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海德格尔对康德实践哲学的解读是他阐释康德哲学的重要组成部分。本文围绕着道德情感、实践理性、实践自由等问题分析了海德格尔在这一方面的解读内容,并且指出海德格尔的解读是定向于存在论的,属于基础存在论筹划,人的存在问题是关注的核心。他力图发掘康德思想中的存在论-生存论的内涵,这反而丧失了原初的伦理学意义。  相似文献   

康德的道德哲学与其政治哲学是逻辑一致的,康德认为正义的优先性在于人先天的自由,而自由的主体坚持正义和遵从道德,则在于人的实践理性自身具有的善良意志,康德就这样通过自由、实践理性、善良意志等概念为道德奠定了基础。然而它仍然是先验的、空洞的,唯有从道德是人存在的方式这一存在论的根基处入手,才能理解道德并使其获得自身存在的坚实根基。  相似文献   

康德的文本表明康德在自由概念上区分了消极自由与积极自由。康德消极自由的基本内涵是意志的实践法则独立于经验质料的先天形式;而先验层面的分析则表明康德消极自由指的是独立于自然因果法则的自由因果性。消极自由与积极自由的关系在一定意义上说明了康德自由观念内在的融贯性和统一性。相比于伯林两种自由概念的经验性本质,康德自由的先验特性与之形成了鲜明的对比,但这种差异应在康德与伯林迥然不同的哲学背景之中予以把握。  相似文献   

自由概念是康德哲学的核心概念,是理解康德哲学的一把钥匙.学界对康德自由概念的理解聚讼纷纭,莫衷一是:“二分法”,“三个层次”或“三步曲”.但是它们只是停留在对康德自由概念的分类和梳理层面上,并没有揭示康德自由概念的完整内涵和内在逻辑.康德是从自由的可能性、实在性、现实性和实际性四个存在论维度构建有机联系的自由理论.本文试图从这四个存在论维度恢复隐藏在康德哲学体系中自由概念的完整原貌,揭示其存在论意蕴.康德自由概念不是认识论意义上或心理学意义上的自由,而是存在论意义上自由,它揭示了人的存在的本质,即人的存在的价值、尊严、责任和权利.  相似文献   

自由是贯穿整个西方文化的价值目标,是主体之为主体的根据,它发展到德国古典哲学时期已经取得了巨大成果,康德和马克思的自由观就宛如德国近代自由思想的两个点:康德自由概念的核心是自由意志,并且它是纯粹理性的唯一事实,但对它的证明始终是个问题;马克思对康德的"自由"进行了感性证明。  相似文献   

康德在西方伦理思想史上的重要地位主要体现在<纯粹理性批判>中提出的四个"二律背反"所揭示的自然与自由的因果性问题.通过这两种因果性,康德鲜明地揭示了自然因果性的存在领地和自由因果性的存在领地,使自由因果性典型地呈现在其所探讨的形而上学何以可能的本体世界.在这样的本体世界中,康德将自由放在道德律令、道德法则和至善的层面上加以探讨,彰显出自由在人的形而上追求意义上的伦理价值和道德意蕴.对自由的探讨也为他的<实践理性批判>奠定了伦理学基础.  相似文献   

康德哲学是哲学史上的一座丰碑。其开创的批判哲学要让所有的自然、世界、上帝以及灵魂的述说都要在“理性的法庭”上为自己的合法性进行辩护。康德提出哲学家们在建立哲学体系之前,必须探明人类认识机能之性状,同时必须探明认识的领域而取得一张正确的航海图。哲学吏上旷日持久的纷争归根结缔是由于哲学家们从未系统考察人类心灵机能的诸能力的先验本性和原则,各自的有效范围及相互间综合统一之关联。在理论认识上,即对世界的知识性描述上,康德通过批判的考量,发现纯然的知性活动没有感性的协作是空洞而无对象的。所以,康德拒斥企图通过纯粹思辨达到的绝对存在以作为形而上学实体的僭越主张。但我认为,康德更大的贡献在于:他对实践领域的批判考察并且开创了其批判的道德哲学,其根本的出发点是对自由问题的追问。本文试图澄清康德哲学所言超越自由即自由意志的真正含义。  相似文献   

一笛卡尔与康德不同:康德把知识与自由意志区分开,认为自由意志超越了人的理解能力。这是康德哲学的最杰出的思想,也是他超出笛卡尔哲学的最关键之处。笛卡尔则并没有像康德那样在思想内部清晰地划定理解与自由意志之间的界限,更没有从自由意志方面来理解康德所说的“自在之物”。后一个思路引出了叔本华和尼采,乃至现当代的欧洲大陆哲学。  相似文献   

康德的批判哲学试图捍卫人的自由,将之建基于人的主体自发性与自主性.在对康德自由概念的解读中,海德格尔认为,康德将自由理解为一种因果否定了人类的自由.依据康德文本,重构康德的因果自由理论,可以澄清海德格尔对康德的误读.剖析海德格尔在批评康德时所持的立场,将会看到海德格尔的自由概念的存在论—现象学维度.将双方关于自由的基本...  相似文献   

在《道德底形上学之基础》第三章中,为了实践目的,康德提出感性世界与理知世界的区分。根据《道德底形上学之基础》(以下简称GMS),感性世界和理知世界既可以是两个世界,也可以是人看待自身的两种方式。康德的理论哲学与实践哲学都对感性世界和理知世界做出区分。在理论哲学中,除了解决二律背反外,这一区分最重要的作用是为实践哲学腾出位置。通过感性世界和理知世界的区分,康德解决了道德律与自由之间的循环论证问题,并通过这一区分试图论证道德律作为先天综合命题的可能性。尽管最终康德断言我们对理知世界一无所知,因而也对自由一无所知,所以道德律作为一项令式的可理解性仍然是一个问题,但至少在消极的意义上遏制了道德虚无主义的威胁。  相似文献   

This paper argues that St.Anselm's distinction of the two senses of existence in his ontological argument for the existence of God renders Paul Tillich's refutation of it invalid.At the same time,Anselm misuses the two types of existence in his ontological comparison,leading to a logical contradiction between the different kinds and degrees of existence.Since Anselm's idea of different reference subjects does not coherently solve this logical absurdity,Anselm's ontological argument falls well short of being a successful approach to establishing the existence of God.  相似文献   

The essay recapitulates the decisive steps in Heidegger’s development of the problem of human freedom. The interpretation is set in the context of a general matrix for how freedom is treated in the tradition, as both a theoretical ontological problem, and as practical appeal. According to some readers, Heidegger’s thinking is a philosophy of freedom throughout; according to others his “turning” implies abandoning the idea of human freedom as a metaphysical remnant. The essay seeks an intermediate path, by following his explicit attempts to develop an ontology based on the concept of freedom in the earlier writings, showing how this is the central theme in his confrontation and also his final break with German idealism, with Kant and with Schelling in particular, and with the prospects for a system of freedom. However, this break does not terminate his preoccupation with the problem of freedom, which is then transformed into the idea of thinking as a practice of freedom, as a way of reaching into “the free”.
Hans RuinEmail:

Abstract:  A recent article by Kevin Hector considered the disagreement between Bruce McCormack and me over the relationship between the doctrines of election and the Trinity raising a number of crucial issues such as the proper relation of the immanent and economic Trinity, the nature of God's freedom and the identity of the logos asarkos . In this article I explore how and why Barth's dialectical understanding of the triune God's freedom from and for creatures disallowed equating God's ontological freedom with election in the manner suggested by McCormack and Hector, because that would reduce God's omnipotence to his omnicausality, the immanent to the economic Trinity.  相似文献   

罗素于1900年发表了《对莱布尼茨哲学的批判性解释》,尝试把莱布尼茨哲学当作一个完整的系统来解释。这种解释是逻辑主义的,声称莱布尼茨的整个形而上学都建立在其逻辑学的基础上。尽管这种观点在近几十年受到了一些挑战,但至今仍是英美学界对莱布尼茨的主流解释之一。本文试图  相似文献   

In this paper, I develop a criticism to a method for metaontology, namely, the idea that a discourse’s or theory’s ontological commitments can be read off its sentences’ truth-conditions. Firstly, I will put forward this idea’s basis and, secondly, I will present the way Quine subscribed to it (not actually for hermeneutical or historic interest, but as a way of exposing the idea). However, I distinguish between two readings of Quine’s famous ontological criterion, and I center the focus on (assuming without further discussion the other one to be mistaken) the one currently dubbed “ontological minimalism”, a kind of modern Ockhamism applied to the mentioned metaontological view. I show that this view has a certain application via Quinean thesis of reference inscrutability but that it is not possible to press that application any further and, in particular, not for the ambitious metaontological task some authors try to employ. The conclusion may sound promising: having shown the impossibility of a semantic ontological criterion, intentionalist or subjectivist ones should be explored.  相似文献   

This essay takes as its starting point Reinhard Hütter's analysis of the crisis of meaning of “freedom” in late modernity. The essay argues that the trinitarian theologies of John Zizioulas and Catherine Mowry LaCugna make an important contribution to the reconstruction of a theology of freedom in our postmodern era. God's ontological freedom, they explain, is both unorigination and ecstatic love. The essay concludes with reflection on how the work of these theologians can be used constructively to address the issues of freedom and the modern quest for unorigination, freedom as love in a free market economy, and the relation of freedom and law.  相似文献   

Uwe Meixner 《Erkenntnis》1998,48(2-3):209-226
The paper first distinguishes ontological priority from epistemological priority and unilateral ontic dependence. Then explications of ontological priority are offered in terms of the reducibility of the actual existence or identity of entities in one ontological category to the actual existence or identity of entities in another. These explications lead to incompatible orders of ontological priority for individuals, properties of individuals and states of affairs. Common to those orders is, however, that the primacy of the category of individuals is abandoned. This primacy is challenged in the paper also by epistemological arguments, and an onto-anthropological explanation is offered for the very common but false idea that individuals are ontological prior to all other kinds of entities. Finally ontological priority is discussed with respect to a fully specified system of ontological categories. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Paul Crittenden 《Sophia》2012,51(4):495-507
Sartre’s memoir Words turns on his mid-life realisation that, although he had abandoned belief in God, he had hitherto based his work on a religious model. From this point God no longer appears as a primary reference in his writings. This is in sharp contrast with the pervasive presence of God in earlier works, especially in his ontology and related reflections on ethics. In ontology Sartre was particularly concerned with the Cartesian idea of the creator God as ens causa sui. Adapting this to his own system, he uses the idea of causa sui to mark the absolute (but non-substantial) existence of for-itself being (consciousness) as separate from the uncreated plenitude of in-itself being. He then argues that the idea of God as a consciousness that founds its own being is an impossible synthesis of the for-itself and the in-itself. The idea nonetheless remains fundamental for consciousness, for desire, which arises in response to lack, ultimately the lack of in-itself being, reflects an original choice that leads to constant striving towards the impossible goal of being God. This theme haunts the ontology from beginning to end. Sartre offers a system to rival Descartes or Leibniz, but adopts a quasi-religious framework of salvation in which, apart from the promise of a possible escape from ontological destiny, human beings are condemned to futility. In ethics he explores the idea of conversion from original choice to an authentic choice of freedom, but fails to break out of the closed framework set by the ontology.  相似文献   

In this essay, I argue that the notion of monetary debt does not displace but merely conceals our deeper, ontological debt to the sources of our being and way of life. I suggest that first Christianity and then modern science attempted to find a means of redemption that could free us from debt, but that both were unable to reconcile the ideas of freedom and indebtedness. I then examine the way in which Friedrich Nietzsche tried to resolve the apparent contradiction of our debt to the past and our freedom to shape the future by developing a new form of redemption rooted in his doctrine of the eternal recurrence.  相似文献   

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