledge and attentional mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effect of basic motion structures on perceptual grouping was studied with five-dot motion patterns. Four basic motion structures were identified in terms of proximal common and relative motion vectors. In a forced-choice situation, the observers had to decide to which of two pairs of dots a fifth critical dot seemed to belong. Thus, one of two possible three-dot units was chosen by the observers. The two possible three-dot units defined different motion structures, and the chosen motion structure was considered to have stronger grouping power than the alternative structure had. It was found that parallel common motions (perceived translation in the plane) had the strongest grouping power; these were followed by circular common motions (perceived rotation in the plane), concurrent relative motions (perceived translation in depth), and, finally, parallel relative motions (perceived rotation in depth). The results also suggested effects of proximity and orientation of axis of rotation. It is further argued that the relative grouping power of the motion structures could not solely be interpreted in terms of changes of directions and distances between the dots. Instead it is suggested that vector analysis is a fundamental perceptual activity and that basic motion structures determine grouping power.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the time course of perceptual grouping that is based on two qualitatively different spatial relationships: proximity and alignment. An index of grouping capacity was used to assess the processing time required before a backward pattern mask interfered with grouping. Stimuli consisted of bistable arrays of disjunct dots that were followed by a mask. Grouping cues, either proximity or alignment, were randomly assigned to either the horizontal or vertical orientation, and subjects indicated whether the dots appeared grouped as a series of horizontal or vertical lines. Spatial metrics of the cues were systematically altered until they no longer served as a cue for grouping, thereby determining the grouping threshold. The stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of the mask, relative to the test stimulus, ranged from 33.3 to 150 msec. The SOA at which grouping thresholds first became elevated identified the point at which the mask first interfered with the grouping process, thereby identifying the processing time required for grouping by the specified cue. The processing time for grouping by proximity and alignment differed significantly, requiring means of 87.6 and 118.8 msec, respectively, for processing to be completed. These measurements serve to identify the processing time necessary for spatially integrating stimulus elements into unified forms, thereby delineating temporal constraints at this stage of visual processing.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to test whether perceptual organization is cognitively or motivationally penetrable. In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects viewed a reversible stereogram while instructed to hold one depth organization. Responses about depth were recorded indirectly by recording responses about direction of the illusory concomitant motion that is perceptually coupled to depth in a stereogram. Inasmuch as perceptually coupled variables covary without necessary stimulus covariation, a post-perceptual locus for any intention effects they exhibit is unlikely. Experiments 2 and 3 examined the possibility that instructed intention might influence perception indirectly by influencing eye movements: Viewers' vergence position was measured directly through responses about alignment of a vernier nonius fixation. In all three experiments, a residual effect of instructed intention was found. Therefore, instructed intention may influence perceptual organization by influencing internal nonstimulus components integral to the perceptual process.  相似文献   

Watanabe K  Sato TR  Shimojo S 《Perception》2003,32(5):545-559
Perceived positions of flashed stimuli can be altered by motion signals in the visual field-position capture (Whitney and Cavanagh, 2000 Nature Neuroscience 3 954-959). We examined whether position capture of flashed stimuli depends on the spatial relationship between moving and flashed stimuli, and whether the phenomenal permanence of a moving object behind an occluding surface (tunnel effect; Michotte 1950 Acta Psychologica 7 293-322) can produce position capture. Observers saw two objects (circles) moving vertically in opposite directions, one in each visual hemifield. Two horizontal bars were simultaneously flashed at horizontally collinear positions with the fixation point at various timings. When the movement of the object was fully visible, the flashed bar appeared shifted in the motion direction of the circle. But this position-capture effect occurred only when the bar was presented ahead of or on the moving circle. Even when the motion trajectory was covered by an opaque surface and the bar was flashed after complete occlusion of the circle, the position-capture effect was still observed, though the positional asymmetry was less clear. These results show that movements of both visible and 'hidden' objects can modulate the perception of positions of flashed stimuli and suggest that a high-level representation of 'objects in motion' plays an important role in the position-capture effect.  相似文献   

Pairs of luminous lines of differing length ratios, rotated about an axis perpendicular to the line of sight, resulted in misperceptions of the direction of rotation. The illusions are similiar to the Ames trapezoid illusion. The results help to clarify the role ofdepth cues in visual perception of motion.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the human visual system can use temporal synchrony for the perceptual grouping of image regions into unified objects, as proposed in some neural models. It is argued here, however, that previous psychophysical evidence for this hypothesis is due to stimulus artifacts, and that earlier studies do not, therefore, support the claims of synchrony-sensitive grouping mechanisms or processes.  相似文献   

A formal approach to the phenomenon of perceptual grouping by proximity was investigated. Grouping judgments of random dot patterns were made by the CODE algorithm (van Oeffelen & Vos, 1982) and several related algorithms, and these judgments were compared with subjects’ grouping judgments for the same stimuli. Each algorithm predicted significantly more subject judgments than would be expected by chance. The more subjects agreed on how a given dot pattern should be grouped, the more successful was the algorithms’ ability to match the judgments for that pattern. CODE predicted significantly fewer subject judgments than did some of the other algorithms, largely because of its overemphasis on the extent of interactivity among dots as they are being grouped.  相似文献   

A flashed stimulus is perceived as spatially lagging behind a moving stimulus when they are spatially aligned. When several elements are perceptually grouped into a unitary moving object, a flash presented at the leading edge of the moving stimulus suffers a larger spatial lag than a flash presented at the trailing edge (K. Watanabe. R. Nijhawan. B. Khurana, & S. Shimojo. 2001). By manipulation of the flash onset relative to the motion onset, the present study investigated the order of perceptual operations of visual motion grouping and relative visual localization. It was found that the asymmetric mislocalization was observed irrespective of physical and/or perceptual temporal order between the motion and flash onsets. Thus, grouping by motion must be completed to define the leading-trailing relation in a moving object before the visual system explicitly represents the relative positions of moving and flashed stimuli.  相似文献   

Three different sized squares were successively presented at the same physical distance under three observational conditions which provided different information about distance in the visual field. The 60 observers in each observational condition were asked to give verbal absolute judgments of perceived size and perceived distance for each of the squares. The results showed that in a full-cue situation a ratio of perceived absolute sizes is equal to that of the corresponding visual angles, with perceived distances appearing equal to each other; in a reduced-cue situation an object of smaller perceived size is judged to be farther away than one of larger perceived size, with the observers tending to assume the two objects as the same object or identically sized objects. These results were analyzed in terms of the perceptual conflict between primary perception and secondary perception.  相似文献   

According to G.A. Kelly's (1955) Personal Construct Theory, people are threatened by personal death to the extent that their conceptions of death are inconsistent with their conceptions of their present selves. As an individual difference factor, death threat predicts how people respond to death‐relevant situations and stimuli. To test the hypothesis that high death‐threat (relative to low death‐threat) persons will engage in greater denial when assigning meaning to ambiguous stimuli, college students viewed inkblots and chose between a nondeath‐relevant interpretation and a death‐relevant interpretation. As hypothesised, high death‐threat participants endorsed fewer death‐relevant interpretations than did low death‐threat participants. Self‐reported conscious fear of death did not predict this avoidance. Results are discussed in the light of historical and current work on psychological responses to death.  相似文献   

Common region: a new principle of perceptual grouping.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A new principle of grouping is proposed that is based on elements being located within a common region of space. Demonstrations analogous to Wertheimer's original displays show that this factor strongly influences perceived grouping and is capable of overcoming the effects of other powerful grouping factors such as proximity and similarity. Grouping by common region is further shown to depend on perceived depth relations, indicating that it is influenced by processes that occur after at least some depth perception has been achieved. Further demonstrations suggest that it is dominated by the smallest background area and that it can follow a hierarchical embedding scheme. It is argued that common region cannot be reduced to the effects of proximity, closure, or any other previously known factor and therefore constitutes a genuinely new principle of grouping.  相似文献   

Time course of perceptual grouping by color   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Does perceptual grouping operate early or late in visual processing? One position is that the elements in perceptual layouts are grouped early in vision, by properties of the retinal image, before perceptual constancies have been determined. A second position is that perceptual grouping operates on a postconstancy representation, one that is available only after stereoscopic depth perception, lightness constancy, and amodal completion have occurred. The present experiments indicate that grouping can operate on both a preconstancy representation and a postconstancy representation. Perceptual grouping was based on retinal color similarity at short exposure durations and based on surface color similarity at long durations. These results permit an integration of the preconstancy and postconstancy positions with regard to grouping by color.  相似文献   

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