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本文针对当前中国处于社会转型期的现状,提出了健康 者社会性格的概念,通过调研发现其维度由八个因素构成,分别的集体主义,独立性、依存性、支配性与安定感,获取了健康带菌者社会性格的分类及其特征,并分析与其健康、病态社会性格的关系。  相似文献   

我国投资者心理特质与心理分类的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆剑清 《心理科学》2004,27(3):729-730
由于证券投资已成为当代中国人经济生活的重要组成部分,因而深入研究投资者的心理特质与心理分类,对于推动我国证券市场健康发展以及促使投资者形成理性投资决策具有重要的现实意义。本研究发现:我国投资者的心理特质差异可以从果断冒险、轻松乐观、理智冷静、犹豫依赖、耐心谨慎这五个因素进行分析;投资者可分为冷静保守型、冒险型与乐观保守型三类。  相似文献   

张雨青  林薇  陈仲庚 《心理学报》1995,28(3):281-287
运用与荷兰、美国等国的跨文化研究组相同的访谈和编码方法,对我国北京和福州两个城市共410位的3至12岁儿童的家长进行了访谈,目的是从自然语言途径,探讨我国儿童的人格特点,并将结果与国外同样研究进行跨文化比较。结果表明:本样本儿童的人格特点可以运用成人“五因素模型”进行解释。并且,中国家长提供的自由描述完全可以纳入美国和荷兰研究组设计的“14概念”编码系统。与其他国家的结果相比.中国家长对于“谨慎性”概念的重视程度远高于美国、荷兰和比利时儿童的家长,表现出显著的文化差异。此外,中国家长对于孩子“智力”问题的注意多于西方国家的家长,但对孩子在“宜人性”概念上的描述则最少。  相似文献   

关于社会性格的跨文化研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陆剑清  宋继文 《心理科学》1999,22(2):144-147
本文针对当前中国处于社会转型的现状,通过调研发现当代人社会性格系由八个因素构成,包括集体主义,独立性,依存性、支配性与安定感。  相似文献   

本研究通过对转型期中国入社会性格的调查分析,发现:中国人的社会性格结构由八个维度构成,它们分别是忠信感、进取性、保守性、顺从性、疏远性、开放性、适应性和独立性。个体的性别、年龄和教育程度对社会性格特点具有影响作用。常态被试可被进一步分为进取开放型、保守顺从型和中间型三类。创造条件促进人格向趋于现代化的方向发展是社会发展的结果,亦是实现社会发展的必要前提。  相似文献   

小学儿童谦虚行为的发展研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
谦虚行为是一种中国特有的亲社会行为,在有关儿童道德判断的跨文化研究领域具有比较特殊的意义.本研究通过实验室实验对311名7、9、11岁小学儿童的谦虚行为进行了有益的探索.结果发现,儿童的谦虚行为不仅与年龄因素有关,而且还会受到社会情境因素的影响.  相似文献   

本研究使用相应分析的方法研究了北京人和上海人对对方社群的社区性格的评价,发现北京人普遍认为上海人具有适应当代社会发展的进取性、开放性和适应性,而较少具有保守、重人际关系的人格特点;上海人则认为北京人继承了守信用、重感情、乐于助人等优秀的品质,而相应缺乏现代社会所需要的一些特质。同时,本研究也说明相应分析是深度加工数据获得更深入信息的重要方法。  相似文献   

初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构特点分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以北京地区398名初中学生为被试,以适度睡眠、合理饮食、口腔卫生、体育锻炼、防止久坐五类健康促进行为与冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害行为为对象,对其健康行为的因素结构特点进行了分析。研究结果表明,初中阶段青少年的健康危害行为间具有显著的正相关,而健康促进行为间的关系则较为复杂。验证性因素分析结果表明,初中阶段青少年健康行为的因素结构主要包含了两个因素,其中健康生活习惯因素主要包括适度睡眠、合理饮食与口腔卫生三类健康促进行为;冒险生活方式因素则包括了冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害行为以及体育锻炼、防止久坐两类健康促进行为。  相似文献   

目的:考察回汉民族性格是否具有显著性差异。方法:采用《大五人格问卷》调查和实地考察的方式相结合,探讨339名回汉民族人士在神经质、外倾性、开放性、宜人性和严谨性五个维度上民族性格的差异。结果发现:回汉民族在神经质、外倾性、开放性、宜人性和严谨性五个维度上主效应不显著(P.05);回汉民族的文化程度和婚姻状况在神经质上交互作用显著(P0.05);回汉民族的婚姻状况在开放性上交互作用显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

中国画要坚持传承与创新,就要研究国画创作艺术精神的特殊性,在深层次意义上加强画家国画创作素养的培育。文章在深度分析庄子哲学"本真人"理论与艺术性格在艺术精神上的高度契合性基础上,在涵养创作心态、提高创作精神性、锤炼画外功夫几个方面,探讨庄子哲学"本真人"理论对于提升国画创作素养具有的价值。  相似文献   

1987~2008年我国安全感研究现状的文献计量学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对收录在中国期刊网上的274条安全感文章题录(1979~2008年)进行计量学分析,结果表明:1)安全感研究呈逐年增长的趋势;2)发表的期刊比较广泛,心理学类期刊、社会类期刊、医学类期刊及各院校的学报上都有涉及;3)研究主要考察整个社会群体,并且已经涉及到如学生、企业员工和患者等群体;4)研究领域主要集中在安全感的相关因素;5)合作研究已经成为安全感研究的研究趋势;6)研究论文总体上的项目资助力度还不够;7)普通高校特别是高等师范院校是进行科研的主要机构。  相似文献   

The authors examined the moderating effect of goal instability on the benefits of components of perceived social support on entering freshmen's academic and personal adjustment. A significant interaction was identified between goal instability and two components of social support: appraised and belonging. Low goal-directed individuals reporting low appraised social support reported lower levels of personal adjustment than did high goal-directed individuals with the same level of appraised social support. In addition, high goal-directed individuals reporting a high sense of belonging reported greater personal adjustment than did high goal-directed individuals with low reported sense of belonging. Implications for the role of goal directedness and social support on improving college adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

The study analyzes acceptability judgments relating to sentences that have the same syntactic structure (subject-verb-locative) and varying possibilities of semantic anomaly. Twelve movement verbs were used—that is, 12 verbs indicating a change in position or location; a componential analysis of these verbs was carried out beforehand by the authors. In all, 288 sentences were constructed by combining these 12 verbs with 24 subject-locative pairs. The subjects (university students) were asked to judge the acceptability of the sentences on a 5-step scale. The data were subjected to two methods of factor analysis; in this way three factors were revealed. By examining the verbs loaded on the three factors in the light of the abovementioned componential analysis, it was found that certain components, if present, reduced the probability that a sentence would be judged acceptable in a metaphorical sense; this was especially true of the components use of instruments and typically human character of the action, which, in the sentences with nonhuman subject, are contradictory with the meaning of the subject, and of medium-specific, often contradictory with the meaning of the locative. The results are discussed in relation to some theoretical and methodological problems in current research on the comprehension of metaphor.  相似文献   

自我观的新形式:有关自悯的研究论述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张耀华  刘聪慧  董研 《心理科学进展》2010,18(12):1872-1881
由于自尊并不能完全地预见个体心理健康的程度,许多研究者提出了新的构念。本文介绍了其中的努力之一,在吸收东方佛学思想的基础上,Neff于2003年提出了自悯这种新的自我观形式。文章介绍了自悯的成分,即自我友善、普遍人性感和正念以及相关的研究方法;然后,从早期经验、社会文化的角度讨论了自悯的影响来源;在心理功能方面,自悯能有效地帮助个体应对负性事件,增强积极的心理品质和力量,对人际知觉和互动也有重要影响。自悯的这些积极功能已经在临床上得到了运用。最后,对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Lack of assertiveness is considered, in the sense of the theoretical concept of Ullrich de Muynck and Ullrich, to be due to such components as 1. abnormal attitude toward oneself, 2. fear of criticism and failure, and 3. inadequately developed social skills; after this, the term 'assertiveness' is defined. Previous therapeutical approaches to the remedying of unassertiveness and the underlying theoretical assumptions are critically examined and discussed with particular reference to their effectiveness. These include the training programs developed by Salter and Wolpe which are characterized by certain onesidedness as well as the concept of Ullrich de Muynck and Ullrich, which has a sound theoretical basis and a rather differentiated or specialized structure. Reference is also made to the author's own research projects.  相似文献   

A substantial body of research has converged on the idea that the sense of agency arises from the integration of multiple sources of information. In this study, we investigated whether a measurable sense of agency can be detected for mental actions, without the contribution of motor components. We used a fake action-effect paradigm, where participants were led to think that a motor action or a particular thought could trigger a sound. Results showed that the sense of agency, when measured through explicit reports, was of comparable strength for motor and mental actions. The intentional binding effect, a phenomenon typically associated with the experience of agency, was also observed for both motor and mental actions. Taken together, our results provide novel insights into the specific role of intentional cues in instantiating a sense of agency, even in the absence of motor signals.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between social cognition and a feature of schizotypal personality referred to as magical ideation, defined broadly as the presence and intensity of illogical beliefs about causality and the nature of reality. The measures of social cognition used in this study were the Character Intention Task (CIT) and the adult version of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test. Regression analyses indicated that understanding of character intentions, as measured by CIT scores, and ability to identify emotions on the Eyes test were related to non-realistic beliefs. Principal components analysis of the Magical Ideation Scale generated 3 factors: Occult Beliefs, Non-Realism, and New Age Ideas. Results indicated that impaired understanding of character intentions and ability to identify emotions on the Eyes test were related to non-realistic beliefs. Understanding the cognitive impairments associated with schizotypal characteristics can facilitate development of more targeted therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

There is a growing amount of research showing that a shared social identity and the sense of belonging to a family have a potential effect on health. However, little is known about the effects of severe mental illness on family identity. The authors carried out this thematic synthesis based on a systematic review of literature on family narratives of severe mental illness and family identity. The main findings indicate that in many families (i) their identity—as a shared social identity—undergoes a transformation process by which the identity aspects of being a family are reinforced; (ii) family members often take on a caring role as their main family role; and finally, (iii) a cultural component shapes this transformation process. The authors describe implications for research and application in the mental health field. All in all, family identity is transformed by the experience of severe mental illness.  相似文献   

This study explored the associations between secondary school students' sense of school belonging, their perceptions of school kindness, and character strength of kindness, and examined possible differences in these constructs across gender groups. The study, which included 1973 Hong Kong secondary school students, revealed that students' sense of school belonging was positively correlated with their perceptions of school kindness at the school and student levels (0.021 and 0.185, respectively). Furthermore, students' sense of school belonging was positively linked to character strength of kindness at the student level, although this relationship was found to be non-significant at the school level. At both levels of analysis, the positive relationships between students' perceptions of school kindness and character strength of kindness were significant. In addition, girls reported higher levels of character strength of kindness than boys. The findings of this study provide a better understanding of the relationships between sense of school belonging, school kindness, and character strength of kindness. Implications for research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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