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汉语词汇产生中语义、语音层次之间的交互作用   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
庄捷  周晓林 《心理学报》2003,35(3):300-308
采用3种方法考察汉语词汇产生中语义激活(词条选择)和音位编码这两个阶段之间的关系。实验一、二分别采用图片命名法和干扰字命名法,发现目标图片(“牛”)的语义相关词(“羊”)的语音信息得到了激活,说明汉语词汇产生中存在多重语音激活,音位编码在词条选择完成之前既已开始。实验三采用语义范畴判断法,考察语音信息的激活是否会向上反馈到词条和语义层次,发现目标图片(“羊”)的同音字(“阳”)不会促进对图片的语义判断。研究表明,多重语音激活与语音激活向词条和语义层次反馈是两个独立的,可以分割的问题。虽然实验一和二的结果符合相互作用理论,实验三的结果符合模块化观点,但就总体而言,本研究更加支持词汇产生中的模块化观点  相似文献   

陈栩茜  张积家 《心理学报》2005,37(5):575-581
听觉词的语义激活过程是认知心理学和心理语言学的热点问题。近期出现了两种假设:(1)全部通达理论;(2)语义背景依赖假设。采用缺失音素的中文双字词为材料,考察了中文听觉词的语音、语义激活进程。实验1考察了影响缺失音素的中文听觉词语音、语义激活的因素;实验2考察了在听觉词理解初期,词义提取是否存在句子背景效应。结果表明:(1)对缺失音素的中文听觉词识别受听觉词语音和句子语义背景影响;(2)句子语义背景在缺失音素的中文听觉词识别之初就开始发挥作用,并一直影响着中文听觉词的理解。  相似文献   

认知神经心理学的基本假设和研究方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
韩在柱  舒华  柏晓利  徐忠宝 《心理科学》2002,25(6):721-722,663
认知心理学一般以正常人为研究对象进行人类认知过程的探讨 ,但由于正常人的心理过程的自动化程度高、加工速度快、影响因素多 ,使得许多重要的心理表征与加工很难更深入准确地加以研究。自 19世纪以来 ,人们相继发现不同脑组织受损的患者会表现出形式有别的心理加工障碍 ,尤其是一些障碍仅表现在某一 (或某些 )具体细小的加工环节上。例如 ,在临床上 ,一些脑损伤患者经常出现命名障碍 ,他们一般表现为命名物体或图形时困难 ,出现大量错误。然而 ,他们损伤的认知水平可能是不同的。研究发现 ,如果损伤在语义环节 ,病人在命名图片时出现语义…  相似文献   

张清芳 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1382-1387
采取图画-词汇干扰实验范式,探索汉语词汇产生中词条选择和音韵编码两个阶段之间是否存在激活的反馈。实验一探索的是字形激活能否反馈至语义层产生语义激活,结果发现,与无关条件相比,目标图画(如“锯”)的字形中介(“镇”)的语义相关字(“村”)条件显著地延长了图画命名的时间。这表明在汉语词汇产生过程中,字形层的激活能反馈至语义层。实验二探索的是语音激活能否反馈至语义层产生语义激活,结果发现,与无关条件相比,目标图画(“梨”)的语音中介(“厘”)的语义相关字(“毫”)条件并未显著地影响图画命名的时间。这表明语音层的激活不能反馈至语义层,或者反馈回的激活太微弱不能影响图画命名过程。实验一和二的结果更倾向于支持词汇产生中词条选择和音韵编码两个阶段独立的观点。  相似文献   

再探汉字加工中语音、语义激活的相对时间进程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在Zhou和Marslen-Wilson(2000)基础之上,进一步探讨汉字加工中语音和语义信息激活的相对时间进程及其对汉字加工理论的含义。采用启动范式,用同一目标字与语义相关启动字、同音启动字以及无关控制启动字配对,变化同音启动字读音与其声旁的规则性,变化启动字与目标字呈现之间的时间间隔(SOA,57ms或200ms),使用两种实验任务(真假字判断和命名),考察语义、语音效应发生的时间先后与效应量的大小。真假字判断实验发现,不管SOA如何,语义启动效应都非常显著,而同音启动效应则随SOA的增长而逐渐加大,从不显著到显著;同音启动字读音规则性对启动效应没有明显影响。命名实验发现,语义启动、同音启动效应同时存在于长、短SOA条件中。长SOA时,两者在数值上没有显著差异;短SOA时,同音不规则字产生的启动效应等同于语义启动效应,而同音规则字产生的启动效应则大于语义启动效应。结合其它实验发现,这些结果说明,在熟练的汉字加工中,语音信息的激活并不比语义信息早,语音激活也不是语义激活的先决条件;但汉字各种信息激活的相对激活量和时间进程会随任务性质和材料性质而在一定范围内有所改变。  相似文献   

认知神经心理学为阅读机制的探讨提供了大量的证据,认为不同阅读障碍是不同加工通道选择性受损的结果。近年来,基于联结主义的三角模型理论,研究者提出了主要系统假说(primary system hypothesis),认为阅读障碍是主要的认知系统(如视觉、语义和语音系统)受损导致的:表层障碍是因为语义系统受损导致的阅读困难,语音和深层障碍是语音和语义系统同时受损时综合症状的连续体。该理论认为各主要系统可能同时是多个认知活动的加工成分,一个系统的受损会影响所有与之相关的认知过程,从而把阅读障碍与其它认知功能障碍联系起来。统一的主要系统受损下对各种获得性阅读障碍形成机制在文中得到详细的解释  相似文献   

采用语音启动技术,以第二语言为汉语的46名维吾尔族大学生为研究对象,考查了语音在维-汉双语者汉字识别中的作用.结果发现,维吾尔族被试在命名任务和词汇判断任务中都获得了语音启动效应,语义启动效应只出现在词汇判断任务中.结论:语音在维吾尔族大学生汉字识别中是自动激活的,而且语音的自动激活参与了语义通达.  相似文献   

采用语音启动技术,以第二语言为汉语的46名维吾尔族大学生为研究对象,考查了语音在维一汉双语者汉字识别中的作用:结果发现,维吾尔族被试在命名任务和词汇判断任务中都获得了语音启动效应,语义启动效应只出现在词汇判断任务中。结论:语音在维吾尔族大学生汉字识别中是自动激活的,而且语音的自动激活参与了语义通达。  相似文献   

亚词汇加工是词汇识别研究中的一个重要领域,本研究考察了早期ERP成分P200如何受到汉字亚词汇部件语音信息的影响。在ERP实验中,被试对顺序呈现的启动字和目标字对进行语义判断。实验中“启动字-目标字”字对共享一个共同的可发音或不可发音的部件(如“吹-砍”、“扬-场”)。对目标字的P200效应分析显示:与部件不发音的目标字相比,部件可发音的目标字所诱发的P200显著增强。这种增强的ERP效应表明P200对汉字识别中亚词汇部件的语音加工非常敏感,其效应变化受到亚词汇语音的单独调节,同时也表明在汉字识别的早期阶段亚词汇部件语音信息就已被激活并在汉字加工中起重要作用。  相似文献   

中文阅读中的语音类似效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
两个实验中的音韵和同声母没有启动效果这个事实,表明中文词视觉认知是经过正字法路线直接通达语义的。然而实验二同音词的启动效果可得出与以上相反的结论,即语音在中文阅读中有一定作用。两种不同的结果表明,语音在中文阅读中是否有作用,对书写词本身包含的语音类似信息具有依赖性。可能的结论是,在词汇通达中语音激活是自动的,但在中文似乎要比拼音文字弱;中文阅读也许更具有直通语义的特点。此研究支持双通道理论。  相似文献   

句法和语义在汉语简单句理解中的作用   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
江新  荆其诚 《心理学报》1999,32(4):361-368
两个实验探讨句法和语义在汉语简单句加工中的作用及其相互关系。实验一采用施事判断任务,发现句法作用与语义可逆性的作用都很显著;实验二采用快速句子判断任务,发现句法作用是主要的,语义可逆性无显著作用;两个实验都发现句法与语义可逆性之间的交互作用不显著。这些结果表明:(1)在汉语简单句理解的过程中句法因素的作用是主要的,语义因素的作用是次要的,只要当实验任务更多地强调语义分析时,语义因素才有显著的作用。  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in which Ss had to decide whether or not a target word was a member of a prespecified semantic category. Poorly representative, or low conjoint frequency (LCF) exemplars were accepted less rapidly than representative, or high conjoint frequency (HCF) exemplars. This effect was considerably enhanced by requiring an incompatible response in which the Ss were asked to say ‘No’ when the target was a member of the category. The results show that the category membership judgement is a natural affirmative, and that the semantic distance effect of conjoint frequency has a magnitude dependent upon the processing demands of the task in which it is measured. The results are discussed in relation to theories of the mechanisms of category membership judgements. It is suggested that the influence of compatibility may be in load sharing between activation of a response rule and the judgement task per se.  相似文献   

采用偏好、自由联想、字根补笔和字辨认等4项任务观察一例单纯性右侧基底节损伤遗忘症患者和两组正常对照的启动效应。结果发现:(1)该患者知觉性启动效应障碍,而语义性启动效应正常。认为知觉性启动效应的神经学基础可能在基底节。(2)该患者知觉性启动效应与语义性启动效应分离。认为神经组织的损伤可导致不同形式启动效应的分离,提出内隐记忆或启动效应的不同形式可能存在不同的神经学基础。  相似文献   

We present a longitudinal computational study on the connection between emotional and amodal word representations from a developmental perspective. In this study, children's and adult word representations were generated using the latent semantic analysis (LSA) vector space model and Word Maturity methodology. Some children's word representations were used to set a mapping function between amodal and emotional word representations with a neural network model using ratings from 9-year-old children. The neural network was trained and validated in the child semantic space. Then, the resulting neural network was tested with adult word representations using ratings from an adult data set. Samples of 1210 and 5315 words were used in the child and the adult semantic spaces, respectively. Results suggested that the emotional valence of words can be predicted from amodal vector representations even at the child stage, and accurate emotional propagation was found in the adult word vector representations. In this way, different propagative processes were observed in the adult semantic space. These findings highlight a potential mechanism for early verbal emotional anchoring. Moreover, different multiple linear regression and mixed-effect models revealed moderation effects for the performance of the longitudinal computational model. First, words with early maturation and subsequent semantic definition promoted emotional propagation. Second, an interaction effect between age of acquisition and abstractness was found to explain model performance. The theoretical and methodological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated semantic information extraction in parafoveal word perception. An ambiguous word (bank) was presented in foveal vision, and simultaneously a disambiguating word (water, money) was presented in the parafovea. Subjects were required to make a forced choice between two phrases, and the task was constructed so that a correct choice could be made if semantic information about both the foveal and parafoveal word had been obtained. However, the results indicated that the forced-choice results could be explained by two factors: identification of the parafoveal word and correct guessing. Hence, it was concluded that those models of reading which rely on unconscious semantic preprocessing of parafoveal words were not supported.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that patients suffering from frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) show impairments in empathy and emotional processing. In this study, we examined two different aspects of these abilities in a patient with semantic dementia (SD), a variant of FTLD. The first aspect was the assessment of the cognitive and emotional components of empathy through the Interpersonal Reactivity Index. The second was the naming and comprehension of emotions using the Ekman 60 Faces Test. The patient’s emotion word knowledge was spared and the emotional aspects of empathy preserved. Conversely, the patient performed below average for all of the basic emotions when an emotion word had to be matched with a picture. When picture-to-picture matching was tested, however, the patient was able to recognize happiness. This case is a good example of a dissociation of covert and overt emotional functioning in SD. Results are discussed in terms of the impaired empathic behavior and emotional functioning in FTLD.  相似文献   

This fMRI study was conducted to investigate whether language semantics is processed even when attention is not explicitly directed to word meanings. In the “unattended” condition, the subjects performed a visual detection task while hearing semantically related and unrelated word pairs. In the “phoneme” condition, the subjects made phoneme judgements between prime and target words, and in the “word” condition, they indicated whether the words in each word pair were semantically related or unrelated. In the word condition, stronger activity was obtained for unrelated than related words in the superior temporal gyrus/sulcus (STG/STS), lingual/fusiform gyri and cuneus, whereas in the phoneme condition no such effect was observed. However, during the unattended condition, stronger activity was found in the right STG. Our results suggest that both semantic judgement of word pairs and their passive hearing activate the same neural networks but this activation is more restricted in the passive hearing.  相似文献   

Semantic and syntactic contributions to processing of mass and count nouns were assessed by examining the performance of a patient suffering from a pure semantic deficit. Semantic and syntactic processing was evaluated on grammaticality judgement and sentence-picture matching tasks, respectively, where each task involved mass and count readings of metonymic nouns. While the patient did not show impaired performance on the grammaticality judgment task, he manifested difficulties in making mass/count distinctions in the sentence-picture matching task. It is thus argued that while distributionally the mass/count distinction may be established on a purely syntactic basis, cognitive processing of mass/count information requires both intact syntactic and semantic knowledge.  相似文献   

Pattern of semantic memory impairment in dementia of Alzheimer's type   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The specific pattern of semantic memory impairment in patients with dementia of Alzheimer's type (DAT) remains unclear. Specifically, the presence of a category-specific deficit for biological concepts (reflected in anomia for these concepts) has been questioned. We studied 9 DAT patients using a semantic association judgement test in which they had to decide which of the two given words was most like a target word (e.g., lamb: goat, sheep). The 150 target words were drawn from 6 categories: animals, clothing and furniture, fruits and vegetables, tools, action verbs, and abstract nouns. Age- and education-matched control subjects performed equivalently (between 86 and 90% correct) in all categories. Compared to control subjects, DAT patients made significantly more errors in abstract and biological nouns, but not in verbs and man-made artifacts. This pattern of semantic memory impairment--a sparing of verbs and a selective deficit of nouns in the biological category--has been documented in patients with temporal lobe damage, suggesting a critical dysfunction in the temporal lobes of DAT.  相似文献   

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