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Currently, many different strategies are employed by respected professionals working in the area of therapy for persons who stutter. This phenomenon serves as a point of departure for reflections on the nonspecific elements involved in therapy. Drawing on the literature of holistic medicine and psychotherapy these elements are identified as follows: (1) active participation of the client in the therapy process; (2) role of self-management skills; (3) influence of client's expectations regarding treatment; (4) suggestion as a factor in therapy; and (5) the therapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

A confederate requester asked subjects to write letters for an educational campaign after they had completed a battery of tests and received either deviant or nondeviant feedback. Half of the subjects were led to believe that the requester had knowledge of their test performance; the remaining half believed that the confederate did not know their test scores. Within these conditions, some subjects believed that complying with the request would involve future meetings with the requester while others were not led to anticipate any future interaction. As expected, deviants complied more than nondeviants replicating Freedman and Doob's (1968) results; however, neither the secret/known nor the future interaction variations produced effects. Contrary to the prediction that deviants are compliant because they wish to avoid mistreatment, secret deviants complied slightly more than known deviants. Compliance was discussed as instrumental in improving self-image.  相似文献   

Four types of semantic relation, assumed by different researchers to be implicated in the organization of semantic information, were investigated by means of false recognition and word association tasks presented to independent samples of 4- and 5-year-old children. The same set of basic object stimulus words was used for each task as a means of validating the findings. Twenty-four girls and twenty-four boys at each age level were divided into four experimental groups for the false recognition task. One of four categories of experimental foil words, representing the four types of semantic relation, namely, exemplar, action, coordinate, and superordinate, was presented to one of the four groups. It was found that 4-year olds produced false alarms to exemplar and action relations significantly more frequently that to coordinate and superordinate relations. Five-year olds, in contrast, produced false alarms to exemplar and coordinate relations significantly more frequently that to action and superordinate relations. An independent group of 12 girls and 12 boys at each age level took part in the word association task. Among the 4-year olds, action relations were produced significantly more frequently than either particularization (exemplar and contextual) or coordinate relations. Among the 5-year olds, action relations were produced significantly more frequently than particularizations but the difference between action and coordinate relations was no longer significant. Coordinate groupings, following Riegel [in G. B. Flores d'Arcais & W. J. M. Levelt (eds.), Advances in psycholinguistics. New York: American Elsevier, 1970], were interpreted as implicit classifications derived from the intersect of stored relations. There was little evidence to support the hypothesis that young children comprehend word meanings in terms of logical class inclusion structures.  相似文献   

Relationships among women's role factors, self-estimates of competence, and career commitment were investigated. Eighty female business students and 111 business alumnae completed the Attitudes Toward Women Scale, the Performance-Self-Esteem Scale (PSES), and questions regarding home and career choices. As predicted, PSES scores were related to extent of career commitment, and PSES scores mediated the relationship between career commitment and women's role factors. Among high PSES subjects, career commitment was positively related to nontraditional sex-role attitudes and negatively related to family involvement. Among low PSES subjects, the relationship between career commitment and women's role factors was weaker. Implications for women's career development are discussed.  相似文献   

Observing behavior and short-term recognition were studied in a training and test design. Preschoolers matched pictures from memory with training of a selective attending strategy or placebo practice. Both groups were then tested for retention of the strategies attained during training. For one-third of the subjects in each condition the relevant portions of the stimuli were made perceptually salient, for another third the irrelevant portions were salient, and for the rest no portions were salient. Strategy training enhanced relevant observing behavior and facilitated recognition accuracy in both training and test. The salient irrelevant cues interfered in training for the Placebo subjects. A second study examined the effect of three components of the strategy training procedure; verbal instructions, modeling, and fading. Verbal instructions, and to a lesser extent, modeling and fading, enhanced relevant observing behavior in both training and test but facilitated recognition accuracy only in training.  相似文献   

Value priorities of campus employment recruiters and senior liberal arts students were compared using Rokeach's Value Survey. Three hypotheses were confirmed: (1) Significant differences were found between groups' rankings of values. Students ranked idealistic values high, while recruiters ranked values applicable to business near the top. (2) A greater number of significant differences were found among instrumental values than among terminal values. (3) Regardless of the sex of the applicants, recruiters chose applicants expressing masculine rather than feminine values.  相似文献   

This exploratory study compared the life style and interpersonal need orientation, leadership style, and perception of the organization structure of female supervisors in business and government organizations. The government group had a significantly higher formalistic and lower sociocentric and personalistic life style orientation; lower needs for expressed control, expressed affection, wanted inclusion, wanted affection, and a higher need for wanted control; were lower on consideration and higher on structure leadership dimensions; and perceived their organization as being more bureaucratic and less collaborative and coordinative than the business group. The findings were discussed in terms of the processes of individual-organization congruity and organizational socialization.  相似文献   

Second graders (mean age = 7-8), fourth graders (mean age = 9-8), and sixth graders (mean age = 11-11) walked two paths located in and around their school. Children in the Unsegmented condition estimated the distance and time taken to walk a path that was relatively undifferentiated in terms of the number of qualitatively different areas of the school through which it passed. Children in the Segmented condition made the same estimates for a path that went through different areas (segments) of the school (i.e., cafeteria, hall, vestibule, and outside the building). Children at all three grade levels estimated that the distance traversed in the Segmented condition was longer than the distance in the Unsegmented condition. This difference was not significant on the time measure. It was concluded that (1) paths with a large number of segments are perceived as being longer than paths of the same length with fewer segments, (2) distances along paths with few segments are underestimated, (3) distances along paths with many segments may be overestimated as a function of developmental level, and (4) only younger children may have used time to estimate distance.  相似文献   

Pigeons' preferences for stimuli that were to varying degrees correlated with outcomes were studied in two experiments using a concurrent-chain procedure. The pigeons chose between two terminal links, each ending with food reinforcement and with blackout on half of the trials. In the first experiment, one terminal link (nonpredictive or unreliable link) provided stimuli completely uncorrelated with the outcomes while the other terminal link (predictive or reliable link) provided stimuli that were, to varying degrees, correlated with these outcomes. All pigeons showed increasing preferences for the predictive link as the reliability of the stimuli in that link increased. In the second experiment, stimuli in both terminal links were differentially correlated with the outcomes. The pigeons again preferred the more reliably correlated terminal link. The relation between these results and the delay-reduction hypothesis and conditioned reinforcement account is noted. The behavioral value of predictive stimuli may lie in their permitting the organism to more effectively apportion its time between interim activities and terminal responses.  相似文献   

Sixteen subjects from the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory participated in a dual-task study designed to measure processing requirements of a choice reaction time (RT) task. Two levels of choice RT stimulus-response (S-R)compatibility were tested with each of two tracking tasks to provide different levels of dual-task loading. In one tracking task, the target's temporal-spatial pattern was fixed; in the other, the target's path was a function of the subject's performance. In the choice RT task, compatibility was treated as a between-subjects factor, while the number of alternatives (set size) within a sequence was a within-subjects variable. Choice RT results indicated that compatibility and set size interacted; the increase in response latency as a function of set size was much greater when compatibility was low. An increase in choice RT response latency occurred when the secondary tracking task was added. Within a given compatibility level, this dual-task decrement was constant for all levels of set size; however, the magnitude of the dual-task decrement varied as a function of S-R compatibility, being greater when compatibility was low than when it was high. For these data, a model like Sternberg's (1969) stages model is seen to have more explanatory value than a pooled processing capacity model (e.g., Norman and Bobrow 1975).  相似文献   

A review, with reflections, of Michael S. Gazzaniga's (2011) book, Who's in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain. Gazzaniga, a distinguished neuroscientist, wishes to connect contemporary understandings of the functioning of the human brain to the proper functioning of the American courtroom. What effect, if any, should these current understandings (and current technologies) have on legal conceptions of personal responsibility, guilt, and punishment? If, as many neuroscientists hold, the functioning of the brain wholly determines the functioning of the mind, can people rightly be held responsible for their actions? Gazzaniga argues that they can.  相似文献   

The Cross     

My aim is a philosophical understanding of sacrifice, and especially of the Christian conception of sacrifice. Initially distancing myself a little from the strictly ritual notion of sacrifice, I work with a concept of sacrifice as 1) a voluntary choice (2) to forgo or lose or give away (3) something costly, perhaps supremely costly, (4) as an expressive action, where (5) what is so expressed typically is or includes devotion or loyalty to something exalted. I consider three historical examples of political sacrifices, sacrifices made for a cause, and three literary examples of personal sacrifices, sacrifices made by one person for another. I note that in the Christian context it is very common for sacrifices either political or personal to be taken to be imitations of Jesus’ sacrifice as presented in the New Testament, and ask therefore how we are to understand that. My conclusion is that Jesus’ sacrifice can be seen as involving both a political and a personal aspect—but that in fact, it can only be made as intelligible as may be by understanding it, as the Letter to the Hebrews does, in ritual terms.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the development of children's cognitive maps of large-scale environments. Kindergarten (Mean Age = 5?7), second (Mean Age = 7?7), and fifth (Mean Age = 10?7) graders walked through a large model town and were then required to construct the layout of building in that model from memory. Accuracy of construction increased as a function both of developmental level and repeated encounters with the layout. In Experiment 1, the separate effects of repeatedly walking through the town and repeatedly constructing it both increased the accuracy of the children's reconstructions. In Experiment 2, walking through the environment was no more effective than merely viewing it repeatedly. Young children's accuracy in bounded space (Experiment 1) was far more accurate than their performance in unbounded space (Experiment 2), while older children's accuracy was relatively unaffected by this variable.  相似文献   

Motion parallax is a composite of five transformations demonstrated to be effective in adult judgments of rotation direction in polar motion projections of a horizontal row of dots rotating in depth. The effectiveness of these transformations as a function of age was tested by presenting six such motion projections to first graders (age = 6 years), seventh graders (age = 13 years), and college students (age = 19 years). Identical age functions were obtained for judged rotation direction from the four motion projections representing (1) Velocity, corresponding to the traditional definition of motion parallax as differential velocity, (2) Velocity plus differences between ratios of instantaneous displacement to instantaneous acceleration for dots on the near and far sides of the rotation axis (DA Difference), (3) Velocity, DA Difference, and a gradient across the row of DA ratios, and (4) all transformations. First graders, unable to use horizontal transformations, performed at chance on these four projections, while older students made correct judgments. Order, separated from Velocity for the first time, resulted in chance performance at all ages, while Direction, also separated from Velocity for the first time, resulted in veridical judgments in only 4 of 24 college students.  相似文献   

Type A's have been described as more time urgent than Type B's, and research indicates that they underestimate the passage of fixed time intervals. The present study examined the implications of these differences in time perception for decisions where time is a resource that can be invested. Type A's and B's were given an initial stake of $4 and provided the opportunity to invest some or all of that amount for the chance to win an additional $2. Investment occurred as a function of time, with subjects believing they would win the additional $2 if a counter reached a randomly determined number. Each unit increment on the counter also resulted in the loss of 1¢ from the initial stake, thus as the counter progressed, goal attainment became more certain, but expenses also increased. Subjects could stop the counter at any time and keep the remainder of their initial stake or continue to invest until the initial stake was depleted (the counter was programmed to never hit the “jackpot”). Half of the subjects could monitor the counter directly, while the other half could not and had to rely on their subjective time estimates. Results indicated that when objective time passage cues were present, Type A's and B's did not differ in their investment decisions. When subjects had to estimate time passage, however, Type A's invested far more than Type B's. These results indicate that under appropriate conditions, Type A's are more susceptible than Type B's to psychological entrapment.  相似文献   

Stability of nonverbal immediacy behaviors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stability of the immediacy behaviors of approach distance, eye contact, approach orientation, and body lean was examined across two interviews over a 25 min and a 1-week interval. Stability coefficients were similarly high between the sessions for each interval. General support was found for the presence of compensatory relationships between approach distance and eye contact and between approach distance and approach orientation. A bimodal distribution of approach distances, found in both studies, included a substantial intermediate range which was not used by any of the subjects. Evidence from personality data and self-ratings suggested that subjects who remained more distant were more anxious than those who approached closer.  相似文献   

After completing their academic degree, international student populations face unique situations in their search for employment in the United States. This study used a phenomenological examination to identify the perceptions and the experiences of eight undergraduate international students who participated in a 10‐week support group during the employment exploration and application process. Participants documented their personal reflections in journal entries and engaged in a single‐session focus group after the support group. Themes that emerged from the focus group and participants' journal entries were (a) discovering personal uniqueness, (b) coping with acculturation, and (c) dealing with a lack of resources. Implications for career development practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper involves a series of personal reflections on the deleterious impact of excessive bureaucracy and other institutional forces on the psychosocial treatment of the chronically mentally ill. The writer appeals to three groups of mental-health practitioners—behavior analysts, practicing clinicians, and academic clinicians—to promote cultural change by advocating a restructuring of large-scale bureaucracies with the concurrent establishment of multiple community-based associations.  相似文献   

Kindergarteners and third graders (mean ages 5–10 and 8–9 years) repeatedly encountered a model town and then constructed the town from memory. In Experiment 1, the effect of different types of exploration on the development of a cognitive map was assessed. Children who were directed to walk within the town placed buildings more accurately than children who had walked along the town's perimeter. Children who walked within the town and were directed to the spatial relationships among buildings had the highest placement accuracy. Third graders were more accurate than kindergarteners across the three types of exploration. In Experiment 2, children were permitted to explore the town alone for an unlimited amount of time. Under these conditions, third graders still placed buildings more accurately than kindergarteners. A comparison of Experiments 1 and 2 indicated that children developed more accurate cognitive maps when motor activity and attention were directed by the experimenter as opposed to being directed by the child. Accuracy improved with repeated walks and constructions in both experiments, and the results of Experiment 3 suggested that constructing facilitated the development of the cognitive map as much as walking. It was concluded that third graders' cognitive maps were more accurate than kindergarteners' maps due to differences in the speed of acquisition and storage of spatial information.  相似文献   

After watching a simulated rape trial, prerecorded on videotape, mock jurors either did or did not expect to sentence a defendant following deliberation with or without a group verdict required. Both sentencing expectation and verdict requirement significantly elevated jurors' preference for conviction (and average ratings of guilt likelihood). Closer analyses of personal changes (before and after deliberation) in the distribution of opinions suggested that majorities favoring not guilty were more influential than guilty-favoring majorities; and, somewhat unexpectedly, minorities in juries which deliberated without a verdict required were more likely to change personal opinions than minorities in juries required to render a verdict. The overall social decision scheme confirmed earlier observations about the importance of the initial majority in determining the verdict; but the majority did not always prevail and there was a marked asymmetry (“defendant protection”) in its action.  相似文献   

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