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This study assessed emotional and speech-language contributions to childhood stuttering. A dual diathesis-stressor framework guided this study, in which both linguistic requirements and skills, and emotion and its regulation, are hypothesized to contribute to stuttering. The language diathesis consists of expressive and receptive language skills. The emotion diathesis consists of proclivities to emotional reactivity and regulation of emotion, and the emotion stressor consists of experimentally manipulated emotional inductions prior to narrative speaking tasks. Preschool-age children who do and do not stutter were exposed to three emotion-producing overheard conversations—neutral, positive, and angry. Emotion and emotion-regulatory behaviors were coded while participants listened to each conversation and while telling a story after each overheard conversation. Instances of stuttering during each story were counted. Although there was no main effect of conversation type, results indicated that stuttering in preschool-age children is influenced by emotion and language diatheses, as well as coping strategies and situational emotional stressors. Findings support the dual diathesis-stressor model of stuttering.  相似文献   

Alexithymia is an important concept in both psychosomatic medicine and emotion research. A valid instrument for the assessment of alexithymia is the Levels Of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS; English version by R. Lane, German version by C. Subic-Wrana). Subjects are asked to evaluate in their own words the emotional content of briefly depicted interpersonal situations. Wide use of the LEAS has so far been hampered by a relatively complex evaluation procedure of answers that could not easily be automated. This was the motivation to create a digital version of the LEAS that allows subjects to give their answers directly to the computer and evaluates them automatically (LEAS-C). A custom-made algorithm for text analysis assesses the level of emotional awareness of each answer based on a valid glossary of emotionally relevant words. First data of the application of the LEAS-C in a sample of 187 healthy subjects are reported here. With its high interrater reliability (r=0.86–0.90) compared with human raters, the LEAS-C can be considered a reliable means of assessing alexithymia.  相似文献   

The present study examines the contributions of (1) parental socialization of emotion and preschoolers' emotional interaction with parents to their emotional competence, and (2) parental socialization and child emotional competence to their general social competence. Both observational and self-report techniques were used to measure emotion socialization, emotional competence, and social competence of preschoolers (average age = 49.8 months) from 60 middle-socioeconomic-status families. Data were collected in both classroom and home settings. In general, the results suggest that parental modeling of expressive styles and emotional responsiveness to child emotions are important predictors of preschoolers' emotional competence and their overall social competence. Children whose parents were more affectively positive tended to display more positive emotion with peers, whereas children whose parents were more negative appeared less socially competent in the preschool. Parents who were better coaches of their children's emotions had children who understood emotions better. Age and sex moderated several of the study's key findings. The results are consistent with earlier research indicating that parental socialization of emotion impacts the child's emotional and social functioning both at home and in the preschool.  相似文献   

Guided by the idea that alexithymia and other psychopathological phenomena are connected with decreased sensitivity to internal emotional states, Lane and Schwartz (1987) presented a cognitive-developmental theory describing different “Levels of Emotional Awareness”. In 1990, Lane et al. developed a performance measure to identify different states of sensivity to internal emotional states, the “Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale” (LEAS). Subjects are asked to describe anticipated own feelings and those of another person in 20 scenes in a short written answer. We present the results of a study using the German version of the LEAS, the 20-item-version of the Toronto Alexithymia-Scale (TAS 20) and the state-version of the State-Anxiety-Inventory (STAI) on 338 Students of medicine of the Cologne university. The study is discussed with regard to a similar study conducted in the USA (Lane et al. 1996). Theoretical background and psychometric charateristics of the LEAS are related to actual trends in research on alexithymia.  相似文献   

情绪觉察作为情绪智力的重要基础,指的是识别与描述自己和他人情绪的能力,对个体的心理健康,人际交往具有重要意义。为系统考察情绪觉察的研究现状,采用定性和定量相结合的方式回顾以往研究,即先采用文献计量学的方法定量分析该领域研究的概况,然后在此基础上,对研究的具体内容从概念界定、测量工具、神经基础、相关因素和干预研究五个方面作进一步系统梳理。最后,对以往研究进行了总结和展望,以期为今后研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS; Lane, Quinlan, Schwartz, Walker, & Zeitlan, 1990) is the most commonly used measure of differentiation and complexity in the use of emotion words and is associated with important clinical outcomes. Hand scoring the LEAS is time consuming. Existing programs for scoring open-ended responses cannot mimic LEAS hand scoring. Therefore, Leaf and Barchard (2006) developed the Program for Open-Ended Scoring (POES) to score the LEAS. In this article, we report a study in which the reliability and validity of POES scoring were examined. In the study, we used three participant types (adult community members, university students, children), three LEAS versions (paper based, computer based, and the LEAS for children), and a diverse set of criterion variables. Across this variety of conditions, the four POES scoring methods had internal consistencies and validities that were comparable to hand scoring, indicating that POES scoring can be used in clinical practice and other applied settings in which hand scoring is impractical.  相似文献   

The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS) is a performance‐based measure of emotional awareness. This study examined whether the LEAS is suitable to be administered orally by administering two half‐forms of the LEAS to literate participants; one orally and one in written format. In doing so, this study raised questions regarding the internal reliability and statistical equivalence of the LEAS half‐forms. Despite this, results showed no significant difference between oral and written administration. Further, the correlation between scores obtained through oral and written administration was no less than the correlation between the LEAS‐A and LEAS‐B half‐forms. Together, these results suggest that, in circumstances where administering the written format of the LEAS is not possible, this scale may be administered orally.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if a developmental order exists in the metalinguistic ability of children to make judgments about the form of language while simultaneously attending to a meaningful linguistic context. The stimulus material consisted of a short story into which 20 nonsense lexical items had been substituted. The 20 stimuli were comprised of phonotactically illegal and legal sequences of phonemes. In addition, the lexical items had been positioned to replace either structure or content words within the story. The participants were 90 Caucasian children who were divided into nine age groupings from 4;0 to 12;11. Baseline data were obtained from 10 adults. All subjects were required to respond to the audio-recorded stimuli by pressing a button whenever a nonsense item was perceived. The data were analyzed for both number of correct responses and reaction times. Results revealed a major shift in metalanguage ability occurring between 7 and 8 years of age. The 8- to 12-year-olds responded correctly to more items and at significantly faster rates than the 4- to 7-year-olds. The adults outperformed the children on all tasks, showing that metalanguage development continues beyond childhood.  相似文献   

A sample of 170 college freshman completed assessments related to emotional awareness, sexual values, and levels of sexual activity. There was a significant relationship between sexual values and sexual activity. Abstinence values appear to be important in the decision to engage in sexual activity.  相似文献   

采用修订的情绪觉察水平量表(LEAS)对315名职前教师进行调查,并从中筛选出高、低情绪觉察能力组被试各60人,分别完成情绪面孔Stroop任务(研究1)和情绪词Stroop任务(研究2)。(1)研究1的正确率上,中性面孔最高,愉快面孔次之,悲伤面孔最差;反应时上,悲伤面孔最长,愉快面孔次之,中性面孔最短;高分组仅在愉快和中性面孔上的反应时长于低分组;消极面孔的干扰效应高于积极面孔的干扰效应。(2)研究2的反应时上,消极词的反应时最长,显著长于中性和积极词;高分组仅在积极词和中性词上的反应时长于低分组,且高分组在积极词上的干扰效应高于低分组。研究结果表明与中性刺激相比,高低情绪觉察能力组均对情绪刺激产生了注意偏向,尤其是负性情绪刺激;与低情绪觉察能力组相比,高情绪觉察能力职前教师不仅对消极情绪信息产生注意偏向,还对积极情绪信息产生注意偏向。  相似文献   

Conway  Michael 《Sex roles》2000,43(9-10):687-698
The hypothesis was that individuals higher in femininity and lower in masculinity would evidence more complex representations of the emotions they and others might experience in a range of evocative situations. Participants initially completed the short form of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI-SF; S. Bem L. 1981). Approximately 2 months later, they completed an abridged Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS; R. D. Lane, D. M. Quinlan, G. E. Schwartz, P. A. Walker, & S. B. Zeitlin, 1990), which consists of describing, in an open-ended format, the emotional reactions another and oneself may experience in various scenes. Responses to the LEAS are scored for degree of complexity. As expected, higher masculinity was associated with lower complexity in representations of one's own and others' emotions. However, no relation was found between femininity and complexity of representation.  相似文献   


This study examined the association between parents' emotional accessibility and youth's functioning. Participants included 154 parents who completed measures of parental emotional accessibility and their children's emotional and behavioral problems. Results showed that mothers are more emotionally accessible to their children. Mothers' emotional accessibility was associated negatively with youth's emotional and behavioral problems; whereas, fathers' emotional accessibility was associated with only youth's behavioral problems. This study highlights the importance of examining parental emotional accessibility when studying youth's development, utilizing parental perceptions to learn about youth and family functioning, and actively including fathers in family research studies.  相似文献   

The authors examined the contributions of emotional intelligence (EI) on burnout in addiction counselors. Results indicated that EI may act as a buffer against burnout, mitigating the impact of addiction counselor burnout. Recommendations are given for counselors, supervisors, and counselor training.  相似文献   

A seven-paradigm developmental model of social science is presented (behaviorism, gestalt sociologism, empirical positivism, multi-method eclecticism, postmodern interpretivism, cooperative ecological inquiry, and developmental action inquiry). Charles Alexander's research is interpreted as bridging aspects of several paradigms, using third-person empirical positivist experiments to demonstrate the effects of a first-person research/practice called Transcendental Meditiation. The author suggests the possibility of complementing current research on TM with explicit double- and triple-loop research on the second- and third-person practices within the TM movement.  相似文献   


Using a theory of emotional understanding, the basis for distinguishing among happiness, anger, and sadness was investigated. Three and six-year-old children and adults predicted and explained people's emotional responses to different types of events. The events varied as to whether a person's goal was to attain or to avoid a state, whether the goal was achieved or not, who or what was responsible for success or failure, and whether the outcome was intentional or accidental. For all groups, the attainment and maintenance of goals was the primary focus of explanations for emotions and for the plans that followed emotions. A distinct set of features was used to infer and explain happiness as opposed to anger and sadness. Happiness was elicited by goal success and was followed by plans to maintain or enjoy current goal states. Anger and sadness were elicited by goal failure and were followed by plans to reinstate, replace, or forfeit goals. Anger occurred more frequently than sadness when an aversive rather than a loss state occurred, when an animate agent rather than a natural event caused a negative outcome, and when attention was focused on the cause rather than the consequence of goal failure. Two dimensions associated with anger changed as a function of age. First grade children, and adults were more likely than preschool children to predict anger in response to intentional harm, and their explanations for anger were more likely to refer to the agent or cause of goal failure. For all age groups, however, the majority of subjects responded to aversive situations with anger responses, independent of the causal conditions that produced the aversive state. The results therefore indicate that anger can be produced without intentional harm, but that intentional harm becomes an important dimension in attributing anger, especially as a function of development.  相似文献   

情绪智力研究的现状及发展趋势   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李国瑞  何小蕾 《心理科学》2003,26(5):917-918
自从 1990年心理学家梅耶和萨拉维 (Mayer&Salovey)首次提出“情绪智力”的概念后 ,情绪智力的研究受到广泛重视 ,其重点是情绪智力理论模型和量表的开发研究。至今已有 7本情绪智力专著出版 ,情绪智力量表已有近十个版本。本文简要介绍目前占主导地位的情绪智力模型以及基于这些模型所开发的情绪智力量表。1 “情绪智力”模型1.1 梅耶和萨拉维 (Mayer&Salovey) 1990模型1990年梅耶和萨拉维首次提出“情绪智力”的概念 ,指出情绪智力应包括区分和调节自己与他人的情绪 ,以及运用情绪信息引导思维的能力。其中区分自己与他人的情绪包括两…  相似文献   

The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS; Lane, Quinlan, Schwartz, Walker, &; Zeitlin, 1990 Lane, R. D., Quinlan, D. M., Schwartz, G. E., Walker, P. A., &; Zeitlin, S. B. (1990). The Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale: A cognitive-developmental measure of emotion. Journal of Personality Assessment, 55, 124134. doi:10.1207/s15327752jpa5501&;2_12[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is an open-ended measure of the ability to describe emotional reactions. Scoring the LEAS by hand is complex and time consuming (Barchard, Bajgar, Leaf, &; Lane, 2010 Barchard, K. A., Bajgar, J., Leaf, D. E., &; Lane, R. D. (2010). Computer scoring of the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 586595. doi:10.3758/BRM.42.2.586[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Therefore, Program for Open-Ended Scoring (POES; Leaf &; Barchard, 2010 Leaf, D. E., &; Barchard, K. A. (2010). Program for Open-Ended Scoring [POES] version 1.4.1 [Unpublished program]. Available from Kim Barchard, Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV, 891545030, kim.barchard@unlv.edu [Google Scholar]) was designed to score the LEAS quickly and easily. Using 268 undergraduates, this article compares traditional LEAS hand scoring to 6 POES methods, 2 of which are holistic methods that have never before been examined. Based on split-half reliability, correlations with measures of emotional and social intelligence, and partial correlations once response length and vocabulary were partialed out, we recommend 3 of the POES methods when testing nonclinical samples of young adults. Because POES scoring is fast and efficient, it allows more researchers and clinicians to use the LEAS, thus moving away from self-report measures of emotional awareness.  相似文献   

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