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Contextual control over conditioned responding in an extinction paradigm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Four experiments studied contextual control over rats' freezing to conditioned stimuli (CSs) that had been paired with shock and were then extinguished. In Experiment 1, rats were exposed to a CS A-shock and a CS B-shock pairing in Context C. CS A was then extinguished in Context A, and CS B in Context B. Freezing was renewed when each CS was presented in the context where the other CS had been extinguished. In Experiments 2-4, rats were exposed to a CS A-shock pairing in A and a CS B-shock pairing in B. They were then exposed to Context C where one, both, or neither of the CSs were extinguished, or where both CSs continued to be reinforced. On test, the rats froze more to CS A than to CS B in Context A, and more to CS B than to CS A in Context B, but only if the CSs had been extinguished. Thus, after extinction, rats use contexts to regulate retrieval not only of their memory for extinction, but also of their memory for the original conditioning episode.  相似文献   

Reminder treatments have been shown to facilitate the retrieval of a variety of conditioned responses. Whether or not similar results would occur with an experimental paradigm which involves primarily memory for a stimulus, i.e., where no particular response is specified, is unclear. Accordingly, using Sprague-Dawley rats, we employed a latent inhibition paradigm with a long (10 days) retention interval between sucrose (CS) preexposure and sucrose-illness pairing (training). The results demonstrated a loss of latent inhibition following the 10-day retention interval suggesting "forgetting" of the CS preexposure. However, placing a single reminder exposure to the CS within the preexposure-to-training interval reinstated the preexposure effect. Controls indicated that in the absence of the initial preexposure the reminder per se did not produce latent inhibition. Thus, a reminder can reinstate a stimulus attribute (flavor representation) and explicit conditioned responses.  相似文献   

In three experiments, the retention of conditioned inhibition in rats was examined over long intervals. Retention deficits of conditioned inhibition were found at 21 days, although conditioned excitation was relatively stable over time. This loss of conditioned inhibition was demonstrated using both the summation and the retardation of learning techniques in a bar-press suppression paradigm. Furthermore, retention differences were found between within-groups and between-groups generalization tests of conditioned inhibition, using the summation procedure. These differences were interpreted within a retrieval-oriented model of memory.  相似文献   

Contextual control of human fear associations in a renewal paradigm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The original model of behavior change suggests that extinction is context dependent whereas fear acquisition is context independent [Bouton, M. E. & Ricker, S. T. (1994). Renewal of extinguished responding in a second context. Animal Learning and Behavior, 22, 317-324]. Supportive evidence stems mainly from animal studies, showing that after acquisition (conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus (CS-US)) in Context A and extinction in Context B, fear is renewed by presenting the CS in acquisition Context A (ABA renewal) or in a novel Context C (ABC renewal). By implication, the model predicts equal ABA and ABC renewal. However, there is also evidence to suggest that the context dependency of extinction and the context independency of acquisition may be less stringent than originally proposed. The present study investigated renewal in humans using a differential fear conditioning paradigm with a shock US and online shock expectancy ratings and electrodermal responses as dependent variables. Experiment 1 compared an ABA condition with an AAA condition. Experiment 2 compared three conditions: ABA, ABC, and AAA. Both experiments demonstrated ABA renewal. Most importantly, Experiment 2 showed larger ABA than ABC renewal. Overall, results for expectancy ratings were more convincing than for electrodermal responses. In line with the extinction model, the present findings support the context dependency of extinction in humans. In contrast to the model, the findings suggest that in humans not only extinction learning, but also fear acquisition is controlled by its current context.  相似文献   

The peak procedure was used to characterize response timing during acquisition and maintenance of conditioned responding in goldfish. Subjects received light-shock pairings with a 5- or 15-s interstimulus interval. On interspersed peak trials, the conditioned stimulus light was presented for 45 s and no shock was delivered. Peaks in the conditioned response, general activity, occurred at about the time of the expected unconditioned stimulus, and variability in the activity distribution was scalar. Modeling of the changes in the activity distributions over sessions revealed that the temporal features of the conditioned response changed very little during acquisition. The data suggest that times are learned early in training, and, contrary to I. P. Pavlov's (1927/1960) concept of "inhibition of delay," that timing is learning when to respond rather than learning when not to respond.  相似文献   

Animal research has shown that extinguished conditioned performance is modulated by the environmental context in which extinction treatment has occurred. When the conditioned stimulus is presented outside the extinction context, conditioned responding is renewed. In two experiments, whether a renewal effect can also be found in humans was investigated. In Experiment 1, a renewal effect was observed, although the effect was small and far from complete. In Experiment 2, a more substantial renewal effect was observed. The extent to which this effect occurred depended on the degree to which context was manipulated. In a third experiment, the exact nature of the observed renewal effect was examined. Results indicated that, as opposed to animals, the extinction context does not modulate extinguished conditioned responding in humans.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors appear to be involved in CS processing and memory consolidation. The present paper analyzed the effect of the non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist Dizocilpine maleate (MK-801) on Latent Inhibition (LI)-retarded learning of a CS-US association after to-be-CS preexposures at time of testing, using Wistar rats as experimental subjects. If NMDA receptors are involved in CS processing, MK-801 administration should affect LI. In fact, previous experiments revealed that a 2.0mg/kg MK-801 dose, administered 20 h before preexposure and conditioning, abolished LI in a conditioned taste-aversion paradigm. In the present paper, MK-801 (0.2 mg/kg) was either injected after preexposure, after conditioning, or after both preexposure and conditioning stages. LI was abolished when MK-801 was injected after preexposure, but not when it was injected after conditioning. These results support the role of NMDA receptors in CS processing and memory consolidation.  相似文献   

Three studies used a computer video game preparation to demonstrate latent inhibition in adult humans. In all studies participants fired torpedoes at a target spaceship by clicking the mouse. Conditioned stimuli (CSs) were presented in the form of coloured “sensors” at the bottom of the screen. Conditioning was conducted by pairing a sensor with an attack from the target spaceship. Participants learned to suppress their rate of mouse clicking in preparation for an attack. In Experiment 1 a total of 10 preexposures to the sensor CS, prior to conditioning, retarded acquisition of suppression. In Experiment 2 the effect of preexposure was shown to be context specific. Experiment 3 showed little generalization of the preexposure effect from one sensor CS to another. Experiment 3 also showed that preexposure did not make the sensor CS inhibitory. Comparisons with conditioned suppression procedures with animals and negative-priming procedures are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Three studies used a computer video game preparation to demonstrate latent inhibition in adult humans. In all studies participants fired torpedoes at a target spaceship by clicking the mouse. Conditioned stimuli (CSs) were presented in the form of coloured “sensors” at the bottom of the screen. Conditioning was conducted by pairing a sensor with an attack from the target spaceship. Participants learned to suppress their rate of mouse clicking in preparation for an attack. In Experiment 1 a total of 10 preexposures to the sensor CS, prior to conditioning, retarded acquisition of suppression. In Experiment 2 the effect of preexposure was shown to be context specific. Experiment 3 showed little generalization of the preexposure effect from one sensor CS to another. Experiment 3 also showed that preexposure did not make the sensor CS inhibitory. Comparisons with conditioned suppression procedures with animals and negative-priming procedures are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Rats received 15 pairings of a CS and shock in one context, and then a series of CS-alone trials in a second context. Even though this extinction procedure produced a complete loss of conditioned suppression, when the animals were returned to the site of original conditioning, suppression was renewed to a level comparable to that of animals that had not undergone extinction. Controls indicated that the renewed suppression was not due solely to pseudoconditioning, suggesting that the CS-US association had survived extinction. Renewed suppression was also demonstrated in a third context that was never associated with shock. Loss of suppression did not necessarily depend upon inhibitory conditioning of the extinction context. The data suggest that extinction of conditioned fear is specific to the context in which it occurs. They also suggest the possibility that animals might discriminate episodes in which a CS is reinforced and nonreinforced independently of the excitatory or inhibitory status of cues, like contextual stimuli, that are coincidentally present during those episodes.  相似文献   

Contextual cues signaling task likelihood or the likelihood of task repetition are known to modulate the size of switch costs. We follow up on the finding by Leboe, Wong, Crump, and Stobbe (2008) that location cues predictive of the proportion of switch or repeat trials modulate switch costs. Their design employed one cue per task, whereas our experiment employed two cues per task, which allowed separate assessment of modulations to the cue-repetition benefit, a measure of lower level cue-encoding processes, and to the task-alternation cost, a measure of higher level processes representing task-set information. We demonstrate that location information predictive of switch proportion modulates performance at the level of task-set representations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that contextual control occurs even when subjects are unaware of the associations between context and switch likelihood. We discuss the notion that contextual information provides rapid, unconscious control over the extent to which prior task-set representations are retrieved in the service of guiding online performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments with human subjects assessed contextual dependencies in a stimulus equivalence paradigm. Subjects learned to form two sets of stimuli in a matching-to-sample training procedure. Each set was presented against one of two different background colours, the contextual cues. At test, the influence of a context change--that is, presenting each set against the other context--was measured on baseline, symmetry, and equivalence trials. These three trial types reflect a difference in task complexity. It was predicted that the magnitude of context-dependent effects would be a positive function of task complexity. In Experiment 1, the context change was realized by switching the stimulus set at test while keeping the background colour constant. In Experiment 2, the stimulus set remained constant, and the background colour was switched. In both experiments, a change in context only resulted in an increase in response latency on equivalence trials; no effect was seen on symmetry and baseline trials. Results were discussed in the framework of switch costs, habituation to contextual stimuli, and a model based on Shea and Wright (1995) that explains the differential influence of a context switch on easy versus difficult tasks.  相似文献   

We have determined that the temporal context of drinking can modulate latent inhibition of learned saline aversions in Wistar rats by changing the time of day of drinking of the preexposure and conditioning phases. Latent inhibition was absent in the group preexposed and conditioned to saline at different times of the day, but not in the group that was preexposed and conditioned at the same time of day. The results confirm a previous report that the time of day can modulate taste aversion learning independently of other environmental cues. It is proposed that the features and duration of the habituation training to the temporal contexts used may be critical for time-dependent latent inhibition to appear.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned flavor aversion procedure with rats as subjects, the effect of the addition of a distractor stimulus on the magnitude of the latent inhibition effect was examined. Experiment 1 showed that latent inhibition to vinegar was attenuated by the addition of sucrose during preexposure. On the other hand, sucrose added during conditioning to vinegar did not attenuate latent inhibition. It was also found that the degree of latent inhibition to the vinegar-sucrose compound solution was less when vinegar alone was preexposed (i.e., when sucrose was added only during conditioning) than when the compound solution was preexposed (i.e., when sucrose was added both during preexposure and during conditioning). Experiment 2 gave similar results but with sucrose assigned as the target flavor and vinegar as the distractor. These findings are in full agreement with the generalization decrement account of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

Killcross, Kiernan, Dwyer, andWestbrook (1998b) observed that latent inhibition(LI) of contextual fear was attenuated if animals received post-conditioning exposure to a novel context similar to the pre-exposure context. Six experiments used a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) procedure to examine this effect. Experiments 1A-1C demonstrated that LI of CTA was attenuated by a similar post-conditioning manipulation, establishing the generality of previous findings. Experiment 2A manipulated the taste elements to which animals were exposed after conditioning, revealing that exposure to a common element X, present at pre-exposure and conditioning, was not responsible for loss of LI. Experiment 2B manipulated test solution and showed that loss of LI depended on the presence of the full pre-exposed cue AX at test. These two results are contrary to predictions derived from the Dickinson-Burke (Dickinson & Burke, 1996) theory of retrospective revaluation or comparator theory (Miller & Matzel, 1988), and they support recent findings suggesting that retrospective effects may occur by several mechanisms. Experiment 3 showed that a novel element B had to be present during post-conditioning exposure for an attenuation of LI to be observed. Implications for the loss of LI following aretention interval between conditioning and test and retrieval-failure theories of LI are discussed.  相似文献   

Death anxiety and more severe forms of thanatophobia are encountered frequently in the clinical population. However, approaches that allow behavioral solutions to these experiences are conspicuously absent in the literature. From an operant perspective, death anxiety arises from repeated exposures to direct and implicit forms of the statement "I will die". It is the semantic equivalent of a conditioned suppression paradigm. Historically, the human organism has attempted to reduce the aversive consequences of this reinforcement schedule by extinguishing one of its three components. The "solutions" characterize the fundamental philosophical and religious treatments of death anxiety. A behavioral semantics approach is proposed as suitable for dealing with death anxiety of a religious, educated young adults, particularly those dying of terminal diseases.  相似文献   

That opioids can mediate unconditioned reinforcement is well established, but there is little evidence indicating whether they modify conditioned reinforcement. Here, a tone which initially served as a discriminative stimulus for the availability of water reinforcement was established as a conditioned stimulus. When later given a choice between pressing a lever producing the tone (but not water) or one which produced no effect, rats chose the tone-producing lever 66% of the time. Naloxone (3.0 mg/kg) reduced overall responding and completely eliminated the preference for the tone-producing lever. Results are briefly discussed in terms of the importance of understanding mechanisms serving conditioned reinforcement.  相似文献   

Four experiments with rats studied the effects of switching the context after Pavlovian conditioning. In three conditioned suppression experiments, a large number of conditioning trials created "inhibition with reinforcement" (IWR), in which fear of the conditional stimulus (CS) reached a maximum and then declined despite continued CS-unconditional stimulus pairings. When IWR occurred, a context switch augmented fear of the CS; IWR and augmentation were highly correlated. Neither IWR nor augmentation resulted from inhibition of delay (IOD): In conditioned suppression, IWR and augmentation occurred without IOD (Experiment 3), and in appetitive conditioning (Experiment 4), IOD occurred without IWR or augmentation. IWR may occur in conditioned suppression because the animal adapts to fear of the CS in a context-specific manner. The authors discuss several implications.  相似文献   

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