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In a paradigm that avoids methodological problems of earlier studies, evidence was gathered addressed to the question of whether we read letter by letter. If word recognition involves letter recognition, then the difficulty of recognizing a word should vary with the difficulty of recognizing its letters. This was tested by assessing letter difficulty in two letter discrimination tasks and in a letter naming task, and then comparing 15 adult subjects' visual recognition latency to 72 easy-letter words and to 72 difficult-letter words. Word frequency and word length were also manipulated. Results indicated no effect for letter difficulty, although recognition latency reliably decreased with word frequency and monotonically increased with word length (21 msec/letter), suggesting that we do not read letter by letter, but that whatever plays a role in word recognition is smaller than the word and correlated with word length in letters.  相似文献   

Summary The paper reports a series of studies that attempt to examine the issue of tachistoscopic identification of letter material. In particular a reductionist approach is used to investigate the influence of retinal locus, cerebral dominance, metacontrast, letter symmetry, and ocular dominance on the task. Retinal locus, metacontrast, and ocular dominance were shown to influence letter reportability under the present conditions with, it is argued, retinal locus and metacontrast affecting the integrity of the icon. Evidence is given for the construct of ocular dominance as the eye (dominant) initiating eye movements with the other passively following.  相似文献   

Strings of 4 unrelated letters were backward masked at varying durations to examine 3 major issues. (a) One issue concerned relational features. Letters with abnormal relations but normal elements were created by interchanging elements between large and small normal letters. Overall accuracy was higher for letters with normal relations, consistent with the idea that relational features are important in recognition. (b) Interpattern relations were examined by mixing large and small letters within strings. Relative to pure strings, accuracy was reduced, but only for small letters and only when in mixed strings. This effect can be attributed to attentional priority for larger forms over smaller forms, which also explains global precedence with hierarchical forms. (c) Forced-choice alternatives were manipulated in Experiments 2 and 3 to test feature integration theory. Relational information was found to be processed at least as early as feature presence or absence.  相似文献   

Does the perception of objects that are the result of human actions reflect the underlying temporal structure of the actions that gave rise to them? We tested whether the temporal order of letter strokes influences letter recognition. In three experiments, participants were asked to identify letters that temporally unfolded as an additive sequence of letter strokes, either consistent or inconsistent with common writing action. Participants were significantly faster to identify letters from consistent temporal sequences, indicating that the initial part of the sequence contained sufficient information to prime letter recognition. We suggest that letter perception reflects the temporal structure of letter production; in other words, Simon sees as Simon does.  相似文献   

Does the perception of objects that are the result of human actions reflect the underlying temporal structure of the actions that gave rise to them? We tested whether the temporal order of letter strokes influences letter recognition. In three experiments, participants were asked to identify letters that temporally unfolded as an additive sequence of letter strokes, either consistent or inconsistent with common writing action. Participants were significantly faster to identify letters from consistent temporal sequences, indicating that the initial part of the sequence contained sufficient information to prime letter recognition. We suggest that letter perception reflects the temporal structure of letter production; in other words, Simon sees as Simon does.  相似文献   

In order to provide a reliable measure of the similarity of uppercase English letters, a confusion matrix based on 1,200 presentations of each letter was established. To facilitate an analysis of the perceived structural characteristics, the confusion matrix was decomposed according to Luce’s choice model into a symmetrical similarity matrix and a response bias vector. The underlying structure of the similarity matrix was assessed with both a hierarchical clustering and a multidimensional scaling procedure. This data is offered to investigators of visual information processing as a valuable tool for controlling not only the overall similarity of the letters in a study, but also their similarity on individual feature dimensions.  相似文献   

To examine the processing of sequentially presented letters of familiar and nonsense words, especially among Ss of vastly differing experience on sequential tasks, three groups of Ss were tested on letters of words spelled sequentially on an alphanumeric display and on letters of words fingerspelled. These were a deaf group (N=33) with little or no hearing and who varied in their fingerspelling ability; a staff group (N=12) who taught fingerspelling and were highly proficient; and a hearing group (N=19). Of principal interest was the finding that the hearing Ss did better on nonsense letter recognition, while the deaf group did better on word recognition. Word length was important except to the staff Ss on fingerspelled words, which also suggests that concentration on fingerspelling proficiency forces attention to the whole word and not its component letters. Hearing Ss, who are the group faced with an unfamiliar task, seemed to attend to each letter and hence had more difficulty with recognition of the longer unit.  相似文献   

A patient with alexia and agraphia had intact spelling and comprehension of spelled words and used a letter-naming strategy to read and write. We propose that there is a graphemic area important for distinguishing graphemic features and for programming movements used in writing. In this patient this area was not functioning or did not have access to the area of visual word imagés. Therefore, he used an ideographic letter-naming strategy to verbally circumvent his disability and gain access to the area of visual word images.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described that measured lexical decision latencies and errors to five-letter French words with a single higher frequency orthographic neighbor and control words with no higher frequency neighbors. The higher frequency neighbor differed from the stimulus word by either the second letter (e.g.,astre-autre) or the fourth letter (chope-chose). Neighborhood frequency effects were found to interact with this factor, and significant interference was observed only tochope-type words. The effects of neighborhood frequency were also found to interact with the position of initial fixation in the stimulus word (either the second letter or the fourth letter). Interference was greatly reduced when the initial fixation was on the critical disambiguating letter (i.e., the letterp inchope). Moreover, word recognition was improved when subjects initially fixated the second letter relative to when they initially fixated the fourth letter of a five-letter word, but this second-letter advantage practically disappeared when the stimulus differed from a more frequent word by its fourth letter. The results are interpreted in terms of the interaction between visual and lexical factors in visual word recognition.  相似文献   

Strings of four unrelated letters were presented for subjects to identify, followed by a patterned mask and then a forced choice test of each letter position. In Experiment 1, the type style in the regular conditions was consistent--all of the letters were of a single type font--whereas in the mixed condition, each string contained letters from two type fonts. Compared with the mixed condition, accuracy in the regular conditions was higher overall and increased at a faster rate as a function of processing time. This held across four sessions. In Experiment 2, the font in the mixed condition was varied either between or within letter strings; sizeable advantages for the regular conditions were found with both mix-methods. The results are consistent with the idea of a schemalike perceptual system that becomes tuned to the regularities of a particular font in order to process visual information efficiently.  相似文献   

This study builds on a specific characteristic of letters of the Roman alphabet—namely, that each letter name is associated with two visual formats, corresponding to their uppercase and lowercase versions. Participants had to read aloud the names of single letters, and event-related potentials (ERPs) for six pairs of visually dissimilar upper- and lowercase letters were recorded. Assuming that the end product of processing is the same for upper- and lowercase letters sharing the same vocal response, ERPs were compared backward, starting from the onset of articulatory responses, and the first significant divergence was observed 120 ms before response onset. Given that naming responses were produced at around 414 ms, on average, these results suggest that letter processing is influenced by visual information until 294 ms after stimulus onset. This therefore provides new empirical evidence regarding the time course and interactive nature of visual letter perception processes.  相似文献   

Block capital letters were displayed to experienced and inexperienced Ss, using a 20 x 20 matrix of vibratory tactors placed against the back. In two separate experiments, a total of five modes of stimulus presentation, three of them employing a linear scanning slit, were studied. The poorest method, stationary flashing of the letter, allows performance that is well above chance, implying that a purely spatial presentation does convey information. Performance is improved when the letter is moved horizontally across the display. The best performance is achieved when the amount of simultaneous stimulation is limited by using a linear scanning slit. In one method, the letter moves behind a stationary slit, with the result that its horizontal dimension is portrayed only in time. In the other two methods, the scanning slit moves across the stationary letter, portraying the letter both in time and in space. The results of all five display modes indicate that Ss can use whichever representation, spatial or temporal, is available, although patternings which most closely approximate sequential tracing by a single moving point lead to the highest recognition accuracy. We interpret these results in terms of the limited spatial resolution of the cutaneous sense. While the perception of a letter presented in either full-field condition is limited by the spatial resolution, the best measure being the two-point limen, the perception of a letter traced sequentially is limited by the localization acuity of the cutaneous sense, the best measure being the “error of localization,” which is known to be considerably smaller than the two-point limen. Inasmuch as the slit methods of presentation are a compromise between simultaneous and sequential display, letter-recognition accuracy is better with slit presentation than with the corresponding full-field mode of display.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described that measured lexical decision latencies and errors to five-letter French words with a single higher frequency orthographic neighbor and control words with no higher frequency neighbors. The higher frequency neighbor differed from the stimulus word by either the second letter (e.g., ASTRE-AUTRE) or the fourth letter (CHOPE-CHOSE). Neighborhood frequency effects were found to interact with this factor, and significant interference was observed only to CHOPE-type words. The effects of neighborhood frequency were also found to interact with the position of initial fixation in the stimulus word (either the second letter or the fourth letter). Interference was greatly reduced when the initial fixation was on the critical disambiguating letter (i.e., the letter P in CHOPE). Moreover, word recognition was improved when subjects initially fixated the second letter relative to when they initially fixated the fourth letter of a five-letter word, but this second-letter advantage practically disappeared when the stimulus differed from a more frequent word by its fourth letter. The results are interpreted in terms of the interaction between visual and lexical factors in visual work recognition.  相似文献   

This article reviews studies in which a single letter is visually presented under adverse conditions and the subject's task is to identify the letter. The typical results for such studies are (a) certain pairs of letters are more often confused than other pairs of letters; (b) certain letters are more easily recognized than others; and (c) confusion errors for a letter pair are often asymmetric, the number of errors differing depending on which letter of the pair is presented as the stimulus. A geometric model incorporating the properties of distance and spatial density (after Krumhansl) is presented to account for these results. The present application of the distance-density model assumes that each letter is constructed in a typical 5 X 7 dot matrix. Each letter is represented in 35-dimensional space based on its constituent dots. A central idea behind the model, embodied in the property of spatial density, is that an explanation of typical results must take into account the relationship of the entire stimulus set to both the presented letter and the responded letter. Specifically, according to the model, (a) pairs of letters that are close in geometric space are more often confused than pairs of letters that are distant; (b) letters that are in less spatially dense regions are more easily recognized than letters that are in more spatially dense regions; and (c) asymmetric confusion errors result when one member of a letter pair is in a denser region than the other member of the letter pair. The distance-density model is applied to published and unpublished results of the authors as well as published results from two other laboratories. Alternative explanations of the three typical letter recognition results are also considered. The most successful alternative explanations are (a) confusions are an increasing function of the number of dots that two letters share; (b) letters constructed from fewer dots are easier to recognize; and (c) asymmetries arise when one member of a letter pair is more easily recognized, since that letter then has fewer confusion errors to give to the other letter of the pair. The model is discussed in terms of the distinction between template matching and feature analysis. An alternative classification of letter recognition models is proposed based on the global versus local qualities of features and the spatial information associated with each feature. The model is extended to explain reaction time study results. It is suggested that the distance-density model can be used to create optimal letter fonts by minimizing interletter confusions and maximizing letter recognizability.  相似文献   

In a letter recognition task in which the letters were presented temporally across two columns of a vibrotactile array, the masking effects of added columns of steady vibrotactile stimulation were investigated. The primary variable studied was the spatial separation between the masking columns and the letter-carrying columns. The results indicate a spatially dependent masking effect which is independent of the tactile masking associated with mask onset. A comparable masking effect was obtained with visual letter recognition using the same relative stimulus configurations viewed under conditions of optical blurring. An interpretation of the tactile masking is offered in terms of the limited spatial resolution of the cutaneous sense.  相似文献   

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