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The Brest Bible is regarded traditionally as the first translation of the entire Scriptures from the original languages into Polish. This study assesses this claim. A cursory analysis reveals that the Brest translators generally followed the hebraica veritas. They made use of Stephanus's Latin Bible (1556/57) whose Old Testament text was the literal Latin translation of the Hebrew Bible by Santes Pagnini (Pagnino); the Vulgate text was also included. It is shown that where there are significant differences between the printed editions of the Hebrew Bible of the sixteenth century and Pagnini's version, the Brest Bible follows Pagnini. Its translators followed Pagnini in Stephanus's edition verse by verse, and also applied the latter's division into chapters and verses to the Polish text. It is, then, suggested that there is doubt whether the Brest translators translated directly from the original version, it being more likely that they availed themselves chiefly of Pagnini's Latin version.  相似文献   


2013 marked the 450th anniversary of the publication of the Brest Bible (1563), the first Protestant (Reformed) translation of the entire Bible into Polish. This translation coincided with the mature phase of the Polish Renaissance, which was at the same time a key period in the history of Reformed thought. According to researchers, the Brest Bible is characterized by typographical and translational novelty and numerous linguistic qualities which have also gained recognition for it among Catholic theologians and contemporary Bible translators. This article presents the current state of research on various aspects of the language of the Brest Bible as carried out by Polish linguists. It demonstrates the high value of the language of the Brest Bible, its place among Polish biblical translations and the important role it played in the development of Polish language and culture.  相似文献   


The following article considers the theology of the Brest Bible translation. Some of the older researchers advanced the thesis that the translation and accompanying remarks implied concepts that undermine traditional trinitarian theology and Christology, leading to the claim that this Bible is sub-Reformed in character and conceivably antitrinitarian. This article aims to demonstrate that such an assertion is not supported by convincing evidence. It analyses both the main text of the Brest Bible and its marginal comments in terms of their theological character. It comes to the conclusion that both the trinitarian theology and Christology of the Brest Bible do not step outside Christian orthodox doctrine.  相似文献   


This article examines the illustration on the Brest Bible's title page, relating it to the woodcut, The Law and the Gospel or Law and Grace, created forty-five years earlier to provide a visual aid for Luther's doctrine of salvation by faith and God's grace alone. Luther's reflections on justification, while original in thrust, had been preceded by centuries of the Church's teaching on the subject. Law and Grace appeared among book illustrations, particularly on the title pages of Bibles, not only in Lutheran editions, but also in those commissioned by other confessions. Sometimes the schema would be deliberately altered to modify the message. This essay shows how the title page of the Brest Bible provides a striking example, and that in light of Calvin's teaching, the image there reveals a subtle, but significantly modified reinterpretation.  相似文献   


This article attempts to explain the language issues behind the current controversy over gender inclusive translations of the Bible. Specifically, it focuses on changes in modern English whereby “a growing segment of the population [i.e., women] no longer can sense being addressed by a text that uses supposedly 'generic' masculine language to refer to them.” The reason, according to this author, is that in English “the masculine grammatical gender has largely shifted into a function that exclusively designates males.” Since the Christian Church believes that the Bible, as the Word of God, is the word through which God addresses his people, a translation that employs generic masculine language no longer satisfies the needs of all believers “to feel addressed by God's voice in the text” that is read and heard.  相似文献   


In sixteenth-century Western Europe there was widespread debate as to whether it was permissible, or even desirable, that the laity read the Bible in the vernacular and whether the Bible might be translated into various national languages. Under the influence of the humanistic ideas of Desiderius Erasmus, several young Spaniards came to Leuven to complete their studies, one of whom was the Spanish humanist, Francisco de Enzinas, whose chief objective was to provide a Spanish translation of Scripture. This article will show that in an eventful life, but cut short, and during which he eventually did admit allegiance to the Reformation, Enzinas was only able to partially achieve this goal. In 1543 he published a Spanish translation of the New Testament and some books of the Old Testament.  相似文献   

Euan K. Cameron 《Dialog》2017,56(2):126-132
Much of Martin Luther's prodigious output consisted of exposition and editing Scripture. While a series in English cannot do justice to his greatest achievement, his Bible in German, much can be learned from his prefaces and commentaries, which are selected in volume 6 of The Annotated Luther. Luther's attitude to interpreting Scripture evolved in a constant dialogue with his theology of justification. While he held to the absolute authority of Scripture, his approach was pre‐critical but not uncritical. His exposition constantly balanced the consolation of grace and warnings against complacent trusting in our own works. His relentless emphasis on seeing Christ everywhere in the Bible, praised in past generations, poses problems today insofar as it determined his stance against Judaism.  相似文献   


Bullinger regarded the evangelical faith and the evangelical churches as old and the papal faith and church as new. He was convinced that the evangelical faith was continuous with that of Scripture and the catholic church. In 1537 against the charge of being new or heretical, he went behind the New Testament to the Old, appealing to the faith of Adam and the prophets in Christ. In 1549 against the charge of separating from the church with the succession of bishops as a mark of the apostolic church, he appealed to the succession in apostolic teaching. Against further charges he appealed to the ancient Roman Church against the new Roman Church, and to the true church cleaving to Christ against the false church persecuting those who believe in Christ. Against charges of heresy and schism, he affirmed the orthodoxy and catholicity of the evangelical churches. Against the charge of disunity among evangelicals he appealed to the New Testament and the early church with their differences in minor matters. He used the concept of Satan being bound a thousand years to explain the growth thereafter of papal error, but he also named people who had challenged that error.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):209-227

This article explores ideas concerning human conception as reflected in the Hebrew Bible in particular. After reviewing above all biological texts from ancient Indian, Greek and Roman sources, the various clues as to how human conception may have been understood in the ancient Hebrew context are thoroughly investigated. The notion that Aristotelian ideas of preformationism and pneuma inform the Hebrew Bible is refuted. Instead, both divine and female contributions to conception appear to be more prominent.  相似文献   

Abstract: Every year thousands of Lutheran lay women explore the Bible through the Women's Bible Study featured in the denomination's monthly women's magazine. This tradition began with the women's missionary societies of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the recruiting of Lutheran writers for year‐long series. In the ELCA the study is published in the magazine Lutheran Woman Today. The authors have been attentive to biblical critical methods, Lutheran theology, and the lives and faith of people in parishes. Participants report that the women's Bible study contributes to fellowship and to their goals of biblical living and deepened relationships with God, their families, and each other.  相似文献   


In this article, we explore what kind of relevance Bible stories have on 10-year-old pupils in religious education lessons. The data was gathered in Lutheran RE lessons in Finland. The Bible stories were told by using special storytelling methods, Godly Play and Religious Pedagogic Practice. The study used stimulated recall method interviews to study the reflections the students (N = 9) had during lessons. Analysis was done via deductive content analysis. The study showed that different forms of holistic relevance could be identified in the recollections of the students. The most common forms of relevance were emotional, moral and religious relevance. The study indicates that different kinds of stories emphasise different kinds of relevance and while there were some similar features in the relevance of the stories among the students, there were also differences. In the end, the implications of this study to teacher education and classroom learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Ecumenical review》1976,28(1):105-121
Book reviewed in this article: Helps for Bible Study: 1. A Grammatical Analysis OF THE Greek New Testament, Vol. I: Gospels-Acts, by Max Zerwick AND Mary Grosvenor Helps for Bible Study: 2. Paul's Letter TO THE Romans, by J. C. O'Neill Helps for Bible Study: 3. Epistles TO THE Apostle, by Colin Morris Helps for Bible Study: 4. Revelation: A New Translation WITH Introduction AND Commentary (The Anchor Bible 38), by J. Massyngberde Ford Helps for Bible Study: 5. Matthew Henry's Commentary: THE Four Gospels, ed. David Winter Helps for Bible Study: 6. The Good News According TO Mark, by Eduard Schweizer Helps for Bible Study: 7. Synopsis OF THE Four Gospels, by Kurt Aland Helps for Bible Study: 8. The Jerusalem Bible, with abridged introductions and notes Helps for Bible Study: 9. Bulletin OF THE United Bible Societies Helps for Bible Study: 10. Jesus: THE Fact Behind THE Faith, by C. Leslie Mitton 1. Dialog DER Feinde, EIN Leidenschaft-liches Streitgespräch UM DIE Zukunft DER Araber UND Israels (“Between Enemies, A Compassionate Dialogue Between an Israeli and an Arab), by Amos Elon AND Sana Hassan 2. Die Juden UND IHR Land (“The Jews and their Land”), by F.-W. Marquardt 3. Jüdischer Glaube (“Jewish Faith”), by Schalom Ben-Chorin 4. To Heaven WITH Scribes AND Pharisees, THE Jewish Path TO God, by Lionel Blue 5. One Generation After, by Elie Wiesel Papal Primacy AND THE Universal Church (Lutherans and Catholics in Dialogue V), ed. Paul C. Empie And T. Austin Murphy The Apocalyptic Movement: Introduction AND Interpretation, by Walter Schmithals, translated by John E. Steely The Christian Tradition. A History of the Development of Doctrine. Vol. 2: The Spirit of Eastern Christendom (600–1700) by Jaroslav Pelikan Introduzione ALL'Antico Testamento, by J. Alberto Soggin The Contemporary Explosion OF Theology, ed. Michael D. Ryan Religion AND Sexism: Images OF Women IN THE Jewish AND Christian Traditions, ed. Rosemary Radford Ruether Case-Book ON Church AND Society, eds. Keith R. Bridston, Fred K. Foulkes, Ann D. Myers And Louis Weeks Rome and Canterbury Through Four Centuries: A Study OF THE Relations Between THE Church OF Rome AND THE Anglican Churches 1530–1973, by B. and M. Pawley Die Christliche Wahrheit Zwischen Häresie UND Konfession, Theologische Existenz Heute No. 181, by Karl-Gerhard Steck Bibliografia Comentada. Suplemento 1974. Lista de Instituciones Teológicas, Editoriales Publicaciones Periodicas  相似文献   

Eco-sensitive readings of both the Bible and the Qur'an have become common in recent years as scholars have drawn upon insights and methods from environmental studies to inform their interpretations of biblical and qur'anic passages. This article attempts to put the two texts in conversation with one another on this topic to show how what one of them has to say about the natural world can have an effect on how we understand and interpret the other. Some have argued that the Qur'an's view of nature is that it is “muslim” because it submits and conforms itself to the divine will. This article applies that idea to selected biblical texts that refer to various elements of the natural world. Rereading these passages from the Bible through the lens of the Qur'an's concept of nature as muslim can enable us to see important aspects of the biblical view of the environment that we might otherwise miss.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper originated in a Wabash‐funded colloquium organized by Richard Ascough and Leif Vaage, on the theme: “Teaching the Bible for Leadership in the United Church of Canada.” Professors teaching biblical studies at United Church seminaries and theological schools met over three years to share pedagogy, things that have worked and not worked in the classroom, changes in teaching Bible over the years, and the role of context in shaping teaching. In the final year they presented their philosophy of teaching to one another; this paper arose from that meeting. The paper describes an orientation to teaching New Testament Studies at Vancouver School of Theology, a theologically liberal school in the context of Vancouver, Canada – paradoxically one of the most secular and multi‐religious cities in the world. Guided by Denise Levertov's poem, “Overland to the Islands,” it explores the promises and challenges of biblical study grounded in the material reality of the world, amidst older students who bear the marks of secularity, who are impatient with traditional orthodoxies, and who long more for life before the grave than after it. Adopting ideas from Roland Barthes, Paul Ricoeur, and Julia Kristeva, it explores teaching the Bible in a way that promotes the polyvalence, strangeness, and irreducibility of biblical texts, in order to move students away from exegetical and hermeneutical theories content with recovering authorial intent and reconstructing historical origins as the primary tasks of biblical study. The paper describes a model of teaching that celebrates the materiality of the New Testament together with its textual, social, theological, and historical complexity, as well as a tradition‐constituted means of apprehending the world, and which treasures students as living texts who in the course of interpretation awaken ever‐fresh meanings relevant to their own communal and personal identities.  相似文献   

The persistence of antisemitism in Christian cultures despite the irrationality and destructiveness of its myths and attitudes has led more than one writer to consider that it may be deeply rooted in psychological dynamics, both individual and social. Likewise, much has been written about how the New Testament writings, especially certain passages in the Gospels, reflect a bitter split between the emerging Christian community and other Jewish groups. Seldom, however, are these two avenues of exploration brought together, asking how psychological mechanisms of defense and the formation of the biblical texts interact. In a recent book, The Jew and Deicide: The Origin of an Archetype (Davis, 2003), psychologist Frederick B. Davis attempted to do just that. Unfortunately, his presentation is deeply flawed by his lack of familiarity with basic New Testament studies and methods. His fundamental premise is sound—that the interplay of the texts, the communities that created them, and their subsequent interpreters evidence psychological dynamics that fuel an ongoing conflict. In this paper, I will suggest how those dynamics were active within the first century Christian community and were expressed in New Testament writings, and how those same dynamics are stimulated in later readers.Paper originally presented March 22, 2004. In D. MacDonald (Chair), New Testament Texts and Traditions. Session conducted at the Western regional meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Whittier, CA  相似文献   


Martin Bucer's role in the Edwardian Reformation has been the subject of much study, most of which has been focused on his involvement in the Vestments Controversy, his role in the revision of the 1549 Prayer Book, and on his last major work, De regno Christi, which he wrote in 1550. What has received less attention is his sojourn in Cambridge, where he spent the majority of his time in England. Bucer's sometimes tense relations with members of Cranmer's circle, and even with Cranmer himself, provide a striking contrast to the ‘electric’ impact he had in Cambridge, which serves to underscore the importance of Cambridge to Bucer's English sojourn. The individuals whom he most influenced were members of the academic community at the University of Cambridge (where he served as Regius Professor of Divinity), especially the so-called ‘Athenian tribe’—although he did encounter the hostility of many members of his College, the largely conservative Trinity College. Cambridge proved to be the locus of Bucer's influence upon the English Church in these years, and his residence there deserves greater attention than it has received to date.  相似文献   


This paper aims at providing a critical reading of John Knox's views on female monarchs, based on his writings, correspondence and interviews with contemporary queens, namely Mary of Guise and her daughter, Mary Stewart, of Scotland, and Elizabeth I, of England, highlighting Knox's religious thought and the political implications of his antigynaecocratic doctrines. From Knox's reasonings with the British queens, one can to some extent perceive his putting into practice the theories of resistance to political authority he formulated during his exile in Geneva, as expressed in the tracts and correspondence addressed to his British friends and proselytes. By the analysis of Knox's antagonistic views on the regiment of women, solidly grounded on the Holy Scriptures, namely the Old Testament, and on long-established tradition—classical, canonical and patristic—, one is made aware of his unwavering faith and indefatigable struggle for the Reformation of the Church, both in Scotland and in England.  相似文献   


A brief account is given of the life of St Ambrose and of modern scholarly views on his work. The Church was favoured by the Emperor Constantine and Christianity established as the state religion by the Emperor Theodosius. Ambrose might have been expected to have been interested in promoting the interests of the Church as an institutional and juridical organisation but he was in fact overwhelmingly interested in its spiritual aspect, as von Campenhausen asserts, opposed by Morino. The Church is seen in Ambrose's writings as the City of God and as the Kingdom of God into which believers are received. His understanding of the Church is markedly christocentric and biblical and is closely linked with his thinking on the Holy Spirit. This article also examines his attitude to the see of Rome, of which he did not recognise a general supremacy. The relevance for Christians today of Ambrose's experience of the Church as a unique spiritual fellowship is touched on.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Ecumenical review》1977,29(3):320-329
Book reviewed in this article: HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 1. Oxford Study Edition of the New English Bible with Apocrypha HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 2. Traduction OEcuménique de la Bible HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 3. Das Buch der Bücher , Altes Testament : Einführungen, Texte, Kommentare, edited by H. M. Lutz , H. Timm and E. C. Hirsch HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 4. The Bible in Order , Jerusalem Bible Version, edited by Joseph Rhymer HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 5. The Horizontal Line Synopsis of the Gospels , by Reuben J. Swanson. HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 6. Evangiles : Les 4 Annonces (Matyah, Markos, Loukas, Yohanân), translated and presented by André Chouraqui HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: 7. Een Tijding Van Vreugde : Het evangelie verhaald door Markus. Dutch translation and commentary by Marie H. van der Zeyde. HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: Paul Tillich's Theology of the Church — A Catholic Appraisal, by Ronald Modras HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: Society and Religion . Essays in honour of M. M. Thomas, edited by Richard W. Taylor HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: Christian Worship in Transition , by James F. White HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: The Psalms in Christian Worship , by Massey H. Shepherd Jr HELPS FOR BIBLE STUDY: Facing up to Nuclear Power , ed. by John Francis and Paul Abrecht.  相似文献   


The article examines the place of, and the main emphases in, the doctrine of God in Bullinger’s theology. In comprehensive presentations of his theology, the doctrine of God generally follows that of the Word of God. He usually begins with God as one (against the role of creatures such as the saints and images) and God as three. The other main elements (besides the knowledge of God) are God as creator, his providence and his predestination, usually in that order. Underlying all of them is the stress on God’s goodness. Highlighted is Bullinger’s appeal throughout to the Bible and Church Fathers, often identifying the views of his opponents with early Church heresies. This appeal also supports his claim to orthodoxy and catholicity, as do the creeds in his prefaces to The Decades and to The Second Helvetic Confession. His underlying pastoral and practical concerns are evident.  相似文献   

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