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《来复铭》是明朝中叶中国伊斯兰知识分子陈思撰写的一篇铭记 ,勒石于作者任掌教的济南清真大寺内。1947年6月号《月华》杂志予以披露。当代著名伊斯兰学者冯今源先生有专门分析该铭的论文。《来复铭》除了是一篇早期中国伊斯兰教哲学和教义的文章外 ,还是一篇具有较高艺术水准的古散文 ,读后使人振奋、使人惊喜、使人上进。鉴赏之余草于文字 ,以抛砖引玉耳。本鉴赏的主要参改资料是冯先生的论文和诸多汉语古典籍 ,后者在行文中表明出处。  相似文献   

邱羽 《美与时代》2023,(3):132-134
《九成宫醴泉铭》是欧阳询的代表作。碑文笔力浑厚沉劲,体态方整,意态饱满,运用了隶书与楷书的特点,并使其相结合,让字看起来圆融流畅,而又有结实的支撑点。书写中欧阳询变画为点,为整碑的笔意增添了新的趣味性和观赏性,使作品别具一格。欧阳询书写《九成宫醴泉铭》时严格按照黄金比例斩斫,使碑文整体布白舒阔,字体宏厚庄重。《九成宫醴泉铭》被誉为“天下第一铭”。  相似文献   

释来复是元明之际著名诗僧,在元末多族士人圈中十分活跃,与各族文友相交甚善。通过《澹游集》、《蒲庵集》等罕见别集,考察了来复与异族交往的情况。这位佛门释子之所以能够与蒙古、色目人广结善缘,是因为彼此有着接近的思想基础、文化背景,且对于"他者"文化相互欣赏认同。来复能成为多族士人圈的核心,说明了元代僧人地位的尊崇,也说明了元代宗教文化的兼容并蓄。而频繁的文化互动,也潜移默化地影响着相互的诗歌风貌。这可以说是元代宗教史、文学史的新异之处,值得深入研究思考。  相似文献   

正元《至顺镇江志》卷九《僧寺·大兴国寺》抄录了《大兴国寺记》。大兴国寺为元代镇江之也里可温教堂,"记"即此教与寺的介绍。据学者研究,也里可温乃蒙元时代之景教。"记"的原文刻在一块石碑上,据说石碑已没入长江,马相伯先生曾亲见石碑拓片(见陈垣《元也里可温教考》)。碑文录入《至顺镇江志》,可能不是原碑的全部,但大致内容与观点应无差别。"记"开篇即说明寺与碑文  相似文献   

济南清真南大寺始建于元朝元贞元年(1295年),有着优良的历史文化传统,寺内来复铭碑开创了伊儒对话的先河,教合中邦的匾额阐述了伊斯兰适应社会的和谐理念。该寺2010年被国家宗教局授予首届全国创建和谐寺观教堂先进集  相似文献   

《石门铭》作为龙门十三品中的一个代表,历来被书法家所推崇,这不仅仅因为其独特的书法格调,更源于《石门铭》刻石中所蕴含的行书因素。文章从《石门铭》在魏碑中的地位、《石门铭》中包含的行书因素以及其所涵养的碑派行书大家三个主要方面进行论述,以期让观者从不同角度更加全面地认识《石门铭》。  相似文献   

正消息卦理论"一阳来复"之"复",毫无疑问,指的是《周易》六十四卦中的复卦,复卦上坤下震,也就是《象传》所谓的"雷在地中(震为雷,坤为地)",全卦上五爻都是阴爻,只有初爻是阳爻,这一特殊状态使它成为后儒所创十二消息卦之首卦。1.消息卦起源十二消息卦虽属后人创造,但在《周易》原文中也有迹可循,剥卦《彖传》  相似文献   

<正>中华第一大居士、五台山华严思想奠基人、佛教"华严三圣"创立者、唐代山西寿阳方山寺长者李通玄(635—730),山西太原人,倾毕生之智,以《易》会通佛典"经中王"《大方广  相似文献   

宋代"尚意书风"的代表书家米芾,其书风融晋代书风的"萧散简远"与唐代书风的"沉着厚重"于一身,影响深远。米芾一生所书作品颇多,就他的行书作品而言,较为著名的有《苕溪诗帖》《蜀素帖》《研山铭》《多景楼帖》等。其中《研山铭》是米芾大字行书作品的代表作,米芾"入古出新"的书法审美观在这件作品中得到了很好的诠释。另外,米芾将古人的优秀之处集于一身,从而形成自己的风格,强烈地表达自己的感情状态,为其今后的书法成就奠定了基础。  相似文献   

许章润教授著《汉语法学论纲》,会通古今中西,总结中国文明的法律智慧,建构现代中国法理体系,被认为是21世纪以来中国最具思想性的法哲学论著之一。对于《汉语法学论纲》的学术讨论,对于进一步完善"汉学法学"话语体系具有重要的学术史意义。  相似文献   

明清之际的以儒诠经,内涵之中历史地出现了一个特殊知识群体,自然地包含有四个目的、两大手段和三种具体作为,用话语表述,该文化创造模式可以解释为:明清之际我国伊斯兰教的以儒诠经,是回儒这个文化兼通的特殊知识群体,立足中国,采用汉语,在本土社会语境中,对该宗教经义所做出的再诠释,过程中于公的目的是兴教、明道和补足百家之不足,于私的目的是立个人不朽之言,因而针对本土元素展开了批判(为先),继而有选择地加以借用和融会贯通,同时为伊斯兰教正本清源,再通过以文会友,最终收获了针对外教的释疑并取得某种认同,从而为伊斯兰教适应本土社会赢得了有利机会和条件。  相似文献   

文明对话成为当今世界的主题和话语交流的关键词,这是全球化驱动之下的一种必然的文化现象。特别是20世纪90年代以来,发生在东亚—太平洋区域的超越世界近代以降西方中心主义的“回儒对话”值得关注,这种基于文化自觉之上的两大古老文明间的对话意义尤其深远。中国穆斯林学者和国外穆斯林学者对儒教所持的不约而同的文明对话的态度与分析范式又值得研究和借鉴。  相似文献   

明未清初,王岱舆出于"不使天下公理废而不传"的目的,在阐释伊斯兰宗教思想时,有意识地将伊斯兰教与中国传统的儒、释、道文化进行比较,辨析它们的同异,揭示二者之间某些范畴学说的相近性并加以融合,从而开启了"以中土之汉文,展天房之奥义"的先河,促进了伊斯兰教在中国的传播和发展,也使中国与阿拉伯国家的联系更加密切,促进了中阿和回汉文化交流,对当代宗教对话有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

The subject of Islam and politics raises problems of definition and categorisation of its religio‐ideological content and of the different groups and parties which uphold that Islam and politics are inextricably linked. There is a general consensus in the more recent literature on Islam that Islam is not monolithic. There are frequent references to the ‘variety of Islams’, ‘the Islam of the state’, ‘the Islam of radical Islamist groups’ and ‘sufi and popular Islam’. But is it so ordered? Have we gone from one extreme, that of defining Islam as monolithic, and replaced it with a set of rigid and compartmentalized notions of the different spheres and interpretations of Islam? It appears that the perceptions and practice of Islam are much more fluid and tend to overlap and that there is a common and integrated world‐view amongst Muslims that can be delineated.  相似文献   

This article takes a look at Max Weber's remarks on Islam compared with Calvinism with reference to the doctrine of predestination, the quest for salvation, inner-worldly asceticism and the concept of rationalization. The comparison shows that Weber regarded Islam as the polar opposite of the Protestant ethic, particularly in its Calvinist variant. The article then shifts its focus to Indonesian Islam in order to demonstrate that ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslim’ are not univocal but multivocal. Indeed, Indonesian Islam contrasts sharply with Weber's portrait of Islam in the Middle East. Finally, the article examines the extent to which the rise of Muslim puritans within the early Islamic reformist movement in the Muhammadiyah of Indonesia resembles ascetic Protestantism, particularly Calvinism.  相似文献   

Amid the growing coalescence between the religion and ecology movements, the voice of Muslims who care for the earth and its people is rising. While the Islamic position on the environment is not well-represented in the ecotheology discourse, it advances an environmental imaginary which shows how faith can be harnessed as a vehicle for social change. This article will draw upon doctoral research which synthesised the Islamic ecological ethic (eco-ethic) from sacred texts, traditions and contemporary thought, and illustrated how this ethic is enlivened in the educational landscape of Islam. Knowledge of the relationship between human beings and the natural world, of the creative order upon which the world was created, and of right living, is essential in this educational project and the global ecoIslamic movement employs a range of institutes, from the masjid to the maktab, to impart the environmental message of Islam. Despite the manifestation of environmental education activities across the educational establishment, much of what passes as Islamic education today is not representative of the holistic, integrated and comprehensive educational philosophy of Islam. Contemporary social concerns, such as the environmental question, can, in my view, act as an impetus to develop a pedagogy which endeavours to be true to the religious traditions, values and ethics of Islam, while also displaying the transformative force of this faith. Muslims, at more than one-fifth of the world population, own a fair share of global concern around the earth’s health and well-being. Across the world, many continue to base their life and lifestyle decisions on the teachings of Islam, and are showing the relevance of traditional resources and institutions in meeting one of the greatest challenges facing humanity—the health of our planet.  相似文献   

Karl Barth comments briefly, sporadically and polemically on Islam as a false religion. He views it as a threat to Christendom, using it as a cipher for National Socialism, as an example of absolute monotheism, and finally as a “paganised” form of rabbinic Judaism. But an examination and critique of Barth's understanding of Judaism, which is central to his understanding of Islam, recognises the interdependency of Church and Synagogue for Barth. This article argues that this mutual dependency should also be extended to include Islam. While Barth never developed a theology of Islam per se, this new understanding gives his theology the potential to be of use to the new encounter between Christianity and Islam.  相似文献   

儒学与当代社会的双向互动是指儒学与当代社会的双向审视、双向批判、双向参与。这一问题对儒学言 ,是能否在当代社会生存与发展和如何生存与发展的问题 ,对当代社会言 ,是如何汲取儒家的智慧走向人文化成的问题。双向互动不是封闭的静态系统 ,而是动态的开放系统 ,重不在互动的效果 ,而是互动的过程。儒学借助与当代社会的互动而焕发出新的生命与活力 ,当代社会因儒学的参与而更加健全、完善。  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss how Islamophobia is not an unfounded hostility against Islam, but a hostility that has its last raison d'être in the fear of multiculturalism and its consequences. To demonstrate this hypothesis, the article analyses the opinion, expressed by Huntington and shared by some intellectuals and politicians, that we are experiencing a clash of civilisations between the West and Islam. By contrast, I argue that Europe perceives Islam as a transruptive (Hesse 2000) force that, through transculturation processes, might be able to challenge the alleged Judaeo‐Christian heritage of Europe. Islamophobia stems from the defence and resistance against the possible effects of real multicultural contacts between Islamic values and European–Western ones.  相似文献   

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