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It has been argued that phylogenetic fear-relevant stimuli elicit preattentive capture of attention. To distinguish between fear relevance and time of appearance in evolutionary history, the authors compare phylogenetic and ontogenetic fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant stimuli in a visual search task. The authors found no evidence for a special role of phylogenetic fear-relevant stimuli; it seems that fear relevance in general is more important than is the evolutionary age. The pattern of results indicates that attention toward threatening stimuli is mainly affected by a late component that prolongs the disengagement of attention.  相似文献   

Automaticity and preattentive processing.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The characteristics of automatized performance resemble those of preattentive processing in some respects. In the context of visual search tasks, these include spatially parallel processing, involuntary calling of attention, learning without awareness, and time-sharing with other tasks. However, this article reports some evidence suggesting that extended practice produces its effects through different mechanisms from those that underlie preattentive processing. The dramatic changes in search rate seem to depend not on the formation of new preattentive detectors for the task-relevant stimuli, nor on learned abstracted procedures for responding quickly and efficiently, but rather on changes that are very specific both to the particular stimuli and to the particular task used in practice. We suggest that the improved performance may depend on the accumulation of separate memory traces for each individual experience of a display (see Logan, 1988), and we show that the traces differ for conjunction search in which stimuli must be individuated and for feature search where a global response to the display is sufficient.  相似文献   

According to feature-integration theory (Treisman & Gelade, 1980), separable features such as color and shape exist in separate maps in preattentive vision and can be integrated only through the use of spatial attention. Many perceptual aftereffects, however, which are also assumed to reflect the features available in preattentive vision, are sensitive to conjunctions of features. One possible resolution of these views holds that adaptation to conjunctions depends on spatial attention. We tested this proposition by presenting observers with gratings varying in color and orientation. The resulting McCollough aftereffects were independent of whether the adaptation stimuli were presented inside or outside of the focus of spatial attention. Therefore, color and shape appear to be conjoined preattentively, when perceptual aftereffects are used as the measure. These same stimuli, however, appeared to be separable in two additional experiments that required observers to search for gratings of a specified color and orientation. These results show that different experimental procedures may be tapping into different stages of preattentive vision.  相似文献   

Visual feature binding has been suggested to depend on reentrant processing. We addressed the relationship between binding, reentry, and visual awareness by asking the participants to discriminate the color and orientation of a colored bar (presented either alone or simultaneously with a white distractor bar) and to report their phenomenal awareness of the target features. The success of reentry was manipulated with object substitution masking and backward masking. The results showed that late reentrant processes are necessary for successful binding but not for phenomenal awareness of the bound features. Binding errors were accompanied by phenomenal awareness of the misbound feature conjunctions, demonstrating that they were experienced as real properties of the stimuli (i.e., illusory conjunctions). Our results suggest that early preattentive binding and local recurrent processing enable features to reach phenomenal awareness, while later attention-related reentrant iterations modulate the way in which the features are bound and experienced in awareness.  相似文献   

Jan Theeuwes 《Visual cognition》2013,21(2-3):221-233

In the present experiment, subjects searched multielement displays for a colour singleton. With a variable display-to-onset SOA, on some trials an abrupt onset was presented at three possible distances from the target location. The interference effect caused by the abrupt onset as a function of SOA and its relative position revealed the distinctive characteristics of preattentive and attentive processing. During preattentive parallel processing (processing occurring within the first 100 msec), any abrupt onset that occurred within the visual field captured attention. During attentive processing (processing occurring after 100 msec), however, focused attention prevented the abrupt onset from capturing attention. The finding that abrupt onsets interfere with selective search for a colour singleton provides additional evidence for the theory of inadequate top-down control at the level of preattentive processing.  相似文献   

Most accounts of visual perception hold that the detection of primitive features occurs preattentively, in parallel across the visual field. Evidence that preattentive vision operates without attentional limitations comes from visual search tasks in which the detection of the presence of absence of a primitive feature is independent of the number of stimuli in a display. If the detection of primitive features occurs preattentively, in parallel and without capacity limitations, then it should not matter where attention is located in the visual field. The present study shows that even though the detection of a red element in an array of gray elements occurred in parallel without capacity limitations, the allocation of attention did have a large effect on search performance. If attention was directed to a particular region of the display and the target feature was presented elsewhere, response latencies increased. Results indicate that the classic view of preattentive vision requires revision.  相似文献   


Humans are quick to notice if an object is unstable. Does that assessment require attention or can instability serve as a preattentive feature that can guide the deployment of attention? This paper describes a series of visual search experiments, designed to address this question. Experiment 1 shows that less stable images among more stable images are found more efficiently than more stable among less stable; a search asymmetry that supports guidance by instability. Experiment 2 shows efficient search but no search asymmetry when the orientation of the objects is removed as a confound. Experiment 3 independently varies the orientation cues and perceived stability and finds a clear main effect of apparent stability. Experiment 4 shows converging evidence for a role of stability using different stimuli that lack an orientation cue. However, here both search for stable and unstable targets is inefficient. Experiment 5 is a control for Experiment 4, showing that the stability effect in Experiment 4 is not simple side-effects of the geometry of the stimuli. On balance, the data support a role for instability in the guidance of attention in visual search. (184 words)  相似文献   

Bachmann T  Luiga I  Põder E 《Perception》2005,34(2):131-137
The types of stimuli used as targets and masks considerably change the masking functions in a way that requires us to abandon any single mechanism of masking as the sole explanation of backward masking. In the first of two reports in which the problem of the mask-dependence of masking is addressed, we explore the role of the relative spatial positioning of targets and masks in order to differentiate between local interaction and attentional models. If single letters were masked by double-letter masks then the relative spatial arrangement of the letters, which was changed in order to vary the involvement of metacontrast-like processes, had an effect at shorter SOAs, but not at longer SOAs where strong masking still persisted. This poses difficulties for proposing local contour interaction as the main mechanism of masking. Similarly, crowding effects alone cannot explain the results. Backward masking also involves attention being directed to working-memory processing of the succeeding object while abandoning the preceding object.  相似文献   

Visual attention has temporal limitations. In the attentional blink (AB) a stream of stimuli such as letters or digits are presented to a participant on a computer monitor at a rapid rate. Embedded in the stream are two targets that the participant must try to identify. Identification of the second target is severely impaired if it is presented within approximately 500ms of the first target. This is the 'blink' in visual attention. In this study we examined the role of the magnocellular visual pathway in the AB. This fast conducting pathway has high temporal resolution and contrast sensitivity. It is also insensitive to the direction of chromatic contrast, and this attribute was exploited in order to isolate its contributions to temporal attention. Colour defined, luminance noise masked AB streams were compared to AB streams of varying achromatic contrast. The four observers, (2F and 2M) aged between 21 and 35years, had normal visual acuity and colour vision. The colour stimuli produced a similar blink to the moderate contrast achromatic stimuli. This indicates that the magnocellular pathway does not have a privileged role in the attentional blink. We provide an explanation of previous apparently contradictory findings in terms of the role of different types of visual masking in the attentional blink.  相似文献   

The emotion-memory literature has shown that negative emotional arousal enhances memory. S. A. Christianson (1992) proposed that preattentive processing could account for this emotion-memory relationship. Two experiments were conducted to test Christianson's theory. In Experiment 1, participants were exposed to neutral and negative arousing slides. In Experiment 2, participants were exposed to neutral, negative arousing, and positive arousing slides. In both experiments, the aforementioned variable was factorially combined with a divided-attention or non-divided-attention condition. The authors predicted that, in contrast to the nondivided condition, dividing attention would adversely impact neutral and positive stimuli more than negative stimuli. The hypothesis was supported; participants recalled more high negative-arousal slides than positive or neutral slides when their attention was divided rather than nondivided.  相似文献   

To what extent is simultaneous visual and auditory perception subject to capacity limitations and attentional control? Two experiments addressed this question by asking observers to recognize test tones and test letters under selective and divided attention. In Experiment 1, both stimuli occurred on each trial, but subjects were cued in advance to process just one or both of the stimuli. In Experiment 2, subjects processed one stimulus and then the other or processed both stimuli simultaneously. Processing time was controlled using a backward recognition masking task. A significant, but small, attention effect was found in both experiments. The present positive results weaken the interpretation that previous attentional effects were due to the particular duration judgment task that was employed. The answer to the question addressed by the experiments appears to be that the degree of capacity limitations and attentional control during visual and auditory perception is small but significant.  相似文献   

Masking is an important tool in many paradigms used to study the cognitive architecture. The N2pc is an electrophysiological event-related potential (ERP) that has been used as a tool to study the deployment of visual spatial attention. The aim of this paper was to study the effects of masking on the N2pc. Two stimuli were presented on the screen, one to left and one to right of fixation, and subjects reported the identity of one of them. The targets could be discriminated both by their category (letters vs. digit) and by their colour (pink vs. green). Backward masking was produced by presenting a second pair of bilateral stimuli after the offset of the first pair. The second pair of stimuli consisted of characters of the same colour and category as in the first pair. Forward masking was produced by using the very same stimuli as in the backward masking condition, but by instructing subjects to report the second stimulus. The forward mask trials had longer response times compared to no-mask trials, and backward mask trials had even longer response times, and also a higher error rate. Although the different masking procedures lead to clear behavioural effects, the N2pc was not affected, suggesting that the deployment of visual spatial attention, per se, was not affected by pattern masking. A sustained posterior contralateral negativity (SPCN) following the N2pc was also found (300 ms post-target, and beyond), and the amplitude of the SPCN was strongly modulated by the number of presented stimuli and the duration of the SPCN was positively correlated with RT in the behavioural task. We hypothesize that the SPCN reflects neural activity associated with the passage of information through visual short-term memory.  相似文献   

Postattentive vision   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Much research has examined preattentive vision: visual representation prior to the arrival of attention. Most vision research concerns attended visual stimuli; very little research has considered postattentive vision. What is the visual representation of a previously attended object once attention is deployed elsewhere? The authors argue that perceptual effects of attention vanish once attention is redeployed. Experiments 1-6 were visual search studies. In standard search, participants looked for a target item among distractor items. On each trial, a new search display was presented. These tasks were compared to repeated search tasks in which the search display was not changed. On successive trials, participants searched the same display for new targets. Results showed that if search was inefficient when participants searched a display the first time, it was inefficient when the same, unchanging display was searched the second, fifth, or 350th time. Experiments 7 and 8 made a similar point with a curve tracing paradigm. The results have implications for an understanding of scene perception, change detection, and the relationship of vision to memory.  相似文献   

A dichoptic masking procedure was used to test whether the mask-dependent cuing effects found in luminance detection by P. L. Smith (2000a) were due to integration masking or interruption masking. Attentional cuing enhanced detection sensitivity (d') when stimuli were backwardly masked with either dichoptic or monoptic masks, whereas no cuing effect was found with unmasked stimuli, implying the mask dependencies were due to interruption of stimulus processing in visual cortex by the mask. The effect is predicted by a gated diffusion process model in which masks interrupt stimulus processing and attention controls the flow of information to a sequential-sampling decision mechanism. The model correctly predicts different patterns of performance for detection and discrimination and cuing effects in simple reaction time.  相似文献   

The concept of preattentive processing is analyzed and alternative views of it are presented. A basic question is whether processing required for preattentive input selection is qualitatively different from post-selection processing. In order to study this, subjects were presented in one set of conditions with one stimulus at either of two locations, and in another set of conditions, simultaneously with two stimuli. The stimuli could be green or red, or large or small. Subjects were asked to indicate the location (or the color, or the size) of the single stimulus in the single-stimulus conditions, or of a predesignated stimulus (say, the red one) in the dual-stimulus conditions. Responses were generally slower in the dual-stimulus conditions. The increases in reaction time were accounted for by the times it takes to process for response selection the properties by which the target stimulus could be selected, as indicated by the results of two control conditions. The results as well as some other considerations do not support the view that preattentive processing is necessarily of a type that qualitatively differs from post-selection processing.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of test-mask similarity on the masking function were examined in two experiments. In Experiment 1, random bar patterns were used as test and mask stimuli. Bars were oriented in 135° oblique direction in test stimuli, and in 135° or 45° oblique direction in mask stimuli. The SOA was varied from 0 to 100 ms (backward masking). In Experiment 2, red and blue random dot patterns were used as both test and mask stimuli, with SOAs of –100 to 100 ms (forward and backward masking). The subject was asked to report the number of bars or dots as quickly as possible. The results of four subjects in one experiment and five in the other indicated that masking effects were generally greater when the test and mask stimuli were the same in orientation or color than when they were different. Slightly asymmetrical U-shaped functions were obtained both in the same and in different (orientation or color) conditions. A two-factor model with a similarity-related symmetrical integration process and a similarity-unrelated asymmetrical interuption process was considered.Experiment 1 was conducted by the first and third authors at Chiba University, and Experiment 2 was performed by the first and second authors at the University of Tokyo  相似文献   

记忆在幼儿心理的发展过程中,具有极为重要的作用。幼儿知识的掌握,语言的学习,技巧的培养,以至个性的形成,都与记忆活动密切联系。国内外关于幼儿记忆的研究,主要限于有意与无意识记,机械与意义识记,形象与语词记忆等方面,很少从不同感觉道输入信息来进行比较。有的实验虽然涉及到不同感觉道的记忆,但被试者都是7岁以上的儿童,如斯梅德利(Smedley)和三岛、横尾等人的研究。为了全面了解幼儿的记忆发展水平,我们设计了关于幼儿不同感觉道记忆的实验研究,试图通过对幼儿各个感觉道输入信息来全面测查幼儿的视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、动觉和触摸党的记忆水平,了解其发展规律及特点,以便为幼儿记忆的理论研究提供实验数据,为幼儿教育提供心理学依据。  相似文献   

该研究探讨了当范畴内和范畴间颜色的辨别难度相同时,语言范畴是否会影响注意前颜色知觉。实验中,采用渐变且相邻者差别阈限数相当的A、B、C、D四种颜色(前两者为绿色,后两者为蓝色)为刺激材料,并让被试接受视觉Oddball脑电测试。脑电测试分视野给被试呈现标准刺激,以及与标准刺激属同一语言范畴(即颜色词绿色或蓝色)或不同语言范畴的偏差刺激。结果发现:在左视野呈现时,范畴内偏差刺激比范畴间偏差刺激诱发了边缘显著更大的视觉失匹配负波(vMMN),在右视野呈现时,两类偏差刺激诱发的vMMN无显著差异;范畴内偏差刺激在不同视野呈现时诱发的vMMN无显著差异,范畴间偏差刺激则在右视野呈现时诱发了显著更大的vMMN。这一结果表明,当范畴内和范畴间颜色的辨别难度相同时,语言范畴也会影响早期的、注意前颜色知觉,支持了沃尔夫假说。  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the role of pattern goodness in backward masking using five- and four-dot patterns constructed by placing dots in the cells of a 3 x 3 matrix. In Experiment 1, subjects rated the goodness of these patterns and the results replicated previous work showing that good patterns had few alternatives. In Experiment 2, the dot patterns were the target stimuli in a backward masking task using a variety of masking stimuli. For all masking, good patterns were reproduced more accurately than poor patterns. In Experiment 3, the goodness of the masking stimulus was varied. The results indicated that good patterns were reproduced more accurately (replicating Experiment 2) and that good patterns were less effective as stimulus than were poor patterns. In Experiment 4, a long interstimulus interval which precluded masking was used to determine whether goodness affected encoding or memory. At these intervals, there were no differences among patterns, suggesting that the effect of pattern goodness was on rate of encoding. These results demonstrate the importance of configural properties in pattern perception.  相似文献   

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