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公平观与公平的概念界定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
公平观与公平的概念界定陶万辉在对公平概念作出严格分析之后,我们发现,在哲学社会科学界广泛存在的关于公平与效率关系的争论,不过是类似于“好与巧克力是什么关系”之类的问题,显得滑稽而别扭。好在从这些别别扭扭的问题中,我们最终发现了什么是真正值得关注的东西。公平概念含混模糊歧义丛生,但人们对此论说寥寥,且语焉不详。如果说大多数人是因为知难而止的话,那么罗尔斯则是公开表示定义毫无用处的人。国内理论界少数致力于公平理论研究的著作,在这一点上也没有什么真正的进展。很难想象,一种真正严密无可辩驳的理论能够不以…  相似文献   

论公平   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公平可以包括伦理、道德、文化、经济、政治五个方面的不同内容。人们从不同的角度、不同的层面去研究这个问题,自然会得出不同的结论。本文只从经济意义上,即在涉及到经济效率时,来研究公平。换言之,本文只对公平进行效率判断,不对公平进行价值判断,这是本文的一个基本假定。一、究竟什么是公平?公平可以说是一个内涵最丰富的范畴,也是一个最古典的概念,同时,也是一个最能引起争议的范畴。从柏拉图《理想国》开始,追求公平与效率的双重目标,就一直是人类的崇高理想。但是,究竟什么是公平呢?我们先从我国的几种有代表性意义的…  相似文献   

探求公平与效率的具体关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公平与效率的关系,在当今中国已不再只是一个供哲学家沉思的纯粹的理论对象,而是已成为了一个极其现实的问题。社会对这一关系持何种看法,直接关涉到应当如何实际地处理这一关系,即有无必要对其中的一方加以约束或补偿,若有,又以何为准则,进行到何种程度等一系列重大的现实问题。无疑,求得对这一关系的合理认识,意义重大。笔者在此略陈己见,望大家给以赐教。在如何看待公平与效率的关系这一问题上,现今学界大体上有三种观点。第一种观点倾向于强调公平与效率之间的对立性或相斥性,因而结论是为达到某种一致性,公平应服从于效率…  相似文献   

《管子》从执政的角度定义了如何建设正确的公平观,本文从《管子》关于“公平是什么”这一核心问题的回答出发,以现代组织管理者的角度去探讨如何实现对员工恰当的激励。这就是要从组织整体的角度去营造恰当的公平观,并且围绕社会公平、个人公平、经济公平等几个方面在组织内部建立公平合理的组织气氛,并最终有效的激励员工。  相似文献   

论代际公平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公平问题是一个现代社会日益凸现的问题。如果将公平问题放在“代”的语境中加以讨论和审视 ,则可以将公平分为代内公平和代际公平。代内公平实际上就是一般所说的公平。代际公平可分为在场各代之间的公平和在场各代与后代之间的公平。由于对这两种代际公平未加区分 ,因此 ,人们在讨论代际公平问题时往往显得语义含糊。由于在场各代处于现实的关系之中 ,他们之间的公平是具有实践基础的。但是 ,对在场各代与尚未出场的人类后代之间的公平却存在着较大的争议 ,其焦点在于尚未出场的人类后代与在场各代之间的关系并不是现实的。为此 ,对在场各代与人类后代的公平进行权利论证明就是当前一个迫切的理论课题。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记在十七大报告中强调指出,“教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础”。温家宝总理在政府工作报告中强调指出,“要坚持优先发展教育,要让孩子们上好学,办好人民满意的教育,提高全民族的素质”。这充分说明教育事业在全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的基础性和全局性的战略地位。  相似文献   

个体导向取代系统导向逐步成为组织变革研究的新焦点, 变革公平为个体导向研究提供了新的视角。变革公平反映了人们对组织变革事件推进过程公平性的认知。变革公平受到变革事件属性、变革领导、个体人格和个体的社会支持方面因素的制约, 并影响了员工对变革、组织以及工作的反应。变革公平的未来研究应着重本土化研究、前因变量和调节变量的探索以及开展纵向研究。  相似文献   

公平与效率研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
公平与效率研究进展史瑞杰(天津商学院300122)近年来学术界对于公平与效率正在进行多学科综合研究和多维透视,在一些主要问题上取得可喜进展,现述评于后。一、公平与效率概念的界定对于效率概念,学界在两个层次上展开研究,一个层次是在经济学或经济活动的层次...  相似文献   

论公平范畴   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
公平体现了人们之间的利益关系 ,具有历史性和相对性。公平有不同的外延 ,如分配公平、经济公平、社会公平等等。公平的种类可以从动态和静态的不同角度进行划分。社会主义公平是经济公平与社会公平的统一 ,要努力实现机会公平与结果公平的结合 ,静态公平与动态公平的结合。在经济伦理领域 ,公平范畴具有两个层次 :一是作为规范的公平原则 ;二是与效率联系在一起作为经济伦理的重要价值目标的公平原则。  相似文献   

从伦理学的角度看公平王泽应(湖南师范大学410081)公平与效率不仅是一对经济范畴,而且也是一对道德范畴,可从经济学和伦理学等多学科进行考察。事实上,如同效率既是经济的又是道德的现象一样,公平也不仅具有经济的意蕴而且具有道德的意蕴,或者说主要是一个道...  相似文献   

曾洋 《学海》2011,(3):129-135
证券资本是指证券法所调整的各类社会关系中参与直接投/融资活动之货币运动的总和,货币是证券资本的主要表现形式。无论是资本形态还是资本规模,证券资本均与公司资本存在重大差别,公司资本仅是证券资本之发行资本的一部分。以证券法所调整的社会关系分析,证券资本二重性最直观的表现是发行资本和交易资本,而其本质是实体资本和虚拟资本;广义地看,证券资本二重性又表现为境内资本和境外资本、自有资本和非自有资本、长期资本和短期资本。证券资本及其二重性是证券立法中若干二元结构性问题的基础。  相似文献   

企业员工薪酬公平感实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在预研究的基础上,自编《企业员工薪酬公平感问卷》并对810名企业员工施测。用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、多元逐步回归分析等统计方法探讨了员工薪酬公平感的结构维度及其与工作绩效、组织承诺的关系。研究表明,我国企业员工薪龇公平感是由分配结果公平感、程序执行公平感、领导评价公平感和信息提供公平感等四维度构成。领导评价公平感对工作绩效有显著预测作用;程序说明公平感、领导评价公平感和信息提供公平感对情感承诺具有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

A perplexing problem with Adams' (1963 ) equity theory has been the difficulty associated with operationalizing requisite components, perceived employee inputs, and outcomes. This study, involving 352 respondents, produced empirically derived, two-dimensional taxonomies of inputs and outcomes, laying the foundation for identification of key variables. Specifically, the study summarizes a typology of 9 distinct employee inputs perceived as controllable by individuals, including effort, education, attendance, and cooperativeness. Conversely, the study summarizes a typology of 14 distinct outcomes along a continuum of 4 dimensions, including personalized vs. generalized and economic vs. noneconomic characteristics. These typologies and incumbent regression analysis provide insight into the complexities associated with inputs and outcomes in the context of equity theory.  相似文献   

Possible environmental and related impacts of human activity are shown to include the extinction of humanity and other sentient species, excessive human numbers, and a deteriorating quality of life (I). I proceed to argue that neither future rights, nor Kantian respect for future people's autonomy, nor a contract between the generations supplies a plausible basis of obligations with regard to future generations. Obligations concern rather promoting the well-being of the members of future generations, whoever they may be, as well as of current generations. Future benefits and costs should only be discounted where there are special reasons for doing do so (e.g. relevant opportunity costs) (II). A sustainable economy is held to be necessary for intergenerational equity. This granted, principles of equity are introduced concerning: compensation for long-term risks and for resource depletion; conserving the stock of resources, resource diversity, and assimilative capacity; equal options and opportunities for each generation; and remedying past failures to conserve environmental quality. Rules and policies considered include: an efficient, diversified, and ecologically sustainable economy; no increase of risk of irreversible environmental change; and action despite uncertainty to avert serious future outcomes (the Precautionary Principle). These policies are argued to require rectification of current injustices within and between current generations (III). Finally, the recently resuscitated metaphysical model of society as a partnership between generations is held to imply the view of each generation as trustees rather than owners of the planet. This trusteeship view is independently credible, and supportive of the principles and policies earlier introduced; and its adoption by successive generations could turn the partnership model into a reality (IV).  相似文献   


Family systems theory illumines the way in which family interactions influence the spirituality of each member of an aging family. Five spiritual tasks of the aging family are: facing mortality, defining the shape and limits of love and fidelity, struggling with the meaning of evil and suffering, seeking forgiveness and reconciliation, and giving and receiving a spiritual legacy. Professionals who work with families are encouraged to help families explore their spiritual concerns, work toward small and immediate changes with families as they address spiritual issues, listen for and affirm the family's spiritual resources, and support the enactment of family rituals and ceremonies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Following Rawls' seminal work, political philosophers and economists have recently shown great interest in different conceptions of equity or justice. Apart from Rawls' own principles, these have included utilitarianism, need and desert, horizontal and vertical equity and envy-free distributions. None of these conceptions, however, seem to command general consensus; and this paper is an attempt to find out why. The conclusion is reached that they all fail because they do not take account of an essential element of equity: its relationship to the existence or otherwise of choice. An alternative conception is offered, based explicitly on that relationship; it is argued that this conception comes closer to capturing the essence of what is generally meant by the term equity than any of the others considered.  相似文献   

In this age of information technology, it is morally imperative that equal access to information via computer systems be afforded to people with disabilities. This paper addresses the problems that computer technology poses for students with disabilities and discusses what is needed to ensure equity of access. particularly in a university environment. A version of this paper was presented at ETHICOMP98, the Fourth International Conference on Ethical Issues of Information Technology. March 25–27, 1998, Erasmus University, the Netherlands. Frances S. Grodzinsky is a Professor of Computer Science and Information Technology. Her area of research is computer ethics.  相似文献   

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