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Two studies examined children's confidence judgments in the accuracy of their memories after repeated experience of an event. Children aged 5 to 6 years took part in an event once or four times, were provided with misinformation either shortly after (Study 1) or a while after (Study 2), and interviewed with yes/no recognition questions 3 months later. Children in the repeated‐experience conditions were highly confident of their accurate responses to questions about items that were identical rather than variable across occurrences, and this discrimination was best at the shorter delay. The results show that children were able to metacognitively monitor the accuracy of their responses to qualitatively different kinds of details, and indicate that age is not the only determinant of metacognitive awareness after being misled. Rather, the nature of event representations must also be considered. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Children who have endured traumatizing events often have a history of prior disruptions and losses which also have been experienced as traumatic. Termination of therapy with these children, therefore, provides a unique opportunity for the clinician to provide the traumatized child and his or her caregiver with a new experience of loss; one that is controlled, predictable, and paced. Through this experience, the child and caregiver can develop a new model for loss, one that permits for losses that are a natural part of healthy growth and change. This article outlines one approach to utilizing termination as an integral component of the therapeutic process with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and their caregivers. Using a psychodynamic model and working dyadically with the child and the caregiver, termination is approached as a primary intervention, pivotal to the successful treatment of this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

Consciousness can be studied only if subjective experience is documented and quantified, yet first-person accounts of the effects of brain injury on conscious experience are as rare as they are potentially useful. This report documents the alterations in waking, sleeping, and dreaming caused by a lateral medullary infarct. Total insomnia and the initial suppression of dreaming was followed by the gradual recovery of both functions. A visual hallucinosis during waking that was associated with the initial period of sleep and dream suppression is described in detail. Since the changes in sleep and their recovery are comparable to results of animal experiments, it can be concluded that damage to the medullary brain stem causes extreme but short-lived alterations in conscious state and that substantial recovery occurs even though the damage to the brain stem endures.  相似文献   

A young man who had glomorulonephritis at age five was treated psychotherapeutically for an anxiety neurosis with phobic and obsessional features. He was referred for psychoanalysis at a time when he was approaching kidney failure, but was referred back for more psychotherapy with the possibility of future psychoanalysis. He underwent renal dialysis and then received a kidney transplant from a brother. The psychoneurosis became worse, and a psychoanalysis was begun about one year after the transplant operation. The clinical report illustrates the developmental effects of the childhood illness, as well as the patient's response to the adult treatment and the renal transplant. Nonanalytic observations by others on renal dialysis and transplant patients are reviewed and compared with the findings in this analysis. The psychoanalysis of a renal transplant patient is feasible if other indications for analysis are present. A previously unreported finding is the problem of changing a lifetime adaptation from illness to relative health. This involved the analysis of the narcissistic conflicts of the oedipal stage of development as well as the preoedipal maternal transference.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to identify factors that are related to the traumatic symptoms and problem behavior among adolescents who experienced the New Years fire in 2001 in Volendam, The Netherlands. Three groups of factors were considered: pre-trauma (personality and coping), trauma-related (physical and emotional proximity to disaster), and post-trauma factors (received social support). Forty-five adolescents completed the questionnaire. Two years after the disaster, these adolescents experienced significant traumatic stress reaction (70% within the clinical range) and showed clinically significant levels of internalizing problems (37%). Pre-trauma, individual factors were identified as the most important predictors of distress, followed by received social support. The indicators of physical and emotional proximity to disaster explained little variance in distress.  相似文献   

The study of long-term memory for repeated events has important implications for understanding autobiographical memory in a forensic context. Recall accuracy and suggestibility for details of an instance of a repeated event versus a single event were examined in children aged 5–6 and 7–8 years after a one-year delay. Children who reported an instance of a repeated event were more likely to report that a non-experienced detail had occurred and reported less correct information than did single-event children. After one year a significant suggestibility effect was still present. The present experiment provides further evidence for both the capabilities and limitations of children's long-term recall and reinforces the importance of non-suggestive interviews of children at all stages of investigation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to identify factors that are related to the traumatic symptoms and problem behavior among adolescents who experienced the New Years fire in 2001 in Volendam, The Netherlands. Three groups of factors were considered: pre-trauma (personality and coping), trauma-related (physical and emotional proximity to disaster), and post-trauma factors (received social support). Forty-five adolescents completed the questionnaire. Two years after the disaster, these adolescents experienced significant traumatic stress reaction (70% within the clinical range) and showed clinically significant levels of internalizing problems (37%). Pre-trauma, individual factors were identified as the most important predictors of distress, followed by received social support. The indicators of physical and emotional proximity to disaster explained little variance in distress.  相似文献   

Not all women who apply qualify for a civil protective order. This study compares the type and severity of violence reported by women who qualified with that experienced by women who did not qualify. Ninety women seeking a protective order against a male intimate were interviewed. Findings indicated that 28% of women applying for a protective order did not qualify primarily because of cohabitation requirements or childbearing status. Actual and threatened violence was measured with the 46-item Severity of Violence Against Women Scale. A 17-item questionnaire measured stalking behavior. Levels of reported violence for the preceding 3 months were measured for the two groups. The symbolic threat behavior only of throwing, smashing, or breaking an object was significantly higher for qualifying women. The physical abuse behavior only of being pushed, shoved, or pulled was significantly higher. None of the stalking behaviors were significantly different. Data are urgently needed that document the barriers to abused women receiving protective orders, the relevancy of qualifying criteria, and the effectiveness of protective orders issued.  相似文献   

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