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Personal pronoun usage of individuals in interaction is proposed as an index of the social functioning of both the individuals and the groups. The interaction of schizophrenic young adults, male and female, with their mothers and fathers, is compared with that of normal young adults with their parents in these terms. Previous findings regarding disproportionate use of the first person singular by schizophrenics are confirmed, and it would appear that this behavior is not learned tom their parents who are low in usage of these pronouns. Findings of other studies regarding male-female differences in schizophrenics and coalition patterns and social control mechanisms in their family interactions are also suggested by the data.  相似文献   

亲子冲突与青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
从北京市四所普通中学选取 82 9名初一、初二、高一和高二学生为被试 ,采取匿名的方式让被试报告自己在过去半年内分别与父亲和母亲在学业、做家务、交友、花钱、日常生活安排、外表、家庭成员关系和隐私等八个方面发生冲突的频率 ,以及自己的问题行为、抑郁和社交焦虑的情况 ,以此探讨亲子冲突与青少年社会适应之间的关系。结果发现 :(1 )父子和母子在冲突内容上有很大的差别 ;母子冲突多于父子冲突 ,且母子冲突和父子冲突的侧重点也有所不同。 (2 )在学业和生活方面 ,发生亲子冲突的青少年远多于没有亲子冲突的青少年 ,但在其余六个方面却是没有亲子冲突的青少年多于发生亲子冲突的青少年。在发生亲子冲突的青少年中 ,与双亲均发生冲突的青少年最多 ,其次是只与母亲发生冲突的青少年 ,与父亲发生冲突的青少年最少。 (3 )亲子冲突与青少年的抑郁和问题行为具有较为一致的关系 ,即与双亲发生冲突的青少年所表现的问题行为和抑郁最多 ,其次是与单亲发生冲突的青少年 ,问题行为和抑郁表现最少的是与双亲均无冲突的青少年 ;但亲子冲突与青少年社交焦虑之间的关系并没有一致的趋势。  相似文献   


A sample of 146 Bedouin-Arab pupils from polygamous and monogamous families participated in this study, which was conducted in a Bedouin-Arab village in the Negev, Israel. The authors compared learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict. Data revealed differences between the two groups: The children from monogamous families had higher levels of learning achievement than did the children from polygamous families; in addition, those from monogamous families adjusted to the school framework better than did those from polygamous families. The mean conflict rating of children from polygamous families was higher than that of their counterparts from monogamous families. The father's level of education tended to be inversely correlated with family size in terms of both number of children and number of wives.  相似文献   

This study examined whether child involvement in interparental conflict predicts child externalizing and internalizing problems in violent families. Participants were 119 families (mothers and children) recruited from domestic violence shelters. One child between the ages of 7 and 10 years in each family (50 female, 69 male) completed measures of involvement in their parents’ conflicts, externalizing problems, and internalizing problems. Mothers completed measures of child externalizing and internalizing problems, and physical intimate partner violence. Measures were completed at three assessments, spaced 6 months apart. Results indicated that children’s involvement in their parents’ conflicts was positively associated with child adjustment problems. These associations emerged in between-subjects and within-subjects analyses, and for child externalizing as well as internalizing problems, even after controlling for the influence of physical intimate partner violence. In addition, child involvement in parental conflicts predicted later child reports of externalizing problems, but child reports of externalizing problems did not predict later involvement in parental conflicts. These findings highlight the importance of considering children’s involvement in their parents’ conflicts in theory and clinical work pertaining to high-conflict families.  相似文献   

以736名小学、初中、高中学生为被试,着重探讨了父母冲突内容、青少年应对策略和青少年社会适应之间的关系。研究发现:(1)父母冲突中指向孩子和指向父母自身的冲突普遍较少,但指向孩子的冲突显著地多于指向父母自身的冲突。指向孩子的冲突存在显著的性别和年级主效应;(2)青少年所使用的间接应对策略要显著地多于直接应对策略,直接应对和间接应对策略均存在显著的性别和年级主效应;(3)青少年的不良行为存在显著的性别主效应,学习问题、抑郁和主观幸福感存在显著的年级主效应;(4)父母冲突多的青少年和使用应对策略少的青少年出现的不良行为、学习问题和抑郁要显著地高于父母冲突少、使用应对策略多的青少年,但前者感受到的主观幸福感要显著地少于后者;(5)指向孩子的冲突和直接应对策略可以显著地预测青少年的不良行为,指向孩子和指向父母自身的冲突可以显著地预测青少年的学习问题。间接应对策略和指向父母自身的冲突可以显著地预测青少年的抑郁情绪,同时,间接应对策略可以显著地影响青少年的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

父母消极抚养方式与父母冲突和青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以720名小学、初中和高中生为被试,采用问卷法,探讨父母消极抚养方式与父母冲突和青少年社会适应的关系,并检验父母消极抚养方式在父母冲突与青少年适应间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)与孩子有关的父母冲突显著多于与父母自身有关的冲突,初中生报告的两种冲突显著多于小学生;母亲消极抚养显著多于父亲,父母对男生的消极抚养显著多于女生,父母对初中生的消极抚养显著多于小学生;青少年的抑郁、学习问题较多,在抑郁、不良行为上存在显著的性别主效应,女生抑郁多于男生,男生的不良行为多于女生。在抑郁、学习问题和不良行为上存在显著年级主效应,初、高中生的抑郁、学习问题和不良行为显著多于小学生;(2)与孩子或父母有关的冲突越多,父母消极抚养越多;(3)父母消极抚养越多,青少年抑郁、不良行为、学习问题越多;(4)父母消极抚养在父母冲突与青少年社会适应中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

Researchers have begun to develop models that explain the processes by which interparental conflict impacts children's adjustment. The present study tested a model based on emotional security theory. The longitudinal relations among interparental conflict, boys' reactions to conflict, and internalizing and externalizing problems were examined in a sample of 129 mother–son dyads from low-income, 2-parent families from the time sons were age 2 to 5. Results indicated that children exposed to interparental conflict were more likely to have concurrent and later behavior problems and that patterns of interparental conflict across time made unique contributions in predicting later problems. Children's emotional reactivity in response to conflict had no direct relation to interparental conflict and only modest relations to behavior problems. However, interparental conflict and reactivity factors interacted to predict behavior problems at ages 3 1/2 and 5. Thus, some support was demonstrated for emotional reactivity as a moderator in the development of young children's behavior problems.  相似文献   

This article analyzes possible effects of ideas of justice, perceptions of injustice, and the use of justice arguments on the emergence, course, and resolution of social conflicts. Four functions of justice are identified: (1) ideas of justice and perceptions of injustice can elicit or evoke social conflicts; (2) justice arguments and rhetorics can be used to support one's own position in a dispute; (3) the basic value and the principles and rules of justice can restrict social conflicts and help to generate ways of conflict resolution; (4) the labelling of conflict resolutions as just can increase the acceptance of the resolution. The analysis is illustrated by making reference to a recent case of international conflict and diplomatic controversy.  相似文献   

Blanchard-Fields  Fredda  Chen  Yiwei  Hebert  Christine E. 《Sex roles》1997,37(3-4):155-174
The purpose of the present study was to examine the amount and type of interrole conflict experienced by women and men at different life stages. A battery of questionnaires, including a demographic questionnaire, a role conflict scale, and the Bern Sex Role Inventory was administered to 244 married adults. The sample was primarily Caucasian. Overall, the impact of life stage, gender, and gender-related personality factors on interrole conflict was differentially influenced by the type of conflict assessed. Both women and men experienced the highest amount of conflict involving parent roles during the peak child-rearing years. In addition, employed men experienced a higher degree of interrole conflict between professional versus self roles than employed women. Married men experienced more spouse versus self role conflict than married women. Finally, instrumentality and interpersonal sensitivity proved to be two important predictors of interrole conflict above and beyond life stage and gender effects. Results are discussed in the context of societal changes towards traditional women and men's roles.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the hopes that Somalis who came to Melbourne as refugees have for their children’s education. It analyses their perceptions of the Somali and Australian education systems and the implications of these for their family’s ability to adapt and cope with Australian life. In doing so, it also shows how they use education to reconstruct their world as part of resettlement in Australia. This paper argues that specific programmes and activities that bring parents and teachers together around their child’s education can build bridging social capital, contributes to optimism about the future and sets the stage for positive agency at a time when Somali families are coping with trauma, loss and disconnection in an unfamiliar society.  相似文献   


According to R. B. Zajonc's (1965) drive theory of social facilitation, the mere presence of others increases arousal and, thereby, the frequency of dominant responses (i.e., responses with the greatest habit strength). In the present experiment, U.S. undergraduates performed a stimulus discrimination task under 1 of 2 conditions: in the presence of another individual (audience) or alone. The mere presence condition was designed to make it difficult for the participants to attend directly to the audience. The task was designed to minimize the likelihood that the specific response (numerical preference) would be attributable to a desire to respond appropriately to the audience. There was a significant difference in the mean number of dominant responses between the participants in the audience condition and those in the alone condition. The results provide support for Zajonc's mere presence drive theory of social facilitation.  相似文献   

This paper explores why people identify with social groups and what this identification signifies for their sense of self, status in society and intergroup conflict. We describe various theories of social identity to elucidate ways in which individuals can negotiate their different social identities, and what this means for intergroup relations. We consider the implications for both majority and minority group members, and those from high and low status groups. We show that social identification is an essential part of an individual’s social existence, and that such identification is inextricably related to intergroup conflict. While overarching common identities have been hailed as a possible panacea for conflict, we demonstrate that such identities have differential effects for minority and majority group members. There is a serious tension between the assimilationist preference that the majority wishes for minority members to adopt, and the integrationist position that the minority group themselves prefer. We conclude with a call to focus research efforts on how to balance the needs of the many and the few in pluralist and unequal societies.  相似文献   

以554名3~6年级的小学生为被试,采用量表法、同伴提名法探讨童年中期儿童社交地位、社交自我知觉与孤独感的关系。结果表明:(1)3~6年级小学生的孤独感有显著的性别差异,男生的孤独感显著高于女生。(2)不同社交地位的儿童其孤独感也不同,低接纳组儿童的孤独感显著高于一般接纳组和高接纳组,而一般接纳组与高接纳组儿童的孤独感差异不显著。(3)在高接纳组儿童中,社交自我知觉消极的儿童其孤独感显著高于社交自我知觉一般的儿童,社交自我知觉一般的儿童其孤独感显著高于社交自我知觉积极的儿童;但是在一般接纳组和低接纳组中,社交自我知觉不同的儿童其孤独感并没有显著差异。  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Social discounting researchers have repeatedly shown that individuals discount sharing the amount of a monetary reward as a function of social distance, and that...  相似文献   

采用青少年父母教养方式问卷、青少年小五人格问卷和青少年社会适应评估问卷对六城市的2288名中学生进行调查,探讨父母教养方式对青少年社会适应的影响及人格类型在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)青少年父母教养方式可分为民主型、权威型、专制型和忽视型四种,所占比例分别为35.2%、16.9%、20.8%、27.1%,不同父母教养类型的青少年在社会适应、人格五因素各维度上的差异达到显著水平;(2)除撤回爱护与行事效率之间相关不显著外,父母教养行为与青少年社会适应各维度相关均达到显著水平;(3)人格类型可以调节父母教养行为对青少年社会适应的预测作用,表现在支持陪伴、自主准予及知晓度对积极适应的影响以及规则引导、自主准予及知晓度对消极适应的影响。  相似文献   

In this article, organizational conflict management is conceived as a “disputing process” involving the social escalation from grievance stage to conflict and dispute stages. The Disputing Process Instrument (DPI) was designed as a way to study these phenomena quantitatively. Seven behaviors are represented in the instrument: conciliatory negotiation, third-party mobilization, overt retaliation, covert retaliation, toleration, avoidance, and discipline. The DPI demonstrated high reliability, content, discriminant, and construct validity relative to earlier conflict instruments. An empirical study of social escalation was conducted among peers with different strengths of informal relations in an electronics firm. The study results revealed that interpersonal problems among weakly tied peers are likely to be contained at the grievance stage using covert behaviors or to be socially escalated to disputes involving third parties. More strongly tied peers are likely to escalate their problems from grievances to dyadic confrontations only. These results have implications for understanding disparate results from earlier studies of peer conflict in organizations and for arguments regarding the introduction of external third-party conflict consulting in organizations.  相似文献   

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