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K olehmainen , K. Apparent size as a determiner of figural after-effects. II. Scand. J. Psychol . 1968, 9, 237—240.—A brightly illuminated circle (TF) was flashed at distance d . The subject projected the after-image of TF on a screen placed at distance d/2, and fixated the after-image, which appeared to be half the size of the stimulus figure. Then TF and a comparison circle (CF) of equal size were shown, faintly illuminated, at distance d . A clear-cut figural after-effect occurred TF was perceived to be larger. It is suggested that TF appeared dimmer after the fixation and was perceived to be farther away than CF. As a consequence of this TF looked larger.  相似文献   

K olehmainen , K. Apparent size as a determiner of figural after-effects. 111. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1969, 10 , 71–73.—Two rectangles were presented as an inspection figure in a gradient drawing, one appearing to be behind the fixation point and the other in front of it, because of the gradient effect. Test figures (circles) appeared to differ in size after inspection of this pattern. It is argued that this result supports the explanation suggested for the results of the earlier experiments in the present series (1968) that size-changes of the test figures in this kind of situation are connected with an after-effect in the third dimension.  相似文献   

K olehmainen , K. Apparent size as a determiner of figural after-effects. I. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1968, 9, 230–236.—Apparent size as a determiner of figural after-effects (FAE) was studied by presenting the inspection figures in drawings which appeared three-dimensional because of gradient-effects. Significant FAEs were found. It is argued that apparent size does not determine FAE directly but an apparent decrement in the size of the test figure is connected to an after-effect in third-dimension.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported. In the first, the influence of stimulus size on apparent weight, i.e., the size-weight illusion, was scaled. The relationship between heaviness and size could be described by a simple power function. In the second experiment it was demonstrated that the illusory weight differences give rise to aftereffects. The size of the after-effect increased monotonically with the amount of apparent weight difference.  相似文献   

D ureman , I. Factors influencing the apparent velocity of visual movement after-effects. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 132–136.—Estimates of speed of apparent visual movement after-effects (VMAE) were undertaken with induction speed varied in five logarithmic steps from 9° to 144° per second. Two alternative test intervals 0.5 and 1.0 sec were used for intermittent inspection of a stationary target. At both inspection intervals VMAE-velocity estimates were found to vary in a systematic way with induction speed. Comparing values from the two test intervals, the 0.5 sec interval was found to yield significantly higher speed of VMAE than the 1.0 sec interval.  相似文献   

B jörkman M. Feedforward and feedback as determiners of knowledge and policy: notes on a neglected issue. Scand. J. Psychol . 1972, 13 , 152–158.—Studies of cognitive learning should distinguish between acquisition of knowledge and policy formation. Two learning operators, feedforward, that is, task information by instructions, and feedback must also be taken into account. This double aim requires experimenters to analyze and relate two sets of data: subjective estimates about the task learned and predictions of outcomes. A broader approach is thus needed with a focus on how policy is related to knowledge, how these processes depend on feedback and feedfonvard and how the latter two interact in producing knowledge and policy.  相似文献   

影响图画命名时间的因素   总被引:10,自引:11,他引:10  
张清芳  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2003,35(4):447-454
实验共测量了311张图片的H值、命名一致性百分数、概念一致性百分数、表象一致性、熟悉性、视觉复杂性、词长和图片命名的时间,主要探索影响图片命名潜伏期的因素,结果发现概念一致性、熟悉性、表象一致性、词频是影响图片命名时间的主要因素。并尝试建立了概念一致性、熟悉性、表象一致性和词频对图片命名时间的回归方程,其预测能力为55.5%。根据图片的命名时间对命名的难易程度进行了分级,希望能对利用图片作为实验材料的认知实验提供有价值的信息  相似文献   

L'étude des facteurs culturels en matière de perception et L'étude des facteurs culturels en matière de personnalité ont été, jusqu' à présent, relativement séparées. L'A. propose un modèle qui permet d'intégrer les deux domaines en faisant L'hypothèse d'une relation indirecte entre L'ecologie et les réponses perceptives et d'une relation directe qui correspondrait à celle mise en évidence par les études de laboratoires classiques entre fréquence de L'expérience passée et réponse perceptive. Pour valider le modèle, L'A. utilise les données de deux expériences qui ont été réalisées avec des sujets Temne et Esquimaux et qui portent L'une sur la reproduction de figures ambiguës présentées au tachistoscope et L'autre sur la résolution de rivalités binoculaires.  相似文献   

L'A présente les résultats d'un certain nombre d'expéricnces qui ont été réalisées avec les Progressive Matrices de Raven en Afrique et en Grande-Bretagne. II a utilisé des méthodes d'analyse factorielle pour comparer la difficulté des items d'une culture à L'autre et pour décrire les différentes stratégies individuelles des répondants. Les principales conclusions sont les suivantes : 1. Les tests qui utilisent des dessins et des figures sont des instruments complexes qui entraînent des biais caractéristiques dans les réponses. 2. Ces biais jettent un certain doute sur L'idée qu'il peut exister des tests libres de toute influence culturelle ou même dans lesquels les facteurs culturels seraient réduits. 3. Les résultats sont mis en liaison avec une théorie de L'intelligence qui met L'accent sur le rôle du système de valeurs en vigueur dans une société donnée; le système de valeurs dètermine en partie la nature des capacités humaines et leurs rclations.  相似文献   

In two experiments with geometrical figures as stimuli, constructed in order to generate perceptual variation of roundness and height, four multidimensional scaling methods were compared, two metric and two nonmetric. The methods gave similar solutions. The fact that the solutions could be interpreted in accordance with expectations, points to the validity of the methods.  相似文献   

小学生图形推理策略发展特点的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究用我们修订的瑞文推理为材料,对145名儿童图形推理策略进行研究。结果发现:小学生在解决图形推理问题时使用六种策略,它们分别是分析策略、不完全分析策略、知觉分析策略、知觉匹配策略、格式塔策略和自主想象策略;不同年龄儿童在解决不同类型题目时的策略使用表现出不同的特点,儿童在解决数量规则题中,知觉分析策略在整个小学儿童阶段占主导地位,而在解决加减规则题中,分析策略占主导地位,随年龄增长而呈上升趋势;小学二年级开始出现图形推理能力发展的飞跃,二年级儿童开始能够同时观察到两种规则,五六年级儿童更能够不受题目形式的影响.而是从本质上把握逻辑规则。  相似文献   

Abstract— The two experiments reported explored a bias toward symmetry in judging identity and orientation of indeterminate two-dimensional shapes. Subjects viewed symmetric and asymmetric filled, random polygons and described, "what each figure looks like" and its orientation. Viewers almost universally interpreted the shapes as silhouettes of bilaterally symmetric three-dimensional (3-D) objects. This assumption of 3-D symmetry tended to constrain perceived vantage of the identified objects such that symmetric shapes were interpreted as straight-on views, and asymmetric shapes as profile or oblique views. Because most salient objects in the world are bilaterally symmetric, these findings are consistent with the view that assuming 3-D symmetry can be a robust heuristic for constraining orientation when identifying objects from indeterminate patterns.  相似文献   

K ünnapas , T. M. Measurement of the intensity of an underlying figural process. A methodological study. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1961, 2 , 174–184.—A method is proposed for studying the intensity of the figural process underlying the well-known phenomenon of figural fluctuations. A metric model is presented according to which a measure of the intensity of the underlying process is obtained in units of dispersion. The model is illustrated by an experimental example. An equation is given which is analogous to that of the damped harmonic vibration. Four parameters are involved in this equation. A technique for determining the parameters is developed. Very good agreement between theoretical and empirical scale values demonstrates the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

错觉图形结构成分的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究对横-竖错觉和M?ller-Lyer错觉图形的结构成分与视错觉的规律进行了较为系统的实验研究与细致的分析。 实验结果表明: 诱导横-竖错觉的主要图形结构成分,是竖线垂直且对等分割横线,而不是单纯的、孤立的竖线或横线方向本身。 M?ller-Lyer错觉,主要是由斜线与横线构成的夹角和斜线的长度所引起的。斜线与横线用同一颜色描绘,则错觉量较大,用不同颜色描绘,则错觉量较小。 作者在用多种变式图形进行比较实验时,查明了各图形结构成分作用的性质与作用的大小,具体揭示了若干视错觉的规律性变化。 此外,作者根据上述实验事实对眼球运动理论与视野理论也作了较为细致的分析。  相似文献   

儿童认知几何图形干扰因素的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文馥  王贞琳  梁萍 《心理学报》1997,30(4):377-385
本研究旨在探讨影响儿童几何图形认知的几个主要因素及其作用的变化过程。研究对象是5-10岁儿童145名,研究材料有长方形、三角形、梯形、椭圆形、平行四边形。选择直观因素、种类内干扰、种类外干扰3种干扰。采取称名、指认、分类、确认、鉴别5种实验指标。实验结果表明对几何图形非本质因素的摆脱、对变式图形的确认、对非同类相似图形的鉴别是儿童初级几何认知发展的重要标志;采集双重标准分类,对本质特征和非本质特征的离析是儿童几何图形分类能力发展的主要过渡形态;语言提示对儿童几何图形分类的改进作用不大,对确认和鉴别图形有显著性影响;小学二年级儿童的初级几何知识只相当于5岁儿童水平,这种现象值得有关教育部门重视。  相似文献   


The starting point of the investigation was the field dependence-independence construct as measured with the Embedded Figures Test of H.A. Witkin. An overview of the research on the information-processing strategies in solving the items of this test was converging into a theory in which strategies for a successful solution can be located on a bipolar dimension with at one extreme a simultaneous strategy and at the other extreme a successive strategy. A new administration procedure for evaluating the use of four solution strategies was developed: the simultaneous, the successive, the extemalized-successive and the global-manipulatory strategy. Based on the prediction that the use of strategies was related to sex and age, we carried out an experiment involving groups of ten boys and ten girls of 5, 6 and 7 years of age, who were given eight tasks with the new administration procedure. No. significant difference was found between boys and girls. However, significant differences existed in strategy profiles in six of the eight tasks between the three age groups.  相似文献   

实验材料是取样规则不同的两组(有限制组和无限制组)矩阵图形和离散度不同的两组(大离散度组和小离散度组)矩阵图形。每个图形以两种速度及在三个距离上呈现。被试者的任务是从比较图形中再认出先前呈现的那个图形。结果表明:被试者再认无限制组图形的成绩优于有限制组的成绩,小离散度组的成绩也优于大离散度组的成绩。速度因素对辨认的影响大于距离因素的影响。由取样规则所带来的关系参数和离散度这个物理的参数可用于预测图形辨认的成绩。  相似文献   

邬勤娥 《心理学报》1959,4(3):48-52
巴甫洛夫学派大都是运用經典的先后对比的方法在狗身上建立条件反射分化的,用同时辨別的方法为数极少。英美学者則都应用同时辨別的方法研究动物对形状、大小、明度的辨別,但解释生理机制时只局限于感受部份,很少提及中枢作用。 早在1911年耶克斯-华生(Yerkes-Watson)創制了辨別箱,研究动物对图形的同时辨  相似文献   

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