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Coren and Girgus in 1972 had each of their subjects inspect one of four Mueller-Lyer variants with the two segments set equal. In six interspersed Average Error test trials with the initial setting at zero illusion, the variants showed similar decremental rates. In 1962 Day had observed decrement when the test trials began with the segments equal; Eysenck and Slater in 1958 found no decrement when the test trials started with the segments clearly dissimilar. Present subjects addressed figures having either equal or unequal segments, and, over six trials, with and without inspection periods, came to approach the presented figures as exemplars.  相似文献   

Illusion-decrement and transfer-of-illusion-decrement procedures were used to examine the contribution of the obtuse- and acute-angle components of the Poggendorff pattern to the standard Poggendorff illusion. In the first four experiments, subjects were required to scan between the oblique lines of the Poggendorff pattern during the inspection phase of the decrement procedure. However, because of a possible confound associated with this procedure, a different decrement technique was used in Experiment 5. The results of Experiment 5 confirm and extend MacKay and Newbigging's (1977) finding that similar amounts of transfer to the standard pattern are obtained from the obtuse- and acute-angle patterns as from the standard pattern itself: In showing that the acute- and obtuse-angle components both contribute to the illusion, these findings question the plausibility of those theories of the Poggendorff illusion which do not assign any significant role to the acute-angle component. Furthermore, the potential confound associated with the decrement procedure of Experiments 1-4 suggests that the results of other studies obtained with similar procedures need to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Illusion decrement with prolonged inspection was used as a technique to assess the relative amount of central component in seven variants of the Mueller-Lyer illusion. Results indicate that all of the variant forms share a common, central component, while the peripheral components, such as lateral inhibition, vary as a function of the presence of converging lines in the illusion configurations.  相似文献   

In order to assess the role of the structural components of the Mueller-Lyer illusion, subjects reproduced the central extent of standard Mueller-Lyer figures and configural variations. Illusory magnitude of the underestimated wings-in and overestimated wings-out figures was examined with selective amputations of the oblique wings and central line segment (shaft). Variations were presented at 0, 45, 90, and 135 deg from vertical. Orientation had no reliable effect on illusory magnitude. Elimination of the shaft effected a decrease in the apparent extent for all variations, presumably due to the addition of the filled-unfilled space illusory effect to the standard Mueller-Lyer effect. A second study corroborated this finding The decrease in apparent extent consequent to shaft removal occurred independently of any response factor. Selective wing removal differentially decreased the illusory magnitude of the standard Mueller-Lyer figures; this was discussed with regard to a dual-illusion hypothesis. Finally, variations that contained no intersecting lines produced a significant illusion in the direction of the standard Mueller-Lyer figures, suggesting the involvement of higher level, nonperipheral distortion mechanisms.  相似文献   

The interference of the wings of the wings-in part of the Mueller-Lyer figure was examined for the version of the illusion in which one part of the figure is placed above the other. Wings were removed in pairs from either above or below the shaft of one of the two parts of the figure. Subjects indicated the apparent difference between the lengths of the shafts of the two parts of the figure. Removal of the wings between the shafts of the wings-in part of the figure reduced the amount of the illusion more than removal of the wings from outside the shafts. Removing wings from the wings-out part of the figure reduced the amount of illusion, but it made no difference whether the wing removal occurred between or outside the shafts.  相似文献   

Subjects estimated the length of a horizontal line which was flanked by oblique angles pointing both inside and outside (this figure would be created by superimposing the wings-in and wings-out figures of the Mueller-Lyer illusion). Ignoring the outside wings resulted in an underestimation of the line length of comparable magnitude to that obtained for the wings-in Mueller-Lyer figure. Ignoring the inside wings caused an overestimation of the line length only when the inner and outer wings were of non-corresponding orientations. These results emphasize the role of cognitive factors in the Mueller-Lyer illusion.  相似文献   

Two groups of 15 Ss each observed the Oppel-Kundt illusion, in which a divided extent appears longer than an undivided extent. The group which made saccadic eye movements over the figure showed significant decrement of the illusion, while the group which maintained steady fixation showed no decrement. These results support an interpretation which maintains that information from eye-movement errors provides data as to the nature and extent of the illusion, thus leading to decrement.  相似文献   

The reduction in illusion magnitude with visual inspection and the transfer of such illusion decrement to a noninspected figure were examined in real- and subjective-contour Poggendorff figures. For both types of figures, illusion magnitude decreased significantly, and in a similar manner, during a 5-min inspection period. Postinspection tests showed that inspecting either a real- or subjective-contour figure resulted in a reduction in illusion magnitude for the other, noninspected figure. These findings suggest that real- and subjective-contour Poggendorff figures share a similar global organization and are thus probably processed in a similar manner. These characteristics make subjective-contour figures a useful tool for separating illusion-producing mechanisms into structural and strategy components.  相似文献   

The Mueller-Lyer (ML) illusion has been used to study the way in which perceived length is affected by processes of information extraction when a visual target of interest (the ML shaft) is surrounded by other nontarget figural elements (inward-or outward-turning wings). It is argued that the perception of length is computed in terms of the center of gravity or centroid of figural elements at the wing-shaft intersection. The outward-turning wings shift the computational centroid away from the shaft end, giving rise to an erroneous overestimation of shaft length, while the inward-turning wings have the opposite effect. In three experiments, we observed that figural changes, which theoretically shifted the center of gravity of figural elements at the wing-shaft intersection, also increased or decreased the magnitude of the ML illusion.  相似文献   

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