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The validity of the Treatment Motivation Scales for outpatient offender treatment (TMS-F), a self-report questionnaire with scales for the motivation of patients to engage in the treatment and six cognitive and emotional determinants of this motivation, is evaluated in two studies. In Study 1 (N = 620), the construct validity of the TMS-F is investigated applying a multitrait-multimethod design with a therapist-rating instrument as the criterion method. All scales were found to have adequate convergent validity and acceptable discriminant validity. In Study 2 (N = 328), the criterion validity of the TMS-F is addressed. Applying covariance structure analysis, the instrument is found to predict therapist ratings of the treatment engagement of patients to a substantial degree. Treatment engagement is best predicted by the scales for Motivation to Engage in the Treatment and Perception of the Suitability of the Treatment and not by the scales for Distress and the Perceived Legal Pressure.  相似文献   

Understanding parenting risk and protective factors can help clinicians and researchers to develop effective family interventions. To have knowledge of these risk and protective factors, validated assessment tools are required. Validation studies for parenting measures with Indonesian parents are lacking, despite the need for access to parenting interventions among Indonesian families. This study aimed to validate the Parenting and Family Adjustment Scales (PAFAS), a brief parenting and family adjustment measure developed in Australia that has been validated with Panamanian and Chinese parents. A sample of 210 Indonesian parents with children aged 2–12 years old completed the Indonesian version of the PAFAS and Child Adjustment and Parent Efficacy Scale (CAPES). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were used for analyses. CFA resulted a four-factor PAFAS Parenting scale (15 items) and three-factor PAFAS Family adjustment scale (8 items). SEM analyses with PAFAS and CAPES revealed a good fit of the model of relationships between parent, family and child constructs to the data. The internal consistencies of PAFAS were good or acceptable, with the exception of Parental consistency. Overall, PAFAS had satisfactory psychometric properties. It is a promising measure that can potentially be used to study parenting risk and protective factors among Indonesian families. Item improvement and further validation with more diverse samples are suggested.  相似文献   

The reflective function (RF) or mentalization is nowadays considered a concept with a great explanatory and therapeutic potential. In this article we present the adaptation and validation of Parent Development Interview-Revised (PDI-R) to the Spanish and Catalan languages. It was performed by a cross-sectional design with a non-clinical sample of 61 Spanish and Catalan speaking mothers of under five mentally healthy children. The same sample responded to an Adult Attachment Questionnaire and to the Child Behavior Check List. The construct hypothesis based on attachment theory and mentalization research, expected a positive correlation between the parental RF level and adult attachment. Other hypothesis did not predict significant differences in the results of the two subsamples depending on sociodemographic characteristics. The results do confirm the hypothesis considered in a concordance way with the literature. The discussion provides some qualitative analysis closer to what is expected of the PDI-R’s clinical uses as a frame to work with parents. This study represents the PDI-R’s introduction in the Spanish and Catalan speaking population over the world. We think it opens the door to further research assessing the parental RF with Spanish speaking parents’ samples as well as to guide the clinical work with them.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2019,64(4):315-330
The aim of this study was to propose a French Validation of the Competitive Aggressiveness and Anger Scale (FVCAAS). The instrument was developed from the original version, which is composed of two subscales (six items by subscales) assessing aggressiveness and anger in competitive athletes (CAAS, Maxwell & Moores, 2007). Four studies have been conducted with 1428 competitors. In the first study, the exploratory factor analysis extracted the two-factor structure from the original version, both with good internal consistency. The second study confirmed that the two-factor structure of the instrument was consistent with the original version and showed its partial invariance across genders. The third study demonstrated the temporal stability of the FVCAAS. In the fourth study, both concurrent and discriminant validities were confirmed, supporting the validity and reliability of the FVCAAS. The contributions of this study and limitations are discussed, together with perspectives for future studies of aggressiveness in competitive sports.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the relationship between specific child responses on the Behavioral Assertiveness Test for Children (BAT-C) and sociometric indices obtained from peers. Fourth and fifth graders completed peer nominations of their best friends and the children they most admired, peer ratings of likeability, and the BAT-C. Sociometric status was determined by classifying each child as either high or low on peer nominations and peer ratings. Examination of the effects of sociometric status as moderated by race and sex revealed several significant differences in BAT-C responses. Children who were more highly liked or were often named as best friends were significantly less compliant. Differential responding on several additional verbal categories was observed as a function of the interaction between sociometric status and race and/or sex. These findings not only demonstrate the validity of several response categories observed on the BAT-C, but also suggest that in social skills training, different component responses may be targeted across child populations.The authors wish to express their appreciation to Jean Birbilis, Candace Conley, Tony Genoff, Marieta Knopf, and Donna Wadley for their assistance in data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

This article presents large‐sample developmental and validation research for a set of research scales of an existing 360‐degree personality measure, the LMAP 360 (Leadership Multi‐rater Assessment of Personality). In Study 1 (N = 1,771), we identified 6 broad domains underlying LMAP item clusters: Neuroticism, Dominance, Enthusiasm, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. Scales measuring these broad domains and their constituent facets showed strong internal consistency, inter‐rater reliability, and self‐informant correlations. In Study 2 (N = 729 and N = 694), we examined LMAP research scales’ convergent and discriminant validity against three well‐validated personality inventories (Goldberg's adjectives, the Big Five Inventory, and the Big Five Aspects Scales) and one measure of cognitive ability (the International Cognitive Ability Resource). LMAP research scales correlated strongly with corresponding scales from other inventories and were distinct from cognitive ability.  相似文献   

To date, research on storm phobia has been limited by a lack of validated self-report measures for evaluating the severity of anxiety, phobic avoidance, and distress associated with storms and severe weather. The current research presents the development and validation of the Storm Fear Questionnaire (SFQ), a 15-item self-report questionnaire that assesses the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspects thought to be associated with Storm Phobia in adults. Three studies were conducted to assess 1) the factor structure, internal consistency, and convergent and discriminant validity of the SFQ, 2) the test-retest reliability of the SFQ, 3) the extent that scores on the SFQ were associated with subjective anxiety ratings during a Behavioral Approach Test (BAT) involving exposure to a virtual thunderstorm, and the extent to which SFQ scores distinguished community participants with versus without a fear of storms. Exploratory factor analyses supported a one-factor model with good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α?=?.95), good convergent and discriminant validity with self-report measures of anxiety, worry, depression, and other specific phobias, and acceptable test-retest reliability. Moreover, there was a significant positive association between SFQ scores and anxiety ratings following the BAT involving exposure to a virtual thunderstorm and participants with a high fear of storms reported significantly higher SFQ scores than those with a low fear of storms. In sum, the SFQ has good psychometric properties and appears to be a valuable tool for assessing the severity of fear associated with storms and severe weather. Research evaluating the diagnostic and clinical utility of the SFQ is still needed.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the new German versions of the Driver Skill Inventory (DSI) and the Driver Social Desirability Scales (DSDS) were examined. The DSI is a self-report measure assessing perceptual-motor skills and the safety motive as two important aspects of driving behavior. Self-report measures, however, are susceptible to socially desirable responding (SDR) which is why both general and specific driving-related SDR scales have been developed: Based on the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR), the DSDS taps Driver Impression Management and Driver Self-Deception as two important aspects of SDR. In two validation studies with less experienced (N = 130) and experienced drivers (N = 1199), both inventories showed the expected two-factor structure and satisfactory internal consistency. In Study 1, self-ratings were compared with and confirmed by peer-ratings. In both studies, we accumulated evidence of convergent and discriminant validity for the German version of the DSI by correlating it with demographic, driving-specific, and personality measures, including the Big Five, Type A behavior, and sensation seeking. The DSI seemed to be only marginally contaminated by SDR.  相似文献   

This article explores the reception of Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi in France in light of the many and diverse reactions his books and lectures engendered at major conferences and meetings. It describes how the American scholar became one of the leading figures among French intellectuals after the first translation of his book Zakhor in 1984 and his first lecture at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in 1987, which resulted in a series of annual lectures over the next ten years. Following the readings of Jacques Derrida, Paul Ric?ur, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, and François Furet, among other intellectuals, the eminent standing achieved by Yerushalmi coincided with a special “moment.” At a time when doubt was cast on the testimonies of living witnesses and when the words of Holocaust deniers and of members of the French Resistance were treated on equal terms, the politics of memory challenged the status of history and historians. This paper aims to recover the atmosphere of these past decades and to elucidate how Yerushalmi’s name has become inseparable from the issues linked with the debates about history and memory.  相似文献   

Counterproductive strategies of mental control are assumed to contribute to excessive cognitive activity, thereby exacerbating sleep disturbances. The present study examined the psychometric properties of a French version of the thought control questionnaire-insomnia revised (TCQI-R; Ree, M.J., Harvey, A.G., Blake, R., Tang, N.K.Y., Shawe-Taylor, M., 2005. Attempts to control unwanted thoughts in the night: development of the thought control questionnaire-insomnia revised (TCQI-R). Behaviour Research and Therapy 43, 985–998.), a new instrument designed to capture different strategies of thought management that people use when trying to fall asleep. Analysis of the responses of 298 adults replicated the six-factor solution involving aggressive suppression, behavioral distraction, cognitive distraction, reappraisal, social avoidance, and worry. The corresponding subscales showed sound internal consistency. Further, all thought control strategies correlated significantly with some facets of insomnia, with aggressive suppression and worry being most strongly related to sleep disturbances. These findings suggest that the French TCQI-R constitutes a valuable instrument for investigating the implications of mental control in insomnia.  相似文献   

A growing body of international research employing psychological type theory within the context of congregation studies has drawn attention to the way in which churches draw larger numbers of feeling types than thinking types (among both men and women). These studies have focused on adult churchgoers. The present study extends this field of research among 1630 Canadian Baptist youth attending church-based summer youth programmes (aged 12 to 19 years) who completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales for Adolescents. In this new study, 87 % of male youth and 93 % of female youth preferred feeling. The implications of these findings are assessed for the ministry of the Church among thinking types.  相似文献   

The validity of the 34-item and shortened versions of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) has been evaluated in various languages. To date, only the validity of the 34-item French BSQ scale has been tested in a nonclinical sample. This study assessed the reliability and validity of the 34-item French BSQ and 7 shortened versions in clinical and nonclinical samples. The 34-item French BSQ was administered to 159 obese women with and without binge eating disorders and to 1,169 female undergraduate students. The results suggested that the BSQ–8B was the best French BSQ to use in nonclinical and clinical samples.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to examine the comparability of constructs assessed by English and French versions of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The differences in constructs observed in our analyses indicate serious limitations of using TIMSS results for making comparisons that use overall performance in mathematics and science. In particular, large differences between constructs were observed between the U.S. and French scales. Such limitations include rank ordering of performance of countries such as the United States and France, as well as conducting research using TIMSS data to compare factors associated with performance. The results from this study point to differences in constructs assessed by TIMSS in different countries and the importance of empirical evidence to support construct comparability before TIMSS results can be meaningfully used for research.  相似文献   

Only recently has research explored patterns in the nature of violence within and across communities. Recent reports highlight the importance of both the individual characteristics and contextual environments of violent offenders, especially youth offenders. The current study examines the effects of both individual- and contextual-level characteristics on the nature of violence committed by youths as compared to adults. Specifically, we merge incident data from the National Incident Based Reporting System with contextual data on the cities in which the incidents occurred. We then use hierarchical linear modeling techniques to explore variations in predictors of offender gun use and victim injury.  相似文献   

IntroductionBecause changing personal beliefs about treatment could help improve adherence, having a validated tool for identifying these beliefs is important.ObjectiveThis study sought to validate the French version of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ-f©).MethodData were gathered among 253 patients with type 2 diabetes and 123 HIV patients with the help of self-reported questionnaires, including the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire, a French adherence assessment, and some demographic variables.ResultsConfirmatory factor analyses show the French version of the BMQ has the same factorial structure as the English original in both diabetes and HIV samples. All items load on their expected factor namely specific-necessity, specific-concern, general-harm, and general-overuse. Moreover, each scale revealed good internal consistency and retained the psychometric qualities of the original version. These satisfactory properties were consolidated by predictive validity data that demonstrate the impact of treatment beliefs on adherence levels.ConclusionFindings are discussed in light of previous diabetes and HIV studies. The French BMQ proved to be a good way of quickly identifying inaccurate beliefs about treatment. It could be a useful tool in French clinical practice, such as in patient education.  相似文献   

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