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Suggestibility was assessed in 60 college students after a traditional hypnotic induction, an alert induction, progressive relaxation training, or instruction in goal-directed imagery. Responsiveness to suggestion did not differ between groups. Subjects also generated open-ended reports of their states of awareness and of their experience of 3 hypnotic suggestions. A sample of these reports from 24 moderately to highly suggestible subjects were evaluated by 18 experts in the field of hypnosis. Expert ratings of subjects' open-ended reports indicated that (a) traditional hypnotic inductions produce a state of consciousness that is indistinguishable from nonhypnotic relaxation training, (b) the subjective experience of hypnotic suggestions after imagination training is indistinguishable from that after hypnotic inductions, and (c) suggestibility is unrelated to state of consciousness as assessed by experts.  相似文献   

This study compared participants who were administered either a hypnosis (n=50) or a relaxation (n=44) recall priming procedure in terms of the ability to estimate the dates of 20 relatively memorable (‘easy’) vs. less memorable (‘difficult’) international news events. The hypnosis and relaxation groups performed comparably in terms of the accuracy of estimates of when the events occurred, self‐reported confidence in estimates, and the memorability and emotionality of the events that were reported during hypnosis and relaxation. After these initial ratings, participants were informed that ‘at least one’ of their estimates was incorrect, and they were given the opportunity to change their estimates of the date of when one or more of the events occurred. Participants who generated their initial estimates during hypnosis were less likely to change their previous estimates of both easy and difficult events, than were participants in the relaxation condition. The measure of self‐reported confidence and a behavioural measure of willingness to change initial reports were largely dissociated from one another. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis on the symptoms and disease activity of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Sixty six RA patients participated in a controlled group design. Twenty six patients learnt the hypnosis intervention, 20 patients were in a relaxation control group and 20 patients were in a waiting-list control group. During hypnosis, patients developed individual visual imagery aimed at reducing the autoimmune activity underlying the RA and at reducing the symptoms of joint pain, swelling and stiffness. Subjective assessments of symptom severity and body and joint function, using standardised questionnaires and visual analogue scales, were obtained. Objective measures of disease activity via multiple blood samples during the therapy period and at the two follow-ups were also taken. These measurements were of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. C-reactive protein, haemoglobin and leukocyte total numbers. Results indicate that the hypnosis therapy produced more significant improvements in both the subjective and objective measurements. above relaxation and medication. Improvements were also found to be of clinical significance and became even more significant when patients practised the hypnosis regularly during the follow-up periods.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of clinical hypnosis on the symptoms and disease activity of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Sixty six RA patients participated in a controlled group design. Twenty six patients learnt the hypnosis intervention, 20 patients were in a relaxation control group and 20 patients were in a waiting-list control group. During hypnosis, patients developed individual visual imagery aimed at reducing the autoimmune activity underlying the RA and at reducing the symptoms of joint pain, swelling and stiffness. Subjective assessments of symptom severity and body and joint function, using standardised questionnaires and visual analogue scales, were obtained. Objective measures of disease activity via multiple blood samples during the therapy period and at the two follow-ups were also taken. These measurements were of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. C-reactive protein, haemoglobin and leukocyte total numbers. Results indicate that the hypnosis therapy produced more significant improvements in both the subjective and objective measurements. above relaxation and medication. Improvements were also found to be of clinical significance and became even more significant when patients practised the hypnosis regularly during the follow-up periods.  相似文献   

The effects of hypnosis and imagery training on the naming behavior of three subjects with Broca's aphasia were investigated using a multiple baseline design across subjects. Treatment consisted of the induction of hypnosis, followed by guided imagery focused on the physical and functional attributes of stimulus objects. Measures of naming ability on both trained and untrained items were taken at baseline, after every training session, and a few hours after training each day. Measures were also taken of imagery ability, hypnotic susceptibility, and psychological state. Results indicated that treatment facilitated improvement in naming ability, over baseline level, for two subjects. In the case of the third subject, the verbal label was incorporated into the imagery procedure following 10 training sessions. Subsequently, this subject's naming behavior improved over baseline level. The results are discussed in terms of current theory and research in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

Mulcahy and Call (2009) found that bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) but not orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) perform significantly better in a peripheral version of the object-choice task compared to the original central version. Orangutans may have failed because they avoided direct eye contact with the experimenter when the cue was given. We investigated this possibility by conducting peripheral and central object choice tasks with an obedient orangutan (Pongo abelii) whom the experimenter could elicit eye contact with in each trial. In contrast to Mulcahy and Call's findings, the subject only failed the object choice task when tested with the central and not the peripheral version. We investigated whether success was because of the greater distance the subject was required to move in order to make a choice in peripheral trials. Results show that this was an unlikely factor in the subject's success. We discuss our findings in relation to previous and future object-choice research.  相似文献   

The effects of relaxation training, using the Dohsa method, on visual and auditory responses were examined. Twelve college students underwent relaxation training either to the left shoulder, left side of the waist, and the left foot, or to the right side. The measures used in this study were weight-bearing, body perception and external perception, visual field, and visual and hearing acuity. Weight-bearing significantly increased for the foot undergoing relaxation training, compared with the untreated foot, indicating that the subjects stood more firmly on the ground on the relaxed foot. Subjects could also perceive positive changes in their "sense of standing firmly on the ground,""sense of activity in the body,""sense of muscular relaxation," and "sense of fullness in the abdomen" on the side of the body receiving relaxation training. There were positive changes in external perception such as "vividness of the external world,""breadth of the visual field," and "active impression of the external world" for subjects' vision on the side receiving relaxation training. Furthermore, visual and hearing acuity on the side on which relaxation training was administered improved significantly.  相似文献   

This paper is a historical study of stage hypnotism from the early nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries. The hypnotists' stage performances over this period reveal cultural tensions related to modernization. Public responses to these shows also indicate the shifting dynamics of reform. When mesmerists first toured the U.S. in the early nineteenth century, the hypnotic trance confirmed popular belief in the ultimate perfectibility of the individual and society. By the late nineteenth century, however, hypnotic shows seemed more a model for human enslavement than liberation. Medical experts also began to express concern at the possible health damage hypnotism might inflict. Despite stage hypnotists' efforts to defend their art, hypnotism became increasingly marginalized as the growth of the middle class and of mass culture dictated an increasingly sanitized popular culture.  相似文献   

The history of hypnosis is outlined, with particular reference to recent developments. The main current theories are expounded briefly, and applications in short-term therapy and counselling are discussed As therapists from a wide range of systems of psychotherapy and analysis are increasingly incorporating hypnosis into their practice, the hope is expressed that counsellors will take more advantage of training opportunities and extend the use of hypnosis in their own work.  相似文献   

The current case study illustrates the innovative potential of combined medical and psychological treatment of postchemotherapy nausea and vomiting for cancer patients. A 58-yr-old male patient diagnosed with leukemia and on a weekly cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) treatment protocol, experienced violent vomiting episodes approximately 3 hr. after each injection. Emesis was so severe that the patient considered terminating treatment. Control was attempted with antiemetics (Compazine, Reglan), an antianxiety agent (Valium), an hypnotic (Dalmane), canabinol, hypnosis, and relaxation training without success. A re-examination of these strategies employing experimental rigor and data-responsive experimental designs indicated how success can be achieved without the necessity of new interventions. The patient experienced complete emetic relief and at 3-yr. follow-up remained symptom-free.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the psychophysiology of "muscle-contraction" headaches in a group of Compensation patients suffering from multiple pain problems in addition to headaches. A total of 55 of these patients were divided into 4 groups which received frontalis EMG biofeedback, relaxation training, combined biofeedback-relaxation training, or no treatment. Differences were observed among the 3 experimental treatments and the control group with respect to headache changes, but there were no differences among groups with respect to the changes observed in four underlying physiological responses as a function of time or practice. While the subjects who showed the largest changes in headache characteristics were those who exhibited the largest decreases in frontalis EMG, these were also the subjects whose initial frontalis EMG levels were the highest. It is concluded that, in keeping with a growing literature, the link between frontalis EMG and "muscle-contraction" headaches is a tenuous one and that the changes brought about in headache symptomatology through biofeedback or relaxation training are most likely attributable to a generalization of feelings of mastery over the environment or of self-efficacy brought about in the subjects through apparent success at the task.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated that older adults' cognitive performance can be enhanced via formal intervention, as well as more informal intervention including collaboration or working with a partner. The current study investigated the effects of an inductive reasoning training program adapted for in-home use among older adults assigned to individual training (n = 30), collaborative training (n = 34), or a no-treatment control group (n = 34). The training consisted of 10 sessions, and all participants completed a pretest followed by a post-test 6 weeks later. Findings suggest that older adults could effectively "train themselves" without the guidance of a formal instructor. The results, however, did not indicate immediate added benefit in reasoning performance for collaborative versus individual training using the current reasoning program.  相似文献   

Autogenic training, progressive relaxation and hypnosis show good empirical evidence as relaxation-therapies and are useful techniques in psychotherapy and also in behavioral therapy and psychiatric treatment. Relaxation therapy can be used on its own in psychosomatic concepts of e.g. internal medicine and it is a well established and scientific-based component in the treatment of psychic, psychosomatic or psychiatric disorders, except psychosis and severe dementia. Though in details somewhat different, the methodology of these techniques creates a framework, in which the psychophysiologically determined relaxation response is easily elicited. However, regular practice of the patients is required. Focussed attention, imagination and new attributions of bodily or mental perceptions play a dominant role.The task of the modern “relaxation-therapist” doesn’t consist in charismatic guided exercises but in enhancing the patient’s motivation for searching his own way of relaxation. Relaxation can be combined with all psychotherapeutic (including psychodynamic) and psychiatric treatments. For our patients’ benefit a widespread application of these techniques should be practiced.  相似文献   

In 1880s France, hypnotism enjoyed unique medico‐scientific legitimacy. This was in striking contrast to preceding decades when its precursor, magnétisme animal, was rejected by the medical/academic establishment as a disreputable, supernaturally tinged practice. Did the legitimation of hypnotism result from researchers repudiating any reference to the wondrous? Or did strands of magnetic thinking persist? This article interrogates the relations among hypnotism, magnétisme, and the domain of the wondrous through close analysis of scientific texts on hypnotism. In question is the notion that somnambulist subjects possessed hyperacute senses, enabling them to perceive usually imperceptible signs, and thus inadvertently to denature researchers’ experiments (a phenomenon known as unconscious suggestion). The article explores researchers’ uncritical and unanimous acceptance of these ideas, arguing that they originate in a holdover from magnétisme. This complicates our understanding of the continuities and discontinuities between science and a precursor “pseudo‐science,” and, more narrowly, of the notorious Salpêtrière‐Nancy “battle” over hypnotism.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study the possible relationship between psychological stress and granulocyte activation primarily in healthy students during an examination period (n = 11) and also in chronically anxious patients (n = 15). We employed cell surface markers: lactoferrin, L-selectin, alphaMbeta2-integrin and CD15s and flow cytometry to detect changes in the activation state of granulocytes, with the start of the stressed state in students at the beginning of an examination period, which was associated with elevated blood plasma cortisol level, and following relaxation hypnosis in both students, during their examination term, and patients. The ratios of all four types of marker-carrier granulocytes increased at the start of the examination period in students; an especially dramatic (ca. 5-fold) enhancement was observed in the proportion of lactoferrin-bearing cells relatively to the pre-examination term value. After hypnosis, the percentage of lactoferrin-exposing granulocytes decreased considerably both in students and in patients, by about half; a similar decrease was observed in the ratio of CD15s-carrier cells in patients. No significant alteration was observed during the study in state or trait anxiety levels, and in total or differential leukocyte counts. Thus, granulocyte activation could be associated with stress, while relaxation may facilitate reducing activation of these cells. In both groups of subjects, granulocyte surface lactoferrin appeared to be a sensitive "stress indicator". This needs further evaluation.  相似文献   

Using the cups task, in which subjects are presented with limited visual or auditory information that can be used to deduce the location of a hidden reward, Call (2004) found prima facie evidence of inferential reasoning by exclusion in several great ape species. One bonobo (Pan paniscus) and two gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) appeared to make such inferences in both the visual and auditory domains. However, common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were successful only in the visual domain, and Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) in neither. The present research built on this paradigm, and Experiment 1 yielded prima facie evidence of inference by exclusion in both domains for two common chimpanzees, and in the visual domain for two Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that two specific associative learning explanations could not readily account for these results. Because an important focus of the program of research was to assess the cognitive capacities of lesser apes (family Hylobatidae), we modified Call's original procedures to better suit their attentional and dispositional characteristics. In Experiment 1, testing was also attempted with three gibbon genera (Symphalangus, Nomascus, Hylobates), but none of the subjects completed the standard task. Further testing of three siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) and a spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) using a faster method yielded prima facie evidence of inferential reasoning by exclusion in the visual domain among the siamangs (Experiment 4).  相似文献   

As part of a wider argument that history is essential to psychological understanding because of the reflexive nature of psychological knowledge, this article examines the case of mesmerism in early Victorian Britain as an example of how psychological knowledge is both constructive and constructed. It is argued that the shift from "mesmerism" to "hypnotism" was a change in understanding that created a new kind of psychological experience. It is also argued that demonstrations of mesmerism, far from being self-evident facts, could be framed as evidence either for or against the central claims of mesmerism. It is concluded that the case of mesmerism in early Victorian Britain provides a further example of the need for historical understanding within Psychology.  相似文献   

Four preschool-aged children with disabilities received training to seek adult assistance in response to simulated injuries. The children first watched while the instructor modeled and verbalized a first-aid procedure for obtaining adult assistance when injured, and then they practiced the skill with instructor praise or correction. Following this practice with feedback, the children demonstrated their skill without instructor feedback. Generalization probes were conducted before and after training on the school playground and at the children's homes. A multiple baseline design across children was used to evaluate the effects of the program. Rapid increases in the children 's performances of this skill was demonstrated. Further, the posttraining generalization data indicated that the children's performance had generalized across the two settings (school playground and children's homes). More importantly, this skill maintained at 100% at a 1-month follow-up generalization probe.  相似文献   

The transpersonal movement is concerned with expanding the personal boundaries of individuals to facilitate mind and body self-control through various unusual modes, such as autogenic feedback, hypnosis, yoga, and meditation. This article discusses transpersonal approaches to counseling with emphasis on the possibilities of using suggestion, relaxation, hypnosis, imagery, and dreams. The author offers a concept of transpersonal counseling in which children would be trained to control their own mental, emotional, and physiological processes.  相似文献   

This study analysed qualitatively the nature of instructor behaviours and their relationship to leadership. The Critical Incident Technique was used to collect effective and ineffective incidents of instructor behaviour in military training from both instructors' and trainees' perspectives (total incidents = 1150, effective = 696, ineffective = 494), across the three UK Armed Services. Nine dimensions of instructor behaviour were developed with high inter‐ and intra‐coder reliability. No differences were found between instructor and trainee generated incidents or among the three Armed Services. About 82% of the incidents could be recoded with high inter‐coder reliability into categories of both transformational and transactional leadership. Strong relationships emerged between the following dimensions of both instructor behaviour and leadership respectively: Showing and Demonstrating, and Appropriate Role Model; Using Instructional Strategies and Intellectual Stimulation; Feedback, Practice and Adapting, and Individual Consideration; Forms of Punishment and Control, and Contingent and Non‐contingent Punishment. These results inform not only the relationships between instructor behaviours and leadership but also the future training of military instructors, particularly the balance between a traditional authoritarian approach and an individualised supportive one.  相似文献   

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