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In this paper the authors outline the basic principles of a manualized, brief psychodynamic approach that was evaluated as part of an outcome study within the National Health Service researching the effectiveness of two different forms of psychotherapy for major depression in childhood/adolescence: Focused Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Systems Integrative Family Therapy. As well as describing some of the difficulties encountered in short-term dynamic psychotherapy with adolescents, the authors present therapeutic work with two adolescents with major depressive disorder who were both seen as part of the research study. The authors depict some of the challenges and unavoidable difficulties which emerged during the therapy, arising from the needs of the research programme.  相似文献   

This study was part of the Erica Process and Outcome Study. The aim was to investigate if children's global functioning improves after psychodynamic psychotherapy. Variables that may predict changes in global functioning were examined both statistically and qualitatively, for example, the child's age and gender; diagnosis and comorbidity; treatment variables. The sample consisted of 33 children (five to 10 years of age) who participated in psychodynamic psychotherapy with parallel work with parents. Twenty-nine children had at least one DSM-IV diagnosis, and 15 children had comorbid conditions. At the start of psychotherapy, the most frequent diagnoses were attention disorder and disruptive behaviour. Child psychotherapists rated the children's global functioning using CGAS and HCAM. Large effect sizes were obtained (d = 1.80 and d = 1.98). However, no statistical correlations were found between global functioning and the selected variables. In order to illuminate the complex connection between process and outcome the study was complemented with in-depth case studies where data were taken from questionnaires, completed by the child therapists every third month. Two child therapies were selected: one in which the therapist rated a large change and one in which a small change was rated (CGAS). The analysis showed that important individual change, for example, attainment of formulated goals, was not always reflected in the change rated using the CGAS. Findings suggest that psychodynamic child psychotherapy can be beneficial. However, further research is needed to identify factors that contribute to change in children's global functioning.  相似文献   

In Victoria, Australia, children with a history of abuse and severe attachment difficulties, and who have experienced multiple carers and placements, have been traditionally viewed by mental health services as unsuitable for psychoanalytic psychotherapy. A number of factors, including the lack of integrated, long-term case planning; unstable residential placement; and the belief that psychotherapeutic treatment will be of an extended duration, have influenced the decision not to provide individual psychotherapy for these children. Currently, the movement within mental health services is towards responsive and briefer treatment models. The child psychotherapist is challenged to re-think theory, technique and practice. This paper identifies contextual constraints that have led to these children being precluded from accessing psychotherapy. An alternative model of intervention is discussed and illustrated with clinical material. The contributions of Alvarez, Trevarthen, Schore and other writers are drawn on to underpin the clinical work. This model involves a change in technique and role and the use of a time-limited intervention. Intrinsic to the model is the understanding of the child's psycho-biological experience of trauma and disrupted attachment. The child's experiences are conveyed in the pre-verbal, gestural domain to enable history to be given voice.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore how we might link ideas about clinical facts to current issues in child psychotherapy research. I consider what our understanding of clinical facts might contribute to our research methods and how our research methods might better represent the clinical facts. The paper introduces a selection of psychoanalytic writers' formulations of the concept and describes some of the debates about the shortcomings of the traditional style of case reporting. The importance of keeping emotional experience central in our research is discussed. I describe a research method that I believe has the potential to capture and describe some of the complicated processes of change in psychotherapy. This is the concept of the ‘turning point’ session. Introducing the paradigm of complexity theory, I briefly explore how we might think about and understand the relationship between processes revealed through detailed analysis of a single session and change over a longer period of therapy.  相似文献   

Metacognitive therapy (MCT) for depression is derived from the Wells and Matthews (1994) self‐regulatory model, in which a Cognitive‐Attentional Syndrome (CAS) is the cause of psychological disorders. MCT for depression focuses on identifying patients' CAS and helps them to stop it. The CAS consists of worry, rumination and dysfunctional coping strategies. The focus in MCT is on removing the CAS by challenging positive and negative metacognitive beliefs and eliminating dysfunctional behaviors. In this case series, MCT was delivered to four depressed Danes and treatment was evaluated in 5–11 sessions of up to one hour each. An A‐B design with follow‐up at 3 and 6 months was conducted and the primary outcome was Beck's Depression Inventory II (BDI‐II). We measured CAS processes with the Major depressive Disorder Scale (MDD‐S). The results of the case series showed clinically significant improvements in depressive symptoms, rumination and metacognitive beliefs and the effects were still present at follow‐up for all patients. The small number of patients and decreasing baselines observed in some cases limits the conclusions. However, the results suggest that this treatment is feasible and was associated with large improvements in symptoms when delivered away from its point of origin and in a Danish help‐seeking sample.  相似文献   

A single case study is presented of the successful application of focusing‐oriented therapy in the case of a Korean woman who migrated to Japan. The client had a host of problems related to the discrimination she faced from her own family and from Korean society for being female, as well as relationship and cultural difficulties in trying to adjust to married life in Japan. Through 10 sessions of focusing‐oriented therapy, the client was able to re‐examine her situation from a positive perspective and began to accept herself as a person, not necessarily as a woman or a Korean in Japan. Issues related to Korean women immigrants in Japan are explored and the related effectiveness of focusing‐oriented therapy for the particular population is discussed.  相似文献   

As a result of the programme of research into client‐centred therapy led by Carl Rogers, the humanistic therapies could claim, in the 1950s, to possess a comprehensive evidence base. Over the following decades, however, there was a marked decline in the productivity and influence of research into person‐centred and humanistic therapies. The present paper celebrates the publication of three books that mark a resurgence in research into these approaches, and comments on emerging themes and trends.  相似文献   

Case study can be adopted when aiming to understand an individual's lived experience. Such experience produces rich and complex qualitative data for analysis, conducive to counselling and psychotherapy research. Furthermore, grounded theory (GT) can be adopted to produce a theory from qualitative data, fitting well with case study research that explores complex experiences regarding social, psychological and phenomenological processes. This paper aims to guide the counselling researcher to incorporate Strauss and Corbin's model into the main arena of qualitative counselling research. In addition, this paper draws on a multiple case study that adopted Strauss and Corbin's method and identified various phases in the GT process. The aim is to inform the reader how to put the iterative process and pragmatic theoretical sampling into practice to produce a robust theory from clinical case study data.  相似文献   

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