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Pigeons were trained to discriminate 5.0 mg/kg pentobarbital from saline under a two-key concurrent fixed-ratio 10 fixed-ratio 40 schedule of food presentation, in which the fixed-ratio component with the lower response requirement was programmed to reinforce responding on one key after drug administration (pentobarbital-biased key) and on the other key after saline administration (saline-biased key). After responding stabilized, pigeons averaged 98% of their responses on the pentobarbital-biased key during training sessions preceded by pentobarbital, and they averaged 90% of their responses on the saline-biased key during training sessions preceded by saline. In test sessions preceded by doses of pentobarbital, chlordiazepoxide, or ethanol, pigeons switched from responding on the saline-biased key at low doses to responding on the pentobarbital-biased key at higher doses (the dose-response curve was quantal). High doses of phencyclidine produced responding on both keys, whereas pigeons responded almost exclusively on the saline-biased key after all doses of methamphetamine. These and previous experiments using concurrent reinforcement schedules to study drug discrimination illustrate that the schedule of reinforcement is an important determinant of the shape of dose-effect curves in drug-discrimination experiments.  相似文献   

Four rats were trained to bar press on FR 9 TO 30 sec. They were reinforced with a large or small amount of water according to whether their final IRT was long or short respectively. Four control rats always received the small amount of reinforcement. The control animals produced the high rates of responding typical of fixed-ratio performance. The experimental animals, with one exception, developed superstitious behavior and maintained slow responding throughout the ratio. However, some features of the results pointed to a persistent influence of the factors which favor short IRTs.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained under a schedule consisting of a number of fixed-ratio 100 components followed by a single fixed-ratio 10 component. The proportion of fixed-ratio 100 to fixed-ratio 10 components was varied according to several ascending and descending series within the range of 99:1 to 1:1. When this proportion was reduced to about 20:1 and below, the pause following each fixed-ratio 100 gradually decreased in length. Primes, a burst of responses at the start of the fixed-ratio 100 component, increased in frequency, and then decreased when the proportion became extremely low. Also, when the relative frequency of fixed-ratio 10 components was very high, primes were seldom observed in the first fixed-ratio 100 component following a fixed-ratio 10 component, but were distributed evenly throughout the remaining fixed-ratio 100 components.  相似文献   

In one component of a multiple schedule, pigeons were required to complete the same four-response chain each session by responding sequentially on three identically lighted keys in the presence of four successively presented colors (chain performance). Food presentation occurred after five completions of the chain (i.e., after 20 correct responses). Errors, such as responding on the center or right key when the left was designated correct, produced a brief timeout but did not reset the chain. In the other component, responding on a single key (lighted white) was maintained by food presentation under a fixed-ratio 20 schedule. In general, phencyclidine and d-amphetamine produced dose-dependent decreases in the overall response rates in both components. With pentobarbital, overall rate in each component generally increased at intermediate doses and decreased at higher doses. All three drugs produced dose-dependent disruptive effects on chain-performance accuracy. Phencyclidine and pentobarbital increased percent errors at doses that had little or no rate-decreasing effects, whereas d-amphetamine generally increased percent errors only at doses that substantially decreased overall rate. At high doses, all three drugs produced greater disruption of chain performance than of fixed-ratio performance, as indicated by a slower return to control responding, although the effects of d-amphetamine were less selective than those of phencyclidine or pentobarbital.  相似文献   

The contribution of an added counter to a fixed-ratio schedule   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Although previous research showed that a visual counter increased the rate of responding on a large fixed-ratio schedule, a theoretical analysis of the factors responsible for fixed-ratio performance suggests that the primary control by number of responses since reinforcement is to weaken the performance. The present experiment employed a multiple schedule in which the same fixed-ratio value alternated with and without an added counter. It tested the hypothesis that the differential reinforcement of high-rate responding masked the attenuation of the fixed-ratio performance from the unoptimal discriminative control produced by the fixed relation between number of responses and reinforcement. In the present experiment the postreinforcement pause was consistently longer in the components with the added counter, while running rates remained comparable between the components of the multiple schedule. Both components of the multiple schedule involved differential reinforcement of high-rate responding while only the components with the added counter amplified the discriminative control by number of pecks since reinforcement.  相似文献   

Fixed-ratio behavior of monkeys was analyzed separately for two hands. While one hand responded on the fixed-ratio schedule the other performed a holding response and the function of the hands changed in alternate ratio runs. After performance was stable on the fixed ratio (70 responses, two monkeys; 100 responses, two monkeys, 120 responses, two monkeys) 90 sessions of further training equalized post-reinforcement pauses and the mean interresponse time of the two hands. Hand preference in reaching for food remained unchanged. Then, the fixed-ratio requirement was changed (a) in small sequential steps, (b) in two large steps, and, (c) within sessions alternating two runs at a high ratio with two runs at a low ratio. The mean duration of post-reinforcement pauses was correlated with a fixed ratio maintained throughout a session but single pauses were neither controlled by the immediately preceding nor by the following ratio run when a cue to its length was available. The mean interresponse time was insensitive to changes in fixed ratio. The fixed-ratio performance was generally similar to that of pigeons and rats.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to peck a key under a multiple fixed-ratio 25 fixed-ratio 175 schedule of food presentation. In the first condition, either a mirror or the opportunity to produce a 30-second timeout were available. In a second condition, mirror and timeout availability were reversed for the two groups. Following a return to the initial condition, mirror and timeout keys were presented together for all birds. Mirror and timeout responses occurred predominantly in the pause in the larger fixed-ratio component, regardless of whether the opportunities for the two responses were available singly or together. Mirror responding occurred in a greater proportion of the pauses than did timeouts. When the opportunities for both mirror pecking and timeout were available concurrently, they occurred with probabilities similar to those under the single conditions. Within the pause itself, mirror responses most frequently occurred immediately after reinforcement. Timeouts occurred most frequently toward the end of the pause, and some timeouts occurred in the early part of the run. Longer preratio pausing occurred in the larger fixed-ratio component in the conditions in which the mirror was present, whether or not any mirror pecks were recorded.  相似文献   

Key pecking by three pigeons was maintained under a multiple fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedule of food presentation. The fixed-interval value remained at 3 minutes, while the fixed-ratio size was increased systematically in 30-response increments from 30 to either 120 (two pigeons) or 150 (one pigeon). At least two lower fixed-ratio values were also redetermined. The effects of ethanol (5 to 2.5 g/kg) were assessed at each of the different schedule parameters. Both overall and running response rates under the fixed-ratio schedule decreased with increases in the size of the fixed-ratio schedule; pause duration under the fixed-ratio schedule was directly related to increases in fixed-ratio size. Overall and running rates of responding under the fixed-interval schedule changed little with increases in the size of the fixed-ratio schedule. Despite the relative invariance of fixed-interval responding across the different fixed-ratio values, the effects of ethanol on responding under the fixed-interval schedule differed depending on the size of the fixed-ratio schedule. Greater increases occurred in both overall and in lower local rates of responding under the fixed-interval schedule when the fixed-ratio value was 120 or 150. The effects of ethanol on responding under the fixed-ratio schedule also depended on the size of the fixed ratio. Increases in responding under the fixed-ratio schedule were typically greater at the higher fixed-ratio values where response rates were lower. When the effects of ethanol were redetermined at the lower fixed-ratio parameter values, rates and patterns of responding were comparable to those obtained initially. However, the dose-effect curves for responding under both fixed-ratio and fixed-interval schedules were shifted up and to the right of those determined during the ascending series. The effects of ethanol can depend on rate or responding, behavioral history, and the context in which behavior occurs.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a fixed‐ratio (FR) escalation procedure, developed by Pinkston and Branch (2004) and based on interresponse times (IRTs), was assessed during lever‐press acquisition. Forty‐nine experimentally naïve adult male Long Evans rats were deprived of food for 24 hr prior to an extended acquisition session. Before the start of the session, three food pellets were placed in the magazine. Otherwise, no magazine training, shaping, nor autoshaping procedure was employed. The first 20 presses each resulted in the delivery of a 45‐mg food pellet. Then, the FR increased (2, 4, 8, 11, 16, 20, 25, 30) when each IRT in the ratio was less than 2 s during three consecutive ratios. Sessions lasted 13 hr or until 500 pellets were earned. On average, rats reached a terminal ratio of 11 (mean) or 16 (median) during the first session. Seven rats reached the maximum value of FR 30 and only one rat did not acquire the response. In most rats, a break‐and‐run pattern of responding characteristic of FR schedules began to develop in this acquisition session. Subsequently, the ratio‐escalation procedure continued during daily 2‐hr sessions. In these sessions, the starting ratio requirement was set at the terminal ratio reached in the previous session. Using this procedure, over half (26) of the rats reached the FR 30 requirement by the fourth session. These data demonstrate that a ratio‐escalation procedure based on IRTs provides a time‐efficient way of establishing ratio responding.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to key peck for food on multiple reinforcement schedules including components of continuous and fixed-ratio reinforcement and extinction. At the end of the chamber opposite the response key was a restrained target pigeon. The target restraining equipment was designed to record automatically blows struck against the target. When the experimental pigeons were paired with restrained target pigeons they attacked the target. Attack occurred during extinction after both continuous and fixed-ratio reinforcement. Attack also occurred occasionally during fixed-ratio 25 and fixed-ratio 40 and frequently during fixed-ratio 60 and fixed-ratio 120. No attack occurred during fixed-ratio 15 and continuous reinforcement. After a history of stable responding without a target bird present, the introduction of a target bird resulted in severely strained key-peck responding characterized by long periods of neither key pecking nor aggressing.  相似文献   

Key pecking of three pigeons was studied under a conjunctive schedule that specified both a fixed-interval and an adjusting fixed-ratio requirement. The fixed-interval schedule was 6 min for one pigeon and 3 min for the other two. The size of the ratio requirement was determined within each cycle of the fixed interval by the duration of the pause before responding began. The fixed-ratio value was at maximum at the start of each fixed interval and decreased linearly until the first response occurred (adjusting fixed-ratio schedule). A peck produced food when the number of responses remaining on the fixed-ratio schedule was completed and when the fixed interval had elapsed. If no response occurred during the interval, the fixed-ratio requirement decreased to one and a single response after the interval elapsed produced food. The initial value of the adjusting fixed-ratio schedule was studied over a range of 0 to 900. Increases in the adjusting fixed-ratio schedule to about 300 responses increased both pause duration and running response rate and also modified the pattern of responding from that obtained under the fixed-interval schedule. Higher values of the adjusting fixed ratio generally decreased pause duration and running response rate and also disrupted responding. Interreinforcement time under the conjunctive schedule was increased substantially when the adjusting fixed-ratio size exceeded 300 responses.  相似文献   

Effects of repeated administration of cocaine to animals behaving under operant contingencies have depended on when the drug is given. Moderate doses given presession have generally led to a decrease in the drug's effect, an outcome usually referred to as tolerance. When these same doses have been given after sessions, the usual result has been no change or an increase in the drug's effects, with the latter usually referred to as sensitization. In the present study, repeated postsession administration of a relatively small dose of cocaine (3.0 or 5.6 mg/kg) to pigeons responding under a multiple fixed-ratio 5, fixed-ratio 100 schedule of food presentation generally resulted in tolerance to the rate-decreasing effects of the drug. When the same dose was given before sessions, little additional tolerance was observed, although some subjects showed further tolerance in the small-ratio component. A regimen of repeated postsession injection of larger (10.0-23.0 mg/kg) doses suppressed key pecking during the session; responding resumed following discontinuation of postsession administrations. Effects of postsession administration of cocaine, therefore, depended on the dose, with smaller doses leading to tolerance and larger ones to suppression of behavior during the session. Effects of postsession drug administration of either small or large doses were not related to whether effects of postsession drug were experienced mainly in the operant test chamber or in the pigeon's home cage. The results with large postsession doses are compatible with a view that the drug acted as a Pavlovian unconditional stimulus, with the session-related stimuli acting as a long-duration Pavlovian conditional stimulus. Tolerance following postsession administration of the smaller doses challenges the view that it depended on experiencing the drug's effects while the arranged reinforcement contingencies were in effect.  相似文献   

The termination of a schedule complex, comprising a stimulus in the presence of which brief presentations of electric shocks are scheduled, is a reinforcer. Conditions were studied under which schedule-controlled patterns of responding characteristic of fixed-interval, fixed-ratio, and multiple fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedules can be maintained in the squirrel monkey by terminating a schedule complex. The schedule of shock presentation was a critical determinant of the patterns of responding, especially under fixed-interval schedules of termination. The rates and patterns of responding under various schedules of termination of schedule complexes were generally akin to those maintained under comparable schedules of food presentation. The findings suggest a general similarity in the dynamic aspects of performances under schedules of schedule-complex termination and comparable schedules of food presentation. The schedule of reinforcement is more important than the nature of the reinforcer in the control of behavior.  相似文献   

The distribution of observing responses in a mixed FI-FR schedule,   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In Exp I, three pigeons were trained on an observing response procedure where observing responses produced a stimulus correlated either with FI or with FR. Stimulus duration was 30 sec. During FR, the subjects completed the ratio before the stimulus terminated. During FI, the subjects usually observed the stimulus only once. Observing responses occurred immediately after food reinforcement. In Exp II, stimulus duration was shortened to 5 sec and the FR for food was increased. The results were similar to those of Exp 1. During most FIs and FRs, only one observing response occurred. The results of both experiments could be interpreted in a response competition framework. Immediately after food reinforcement, observing behavior is strong. When behavior on the food key begins it competes with further observing behavior.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to a procedure under which five pecks on one response key (the observing key) changed the schedule on a second key (the food key) from a mixed schedule to a multiple schedule for 25 sec. In Experiment I, a random-ratio 50 schedule alternated with extinction. The duration of the random-ratio 50 schedule component was varied between 1.25 and 320 sec, and extinction was scheduled for a varying time, ranging from the duration of the random-ratio 50 to four times that value. Each set of values was scheduled for a block of sessions. Before observing-key pecks were allowed at each set of parameter values, the pigeons were exposed to a condition where the mixed and multiple schedule alternated every 10 min, and observing-key pecks were not permitted. Rates of pecking on the observing key were high for all values of random-ratio component durations except 1.25 sec. Experiment II was conducted with the random-ratio component duration equal to 40 sec, and the random-ratio schedule was varied from random-ratio 50 to 100, 200, and 400. Observing-key pecking rates were high for all values of the random-ratio schedule except random-ratio 400. In both experiments, observing response rates were relatively little affected, suggesting that neither schedule component duration nor schedule value is a strong determinant of observing responses.  相似文献   

A discrimination was established between two fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement. In one, fixed ratio 25, the reinforcer was delivered on the twenty-fifth response; on the other, fixed ratio 50, the fiftieth response was reinforced. In the first component of a chain, either fixed ratio 25 or fixed ratio 50 was randomly programmed on the center key of a three-key pigeon box. Reinforcement of a single peck on the side key was contingent upon discriminating which schedule had just been completed on the center key. During test trials, a timeout was introduced after the first response on fixed ratio 25 and after either the first or twenty sixth response on fixed ratio 50. When the timeout followed the first response on fixed ratio 25 and fixed ratio 50, the accuracy of the discrimination was unaffected. When the timeout followed the first response on fixed ratio 25 and the twenty sixth response on fixed ratio 50, the accuracy of the discrimination decreased rapidly to chance as a function of the duration of the timeout. The loss of discrimination was primarily due to errors after fixed ratio 50 was completed. The timeout appears to weaken the control over the choice response by the response-produced stimuli which preceded the timeout. The results are consistent with the interpretation that the discrimination between fixed ratio 25 and fixed ratio 50 is maintained by chaining of response-produced stimuli within the ratio cycle.  相似文献   

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