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《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):195-202

The introduction to the special issue situates the five following essays in the context of historical and contemporary theological reflection on maternality. It addresses the fraught connection between sexuality and maternality in the Christian theological imagination and argues that the maternal body has often functioned as a bridge between the opposed arenas of Word and flesh, God and humanity, and eternity and time. The introduction concludes by using the figure of the Virgin Mary as a lens to consider the theological themes of birth, grief, the incarnation, sacrifice, and Eucharist. Mary’s body, site of the incarnation, allows connection, mediation, contiguity, and congress to occur. As such, it also functions as a bridge between theology and sexuality.  相似文献   

Margaret Miles 《Dialog》2002,41(3):221-230
This article focuses on Hanna Arendt's use of love in her writings. More specifically, I contend that Arendt's use of volo ut sis (I want you to be) and labeling of this type of love as Augustinian, takes what Augustine meant by "love" too far.  相似文献   

Jim Childs, The ELCA and Sexuality: Update Number 1 , p.245
Steve Lenius, Regarding "Bishops, Genes, and Sex" by Jarmo Tarkki in Dialog 40:3 (Fall 2001): 233–235. , p.246  相似文献   

Karen Lebacqz, Stem Cells and Justice , p.231
Margaret Mclean, Stem Cells: Justice at the Gate , p.236
Paul Lauritzen, Expanding the Debate Over Stem Cell Research , p.238
Karen Lebacqz, Response to Lauritzen and McLean , p.240
Ted Peters and Gaymon Bennett, Cloning in the White House , p.241  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Reviewed:
Robert Benne, Quality with Soul: How Six Premier Colleges and Universities Keep Faith with Their Religious Traditions
Michael Sells, Approaching the Qur'an: The Early Revelations
H.W. Chilstrom and L.O. Erdahl, Straight and Gay Sexual Fulfillment for Single and Married, Young and Old
Paul H. Santmire, Nature Reborn: The Ecological and Cosmic Promise of Christian Theology.
Gerd Ludemann; Frank Schleritt and Martina Janssen, Jesus After 2000 Years: What He Really Said and Did  相似文献   

Eduardo R. Cruz 《Zygon》2013,48(4):916-935
Transhumanist thought on overpopulation usually invokes the welfare of present human beings and the control over future generation, thus minimizing the need and meaning of new births. Here we devise a framework for a more thorough screening of the relevant literature, to have a better appreciation of the issue of natality. We follow the lead of Hannah Arendt and Brent Waters in this respect. With three overlapping categories of words, headed by “natality,” “birth,” and “intergenerations,” a large sample of books on transhumanism is scrutinized, showing the lack of sustained reflection on the issue. After this preliminary scrutiny, a possible defense of natality in face of modern and transhumanist thought is marshaled, evoking a number of desirable human traits. One specific issue, the impact of modern values on natality, is further explored, reiterating that concerns about overpopulation and enhanced humans should keep in sight the natural cycle of birth and death.  相似文献   

实施无痛分娩是对每位产妇最贴切的人文关怀,每位产妇都有享受这种关怀的权利,而在我国分娩镇痛仍未普遍采用.通过实际案例及产科镇痛发展史,论证了当今实施产科镇痛的必要性及技术条件的成熟性,剖析了当今实施此技术的人为及社会障碍,并提出了解决这一问题的方法和途径.  相似文献   

陈瑞君  秦启文 《心理科学》2011,34(3):676-679
本研究探讨情绪劳动与抑郁、焦虑的关系,着力考察情绪耗竭在二者之间的中介作用。采用情绪劳动量表、情绪耗竭量表和SCL-90对328名零售业员工进行调查。结果表明:表面行为与情绪耗竭、抑郁及焦虑没有显著相关;深度行为对情绪耗竭、抑郁及焦虑有显著的负预测作用;情绪耗竭在情绪劳动与抑郁及焦虑之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Purpose  We adopted the conservation of resources model (COR, Hobfoll Am Psychol 44:513–524, 1989; Hobfoll in Stress, culture, and community: the psychology and philosophy of stress, Plenum, New York, 1998) to examine the associations among emotional labor, work family interference, and quality of work life. Design/Methodology/Approach  Cross-sectional, self-reported data were obtained from 442 Hong Kong Chinese service employees. Findings  Correlation and hierarchical regression analyses showed that surface acting was a salient correlate of work-to-family interference, even when organizational display rules and employees’ demographic information were controlled. Furthermore, quality of work life had partially mediated the relationship between surface acting and work-to-family interference. However, deep acting and expression of naturally felt emotion did not relate to work-to-family interference. Finally, we found that family-to-work interference was a salient correlate of the use of surface acting in workplace. Implication  This study provided useful information of how adopting different emotional labor strategies related to work family interference. Based on our results, the use of deep acting should be promoted in workplace because it related positively to quality of work life and it did not amplify the work-to-family interference. Originality/value  While past studies often explored the role of emotional labor as the precursor of work family interference, our study is among the first attempt to examine family-to-work interference as the antecedent of emotional labor. Additionally, we had also confirmed the role of quality of work life as an important mediator between emotional labor-work-to-family interference.  相似文献   

分娩过程中子宫收缩导致局部缺血缺氧,产生的低氧代谢产物可刺激和敏化内脏神经从而导致分娩疼痛,同时分娩疼痛产生具有镇痛、促进产程、促进母婴身心健康等生理作用的内源性物质,如内啡肽。这一过程受到自主神经调控,自主神经又受到心理、内分泌、免疫等多种因素影响。因此,单纯或过度强调药物镇痛作用有限,并且有可能干扰正常的生理过程而带来不良反应。正确认识分娩疼痛的生理特征及意义,强调分娩疼痛的身心整体治疗,早期、合理使用非药物镇痛技术联合最短时程最小剂量的药物镇痛,可极大提高分娩过程中母婴的安全性和舒适性。  相似文献   

After a short introduction into the changing nature of our society and organizations, we outline two kinds of flexibility of labor: qualitative flexibility, that is the degree to which people who work in or for a certain organization can and do perform different tasks, and quantitative flexibility, that is, varying the quantity of personnel and their working hours. Then, the different ways in which we organize our work and organizations are dealt with in terms of quantitative and qualitative flexibility. Next, we survey these ways of organizing on the degree to which they moderate the positive individual outcomes, or individual goals, of work. It can be concluded that quantitatively flexible work, besides some minor positive consequences, may have serious negative consequences for one's well-being, health, and personal development, while qualitative flexibility may have many more advantages, though it may lead to a devastating task overload. Last, we explore some ways to alleviate these negative effects.  相似文献   

This essay argues that Simone Weil appropriates Marx's notion of labor as life activity in order to reposition work as the site of spirituality. Rather than locating spirituality in a religious tradition, doctrine, profession of faith, or in personal piety, Weil places it in the capacity to work. Spirit arises in the activity of living, and more specifically in laboring—in one's engagement with materiality. Utilizing Marx's distinction between living and dead labor, I show how Weil develops a critique of capital as a “force” that disrupts the individual's relation to her own work by reducing it to the mere activity of calculable “production.” Capital reduces labor to an abstraction and thereby uproots human subjectivity, on a systemic scale, from its connection to living praxis, or what Weil calls spirituality. Life itself is exchanged for a simulacrum of life. In positioning living labor as spiritual, Weil's work offers a corrective to these deadening practices.  相似文献   

分娩是生殖健康的一个重要组成部分,如何减轻分娩疼痛,倡导生殖健康是现代医学领域研究的课题之一。本文通过反映我国无痛分娩率较低的现状,分析了影响无痛分娩推广的因素,指出了无痛分娩推广的重大临床意义及社会效益,并提出有效提高无痛分娩率的临床对策。  相似文献   

We studied the relationship of self-efficacy to reported labor pain and pain medication usage among 43 women. Self-efficacy ratings were judgments of confidence regarding successful completion of tasks involved in labor and delivery (e.g., doing breathing exercises) and in overcoming barriers (e.g., nonsupportive partner). Multiple regression analyses revealed that self-efficacy significantly contributed to predicting labor pain beyond other relevant variables (e.g., age, amount of menstrual pain), with barrier self-efficacy the strongest predictor. Results are discussed in the context of increasing women's confidence in overcoming barriers by incorporating relevant interventions in childbirth education.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between emotional labor and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and the mediation of work engagement in this relationship. A total of 264 teachers in Mainland China were recruited for this study. Bivariate correlation showed that both deep acting and the expression of naturally felt emotion were positively related to the two dimensions of OCB, namely, OCB toward the individual (OCBI) and OCB toward the organization (OCBO), whereas surface acting was not related to the OCB dimensions. Work engagement was also positively associated with both OCB dimensions. Regression results showed that work engagement partially mediated the relation between deep acting and OCBO, and that between the expression of naturally felt emotion and OCBI. Work engagement also fully mediated the association between deep acting and OCBI, and that between the expression of naturally felt emotion and OCBO. In light of these findings, strategies that encourage employees to display emotions consistent with their inner experience were discussed.  相似文献   

Advances in robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence increasingly enable firms to replace human labor with technology, thereby fundamentally transforming how goods and services are produced. From both managerial and societal points of view, it is therefore important to understand demand‐side incentives for firms to employ human labor. We begin to address this question by examining for which products and services consumers are more likely to favor human (vs. robotic) labor. In six studies, we demonstrate that consumers prefer human (vs. robotic) labor more for products with higher (vs. lower) symbolic value (e.g., when expressing something about one's beliefs and personality is of greater importance). We theorize that this is because consumers have stronger uniqueness motives in more (vs. less) symbolic consumption contexts (and associate human labor more strongly with product uniqueness). In line with this account, we demonstrate that individual differences in need for uniqueness moderate the interaction between production mode and symbolic motives and that a measure of uniqueness motives mediates the effect of consumption context on preferences for human (vs. robotic) production.  相似文献   

情绪劳动是指员工遵照一定的组织规则, 在工作场所与顾客互动过程中进行的情绪调节。研究证明情绪劳动对组织情境中一系列结果变量影响显著, 既有积极影响也有消极影响, 作用对象包括施动者员工、受动者顾客和规则制定者组织。情绪劳动与结果变量的关系受多个员工、工作和顾客特征变量的影响。资源保存理论为情绪劳动的作用机制提供了一种有力的解释。即时、短期与长期效应的整合、指向内部顾客的情绪劳动以及组织氛围的影响是未来研究值得关注的方向。  相似文献   




采用情景故事法模拟八个顾客公平情景,对160名接线员情绪劳动进行测量,并比较不同故事情景下员工情绪劳动的差异。结果表明,公平感与员工情绪体验正相关显著,二者均与员工情绪劳动负相关显著;在顾客对员工自身或同事公平的情景下,完成情绪劳动付出的意志努力显著低于在顾客对员工自身或同事不公情景中付出意志努力;但在顾客对员工或同事一方不公平及都不公平情景下,情绪劳动差异不显著,员工完成情绪劳动均需付出的较高意志努力,但会显著高于顾客对员工或同事都公平的情景中完成情绪劳动付出的意志努力,即无论顾客对员工自己不公平还是对同事不公平及二者都不公平,只要有不公平情境的存在,员工都需要付出较多的意志努力完成情绪劳动。  相似文献   

劳教戒毒者自我价值感特点的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨波 《心理科学》2004,27(4):859-862
探讨劳教戒毒者的自我价值感特点,对劳教戒毒者的改造和矫治工作具有一定的意义。本研究用黄希庭编制的自我价值感量表对160名劳教戒毒者进行测量。结果表明:劳教戒毒者在总体自我价值感、一般自我价值感及特殊自我价值感的大多数分量表上均显著低于正常成年人,而他们在自我价值感的多数分量表上均未见有性别、职业和婚姻状况上的差异。  相似文献   

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