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教育心理学告诉我们:小学生的年龄特点是好奇心强、模仿性强、生性好动,有意注意持续时间相对较短.语言学习本身是较为单调枯燥的,而一味以教师讲、学生听这种教学形式,势必使学生学习兴趣荡然无存.只要学生感兴趣的东西,他们就有求知欲,没有兴趣就不会有求知欲,学习热情大减,从而直接影响学习效果.因此,小学英语进行“情趣教学”,可以让学生在形式多变的教学中,始终处于兴奋、活跃的状态,这样,对教学是不无裨益的.那么,该如何开展“情趣教学”呢?  相似文献   

兴趣是孩子各种创造力、求知欲的原动力。只要孩子对某·种事物发生兴趣,就会主动地去追求、去探索。  相似文献   

一、研究目的与方法人的心理活动具有整体性的特点。人的创造性思维活动与其他心理活动是相互联系、相互制约的。理智感是人在智力活动中产生的情绪体验。它与人的创造活动密切联系。求知欲、好奇心、怀疑感、自信感等都是理智感的不同表现形式。科学工作者在科学创造过程中产生理智感,同时理智惑对科学创造活动起着重要的推动作用。本研究旨在从定量角度探讨创造性思维与理智惑(求知欲、好奇心、怀疑惑、自信感)的相互关系,即创造性思维发展水平与理智感发展水平的相关(青年时代、中年时  相似文献   

一、设置情境,培养学生兴趣 小学生好奇心强,要想不断地启发学生的求知欲,只有通过创设问题情境。在课堂教学中,教师是课堂教学活动的策划者、组织者和指导者,如果教师能抓住教材中所蕴含的创造性因素,激起学生学习情感,创造富有变化、能激发新异感的学习情境,充分利用学生的好奇心,使学生引入一种与问题有关的过程,使他们在心理上造成一种悬念,处在一种“心求通而未得”的心理状态。  相似文献   

好奇心—创造性思维的激活剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
好奇心—创造性思维的激活剂中国医科大学第一临床学院呼吸病研究所(沈阳110001)李尔然1好奇心在科学领域中的角色就个人来说,好奇心是每个科学家的必备素质,难以想象一个缺乏好奇心的人会成为科学家而在探索未知的领域有所发现有所创造。好奇心更是创造性思...  相似文献   

食管癌诊断方法研究,涵盖流行病学、生物化学、病理学、肿瘤学、分子生物学等多学科.临床需求是医学科学进步的原动力,科技进步推动了医学发展,食管癌诊断方法的研究和正确的科研思路在控制食管癌发病率和死亡率中起重要作用.  相似文献   

在前分析的意义上,我们都是科学实在论者。但是,当哲学家和科学家被迫进行分析时,他们就变得不安了。对科学家来说,这种不安常常是在陈述被详细描述的客体的实际困难中产生的,这些客体适当地解释了他们所关心的现象。本文提供了一组当代物理学家在这方面的困难的例子,这些例子对传统实在论关于成熟科学的活动是朝着本体论上明显确定的世界图景发展的观点提出了诘难,也对反实在论的替代性观点提出了诘难。  相似文献   

医学整合,不仅是一种创新行为,也是一种创新思维形式.医学创新思维整合形式的特征是相关思维材料合理迁移、相关思维方式的耦合.医学创新思维是理性思维,迷信灵感和直觉而忽略逻辑是危险的.需要逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的整合;医学创新思雏是复杂性思维,强调批判而否定传承是片面的.需要批判性思维和经验性思维的整合.医学整合,不仅可以从本体论层面予以理解,还可以从方法论层面予以运用.医学创新思维整合形式的研究需要整合理念的方法论引导.  相似文献   

兴趣是儿童学习的强大动力,所以在各科教学中,教师如果能设法激起同学们的学习兴趣,使其产生强烈的求知欲,学生就能以饱满的热情投入到学习之中,充分发挥主动作用,出色地完成学习任务,那么,在科学课教学中,我是怎样激发学生的学习兴趣的呢?现在,我从四个方面来谈谈我的做法:一、通过诱发学生好奇心引发学生学习兴趣。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 对于科学精神的解释,我们从当今科学家和学者的观点中可以看出,虽然他们对科学精神的内涵的看法各有不同,但是,大部分包含有这样几个基本内容:求真求实,追求真理,理性的怀疑精神,民主、自由和开放性,多元化,求证和检验的精神.而我们认为理性的怀疑即普遍的问题意识是科学精神的基础,问题意识是思维的动力,创新精神的基石.强烈的问题意识,能促使人们去发现问题、解决问题,直到进行新的发现--创新.创造性思维,创新能力是人类素质的重中之重,唯有怀疑,才可能在习以为常中求真,在虚无缥缈中求实,唯有经常探究,勤思考才能达到真理.由此可见,科学精神,问题意识对学生的能力的形成、素质提高和全面发展以及他们个人将来对社会的贡献都起到至关重要的作用.  相似文献   

Scientists’ sense of social responsibility is particularly relevant for emerging technologies. Since a regulatory vacuum can sometimes occur in the early stages of these technologies, individual scientists’ social responsibility might be one of the most significant checks on the risks and negative consequences of this scientific research. In this article, we analyze data from a 2011 mail survey of leading U.S. nanoscientists to explore their perceptions the regarding social and ethical responsibilities for their nanotechnology research. Our analyses show that leading U.S. nanoscientists express a moderate level of social responsibility about their research. Yet, they have a strong sense of ethical obligation to protect laboratory workers (in both universities and industry) from unhealthy exposure to nanomaterials. We also find that there are significant differences in scientists’ sense of social and ethical responsibility depending on their demographic characteristics, job affiliation, attention to media content, risk perceptions and benefit perceptions. We conclude with some implications for future research.  相似文献   

In the context of worldwide economic and environmental crisis it is increasingly important that nanotechnology, genomics, media engineering and other fields of ‘technoscience’ with immense societal relevance are taught in ways that promote social responsibility and that educational activities are organized so that science and engineering students will be able to integrate the ‘contextual knowledge’ they learn into their professional, technical–scientific identities and forms of competence. Since the 1970s, teaching programmes in science, technology and society for science and engineering have faded away at many universities and have been replaced by courses in economic and commercial aspects, or entrepreneurship and/or ethical and philosophical issues. By recounting our recent efforts in contextualizing nanotechnology education at Aalborg University in Denmark, we consider a socio-cultural approach to contextual learning, one that is meant to contribute to a greater sense of social responsibility on the part of scientists and engineers. It is our contention that the social, political and environmental challenges facing science and engineering in the world today require the fostering of what we have come to call a ‘hybrid imagination’, mixing scientific–technical skills with a sense of social responsibility or global citizenship, if science and engineering are to help solve social problems rather than create new ones. Three exemplary cases of student project work are discussed: one on raspberry solar cells, which connected nanotechnology to the global warming debate, and two in which surveys on the public understanding of nanotechnology were combined with a scientific–technical project.  相似文献   

Senior molecular geneticists were interviewed about their perceptions of the ethical and social implications of genetic knowledge. Inductive analysis of these interviews identified a number of strategies through which the scientists negotiated their moral responsibilities as they participated in generating knowledge that presents difficult ethical questions. These strategies included: further analysis and application of scientific method; clarification of multiple roles; negotiation with the public through public debate, institutional processes of funding, ethics committees and legislation; and personal responsibility.  相似文献   

Using a grounded theory methodology in exploratory interviews with noncaregiving and caregiving adult children, differences were found in their experience of burden, their focus, their suffering, and their sense of responsibility. Childhood reputations appeared to follow siblings into adulthood, and they describe finding their adult positions in the family clearly circumscribed and entrenched because of family legacy. Children who were in some way different and excused from family responsibilities in childhood because they were, for example, “spoiled,” a “problem child,” the “intellectual,” or “flaky,” appeared to be unencumbered as adults when faced with caregiving responsibilities for a relative with Alzheimer's disease. Although these uninvolved and unencumbered children seemed to take less caregiving responsibility, they describe their loss and suffering in relation to a loss of identity and selfhood, whereas other children describe their burden and the overwhelming pulls and demands made on them. These preliminary findings suggest the need for systematic scientific inquiry about families, including multiple relatives, family history, impact of family-of-origin legacy, family reputations, and family negotiation patterns.  相似文献   

Auschwitz and Hiroshima stand out as two realities whose uniqueness must be reconciled with their inevitability as outcomes of highly rationalized processes of technoscientific progress. Contrary to Michael Walzer’s notion of “double effect”, whereby unintended consequences and the particular uses to which warfare may lead remain outside the moral purview of scientists, this paper endorses the commitment of the Society for Social Responsibility in Science to argue that members of the technoscientific community are always responsible for their work and the eventual uses made of it. In what follows four related views are outlined pertaining to modern situations within which the technoscientific community operates, so as to highlight the urgency of infusing a sense of responsibility for the products of their activities into this community. A provisional “code” is suggested that may serve as a guide for increased personal responsibility of individual technoscientists (academic scientists and industrial engineers).  相似文献   

Modern professionals wield considerable power by virtue of their knowledge. However, they also feel beleaguered by the constraints they face and the public disapproval they often experience. These pressures combine to diminish the professional's sense of public responsibility and convert him or her in self-perception to a careerist.  相似文献   

This article addresses the mixed findings of prior studies regarding hedonic food indulgence in sadness. Building upon the idea that self‐licensing may underlie the effect of sadness on food indulgence, the current research identifies responsibility attributions, namely, whether consumers attribute the cause of their sadness to themselves or to others, as an important factor that may affect sense of deservingness, and consequently affect hedonic food consumption in sadness. Four experiments show that sadness enhances food indulgence more when consumers attribute the responsibility for their sadness to others rather than to themselves. Specifically, findings show that (a) when self‐responsibility attributions are unlikely, sadness increases chocolate consumption; (b) sadness leads to a greater sense of deservingness and enhanced food indulgence when people hold others rather than themselves responsible for their sadness; and (c) the responsibility attribution effect on food indulgence in sadness is more pronounced at high levels of sadness and when the event that triggered one's sadness is significant. These findings contribute to our understanding of the factors that influence food indulgence in sadness.  相似文献   

Although some behavioral scientists and practitioners contend that man has no genuine moral choices to make, common sense and philosophical reflection ineluctably affirm the moral nature of man. When young people are faced with moral decisions, they often seek the assistance of a counselor. Although such counselors are routinely expected to aid clients in making decisions about their education and their careers, there is considerably less agreement about their responsibility for helping students to make moral choices. The central thesis of this article is that a knowledge of ethical theories, the practical principles which flow from them, and the method of decision-making which they indicate will enable the counselor to assist his clients with their moral problems.  相似文献   

The importance of public confidence in scientific findings and trust in scientists cannot be overstated. Thus, it becomes critical for the scientific community to focus on enhancing the strategies used to educate future scientists on ethical research behaviors. What we are lacking is knowledge on how faculty members shape and develop ethical research standards with their students. We are presenting the results of a survey with 3,500 research faculty members. We believe this is the first report on how faculty work with and educate their PhD students on basic research standards. Specifically, we wanted to determine whether individual faculty members, who are advisors or mentors, differ in how they implemented components of responsible conduct of research (RCR) with their PhD students. Mentors were more likely than advisors or supervisors to report working with all of their PhDs, who graduated in the last 5 years, on the 17 recognized critical components of RCR training and research skill development. We also found about half of the faculty members believe RCR is an institutional responsibility versus a faculty responsibility. Less than a quarter have had opportunities to participate in faculty training to be a better mentor, advisor, or research teacher, and about one third of faculty did not or could not remember whether they had guidelines related to their responsibilities to PhD students. We discuss the implications of our findings and focus on ways that PhD research mentoring can be enhanced.  相似文献   

The maintenance of long-term relationships between sex workers and their clients involves the management and balance of intimacy and a business relationship and requires both parties to constantly negotiate their roles and expectations. In this study, I focus on how they interpret these relationships. The data used are from in-depth interviews and participant observation collected from August 2004 through August 2007. I identify three factors affecting these relationships: distance apart, affairs and social bond. While older lovers yield a certain amount of control and power over their younger partners, the latter can convert older lovers’ emotional attachment, sense of responsibility, familial involvement, and sense of pride to currencies used to increase their bargaining power.  相似文献   

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