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A positional discriminability model of linear-order judgments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The process of judging the relative order of stimuli in a visual array was investigated in three experiments. In the basic paradigm, a linear array of six colored lines was presented briefly, and subject decided which of two target lines was the leftmost or rightmost (Experiment 1). The target lines appeared in all possible combinations of serial positions and reaction time (RT) was measured. Distance and semantic congruity effects were obtained, as well as a bowed serial position function. The RT pattern resembled that observed in comparable studies with memorized linear orderings. The serial position function was flattened when the background lines were homogeneously dissimilar to the target lines (Experiment 2). Both a distance effect and bowed serial position functions were obtained when subjects judged which of two target lines was below a black bar cue (Experiment 3). The results favored and analog positional discriminability model over a serial ends-inward scanning model. The positional discriminability model was proposed as a "core model" for the processes involved in judging relative order or magnitude in the domains of memory and perception.  相似文献   

Remember-know judgments provide additional information in recognition memory tests, but the nature of this information and the attendant decision process are in dispute. Competing models have proposed that remember judgments reflect a sum of familiarity and recollective information (the one-dimensional model), are based on a difference between these strengths (STREAK), or are purely recollective (the dual-process model). A choice among these accounts is sometimes made by comparing the precision of their fits to data, but this strategy may be muddied by differences in model complexity: Some models that appear to provide good fits may simply be better able to mimic the data produced by other models. To evaluate this possibility, we simulated data with each of the models in each of three popular remember-know paradigms, then fit those data to each of the models. We found that the one-dimensional model is generally less complex than the others, but despite this handicap, it dominates the others as the best-fitting model. For both reasons, the one-dimensional model should be preferred. In addition, we found that some empirical paradigms are ill-suited for distinguishing among models. For example, data collected by soliciting remember/know/new judgments--that is, the trinary task--provide a particularly weak ground for distinguishing models. Additional tables and figures may be downloaded from the Psychonomic Society's Archive of Norms, Stimuli, and Data, at www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

The authors examined the validity of the group interview, in which several applicants are interviewed simultaneously, vs. the traditional 1-on-1 selection interview. The authors also investigated perceptions of fairness for each interview format and whether the order in which the applicant was asked to respond in the group interview affected the quality of his or her response. Participants were 91 undergraduates who participated in 1-on-1 or group interviews for a scholarship award. The present results supported the hypothesis that interviewers in the 1-on-1 format were significantly better at predicting the applicants' academic potential. Also, in the group interviews, the order in which the applicants were asked to respond affected the quality of their responses significantly.  相似文献   

Garb HN  Lutz C 《Assessment》2001,8(1):111-115
Efforts to explain why some neuropsychologists are more accurate than others have been unsuccessful. In the present study, the relation between the cognitive complexity of clinicians and the validity of their judgments was investigated. Forty-two neuropsychologists completed a measure of cognitive complexity. The hypothesis that neuropsychologists who are high in cognitive complexity will be more accurate than those who are low in cognitive complexity was not supported. It is not clear why cognitive complexity was not significantly related to the validity of diagnostic ratings: One explanation is that the measure of cognitive complexity used in this study was inadequate but another possibility is that neuropsychologists who are low in cognitive complexity may still be able to achieve high levels of accuracy if they attend to normative data when they interpret test results.  相似文献   


In the previous paper (Meesters and Appels, this issue) we described the development of an interview to measure feelings of vital exhaustion (VE). The current paper presents data on the reliability and the validity of the interview, which is labeled the Maastricht Interview for Vital Exhaustion (MIVE). Correlations with the Type A behavior pattern (TABP) and hostility are also discussed in this paper. The data were collected in a case-control study of 81 males with first MI and 168 healthy neighborhood controls. The interview was found to have a good reliability, Cronbach's alpha being .90 in the case group and .86 in the control group. The kappa coefficient was .95 in the case group and .91 in the control group. The validity was tested by computing the estimated relative risk of VE, controlling for angina pectoris and the classic risk factors. The odds ratio was found to be 8.11 (p<.001). This indicates that the interview makes a valid assessment of the mental precursors of MI. The interview correlated significantly with TABP (structured interview) and two self-report measures of hostility (Cook-Medley Hostility Scale and Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory). Although the absolute magnitude of the observed odds ratios may be affected to some extent because the interviews were not scored blind, these results clearly suggest that the MIVE is a reliable and valid method to assess VE.  相似文献   

Although note-taking in the employment interview is highly recommended, little research has examined its effects. This study investigated the effects of note-taking styles, review of the notes, and content of the notes on participants' cued recall of information and decisions made from videotaped employment interviews. Note-taking increased recall accuracy but not judgment accuracy. Being able to review notes resulted in increased judgment accuracy for those taking conventional-style notes. The content of the notes also had important implications for conventional note-takers, suggesting some benefits of recording notes using the key-points style. The findings suggest that the act of note-taking may be more important for memory and legal reasons than for improving the decisions made by interviewers.  相似文献   

刘雁伶  胡竹菁 《心理科学》2013,36(3):716-721
摘 要:使用纸笔测验探讨表格集中呈现信息条件下取样大小对单一因果关系强度推理的影响,并比较五种模型ΔP、效力PC、SS效力、Support和χ2的预测与实验数据的相关。结果显示:(1)取样大小对不同的问题有不同的影响:高取样在ΔP=0时导致了低估计值,在0<|ΔP|=PPC时没有效果,在|ΔP|相似文献   

Forty-six children with enuresis were given a psychiatric interview. The two writers made independent ratings of 10 behavioral variables. Seven of these showed satisfactory interrater reliability. No relationship was established between child psychiatric disturbance assessed in this way and estimates of disorder obtained from information given by mothers and teachers.Professor Max Hamilton, Department of Psychiatry, University of Leeds, kindly provided computing facilities. The work was supported by a grant from the Yorkshire Regional Health Authority.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised was examined in a sample of 6-month-old infants and their parents. One hundred and fifteen mothers and 79 fathers completed the IBQ-R and a measure of depression and 98 infants participated in a laboratory assessment of temperament. Internal consistency reliability was adequate for all 14 IBQ-R subscales for both mothers and fathers and inter-rater reliability of mother and father reports was demonstrated for 11 of 14 subscales. Convergent validity was established between observed fear and mother reported fear and father reported approach. Parent depression and infant gender were examined as moderators of the concordance between parent reported and observed temperament. As predicted, concordance was higher when parents reported low versus high symptoms of depression. Infant gender did not alter concordance.  相似文献   


The Creative Product Semantic Scale (CPSS) is based on a theoretical model which conceptualizes three dimensions of product attributes: Novelty, Resolution, and Elaboration and Synthesis. The revision of the CPSS is described in the present article. Study 1 confirmed that the instrument could detect differences in the level of Novelty of three commercially available household products varying in unusualness. Study 2 was designed to validate the three dimensions of product attributes by testing whether or not the rankings of experts would agree with those of lay judges. Results indicated that judgments of Novelty made by naive judges were consistent with those of experts. The validity of Novelty, and to a lesser degree, that of Elaboration and Synthesis, were verified by Study 2. The validity of Resolution is yet to be established (no significant differences among products were observed). In both studies, Novelty and Resolution were independent, but Elaboration and Synthesis subscales migrated between loading with Novelty and Resolution.  相似文献   

A model for a score based on an interview is presented which identifies the effect due to the subject, to the manner in which the interviewer tends to conduct his interviews, to the criteria he tends to use in scoring subjects' responses, to the compromises he tends to adopt between the demands of interviewing and those of scoring, and to chance errors. A suggested experimental design calls for each ofK investigators to interview a different sample ofN subjects, but for all investigators to score each subject. The drawing of inferences when interest is only in theK participants in the reliability study is considered, and a numerical example is given.This work was supported in part by grant DE R01 00793 from the National Institute of Dental Research, and in part by grants MH 08534 and MH 09191 from the National Institute of Mental Health, and forms part of the author's Ph.D. dissertation at Columbia University. The guidance provided by Professor T. W. Anderson is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Piaget (1932) and subsequent researchers have reported that young children’s moral judgments are based more on the outcomes of actions than on the agents’ intentions. The current study investigated whether negligence might also influence these judgments and explain children’s apparent focus on outcome. Children (3–8 years of age) and adults (N = 139) rated accidental actions in which the valences of intention, negligence, and outcome were varied systematically. Participants of all ages were influenced primarily by intention, and well-intentioned actions were also evaluated according to negligence and outcome. Only two young children based their judgments solely on outcome. It is suggested that previous studies have underestimated children’s use of intention because outcome and negligence have been confounded. Negative consequences are considered to be important because children assume that they are caused by negligence. The findings indicate that young children can show sophisticated understanding of the roles of intention and negligence in moral judgments.  相似文献   

The development of the 42-item Asian American Values Scale-Multidimensional (AAVS-M) is presented. In Study 1, data from 163 Asian American respondents were subjected to a principal components analysis, which reduced the initial set of 180 items to 42 items divided into 5 components: collectivism, conformity to norms, emotional self-control, family recognition through achievement, and humility. The data also revealed initial evidence of the AAVS-M total and subscale scores' reliability and validity. In Study 2, data from 189 Asian American respondents were subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis, which supported a hierarchical factor structure underlying the AAVS-M. Additional reliability and validity evidence of AAVS-M total and subscale scores were found. In Study 3, data from 38 Asian American respondents yielded evidence of AAVS-M total and subscale scores' test-retest reliability.  相似文献   

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